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Sleepytime changes you man.


My takeaway from that episode is that it’s representative of the same kind of thing as what I got from Rain. Bingo is going to eventually grow up and let go of the things that she holds onto as a child, but will never lose the sun over her that allows her to cherish what she’s always had. I just…god. I needed that cry, WOW.


Now grab a new box of tissues and watch Grandad https://preview.redd.it/aem7yrgw5huc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11703019bfd6ea566a3b25b895c486e4a2804fe9


Cricket did me in. Sobbed like nobody's business.


Cricket, and Onesies 😭 a lot of episodes made me misty-eyed, but those two made me legitimately bawl my eyes out.


Flat Pack was the one that got me into the show… 🥲


If you want to add another layer to it and understand more what the mom is feeling in that moment watch "dragon" its season 3, episode 43. Also a very good episode but gives you some more context


I cry for a lot of episodes, but for some reason this isn't one of them for me. Still a great episode, but doesn't hit me as hard as Grandad, or for some reason Bike.


just wait for camping and cricket


Camping destroys me every time 😭


“hello, bluey” 😭😭😭😭


Don't even get us started on The Sign and Copycat


To fully appreciate The Sign, you really have to see pretty much all episodes to get all the little references and throwbacks; Ghost basket, Onesies (also a tear jerker for me), Grannies, Slide, Mum school and a few more.


Oh my God.


i have yet to watch this episode


Yeah, it’s pretty good. :)


Check out “Jupiter” of Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite “The Planets” to hear the inspiration behind “Sleepytime”‘s soundtrack. As a classical/opera nerd, I love the nods to classical music in various episodes. 🎶


Don’t forget the Sun rising through the window at the end


Every time I see this moment, I cry when I realize I will never feel the warmth of my mother’s love again. All I have are the memories of that feeling.


That episode gets me every time!!


Sleepytime is one of the best episodes of TV IMHO. Not just animated, not just sitcom.


Related bro, the show is really special even for us who most people think should not watch this show https://preview.redd.it/8zwa8dwcgguc1.png?width=1052&format=png&auto=webp&s=f585d2de97cb80f5a6306ec9d097b812d49c2942 p/s: how coincident, just make this meme a few days ago


Now add The Sign because I was a puddle.


Watched it this morning, Absolutely Incredible. Especially for me, someone who always looks for the fine details and little continuity’s between episodes, the sign is chock full of that stuff, and has a great Message for literally any age.


fax I don’t usually cry but I teared up at the end of that one


I was craving with laughter about that ending man! I just can’t…


You’re right on time, fellow 19 year old. The Sign just dropped.


OP has some serious watching to do before they should watch The Sign.


Yeah that’d be jumping into the deep end after a few swimming lessons and no flotation device.


Yeah, OP isn’t ready for Big Fish yet.


LoL...so it took me a second to realize it was referencing Big Fish swim from the Bluey episode and not the Tim Burton movie. Because if you've never seen Big Fish...that also leaves me an emotional pile of goo.


Me too haha


Yes, you basically need to be fully caught up to the “lore” of Bluey before considering The Sign






Me this morning: 😭


just watched it, and boy what a wild ride. fortunaly i watched it with my sister (who didn't really understand how emotion bluey is) so i could kept my tear in. Going to watch it again


The amazing thing is Bluey in one episode will absolutely and unapologetically punch you hard in the feels. "Sleepytime", "Rain" and for me "Grandad" (The last shot of Chili and her father sitting on the dock...) And then there are some episodes where I haven't laughed that hard at anything like that in a long long time. First time I saw "Unicorse" I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.


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Good Unicorse.


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Unicorse was my first Bluey episode. I was on vacation with my wife and daughter last summer and we were watching some cartoons on Disney Channel to fill some dead time after beach. I laughed my ass off with that. Love Unicorse from that moment and is still one of my favorite Bluey episodes.


Annnnnnd why should I care?!


