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i would take the chikage and kill myself


Using nothing but the transformed charged R2


Wouldn't you just buff it 🤔


I know you mean the chikage, but try out Simon's Bowblade, it's a very interesting Way to play


Bowblade is absolutely incredible. My buddy was using it while I was running pure Arcane, it was a potent combo. Had to try it for myself after that. Only downside for me was that it doesn’t stagger Brainsuckers so I lost a lot of insight at the orphanage.


That fucking bind spell is so op


Brainsucker gangsta until... *Orphanage key skip has entered to the chat*


I feel your pain so much


Bowblade and... Arcane? Surely you mean Bloodtinge. It has S scaling in Skill and Bloodtinge and absolutely breaks parts of the game people struggle with like defiled Amy.


He was skill/bloodtinge when I was trying a full Arcane build. I made a new character to try the bowblade, I have like 4 or 5 different characters with different builds.


Bowblade is great. So much versatility. Really fun transform attacks as well :)


Really fun weapon, definitely felt a little game breaking when I used it!


Chikage, so fast and deadly


I can’t get the Chikage until later in the game tho. What about early game? Is Blade Of Mercy any good?




You can just get it from dungeon after BSB


Care to elaborate? It was my understanding it was in a rather see dungeon.


It’s in an edited chalice dungeon. I know the glyph but auto mod will delete it. Want me to PM?


Sure, I’d appreciate it fellow hoonter.


Pm me too pls


I would like to know this aswell, please.


Why do mods delete it? Is it considered cheating?


It’s one of the sub rules. No discussing false depth chalice dungeons. I didn’t know but auto mod let me know real quick.


And kill Logarius, the guy is pretty hard


Take a class field trip to parry city


Get the lost chikage from dungeons. Obtainable after BSB


Lost Chikage is actually the best version of the weapon too


Thought you had to get the originals before you could find the other versions?


That's only with dlc weapons, sadly.


Ah fair enough, genuinely never knew 😂


Yea I keep forgetting honestly. Made a arcane character and wanted to get Kos's parasite without fighting him... but yea...


Blades of Mercy are dope. So much fun top bop in and out and a perfectly timed and distanced transformation attack in the middle of a fight to its two hand mode can be poetry. AND, if you have the stamina you can just melt shit with R1 spam.


Yeah the R1 spam on enemies that are easy to stagger feels like cheating


Well, you can do the werewolf skip to get the summons early then beat gascoigne, go to cainhurst, summon someone to carry u, have them beat logarius for you and then get the chikage


I dont mind the blade of mercy but it can be easy to miss parrying opportunities becasue of the dual weilding


I'm in the middle of a run with this same build. I used the saw spear for early game, then went to Cainhurst as soon as possible to pick up the chikage. I prefer Blade of Mercy with a pure skill build.


Rakuyo /s


/s because you get rakuyo even lager or because hou think it's not a good choice?


Because it's probably the hardest weapon to get and it's at the end of the dlc


Early game just use either the cane or saw. Make sure to put alot into your stamina to really get full use


I mean you can technically but it's by utilizing a glitch. However if you're really after it that bad its worth it since the glitch gives you access to the summons and the shortcut to the forest literally right after you start the game (I don't think it was ever patched). Given you still have to fight through cainhurst at low level but if you succeed the Chikage is yours very early.


I have never not had access to Chikage before Blades of Mercy


Simon’s bow blade is pretty savage for skill/blood builds and you can get it early if you don’t mind killing Simon


Blade of Mercy is hardly an early game weapon too.


Just let Eileen die early, or kill her yourself. You can get Blades before you fight Gascoigne.


Killing Eileen at the sewers is very difficult without some cheesing. And you can't count on her dying against Henryk either. Frankly the best way to get a weapon early in the game is through the dungeons. Just load a Chalice that has the weapon you want and you're good to go.


It can certainly be a struggle, but definitely doable. She loses more than half her health of you get her to follow you into the beams and then get her to fall off at the deepest part. I wouldn't recommend it, since her caryll rune is one of the few useful ones, but definitely possible.


My personal go to is the rakuyo and bow blade secondary. Bow blade is mostly for utility, and obviously the rakuyo doesn't benefit from the tinge, but they compliment each other pretty well imo


You can grab lost chikage after bsb with a chalice glyph! You can find the glyph online or on youtube by searching "bloodborne chikage early"


U can can get chicage quite early in xhalice dungeons. Just need to unlock them and google glyph.


