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Wait until the game is fully downloaded. Then play it


Oops too late


You can play up to the tomb


No. Try not to get mad enough to punch the screen. Go in blind and have fun. Don’t be ashamed of summoning help.


Ok thanks


On this note, I personal would at least try every area solo. There's a lot of smurfs in this game, while they are helpful, it really ruins the experience when they just one shot everything for you. Looking at you mr holy moonlight blade user at Gascoigne lv 4


1. Don’t die 👍


2 Get good 👍


3. Hit bosses more times than they hit you 👍


4. Post to this subreddit once The Orphan is slaughtered 👍


Alternatively, post when Gherman is slaughtered


*git gud




Don’t give up if you die a lot, you’ll eventually get better and die less and less


I had got really far in the game exploring wise but I didn’t do any Checkpoints and I died and it almost took me off the game


Just take a mental note of what went wrong whether it be a crazy attack some enemy did or a map hazard or whatever. The start of the game is definitely a slow start with a lot of deaths, but the feeling of hitting the next lantern and making progress is sooo good. And remember, fear the old blood...


There are always points at which the level folds in on itself and you get to unlock a shortcut. If a walk to a boss seems ridiculous, more often than not there's a gate or elevator you missed


On a serious note, just make sure to thouroghly explore every area. There’s so much hidden content, loot, and other interesting things to find beyond just taking in the incredible art direction of every single corner of this game. Also, if anything seems inaccessible at some point, take note of it, you will most likely find something later on that will grant you access. Have fun! You’re in for an incredible experience if you can persist past the learning curve :))


I knew I'd see this


You should definitely read "The Shining", great book.


I have


Fear the old blood...


I don’t know what that means


By the gods fear it Lucas...


You'll learn!


His eyes are yet to open.


Oh I know, how the secret beckons so sweetly


Oh the sweet blood, how it sings to me. It’s enough to make a man sick.


Means you dont have enough insight


Yah get off this sub and go enjoy the game and come back when you’re done. This sub will spoil a lot.


Play focused, don’t sell any weapons or armor, don’t attack npcs, try to discover everything in the first area before moving on




Oh bit late but speaking of armor and weapons, it literally couldn’t matter less what you play through the game with. Certain weapons have some nuances that may be more effective against certain enemies, but really it all comes Down to what you’re comfortable using.


Try to get your enemies health to 0 while simultaneously trying you keep yours above 0!


Bit hard


Tip 1: Don't ask for tips on reddit or you'll end up on r/shittydarksouls Tip 2: Don't get unnecessarily mad when you die like I do


Dodge forewards or sideways never backwards


Beware of good game


I will


Help eileen the crow for an awesome skill weapon.


Kill Eileen the crow for an awesome skill weapon.


Let Eileen the crow kill you for an awesome death screen


Crow for crow crow for crow.


Most important: remember the 5 D's of dodgeball. Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge. Dodging is by far the most important move in the game. Second: you get a huge shotgun or pistol right at the beginning. You shoot something and... It's minimal damage... You think "WTH, what good is this then?" That gun is vital, since it enables viceral attacks (when you shoot a monster right before it attacks you, a sound plays and it gets stunned, enabling an attack that deals massive damage). If you're unsure how it works, just google it. Other than that, don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it...


Learn how to parry. Be aggressive during encounters but don’t get overconfident. Farm items and figure out when to use them. I’m a bit into my first play through myself.


Don't be afraid of dying. Look at every death as a learning experience


Don’t let yourself get demotivated in the start like I did when I first played Bloodborne. The beginning is kinda hard if you’ve never touched a soulslike. Like others have said, view every death as a learning experience.


just play the game dude


Stay alive and seek the pale blood


Read it with the lights on if you can't get through it normally. Never heard of someone asking for tips for that but I hear lights help people when they're scared. Just go one page at a time.


Wait 3 more minutes before starting the game.


in your first play through, saw cleaver (skill) or hunter axe (str) are both very viable for the first 2/3 (at least). any other weapon just as you decide going forward. get to 30 vitality and 25 in either skill or strength as well as some endurance until mid game and you’ll be fine. and most of all: enjoy the wildest ride of your gaming life!


I'd recommend skill. Better for visceral attacks and backstabbing. Though you should still probably have your strength somewhere around an 18 to effectively use most melee weapons.