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For the feels, Baby Race. When Coco’s mom looks right into the camera and says, “You’re doing great.” As a parent of twin toddlers just trying to survive until bedtime every day, just… that. Que the waterworks.


"It was yesterday" 😭


I hear that in my head every time Facebook shows me a picture of my daughter from 10 years ago....


I have a stuffed cat that I used to "voice" growing up and I made her voice sound exactly like Unicorse. Her "personality" is the same too. My daughter now loves this stuffie, we do the voice for her and when we saw Unicorse for the first time, we were hysterical with laughter.


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I'm 54. I don't know who likes Bluey more, me or my five year-old granddaughter. As far as the emotional aspect, a lot of episodes hit me hard. I lost my wife a year ago and there are so many things that remind me of us interacting with our granddaughters.


For the OP: keep in mind that episodes can mean different things to different people. Often the creators leave it open ended, so that an episode can be relatable to many people, in whatever circumstance they happen to find themselves. Often there is no "wrong answer" when it comes to the meaning behind an episode. If something touches you a certain way, then there you go! 💙🧡


I m23, no kids and on the autism spectrum have been watching bluey and I'm 9 episodes in so far and as for my favorite character in bluey that'll be bandit mainly because my biological dad was a piece of shit since he cheated on my mom when I was younger and watching bandit being a good dad by playing and teaching his two daughters warms my heart and makes me wish that the cheating didn't happen.


Honestly same, Bandit is like a dad to me in my head, and I am f20 and still crying over him being so cute with his daughters 🥲


Yeah and can bandit be seen as a substitute dad for those that don't have a father whether it be due to the father being deceased or divorced but also bandit can be seen as substitute dad for those that had an awful dad that did some awful things.


Fr my dad is also a dipshit so this is exactly what I am saying ✨ also I hope you’re happier now, seems like you also had a rough childhood huh? Best of luck to you!


My (65f) granddaughter (3) is on the spectrum. Bluey is her safe and happy place. It’s on in my home 10 hours a day 5 days a week on one of our tv’s. We go thru each season at least nice a week. We watch very intro. When we get in the car the Bluey music plays. We dance with dance mode and musical statues. I can info dump on you! I am so grateful for this show. It’s beautiful and lovely and speaks in a way my granddaughter responds to. She continues to laughs every time the skunk is used as Dad in family meeting. She gets sad for Bluey when she’s sad. I had a meltdown when ghost basket had the sign in the yard at the end. I watched the sign twice Sunday morning without her. I was worried for nothing! Chang is hard. Enjoy the show! There’s so much going on in each frame. Little dabs of life.


You have a lot of joyous catching-up to do!


Woah, that's a double-rainbow, all the way, across the sky! So intense....What does this mean?! 🌈🌈


In real life, when there is a double rainbow the second rainbows colours are inverted. Which is pretty cool.


Haha, I was going to bring that up as an "I hope someone got fired for that blunder" nitpick.


I believe I read it was on purpose because the rainbows are drawn "the way a kid would draw it"/remember it. Same reason they live in a flat street but the intro shows them up in a hill -- it's drawn like how kids draw their homes as the center of everything.


it's represent bluey and chilli, you should listen to "Boldly in the pretend" top-tier original music from bluey


Pchound's comment is a reference to an old youtube video of a guy crying and freaking out over a double rainbow.  https://youtu.be/OQSNhk5ICTI?si=a6ag1Xonvs4y61-G


And then you’ll watch grandad or camping… https://preview.redd.it/fp8v2o7yajuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee0144bc9ddb217757376eb352c7f6a7e3c389c


Look, it’s just monkeys singing songs, mate. Don’t think too hard about it.


No, you do not have to wedge that quote into every discussion. People are allowed to feel things about fiction. 


Ah, welcome to the small club of 200M people


I, 23, am rewatching Bluey for like the third time


You chose one of the best possible episodes to start off.