Lost chikage is the better in my opinion, the last blood gem is circle shaped, and circle bloodtinge gems are most common if I’m not mistaken, or they’re just the only ones that are in the game. You can find it early in a chalice dungeon, but if that doesn’t float your boat then I suggest speed run to get the reiterpallasch.


Chikage is so broken 😄


The oprhan of Kos's long lost brother


I would recommend a helmet. Nobody should see that face.


I recommend a mask cause that face is ugly as fuck.


😔 don’t bully my beautiful boi


That thing has a penis?




All hunters are beautiful.


This is just what hunters look like when they've already transcended the hunt


am I the only one who thinks this is a masterpiece


Ah, another man of culture I see


Your character should cause Frenzy for being so…unsightly. * +2 Insight *


I would recommend to delete Bloodborne because of the abomination you’ve made


Mean :(


You can get Chikage as soon as you beat bsb. If you look it up on YouTube there is a guide to get the Chikage via the chalice dungeons


Yee, from the dungeons. God, I hate the dungeons.


Wow, looks like my character's twin brother. Guess great minds think alike! 👌👏


just checked your character and it’s so dope 👏🏻 good job


Thanks man, I take great pride in its morbid beauty


You're season 3 armin


Get the Cane as a starter weapon and if you‘re not fully committed to it by the time you can get so called „better weapons“ there must be something wrong with you. Cane 4 Life


I feel like the Reiterpallasch (and Rifle Spear if you're into shotguns) doesn't get nearly enough love with this kinda setup. And it's not nearly as late-game as it seems tbh. You can get to Cainhurst after only Vicar Amelia, so like 2 bosses. And every Cainhurst weapon besides the Chikage can be found in chests there before even Logarius, so you can just make a run for it and emerge with your brand spankin' new gun sword. Its blood scaling isn't the best, so for your left handed item either do something pure utility like a torch or shield, or something that *does* have good scaling/damage like Evelyn, Repeating Pistol, or even the Church Canon if you feel bold. Parry into massive gun damage is a high like no other. Or, you know, run Chikage.


Love how witches are just completely discounted as bosses


If you go in with no insight on purpose, like warping out and going back in after getting rid of your insight does kinda make the witches fight a joke lmao


Did *you* have any troubles with Witches? Because not even the 'no Hunter's Dream' runners I've seen did.


No but they are still bosses and required to do before going to cainhurst


Actually... Are they? I don't believe you need them to get to the Forbidden Woods. And it's not like you need to have beaten Witches before getting to the monument. So unless they prevent the cutscene from playing, which I admit am unsure if they do, Witches are not required to get to Cainhurst Castle.


Pretty sure you need to beat them for the Cutscene to be unlocked


The wiki mentions no such thing on either the Cainhurst or Witch pages. But that's inconclusive, so I guess anyone is free to test themselves.


I literally just searched it on Google and the first thing up lists the requirements as... Beat Amelia Go through the forbidden woods to Iosefkas clinic and get the summons. Beat the witches But I agree this ain't conclusive as Google can be misleading at the best of times 😂 Anyone wanting to check this out, or already have experience with this?


I guess I'll try it out next playthrough. Shouldn't be *too* far from now but I still have some Chalices to work through.


Threaded cane, elegant and deadly like this fine gentleman here


He will haunt my nights


I recommend plastic surgery omegalul


From my experience, and I'm not particularly skilled as a player, you can totally keep the saw cleaver / saw spear, wich you can obtain immediately early game, until Cainhurst. After Logarius, stay with the chikage. It will be hard at first as it does not deal huge damage and has a life draining attack and a different moveset. Go for the chalice dungeon and some griding to level up and improve your weapon. Once you cap at 50 bloodtinge, you will be a monster, this build is really fun. Oh and don't forget to improve a firearm weapon, and learn to parry. This will help you a lot in many situations The hunter pistol is pretty much everything you need imo, Evelyn has an awesome scaling but the range is different as the gun is really long. Ludwig's rifle is pretty good too, it has lower range but a stun capability.


