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How bold to say within this echo chamber (not that I disagree but still)


I agree too, but say it on r/fromsoftware and it won't go over as well. Bloodborne has a reputation of being the easiest Souls and the shortest which leaves a lot of fans not liking it or only thinking it's ok. Unlike here which we all see it as FS's masterpiece because we have more "insight".


Bloodborne the easiest? The fuck? How many of those bums even beat Orphan solo, how long did Ludwig or Laurence take? Easy to say something is easy in retrospect when you know all the weaknesses and how things work. Not only that, but the bosses were actually fair and the combat amazing.


While the dlc does get much harder, I really don’t think base game bloodborne was very difficult at all compared to sekiro and elden ring. Bosses in Er and sekiro took me much much longer then bb. Tbf I played it after I played both of those though.


FromSoft ups the ante each game. There was a time Orstein and Smough were considered bonkers. Hell, up until Elden Ring and this expansion, the Orphan of Kos and Isshin were probably top 3-5 hardest bosses ever. Elden Ring bosses are after Morgott just got boring. Especially in SOTE. 90% of the time you're just dodging never-ending combos, stupid delayed attacks, bosses flying all over the arenas lioe anime characters,and crossing the boss room in 0.3 seconds and dumb gotchas trying to anticipate player reactions. All the meanwhile if you avoid all that, you're graciously granted 0.5-1 second to attack in your own. So yeah, ER bosses, especially expansion bosses are harder, but they are so poorly designed compared to BB and Sekiro. In both those games, it felt like I was actually engaged in a back and forth fight. Here you just dodge for your life.


Very late reply but I def agree the overall combat system is much more fun in sekiro n bloodborne


Chalice dungeon bosses say otherwise


Why you gotta insult people for finding one video game harder than another one?


No need to call them bums because they find the game easy lmao. I haven't finished des or even touched ds2, but when it comes to bosses I think bb is the easiest out of all that I've played. Outside of Ludwig no boss has taken me more than 3 to 6 attempts, and yes that includes kos and laurence. Though this is just my experience.


Well tbf Laurence is kinda bullshit fight. Hardest but most annoying one in the game easily imo. 




I Always thought ds2 was considered the easiest.


in my book ER and Sekiro is the easiest from games., both was good for one playthrough for me but not much for a 2nd.


Lol yeah i think this is massively skewed here and that most including myself would agree Go post this to r/fromsoftware


What a revolutionary take.


And on r/bloodborne no less!


Yeh you’re definitely going to massively objective opinions here, everyone’s at 99 insight with a maxed out frenzy bar 😂


I mean I did go in with the knowledge that it was the worst souls game and it turned out to be the best one so I wanted to post about it lmao 😅


The worst?..... Bloodborne?...... Where did you hear that?🫤


Elden ring fans .............. I was one until I played bloodborne .


Can't we just love both? 😅 I've been playing the Souls games since the very first Demon's Souls. And Bloodborne is the only one I've actually committed to getting the platinum(I'm definitely not a trophy hunter😅). Love 'm all as each game has something different to love(even DS2😅). Bloodborne is also the first Souls game I've gotten my non gamer gf to play! She's getting quite good!


Apparently you can’t - I find it absolutely bizarre how there are fans of individual Souls games who actively seek discord with other FromSoft fans to determine who supports the ‘better’ game. They’re all a 10/10 for me.


I've played both a ton and I love both, I have a favorite one but both are great and I will keep playing them for years to come


Nobody that has ever played Bloodborne said this. No one not ever.


Or at least not anyone who quit before the first two bosses


But can’t you like more than one game at once I’m so confused lmao


I like all the games just I think bloodborne is the best but the Elden ring is a solid second and it's also the friends we made along the way


Elden Ring fans are not FromSoft fans so they can't have an opinion on games they haven't even played. Yes Elden Ring is longer and grandeur, have maybe the best open world design and aethestics in any game with the DLC. But Bloodborne (and DS3) will always have a special place in my heart, they are still very good at what they excels at.


Elden Ring fans aren’t FROM fans lol wtf you saying? Elden ring appeals to a more widespread audience, sure. Doesn’t mean you can’t love Elden Ring and prior entries. I’ve played every Souls game and Elden Ring refines and nails every aspect of Dark Souls on a much bigger scale. My personal favourite is Sekiro, but Elden Ring is a close second


What I meant is Elden Ring fans who have only ever played Elden Ring and considered themselves Fromsoft fans that have opinions on older games just because they are not as grandeur as ER.


