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Personally, I hate it when someone spreads their LOS against my flings. It forces you to spread your trees out to get 3Ds, either choosing one side over the other, or leaving a gap in the middle with only flings to defend it. If you choose a side, a deep kick to the opposite side can make securing your ball difficult (especially against elves).  You could also forgo the 3Ds and hold the middle. But you’ve less chances of removing opposition players then, and you always want to be doing that.  TL;DR split the LOS


I would say spread them out. Trees have a terrible MV and you ideally want them as far away from your other models as possible, so putting 3 of your guys within easy reach of both trees makes it worse for you. Similarly, Halflings rely on using 2, or even 3 of their own guys to attack each one of yours; if you clump your guys close together, it makes it easy for the Halflings to use the same few guys to support each other to take down your LoS, letting the rest of their team run amok. Spread your guys out, and you force your opponent to use more of their players to attack yours, leaving them with less pieces free to do other things like pick up the ball.


Thanks for the input people.