Welcome to the club. The representation you bring up in rain could be accurate. However, I’ve always taken it as Bluey is doing something most of us did as kids. It’s about curiosity, exploration etc. Rain is one of my top 3 episodes. It’s just so beautifully done.


You got here at the right time you needed to :) Being in this sub there’s lot of similar comments show up, and it’s wonderful that this is similar to prime Pixar movies in that it’s absolutely kid friendly but that doesn’t mean there aren’t more complex adult ideas lying around. Selfishly it’s also great to see the opinion of people in other situation about this show that is so dear to my heart. When I discovered it only season 1 was available on Disney+ and my 2 girls where 6 and 4 and me work from home, I couldn’t have been more targeted, and I felt so seen on “takeaway”. Rain is a work of art, and while there are a lot of parenting related tears (and laughs) in the show episodes like that one, granddad, onesies, dragon, cricket, and others only need you to have had some form of parental figure to “get” you. Enjoy the show!


I’m 20 and me and my mom binged the entire series together over the course of multiple weeks. We just finished the latest episode today




I will not stand for this Flatpack erasure. That’s too of the tops if you like a beautiful short story with layers of meaning and I cry every time.


Bro I watch this when I'm not with my kid.




As a former 30 years old dad I can't watch Sleepytime without almost crying every single time


Welcome. In a decade or so start from the start and it will hit you in new and different feels. Bluey really is for everyone.


Thats a good episode it makes me cry every time :)


Whoa that's a full double rainbow all the way across the sky!


Fun fact! I showed my partner Flat Pack and they cried. Bluey is just on another level dude


I just watched the sign Episode


Heh, that’s one way to look at it, and by that I mean I never thought of it that way. I always thought that it had something to do with the opposites between Bluey’s and Chili’s (Mum) perspective on a rainy day or how that they want to achieve the same goals but they both always keep coming back. For example Bluey makes a dam and no matter how hard she tries the water will always sneak on through the walls and Chili, no matter how hard she tries to keep the house clean, Bluey’s the one who keeps it a bit messy when she comes other stuff to make the dam and then later she comes around know that it’s just harmless fun and decides to help her out. But yeah that’s Bluey for you. And I’m glad that you got to give this show a chance, as a teenager (18) who’s about to graduate in May, this is a cute and amazing show that can hit you in the feels or even make you laugh with some relatable moments. And the best part about this show (or at least one of them) is that they have the parents and kids have such of a personality! The parents tend to mess up at times and not all kids are goody two shoes either but they still try their best to be better and they even grow as time passes with Bluey being 5-6 in Season 1 and beginning of Season 2 and then becomes 7 at the rest of season 2 and then 3. There’s plenty more episodes that may give you some tears though. Have a great time. And if anyone ever bullies you for it, don’t let them get to you and say “So what? You don’t get to tell me how I feel about certain things!” Because no one can tell you how to react but yourself.❤️❤️❤️


Rain has kind of an "I've looked at clouds from both sides now" theme to it, where when it rains Bluey sees an opportunity to play and Chilli (the mother, if you haven't seen an episode with her name yet) sees a threat of a mess; their perspectives are told in parallel as Bluey tries in vain to stop the natural flow of the rain, while Chilli tries in vain to stop the natural force of a child on a mission. In the end Chilli realizes their "games" are not so different and decides to reconnect with her own childlike sense of wonder by assisting Bluey with her goal. Very beautiful episode, possibly my personal favorite; Sleepytime is up there too. Though I would recommend mixing in some random episodes in there as well if you intend to get invested; almost all episodes are great but you might get too used to the elites as a baseline


Isn’t this show for children? Like preschoolers? My son loves it and he’s 18 months.


Bluey unicorse


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Army gets me good.


I just watched the latest episode (people keep saying the last, God I hope not) and I cant stop crying.


Im not saying your overthinking it cuz now it makes sense but all I took out of it was to always cherish your time with your children it’s the little times that count


You are a lucky guy, you have a lot of fun with the heeler family ahead of you. I just watched the latest episode, I had to hold myself back from weeping openly.