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People are sleeping on Stumpfest. The adult themes are phenomenal.


[already sloshed] You got it, Lucky’s dad!


Boo! Go ruin the planet somewhere else!


Ruin the planet?! But it’s a stump!


"OK the optics on this the do not look good" "But we can take them"


Stumpfest was the first I saw. Then Smoochykiss. Back to back.


Stumpfest and smoochykiss are my goals with my wife as parent


I agree 100%


Stumpfest is so underrated!


We did Baby Race for my mom and then Stumpfest for her husband. Stumpfest is *stellar*.


Stumpfest is so underrated lol definitely one of the best


My instincts took over!


The best! Still gets referenced in my office!


And the ladies watch us get all sweaty


I was talking to some of my coworkers and they were getting nostalgic for "back in the 80s" so I stopped work and made them watch Fairytale. They loved it LOL.


Another good one for that is Pass the Parcel.


The song at the end of Pass the Parcel is my new jam


Fairytale is the opening one I do for any adult friend “It was the 80s!” Gets everyone


Nana was right


Not about her perm, but about me.


Flat Pack. 


This is my go-to. It has the right vibe. At its surface: You see kids being kids and playing. You see the adults tackling a problem and coming up with solutions. Then you dig deeper. You see the history of human civilization and a commentary on religion/the after life. Then you notice how in a family the adults moods directly affect the children’s play, a reminder that kids are watching. You see how the passage of a single life mirrors the growth of a civilization. Then you get hit with the feelings that kids will grow up and leave us, death is inevitable, and our small place in the enormity of the circle of life. Then you think how did they put all this in 7 minutes and start to get the show.


This, especially if they don't have kids




Agreed. Cricket is funny and emotional.


I would decidedly not show this one, as it differs majorly from most episodes and doesn’t even really feature the main characters. It employs a voice over and a more conventional story line. What makes Bluey unique is *imaginative play* involving both kids and parents. Reality and imagination are blended in a way that doesn’t bend the rules of reality.


I agree, even though I love that episode. Which is also why I wouldn’t suggest sleepy time either. It’s not a typical episode and I think without the background it doesn’t hit as hard.


It's a gateway episode


Cricket was pretty average for me until the last 30 seconds. As a dad to two kids, having that moment where Rusty self sacrifices to look out for his younger had me immediately and unexpectedly crying in the kitchen.


Cricket is undoubtedly my most favorite episode. I grew up with a very complicated relationship with my parents. Although I love some of them dearly, aside from my kids and my SO, my siblings are the most important people in my life. My siblings and I are definitely trauma bonded. Idk if we would have that same relationship without it. The love I have for my kids and my SO is different than the love I have for my brothers and sisters. Building a healthy loving relationship that isn’t based on trauma for my own children is my biggest goal in life. Watching rusty and his little sister reminds me of my own children and watching my own son treat his little sister like rusty does just makes me cry and feel like I’m doing something right in this world for my kids.


The best part for me is his terror of having to bat against Tiny and then having his Dad motivate him in the letter. Incredible stuff!


Even we stupid Americans don’t get cricket we can relate it to some other ball sport and I imagine it hits the same.


This episode gives me so many feels. Reminds me of my childhood.


If they have kids: Baby Race. Otherwise, Sleepytime. Or Flatpack.


I’m not taking advice from a cartoon dog!


I dunno if Sleepytime would hit as hard for someone without kids. Most of the humour is funny because with kids, you've been there. And the emotional part also hits harder with kids because you also realize your kids are growing up too fast and one day they'll no longer need you as much.


I don’t have kids and Sleepytime makes me cry every time.


I don’t have kids but Sleepytime hits me hard every time


Sleepytime wreaked me and I have no kids. Just the use of Holst’s Jupiter had me bawling. It’s my favorite piece of music.


No kids here, and it hits me hard. I've been a kid - and that's where it gets me.


I suggest *Sleepytime* because the people watching *are* the children of their parents.


No kids here either, and Sleepytime always gets to me.