Oh, thanks for the advice. This is not my first playthrough, so I’m familiar with all the weapons, and know how to parry ~~without parrying I don’t think I would’ve been able to complete BB tbh lol~~ :) It’s just that I’ve always focused on quality/str builds and never really considered a skill build. So today, while bored, I thought I would try it. I’m sure it’ll be fun.


My skill/bloodtinge boi made good use of the reiterspallache or whatever. It's not the best, but it's pretty fun to poke things to death and mix in shooting with your combos


Who cares if it’s the best, it’s certainly the coolest next to the bowblade. If people are just looking for the most op weapons to use, nobody would have any fun


For this thing? Kill it with fire. Oh wait you're talking about the build... Well, you'll be surprised how well the Reiterpallasch works both in pvp and in PVE. The ability to shoot is very good, it does nice damage, also spamable and generally sexy.


Any gun will do as long as it can put a bullet through the monstrosity that you’ve created. In all seriousness tho it depends on how far along you are because if you have the dlc my favorite weapons are the holy moonlight sword and the pizza cutter but if you can’t get your hands on them blades of mercy are fun and so is the stake driver


Lol the winter lantern will get frenzy by looking at you


Blade of Mercy


Chikage if you want to be really op (it takes a lot of farming tho) or bloodletter or blades of mercy with some good blood scaling gems on it




I’d recomend the threaded cane or saw spear up until u get the chikage.


Your character looks like if a Kpop band member got burned in a house fire, I love it!


I recommend making a build we’re you run around naked chasing other players with simons bowblade, base hp, as much bloodtinge and skill as possible with max stamina, which you’ll need because everyone will run away at the sight of you, not even attempting to fight cause they know that know matter what happens whether they kill you or you kill them they shall always lose simply by gazing at this beautiful creature


it was me! Dio!


Alternative universe Dio where he’s ugly asf ~~though we did get an alternative universe Dio as Diego and he was handsome still, so my comment is kinda irrelevant~~


wdym, he looks gorgeous. best dio ive ever seen. 10/10 brow game


You are beautiful no matter what they say Words can't bring you down, oh no You are beautiful in every single way Yes, words can't bring you down, oh no So don't you bring me down today


Thanks for lifting my boi up. He’s been super depressed after getting bullied so much 😔♥️


One look at that face is deadly enough


Fists. That should be enough for this guy.


You don't need a weapon, your boy can definetly scare away any beast you encounter by just looking at them.


Its usually a pretty rough life trying to go for Skill/Bloodtinge. You either have weapons like the Chikage that really only benefit from Bloodtinge or weapons like the Reiterpallasch that really only benefit from Skill. I guess picking a pure skill weapon like the Blades of Mercy and a big damage gun like the Repeating Pistol or Evelyn will help make both parts of your spec feel at least kinda worth it. Also make sure you buy tons of Bone Marrow Ash's with your early blood echoes and gear sales (the Doll clothes sell for like 30k iirc). That'll definitely help you focus more on Skill.


I want sex with your character


how do you actually look more terrifying than the horrendously mutated pieces of flesh that bloodborne calls bosses?


this image is giving me frenzy


The man out here be lookin like a peat bog body with marvellous fashion sense


He looks like he lacks bloodtinge lol


I wish I could teleport so you could catch these hands


The bow is fun for a while for sure. Eventually found myself using saif and rakuyo the most though. Starter weap Cain though for sure. You can get to DLC fairly early and beat Simon cheat style at a low level for that bow


But I do also vouch for chikage of course and reiterpallasch and church pick and burial blade and BoM. All very viable - lots to choose from! I ended up dungeon farming to get all of the above to (close to) max with gems etc… lots of it comes down to preference but where this build really excels IMO is on the parries - orphan doesn’t stand a chance once you get timing down. Very fun build. Enjoy!


Bloodtinge? More like Bloodcringe




Lol he literally said skill/bloodtinge not arcane, so why would you recommend arcane weapons and tools?!


Paddy the baddy?




Best thing you can get pretty easy early on is Beasthunter Saif for skill


Whirligig Saw




Blades of mercy into chikaga then possibly into the rykuyo.


Chikage and Evelyn is pretty much the standard for this build for me


Saw Spear, without a doubt.


Chikage and Evelyn is the only right answer.


