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I haven't started painting them yet, but I fully plan on doing the nobles from the starter box in eagles Kelly green style. 


Don’t worry I haven’t either 🤣, as I glance over at my Shelf of Shame. We talking about the second season edition starter? I think green would be a nice contrast. I really want to paint the “Black Orc” team from that box pink or something, just to really mess with my opponents head, lull them into a false sense of security type deal 😂


Yep! Picked it up to be a side project from 40k since it seems like a ton of fun and the gnome team with the badger got me to finally buy in. I'm gonna paint them UW red and white and always run the badger to keep with real sports team themes.


[You're telling me the little fox thing is a Player????](https://d1w82usnq70pt2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/gnomes2.png) Hahaha holy shit I'll have to see if I can pick up a set these are wild. completely missed these.


Going with the American Dad arena football teams. My skaven aidsy boys will be the cybermoles, the lizardmen the bazooka sharks and the norsk the pizza rockets.


Ai ain't even strong enough to come up with these names, good work 🤣. speaking of Aidsy boys, seen the new Skaven models for AOS? BEEG kitbash potential I feel.




My painting isn’t great, but I have… WAAAGH-shington Greenskins (Orcs) Sylvan-Elfian Regals (High Elves) Callous Drowboys (Dark Elves) Oft-Bork Giants (Ogres)


Callous Drowboys is genius!


My NFL themed teams for everyone's use...... We all know Orcland Raiders, Pittsorc Stealers, New Orc Tyrants (Black Orcs) Dwarf, Nor'land Pints. Dark elf, Atlantis Foul Kins. Undead, Cleaved Hand Browns. Orc, My Hammy Dull Fangs. Snotlings, Inkling Pat Riots. Tomb kings, Sandy Ankle Chargers. Halflings, Green Hay Stackers.


Sandy Ankle! Lol


[Norse as Minnesota Vikings](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodbowl/s/m6EVAHY1yq) . It just fits. And I’d argue it’s a better color scheme than the box art.


Yeah dude the purple + Yellow really hits different doesn't it? reminds me of the first ever pair of "Cool" shoes I saved up for as a kid hahaha [Based Shoes](https://www.flickr.com/photos/dlee13/7044900179) you did a great job on these, I love the bases too dude.


My orcs are called the Carcass City Shivs.


Usually with a K for Karkass


I have a Nurgle team called the “Cleaved Land Brown Stains”


This is the winner and I hate it and love it.


I made a team for a buddy that’s meant to be played as humans but it’s all a bunch of spare models I had from bartering for extra blitzers & such. He’s a Bears fan so I used navy & orange.


Hahaha wicked you'll have to send a pic. I am thinking of doing Minnesota Vikings Lizardmen team with a bunch of different color lizards, I think it'll slap.




Hahah I love these, how long did it take to wheel and deal for such a mish mash team? Love the old school models, I still have a halfling team from one of the first editions I want to paint up.


Years, man. I use almost exclusively 3rd edition metal teams. Still have a bunch of miscellaneous extra models




Yeah I hate police too bruther.




I have the 2016 humans painted up in the Philadelphia Eagles original colors when they were known as the Frankford Yellow Jackets, I'm painting my flings in Orange & Black with the team name as the Phil's Deli Fryers.


Eagles were never known as the Frankford Yellow Jackets. They are a separate franchise that started after Frankford crossed to be, albeit in the same city.


My Skaven are Miami Dolphins. Colors work out wonderfully!


I have always wanted to do Miami Dolphins! Blue and Orange goes really hard.


I forget which, but one of the contrasts (kroxigor? Aeldari emerald?) is the perfect aqua.


My dwarves are painted in burgundy and gold, the color of Washington Redskins (yea, not gonna call them Commanders)


Yknow what’s wild, I’m from Aus and we changed the name of these raspberry lollies, from “Red Skins” to “Red Rippers” I wonder if it was because of the nfl team at the time 😂.


I have the Denovar Broncos. 3rd Ed High Elf team. Jonalar Elway leads them.


Chaos chosen:Reaveland Hounds, black orcs:New Mork Gitz


The Green Plague Packrats are my Skaven team. They’re headed up by Aaron Dodgers. My first human team is The Middenheim Cardinals, painted in red and white (all the players are cardinals in the church of Sigmar). I have orcs painted in red and yellow, they are the WAAAAAGH-shington Greenskins. My chaos team is black and yellow and are the Pittbull Steele-Holes. I’ve most recently finished up dwarfs as Minnesota Vikings, but I haven’t come up with a pithy name yet. Am currently working on a Bronco’s themed orange and blue team. I don’t have a name for them yet either, but I was born in CO, so it was inevitable.


Planning a Dwarf team called the 4'9ers with Red, White and Gold. I haven't started painting them yet though.


Let's see... A nobility team called, "The Villa-del-Via Regals," a human team called "The Gold Way Trackers," a purple ork team "Da Fight-Kingz," and I'm currently playing a sewer-themed skaven team with red/white/bronze kits named "Zan-Fran Six-Skulls' Darty Divers." ...plus a written list for parodies of the 28 other teams.