I'm sorry, you sound like some noob who just plays Dark Souls. If you're not an expert on Kings Field then you're just a fake fan.


Okay, gatekeeper. Maybe Elden Ring made them fans? For a lot of people, Elden Ring was their first FROM game. I know plenty of people who played Elden Ring and then went back to FROMs other games because they wanted to experience them. They became fans because of Elden Ring. Have you ever played an Armored Core game? If not, don’t call yourself an Elden Ring fan. It’s the same logic. Just shut your trap :)


definitely not gatekeeping, it seems you have trouble understanding what I'm saying so we just leave it here.


You are objectively gatekeeping dude


Read what you said lol it’s the definition of gatekeeping. Now you’re back peddling and just coming off as stupid. We’ll leave it that, ye foul tarnished.


Your opinions are silly but others have already pointed that out. I just feel obligated to inform you that your usage of the word "grandeur" was completely incorrect both times you used it, and it's making you look stupider than you probably are. Honestly trying to help, even if you think I'm just being a dick. Something cannot "be" grandeur. It can possess grandeur, exude grandeur, portray grandeur, etc. It expresses the quality of grandness. For this sentence you just want the word "grand". This is much the same as magnificence is expressing the quality of being magnificent. Something can have magnificence, it cannot be magnificence.




I’m upvoting you because fuck all those people Down voting


This is a fine note.


Bloodborne stands alone for me. It is horror and as such stands out to the other all medieval themed ones. I always have and still consider BB the best one. I so wish I could play it again w/o knowing what I now know :D King's The Dark Tower would be an EXCELLENT one to turn into a soulsborn. Wheel of Time too. And there are many more.


Action RPG in Dark Tower world - fuck, you crushed a dream I didn't even knew I have...


sorry :D It has been in my head for years already :( That would be one awesome game. There are a couple more: The rift wars - Feist for instance. Darkover series.


Some people have this opinion. Some people have a different opinion. No one cares.


Scholars of the First Sin with the dlcs is a good game. It was difficult to many but if you take your time and strategize it's a helluva lot of fun. The fashions, combat, I just enjoyed it immensely.


Every time a post like this shows up in any FromSoft r/ It amazes me that OP always/usually (90% of the times) skips DS2, and to me, although it is a FLAWED game has one of my favourite dlc's in souls games


It’s so disheartening. WHY skip it, it’s so mind-bogglingly stupid! At least try it!


Yeah and then you see posts like "OMG I gave a shot at DS2 after all the hate and loved it, etc, etc", it's weird, I was in the same boat when I started playing souls game but still gave it a shot, people just skip it without looking back


Well, many people have a tendency to be influenced. One must make decisions, regardless. DS2 was one of my favorites. No lie, I have platinumed all of the Souls games but DS2 holds a special place in my heart after Bloodborne :)


Sekiro will always be my favourite but Bloodborne was until I played that. Sekiro was just a totally different take on the combat and I think it’s the best combat and movement from any FromSoft game


I feel like bloodborne and it's combat sold for me . The weapons especially were a whole new thing with each weapon having 2 forms


It truly is a masterpiece of cosmic horror.


Why do you feel the need to shit on the other games to validate your arguments?


This is also a pet peeve of mine…I have true appreciation for all arts, and having to put down something to validate the things I enjoy is so strange to me.


I'm a bit tossed between Seriko and Bloodborne. I think the overall places/worlds in BB give it the edge, but both are fantastic.


Remove vials farming and I would agree...


I actually kinda don't mind vials farming as you could just kill one of those pigs and buy enough vials to last some time . There are 6 pigs I know of or remember and they are . One of them is under the bridge in yharnam . Two of them are in the forest and 3 of them are in the nightmare of menses right before the mergo wet nurse boss fight . And I just farm them whenever I need echos and you have access to these meat sacks from the beginning of the game and I almost forgot that there are 2 at the hypogene goal area before and after you kill rom . Hope this helps !!!!!! May the good blood guide your way .


You're preaching to the choir, my friend (yes we're friends, and no you don't get a say in the matter)


Why in the world would you need to die on a hill over that? It's just your opinion on a videogame. Seems dramatic.