Assuming this is your first Soulsborne game 1. Read every item if you want to understand the story and/or find out where to go next. Especially key items as there are entire missable areas in the size of a small dlc that can be accessed using instructions found in key item descriptions. 2. Similarly, talk to any one that can be talked to but don't expect much guidance from anyone. 3. Don't worry about dying, it's part of the gameplay loop. These games are essentially metroidvanias, exploring is what you should be focusing on. If a way is too hard try to find alternative paths. 4. Dodging is key. If you keep quickstepping at the right time ( no button mashing, time your dodges to match the enemy's attacks) you are basically invincible unless dealing with multiple enemies at once. 5. Never deal with multiple enemies at once until you know what you are doing. Keep moving until you fight only one at a time. You can take any enemy in the game 1vs1. All it takes is sometimes learning their moves 6. Stay close to the enemy ( though not in front of them if you can help it) and be aggressive. This does not mean button mashing though. It means always lead the dance, and it *is* a dance. Finesse is required to survive. 2 or 3 attacks at most should be followed with a dodge or some sort of movement or you *will* get hit (unless the enemy dies in those two hits). 7. Keep an eye on your stamina bar and while you are attacking always leave enough to be able to dodge out of there. 8. Try to dodge at the opposite direction of an enemy's attack, towards the direction their attack is coming from. Observe which hand they attack with and think of it like you are passing under their armptis as they lift their weapon. You can not get hit if you time this right. 9. If you shoot at an enemy the exact moment their attack would land to your head ( so AFTER they lift their hand to attack you and the second their weapon would be descending) you parry them and they get stunned and a sound effect plays. Run close and R1 them in this position to do a so called visceral attack and basically destroy them with your bare hand. It takes a while to learn but it is OP once you do. Visceral attacks are described in game as being euphoric and, yeah. Once you get used to parrying you won't go back. 10. If you hold R2 behind an enemy they also get stunned and you can do the R1 visceral from behind. This does not have to be a stealth kill, you can pull this off mid battle if you manage to hit them in the back with a charged R2.


Fear the old blood


Beware, for you may grow eyes on the inside.


Git gud lmao


Step 1. Die Step 2. Profit


Saw cleaver. That is all.




Also go for Ludwig's holy blade as that's a really good noob weapon


Ahhh the longer more effective saw cleaver, the good blood guided your way


No, get the kirkhammer. Unga bunga


DO NOT get the Kirkhammer on first play through. The slowness on the attack of that weapon makes the game harder.


Be patient, don't get discouraged, take breaks.


Hurry before Elden ring comes out


I actualy thought they just droped unannounced 15 gb patch for bloodborne it was the best few sec ever.


So did I, for about 2 seconds. I’m now punishing myself for even allowing myself to believe that they would ever update Bloodborne in a beneficiary way. :(


Be aggressive. Playing defensively like I did in Dark Souls will get your ass wrecked. You’re a beast hunter, now go cleanse these cursed streets


Good game ahead.


Have fun


If some boss fights seem too hard remember you have consumables to help you out, don’t be afraid to use them


Dodge left, transformation attacks, at least 15 arcane for 2 hunter tools, look around a lot, don't treat it like Dark Souls, be aggressive (but not greedy) when attacking, use your gun to parry, have fun. Additional information: in nightmare areas, play offline.


It’s tempting to give up after the mobs in Yharnham but you will get the hang of it so don’t give up!! As someone else said just ask for help/coop if theres any difficult areas/bosses Also make sure to visceral attack the massive pigs…


When hit don’t withdraw and heal like souls. Attack more. Learn to gun parry from the start. If you’re running low on bullets trade blood for bullets. Especially early. Find shortcuts and gates. There are fewer bonfires and it’s frustrating until you understand your goal is to unlock things versus get far.


Be aggressive but not greedy with your attacks. Something I'm still learning lol, especially when you get a boss down to low HP don't go for the extra swing or two just because they're almost dead. If you have to question whether or not you have time for another attack, you don't.


Fear the old blood.


Just don’t forget everything like micolash does 🤣.


I’ll give you tips in exchange for that sweet book <3


Dash through attacks and stay aggressive. Parrying is way easier than it looks and is a game changer once you get the hang of it. You should avoid the bloodtinge stat until you get more experienced.


Good luck hunter


If you can beat Papa Fartcoins (basically, the first boss), you’ll most likely be able to beat the entire game, so don’t let any part after him discourage you.


Scoure every bit of places you can find it's worth it


In most ocasions, always try to dodge into enemies attacks, not away from them. And welcome to Yharnam, good hunter.


Remember to dodge


Hoonter must hoont


My biggest tip is to try and play the game blind. Not with a blindfold but literally don't ask for tips. Lol you'll adjust better if you find your own way of doing things!


I mean your playstation will download the game itself, you don't really need to do anything. /s


Beware of the endless void after finishing it Ok for real, this game rewards aggressive but not brain dead gameplay so make sure you get comfortable with your weapon and learn how to parry Also, strength or dexterity builds are usually better for newer players. Avoid arcane and bloodletting for the first gameplay is advised


You just have to wait for 3 minutes


Don't ask for tips and just play. Don't look up any maps. Don't spoil it.