I’m childless and I gotta say that Sleepytime is one of my favourites-makes me cry though so I gotta be in the right mood to watch it


Last week I showed my sister-in-law (who became a grandma recently) Baby Race. There was a tear or two. Sleepytime shouldn't be the first episode you show someone, because there's nowhere to go but down from there.


i think sleepytime should only be introduced after that person have some idea of the show so it shouldn't be the first episode to recommend someone


Baby Race will smack a parent upside the head and knock them to the ground for 10 minutes while they cry. You’re gonna need a snack.


Granny Mobile. Hands down.




Muffin is so wise. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/la28ujm6eoyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b8e46b85a5cf507c102112620966a9a2fad903b My shirt just arrived!! I love it so much!


Granny mobile and unicorse for sure


So many good episodes and one-liners!


I should call the Council...


You paint it!




Specifically for an adult - Whale Watching. Cricket is a good shout too. Shadowlands was one of my first and that could also be a good intro. Sleepytime is right up there but I wouldn’t start with it, it’s quite different to the other episodes so not convinced it’s the best introduction to the show. Let them get a bit more invested in the characters before showing them that one.


The first episode my dad ever saw was Sleepytime. He went around for weeks saying Bluey was a “really trippy” show. My wife and I were like DAMMIT TED WATCH OTHER EPISODES ETA: Also to be clear he had seen other episodes at that point but in a very dad-like way, his first impression became his only one


I second whale watching as my go to to show adults the show. Cricket is also a great one!


Shadowlands is such a good intro. I think it may have been my first.


If the adult is in their 40s+ … FAIRYTALE! My husband and I quote “It was the 80s!” allll the time.


I can’t believe I don’t see this episode mentioned more, especially in this context. Most adults I know would really enjoy it and Fairytale is still my favorite episode. The only hesitation I would have showing Fairytale to somebody is that it’s not, to me, representative of what the show actually is. Though the humor and morals are there, the kids aren’t a main part of it and the structure is different than most episodes. It will always be a classic, though.


Nana was right. Not about her perm but…


Hammerbarn and Pass the Parcel


Pass the parcel is the one I watch all the time. Sometimes my kids are around


'Don't look at me mate!' is a household response now to most situations when we've overcommitted on something


I feel hammerbarn for sure if they have kids.


These are my top two for funny, baby race is when I wanna hit them in the feels


Rain, nuff said. Edit: You don't even NEED knowledge for the characters or setting to watch the episode.


I showed this to my Sicilian FIL and he had tears in his eyes. He said, ‘I did that when I was a kid.’


My favourite episode, even if it barely features any dialogue (or even Bandit, my favourite character) in it. It's beautifully made, fully displaying the playful brain of the child (Bluey) with Chili's adult logic. And still in the end, Chilli becomes a child (at heart) again to play with her daughter.


Agreed. My personal favorite. I don't think it even matters if they have kids.


I feel like if they had a toddler, then the Muffin Collection: Library, The Sleepover, Faceytalk, and Granny Mobile.


The muffin collection is a box set I’d buy for 1200 dollar bucks and some lollies.


One of the granny ones 1000%


The one where they're pretending to be in a bus I think it is


Bus is a classic!


I slipped on mah beans!




Awww mah coinnns!


I personally think for an adult with no prior knowledge of Bluey, they should watch episodes through stages: *Stage 1: The Weekend, Bike, Barbeque, Calypso, Dance Mode, Grannies, Perfect and mostly first half of each season to introduce them the premise and the characters, especially their relationships and characteristics. *Stage 2: The Creek, Copycat, Bumpy, Army, Flatpack for the deeper side of the show with multiple reprentations of childhood *Stage 3: All the heavy-hitters: Camping, Grandad, Baby Race and Onesies (if your friend is a parent then these 2 are a must), Cricket, Dragon. *Stage 4: Sleepytime and all the episodes lift up to The Sign for highly emotional great time❤️.


Oh, this is great! Thank you


you are welcome 💙!


Love this!


I’ll have to try this way


Oh I love the creek! “It’s like jumping from one sheep to another”


I love baby race so much, I had my dad watch baby race first and he absolutely loved it! But then was mad at the other episodes ever since. So I want to hate that you put it third but I think you’re right.


The Weekend is a great place to start I think, it doesn't have a strict lesson or anything but it has a great intro to Bandit and the kids and how they interact, with a lot of the sweetness with Bingo and Leafacus. Was created as the pilot for a reason.