And he’s on the Bloodborne sub as welll 🤣


I am stuck between Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 as my favourite Souls/FromSoft game. I don't think BB has bad bosses by any means, but Champion Gundyr, Twin Princes, Nameless King, and Slave Knight Gael are superior to any BB boss in my mind. I accept this is due to my preference in opponents though. I still like many BB bosses, but the flow and how on you those bosses get are my favorite out of any game I've played. Bloodborne has qualities I like over DS3 too though so I have a hard time pinpointing which one I like more


Ludwig, Orphan of Kos, and Lady Maria are all some of my favorite Fromsoft bosses from a lore, gameplay, and design perspective. The base game bosses are fairly weak though I will say that.


Post this elsewhere. Here you’re just karma whoring.


I'll say this from an objective stand point. Elden Ring is the _best_ souls game. It's beautiful, 60fps, way more accessible in terms of skill and hardware its available on, so so many options for gameplay styles. The list goes on. However, its not even close to my _favorite_ souls game. That will always be Bloodborne as number one.


In my opinion sekiro is better, but obviously we’re in a Bloodborne subreddit lol.


Bro skipped the best souls game


The real hot take


I think you are in the right sub for that oppinion


I dont think there is much room on that hill, pretry sure most people that played BB hold it in highest regars.


Sekiro is better mechanically than bloodborne, but it's also trying to do a different thing. I agree that mechanically, bloodborne does the "dodge attack" dark souls combat the best, partially because the dodge in bloodborne being a dash instead of a fucking roll(???) makes it feel far better.


Bloodborne has two things Elden Ring doesn't. Proper balancing. And...interesting boss rooms. I'm not joking. There's a handful of cool main boss rooms early on but throughout most of the game they suck. I think of Bloodborne I think of gascione in an atmospheric graveyard or Ludwig in a river of blood and mountain of corpses. Kos on the beach beside his MOTHER'S CORPSE..... even the living failures a crap boss. You fight in a pretty garden. Elden Ring....I think of Elden Ring and I see beige. Beige room with grandmas doiley pattern on the floor, four pillars, many more if the room is big and maybe white candles. What environmental story telling am I supposed to take from this? Beige and white and lots of brick and beige pillars and beige white rooms and beige colours and off white walls, a flailing spamming boss with aoes input reading and tracking and so much animation I can barely see what they're doing my ADHD ass gets distracted and thinks. How often have I seen that beige colour in this game? I feel like Patrick Bateman holding that business card but instead of awe at the subtle thickness I'm dribbling with disinterest at the colour BEIGE


Blood Borne lacked a lot of weapons and different fighting options. Magic is basically none existent because you would have to use tools like the tiny Tonerius and other things to simulate magic like attacks. PvP scene was dead on arrival as healing was to fast and abundant and gun parries were to easy to spam. Blood Borne was great but I think Elden Ring is better way more customizable to a players unique playstyle.


I completely agree with you except for two things Bloodborne didn't need a lot of weapons or fighting options cause the weapons in the game are amazing . Each one has 2 forms , and each form had 2 distinct attacks and some weapons like Ludwig's holy blade and logarius wheel had 3 attacks in their second form . Magic didn't really matter as it wasn't meant to be a big part of the game , tiny tonitrus was just there to fill in the gap and add magic attacks to the game but it's clear they didn't intend for magic to be a big part of the game as it is in other souls games . Healing being fast isn't that big a problem and I think it actually complements the game as the healing animation is about half the time as it is in games like Elden ring and especially demon souls . It makes you feel as if you're in this until the end and there is no break or escape from the fight . In games like demon souls and Elden ring you drink a potion or eat a plant which is nice and it gives a tiny break from the fight as you are healing but bloodborne doesn't give you that and I think that complements the game and the direction it was going . PvP didn't die on arrival so to say but it died out fairly quickly . Gun parries were easy to spam because the players probably weren't as experienced as you can't really spam gun parries in the pve scene as you had to get it precisely on time for the visceral attack but players just spam attacks so I agree with you there .


We just don’t agree simple I think it needs more variety and you seem to be fine with what you got nothing wrong with that. PVP was horrible I can’t be convinced otherwise the PvP scene on YouTube for the game was heavily not represented by anyone not even pvpskillz who dropped blood borne PvP after a few months of complaining how bad it was in terms of balance and extremely long fights where both people would just keep healing over and over.


Not exactly a controversial hill to die on but ok


The soulsborne fanbase is one of the most cancerous fanbases when it comes to deciding which game is best so I think it is a controversial opinion


Large majority tends to lean towards bloodborne.