Reiterpallasch, don’t listen to anyone else


Chicage or rakuyo earlier on


If I don’t use the Cane the whole time I go with the saw spear until I get the Chikage


When did slenderrina start playing Bloodborne?


Never really done bloodtinge but for the skill can't go wrong with the cane, I honestly love the cane and it's soo op with high skill.


Looks like a kick ass hop tee to me. The cane will get you far


Aww it’s beautiful.. what did you name it?


i think the character is enough to scare beasts to death


Leave just a couple points for str and you can use tricked bloodletter to full effect as well as chikage.


Your boy need sum milk.


He's beautiful... fists only btw


And I just realised I'm high




I love grabbing the piercing rifle after unlocking dlc and firing into mobs early game. It's a *blast* to line up your shots with this rail gun, and it's only slightly weaker than the evelyn. I also recommend checking out Speed Lee's u tube video on early bloodtinge gameplay. It'll psych you up for the joy you'll feel this playthrough. (Also, send father warewolf's daughter to Isefka's clinic, so you can get her rune for extra bullets).


You can get the lost version of the chikage pretty early from chalice dungeons


Everyone in this sub loves to post their most deformed characters...


Pimp cane pimp cane pimp cane


I would suggest Simon's Bowblade if you have the DLC. Just rush to the shortcut and use a little cheese to kill him and make him drop it. It could take a bit since you need to get him to constantly aggro and lose aggro off of you, but you can do this at level 30 after killing Vicar Amiellia


Chikage is unparalleled. By far my favorite weapon in the game. It’s just a massive pain if you ever want to farm the gems to make it perfect


Use pistol/repeating and visceral only


I recommend he gets a new face lift...


Ngl might be my favorite creation yet


I take it back: ​ This is the most terrifying thing I've seen in Bloodborne.


He looks like a wheel...thing, only Chads use the wheel.


Bloodletter or chikage


You know you gotta begin styling on them hunters with the chikage. Also, try getting and upgrading guns like evelyn and cannon, with high bloodtinge they'll absolutely destroy everything.


Chikage cause he looks like lord farquad


That thing could have been the final boss and I wouldn’t have questioned it. I’m gonna go clean my eyes with soap now.


Chikage is definitely the best weapon for this kind of build. If you want a good bloodtinge weapon early-ish you could access the Hunter’s Nightmare right after Amelia, rush through and then kill Simon to get the Bowblade.


Is-is that an owl?


People with characters like this : why ?




I find the Reiterpallasch works really well, it's switch attack is just a visceral farm, and it's transformed R1 attack can stunlock smaller enemies quickly to just kill them (stamina willing). The rifle spear and repeating pistol are solid too for before you get the Reiterpallasch


Chikage. No need to even think about any other weapon.


Chikage fo sho


Reiterpallach and chkage are your premier skill/bloodtinge weapons, though the former lacks interesting moves with its transformation which is little different from just having your gun as normal


bloodletter, stab urself and please end that abomination😂


What in tarnation is that?! Venom's baby brother?! 😱


Looks like he'd eat Eren's mommy


Chikage, and eveylin for style


Average skill/dex player in real life


I play skill/bloodtinge. Blades of Mercy are my favorite weapon so far. With the right blood gems you can get an S scale for skill rather than an A. I've heard Rakuyo and Burial Blade are good for skill, but I haven't gotten them yet.


Cursed He Man


Start by picking up the saw spear. Then move to the chikage


Simon’s Bowblade


with that face, you don't need a weapon ;) *joking* I'd say the chikage


Chikage + Bowblade are a beautiful and fun pair and compliment each other perfectly. It is really satisfying to Bowblade down Defiled Amy!


Bloodletter. Although it's kind of at the end of the DLC..


Saw spear


Now I know that the Reiterpallasch isn't the best or most optimal dps weapon, but I really like the transformation moves on it. If you really try to weave them in right you can get some cool moments where you parry with the transform shot and it does decent dmg if you gem it right. If you use the repeating pistol and buff it with Ash you can use the riposte window to get some chunky dmg rather than a visceral. It's definitely a gimmicky weapon but I don't like the Chikage or Bowblade too much so it was really one of my only options left.


Bowblade or Chikage are amazing


Chikage or rakuyo, also you can try Simon's bowblade it's really fun to play with it.


A masterpiece