Press any button to start


Ummmmmm. Don't use The Shining as a tv stand. The Stand or IT is probably better. Hahahahahaha.


Probably a good idea


Yea maybe a new tv


Bruh leave me be I buy my own shit


Who doesn’t. You asked for a tip, there it was.


Take your time, explore, talk to the NPC and read the items descriptions. Learn to parry with the gun and try to no get overwhelmed by ennemies. There is no shame in running away or use stheal to walk through the streets. Accept death and use it to learn the secrets of each maps, be patient and do not hesitate to help others and be helped :) Enjoy the game and the discover of Yarnham! May the good blood guide your way


Im about to fight the first boss


Press and hold the "Share" button to take a screenshot and try not to share your living room with everyone.


Good book. I have the exact same one, red/black cover


Stay aggressive, never dodge backwards, only to the sides or forwards


play around with your weapons a bit in the safe area! a nice way to get a feel for the controls/combinations like transform, jump and other types of attacks!! after parrying with the gun/charge attack I tend to dash toward the back/front of the enemy to perform a visceral attack more easily! it works for me but other people prob have their own ways


I know Elden ring is right around the corner but don’t rush through it. It truly is a phenomenal game and you only get to experience it for the first time once.


Fear the Old Blood


You know those annoying dogs in dark souls? Play like you're one of those dickheads


Never played souls 😬


Don't start with the saw clever start with the axe


U actually need to die first to go to a safe place to get weapons. Didn't know that at first


If you hold R2 behind a enemy back and then press R1 when they are in their knees you will do a lot of damage.


Don’t waste your time for the fat guy in the begging


Ye ik that nlw died like 87 times


Remember. Dying in this game doesn't matter much, you can get the bloodechoes back easy ("souls" that you use as currency). So just experiment away But try to grind for bloodvials now and then. They are your most important item and can run out fast.


Git gud


Be aggressive! Using the rally system to regain lost health through attacking will save you a lot of blood vials, especially early on. Check the sewers thoroughly! There's lots of good stuff up/down there, and a helpful NPC is waiting for you... Don't be afraid to use echoes to stock up on vials and bullets at first, they'll come a lot easier by the time you make it to the next area!


Throw your playstation in the ocean


Spend your blood echoes(don't let them go to waste) and level up!


Hesitation is defeat. The combat system rewards aggressive playstyle.


Stick with it and don’t overlevel skills. Saw cleaver is the best weapon.


Dodge in


Dont get greedy in your attacks


Do not get frustrated. You will die often throughout the game just take your time and learn your enemy and effective counters to each enemy. They are all beatable if you know what your strategy needs to be.


Start with the saw cleaver and pistol if you’re new. Learn to visceral


No tips, only Hoont


Lol i think I had same tv i played bloodborne the very first time Btw the first area is really good for farming blood vials


Always read the description of every items, talk to every NPCs (quick tip: if you see a purple-ish lantern near a door or a window chances are you can talk to someone there). Don't worry about getting lost and just enjoy the view and finding hidden path. Finally, this is a personal opinion but I love to play online to read the notes other players leave.


Be careful, but aggressive. Don’t hesitate when you see an opening. Also, pretty much always roll INTO, not away from, attack.


Don’t die


The buttons on your controler will have different effects in the game. I recommend to try every button at least once. Quite often you will have to press them in the right time and order.


Read Pet Sematary next.


Run like hell and try to master parrying as early as possible, those are all my tips


just remember that both your weapons in each hand are (unless you're going for a very specific kind of build which you probably shouldn't first run) both very important. other than that, you'll learn as you play. the whole "get gud" thing is kinda bs, you'll learn as you go and get into the rhythm of things.


Your beginner weapons can take you thru the whole game. Take the time to check out every single weapon you find as they're pretty unique from each other. You might find one you like way more. Or you might find the few that are similar, but one will fit you better. "Prepare to die" isn't an insult or tag line, it's genuine help. My first attempt at any encounter, level, or boss, I assume I will fail. I try to use that to figure out what I should do, where, and when. Then the next time, I try to apply it. Going into it with the idea that failing at first and succeeding eventually is the core goal, then you'll really enjoy this game. If youve played any Dark Souls games, be prepared to unlearn a lot. Bloodborne made me quit twice, despite loving the series. I tried it both after I finished DS2 and DS3. I just booted it up again and finally beat it this last weem. Bloodborne teaches you to play the others in a more fun way, tho. ENJOY!


Oh Amygdala.. have mercy on the poor bastard… hehehe.


Keep calm. Think in your stats. Try again. And again. Think in your weapons. Keep trying. Farm. Invest in weapons and stats. Keep trying.