Elden Ring is strange. It's so hyped up as a masterpiece, but it's just seems like "critics", influencers and a vocal minority that have that opinion.  It's not a bad game, but it is by far my least favorite fromsoft game. From the open world/ combat/story this game just falls short and is just too much of slog to get through. I dont get any satisfaction beating a boss just relief I don't have to do it again.  If yah needed anymore reasons to avoid the game and fans just look at the discourse around the dlc lol 


i believe bloodborne are its own thing the other souls-games are not even similar all these have poise and bloodborne doesn't they overuse enemies with shields they have magic thats is quite powerful adventure games that make the mc hunterish with high mobility should be called bloodborne likes rather than soul likes.


Ya bloodborne is different than souls, enough that soulsborne became a term.


People have different takes and opinions so you definitely ain’t talking to everybody


I think it’s a great game. I don’t like using consumables to parry, and I’ll die on that hill.


I fully agree and just hope they don't go with open world for Bloodborne 2. I never liked Elden Ring because of open world and I am terrible scared of huge success that game had and which may impact upcoming Fromsoft games.


Literally was an interview within the last day or two where Miyazaki said open world is NOT the new formula going forward. I believe we will have return to forms eventually and another open world most likely with elden ring 2


i like both and hope they dont stop doing both.


IMO bloodborne is my fav elden ring/ds3 both right there, tho I think with the expansion shadow of erdtree from what I played so far it’s number 2 for me.. Bloodborne had it all, style, atmosphere, pace, action, story and an end game


It absolutely is. My dream game is the atmosphere and story telling of BB and combat of Sekiro with the exploration of ER


Let me die with you on that hill then.


It's very close but sekiro beats it for me gameplay wise


Not gonna read your wall of text, you’re posting appraisal on the subreddit meant for fans of the game, worthless post


Depends on how I’m feeling, if I want a more atmospheric and linear experience I’ll play Bloodborne, but if I want a more polished, massive and varying experience I’ll play Elden Ring.


Polished (more bug patches and balance fixes than any other fromsoft game), massive (bloated and hollow open world) and varying (wandering around finding useless crap, fighting pathically weak enemies and then unbalanced bosses?) 


Just because it's the newest FromSoft game, people will get upset with this, but Elden Ding isn't just the best Souls game of all of them; It's in the top 5 greatest games of all time. Now, there are cringe lords out there who are die-hard DS2 fans, and they'll shun me for saying that, but facts are facts, but good GAWD my give a fuck doesn't exist.


It's fine if you love the game, but top 5 game of all time is truly laughable. It isn't even a top 5 fromsoft game for me. 


Blood borne was my first souls game and after playing them all it's still my favorite game of all time hands down


Now play through DS2, even if you end up not liking it as much as the others, it’s still a pretty fun time. I’d say it’s the most like Elden Ring compared to the other games


I see this comment sometimes and I really don't understand how people think that. 


Hmmm agreed


I mean, yeah I love it to death, but Sekiro is Bloodborne+ It feels identical with a better combat system; once you get good at parrying in Bloodborne, you just invalidated close to 80% of all enemies in the game. With Sekiro, deflects are more involved, and the prosthetic-tools/combat arts add a level of depth to combat that goes beyond just pressing one button to stagger an enemy and deal 1200+ damage to them.


Bloodborne is a master piece. Finger, but hole Laurence, finger, but hole.


Bloodborne is my number 1. Dark souls 3 is my number 2. I never really liked any of the others as much as


I’ll say this, I’ve heard this opinion forever. I just started the game recently, and as someone who just beat the first 2 Dark Souls games and also Elden Ring, I do love this game but holy fuck I’m so bad at it. I just got to the forbidden woods and I don’t feel like I’m getting a whole lot better haha. I keep trying though. I love the atmosphere and the Lovecraftian influence.


Quite literally FS’s Magnum Opus.


It's my fav but to say it does everything better is a bit far. Anyway Sekiro is #1 by a good margin


Feeling brave are we?


You don't need to prove your love for the game.....