Be aggressive and go in after being hit. You will recover health by hitting the enemy for a short while after being hit so it's much better to stay on the offensive than fall back and waste blood vials. For beast-like bosses (the large ones like vicar amelia or the cleric beast) always stick to their back side and try to avoid being in front of them. This will make every single one of those boss fights easier. In terms of the game itself, parrying is crucial so try to learn the timing early (you parry by shooting your gun at an attacking enemy) and, from experience, the invincibillity frames are very short and the dodges are quick, so don't go in thinking you can dodge early and counterattack like in dark souls, that will get you killed.


Just enjoy the master piece


Dodge/roll through attacks, not away from them


Strength build makes the gameba bit easier on your 1st play through.


Be aggressive, use the shoot button right as the attack animation is coming, level up vigor first a bit, dodge into enemies and get behind them, all you need to do for BSB is go left.


Learn to parry, it’ll make Hunter fights much easier




There is no respec so be careful with the attributes you improve. Also read the description of every item you get you will enjoy the game the most this way. And last but not least explore the map and listen/read the dialogues.


Yeah share the internet speed a little bit damn


Hoard and buy blood vials early game.


Hesitation is defeat.


never dodge backwards always dodge to the side or behind enemies, shooting enemies right before they hit you for stun + huge damage


Try tongue, but hole. The only advice you’ll ever need.


My first play through, I primarily used the tricked out axe swing (hold R2). It’s really great for knocking groups of enemies back but I struggled on some of the bosses. Playing it again, I realized many of the bosses are much easier with a gun parry and visceral (e.g. Father Gascoigne).


Roll. A LOT!


Don’t be too hard on yourself, you’ll get the hang of it, use a weapon because you like the design, don’t look up a guide to find out which is the strongest one


To make it go faster? You're at 3 minutes boss 😂


Str + Vit = W


Don’t give up. If you like the lore read paleblood hunt. It’s free and breaks everything down for you. Lots of good lore on YouTube too. There’s a deep story, and I loved learning it.


Play with headphones


When u see a crow lady don't hit her. Talk to her bc if u make her made she will FUCK U UP


Git gud


Have fun!


This game rewards exploration and aggression. Learn to parry, backstab, and to pay attention to patterns. You will die, and you will become frustrated at times. Make your deaths count and be willing to change your strategy when what you’re doing isn’t working. Every enemy and every boss has a weakness. And remember, fear the old blood. By the gods, fear it.


Leave this sub and play your firet playthrough blind!


You're in the know, right?


Prepare to die… Wrong game, but very appropriate. Oh, and fear the old blood. Nothing more needs to be said at this point.


Spend 3 minutes dimming lights and getting a cup of water. Gotta be in the zone!


Use google


Learn to use your pistol!


Learn to parry and generally dodge past things not away from them


Idk if you played any other souls games but for this one dodge into not away is the best tip


Try playing the game before you run to the subreddit


I’m so excited for you. Have fun and don’t get frustrated!


Fear the Old Blood


Change your mindset. You are the hunter. Everything must be afraid of you, not the other way around. Wherever you roam, beasts shall perish


Be proactive, not reactive


Play the game before posting to the subreddit 👍


For Vicar amelia which I'm sure you know is one of the more frustrating story bosses Predominantly dodge left and attack her legs until she staggers then run to her head and pull off a visceral and make sure that you find numbing mist


Play the damn game


"Fuck ya life" -Newyork


Keep your insight under 40. Winter Lanterns.


Choose saw and hunter pistol at start


Patience is key


if something is going to hit you just dodge 😀👍


Have Patience. If you get angry, you're playing it correctly.


Be patient👍🏻


don’t die


Don't use books as tv stands


Fear the old blood


Don’t overlook the co-op aspect of this game. Brings a whole new dynamic to the game.


Don’t give up. Take breaks if you’re getting stomped but come back. This game beat the piss out of most of us on this sub at one time or another so you’re among friends


Have fun and take breaks when needed or else you will leave it alone for a month after rage quitting


Take breaks when u keep getting slaughtered


Don't be like me and search for spoilers unknowingly.Also this sub will get many spoiler posts


Don’t give up




Don’t dodge backwards. Dodge into attacks


Aggression is key. Expect no mercy from bosses, and give them none. Dodging backwards is generally a bad idea. Get used to dying, you'll do it a lot. Don't be afraid to heal, enemies drop healing items rather often. When healing, dodge before and dodge after. Most importantly, take your time and take breaks. This game can be frustrating, and if you try to just power through, you won't have fun. This community is rather open and welcoming and more than willing to help you and give you pointers when you need them. And if you're playing online, you can always have another player fight a boss with you, you may need it for a few.


Yeah I got one


Do NOT give up. This will eventually become your favorite game of all time. Watch VaatiVidya videos about lore for maximum indulgence.


Don't die.


Horse But Hole