This isn't to put down what you're saying about Bloodborne here, that's all well and good, but it's worth saying... Your points about Elden Ring are largely things that blame it for things you can just not do in it. There's like 350+ weapons in it. Don't want to be overpowered? The vast majority of them aren't. Want your weapons to be cool and fun? A lot of them absolutely can be, and many you can fashion into imitation Bloodborne. Many of them are some of the most intricate and interesting ones they've ever made. If you want to have a weapon experience closer to Bloodborne, Elden Ring is by far the closest to tendering that of any other From Soft game. Not having generic weapons isn't inherently a leg up for Bloodborne, and many of them are just putting two generic weapons together. It's a weird sticking point to make between the two to me. Haha


IMO, Lies of P is almost as good as Bloodborne - they are by far my favourites.


Lies of p is pretty good


Best in storytelling, but it will never win in overall difficulty of combat, I don't even struggle that much in Ludwig anymore, whereas on messmer, I'm still stuck on him even when I kinda know his dodge times. Yes Ludwig is my favorite boss out of any souls game, and I will die on that hill, but I feel as if storytelling is the only real thing bloodborne wins at


> Bloodborne imo does everything better then the other souls game Bloodborne has better Interconnected world design than DkS1? One which is basically non-existent aside from 2 shortcuts between previous areas, which are rendered useless via fast travel from the start of the game. Rather than useful shortcuts throughout most areas in the game. Bloodborne has a better healing system than DkS1? A healing system where you have to farm healing items. Rather than them being replenished upon resting at a checkpoint or dying. Bloodborne has a better checkpoint system than DkS1? A checkpoint system that doesn't even let you reset the area without having to fast travel to another area first then fast travel back to the one you started at. Rather than just letting you reset the enemies by resting at the checkpoint. Bloodborne has a better levelling up system than DkS1? A levelling up system where you have to fast travel to the hunter's dream to level up then fast travel back to the area you were just at. Rather than just levelling up at the checkpoint.


Bloodborne will always hold a special place in my heart that no other souls game will


Man, Bloodborne is so good. Best narrative by a longshot imo. Quickest, snappiest combat (PLEASE bring back comboing into a stance switch)


Bloodbourne and Sekiro are peak from software and no one will ever change my mind. But tbf I’m not a super huge fan of high fantasy stuff which is probably why I enjoyed those two way more.


The whole concept of Bloodborne bosses being mid and combat sucking like why the hell did you think any of us fans here enjoyed the game? Another weird af Reddit post…


Who do you think you’re fighting


Absolutely nobody it's an opinion not a war cry


Saying Bloodborne does everything better is just objectively wrong lmfao


Didn't I say imo ? ( In my opinion ) Idgaf about objectives here it's a video game lmao which in itself is a subjective matter 😭🙏. Anything regarding video games is purely subjective dude . And it all comes down to preference and opinion .


I've tried dark souls 1 and it filtered me but I picked bloodborne up on whim from the box art with vague thoughts of "isn't it that super hard game" Platinumed that and picked up almost every other title. Agree with the sentiment. Bloodborne is still the best


I also did the platinum for every other souls game except ds2 and Elden ring was the easiest


Platinuming every game and not even trying ds2 is crazy please give it a try 😔


I'm downloading it rn it's nearly complete !!!!!!


Awesome! Its a good game especially the dlc people hate on it too much


Play ds2


Sekiro > Elden Ring > DS3 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls > DS2 > Demon’s Souls


You skipped the best one. DS2 is the best one, and I do not mean that sarcastically. I put Bloodborne behind it and then Elden Ring 3rd. Don't listen to the bandwagon of haters who have or have not played it. Try it for yourself and come to your own conclusion. I believe it's the best one, and I'll explain why if anyone cares.


Can you explain why? I'm thinking about getting SOtFS but I heard a few negative things... I wanna hear ur take


It has the most bosses, and it also has some of the best bosses. Many people will say that some of them are stinkers, but I don't think that's a blight on the game when every other game in the series also has bad bosses. It has the most varied locations. It's so much more than castles, towns, forests, and swamps. Yes, it has a lot of those, but even those are standouts in their own way. There are life gems which offer an alternative healing method. It does make the game a bit easier, but they're tough to use during bosses. There are also a lot of enemies in the world, and it's nice to know there's more than estus. The world can be interacted with in many ways. Blocked passages can be blown up, you can buy a ladder for a certain area, there are many locked areas that require certain items or character interactions, and there's more than one boss arena that can be altered. You can choose to do much of the game in any order.


Best pvp in the series easily 


It is mediocre at best


only a few good bosses tho


I did say imo ..........


You’re correct.