I think Dance Mode makes a great intro to the series


I usually show people the episode I was shown first, which is Takeaway.


Ugh that one is way too real and relatable for anyone who has kids.


Granny Mobile!


Daddy Robot "It's a solid plan!"


I really enjoy The Doctor. It has lots of bits that genuinely make me laugh. Like "just keep the bandage on for 6 months" and "I swallowed a hippopotamus, now when I burp, baby hippos come out!" It's great humour.


So hard. Gotta be like 50 good choices


I would advise pretty strongly against starting with *Sleepytime* or *Cricket.* Part of what makes those episodes so powerful is the fact that we already know and love the characters. Lighter ones like *Stumpfest, Whale Watching* or *Hammerbarn* are probably better as an intro to the show for adults.


TV Shop… It’s fun, has great music, shows kids being kids without it hitting too hard! Every time I watch it, I feel so nostalgic for my own childhood. Finding your friends or classmates out in public was the greatest feeling in the world! Even in high school, I loved running into band parents from the band booster club was amazing! Us band kids could call out “Mom!” or “Dad!” in a store and any of them would come running because they knew our voices!


Especially for Aussie. The episodes like this (TV shop, Hammerbarn, if they're from Brissie then Ice Cream) that just powerfully invoke a sense of place are very cool because we're not used to seeing *our* places depicted in popular TV


Made my beat friend watch pavlova yesterday. We have an inside joke of speaking nonsense french and we were both cracking up


the sign language one its one of my favorites


Rug Island


Grannies was the first episode I saw and it hooked me immediately. It shows how awesome the relationship between the parents are with the subtle jokes about laundry but the love that’s there with bandit doing the laundry at the end. It shows what awesome parents they are and how they immediately just join in with whatever make believe the girls have come up with at that moment. Bluey and Bingo are just hilarious in this episode too and it shows the relationship between the two girls and how it’s not perfect but how they try to find solutions or compromises to be well rounded at the end. I could keep going because there’s so much more in that episode that just screams the perfection that this show is.


I love this one- the clarity of the lesson that relationships being more important than being right, and how to resolve the dilemma by being creative.


Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound is hilarious, has a strong message, and is heartfelt.


Just one? Nah, I plan on sitting my boyfriend down and having him watch it with me. Sitting through and watching Bluey is a green flag lol


Depends. I got my brother to start watching with the Decider (we’re Maroon) and with Ray Warren doing the commentary, he was hooked.


daddy drop off or curry quest!


I think it depends greatly on if they have kids or not


Take Out because it’s funny


*Takeaway cos we’re Australian


If they’re someone who has worked a ton with kids like I have (and thinks kids can be funny), DEFINITELY “facey talk”! It’s SO FUNNY to see a kid like Muffin be unhinged at SOMEONE ELSE’S expense for once!😂 If they’re someone who would relate to childhood experiences, maybe tradies (or whatever it was called lol!) because I DEFINITELY did that sort of thing as a kid! For a parent of younger kids though? I’d say just about any episode where the kids and parents are interacting a lot and showing the parenting side of things too! Like the vacation episodes where the mom is actively TRYING to relax or the dad not being able to forget about some adult stuff while playing with the kids.


My suggestion for those with younger kids, even though it’s a little off the normal for the show, is “Rain”. Shows Mom really really trying to get something done, and getting mad at Bluey for messing it up all the time, until she realizes she wants to be part of what’s Bluey is doing too. That’s the episode that hooked me


That’s so sweet! I’m glad you had that experience with that episode!🥺💛 I honestly didn’t even really realize she was trying to do something! That for sure was not what stuck in my mind about the episode! It’s so beautiful and fun and sweet though! I think what holds me back from potentially showing that one as the first episode to show someone is exactly what you said, it’s very different from the rest of the show. I think if that was my introduction to the show, I wouldn’t have come back to watch more because I wouldn’t have seen much of the characters personality and getting to know them. (What got me hooked were clips on TikTok of the kids bothering bandit lol!) For me, that episode works so well because we know the characters and we don’t need a ton of dialogue to know what they’re thinking and who they are there. And obviously, this is all opinions! There is no one best episode to show anybody because everyone is different with different experiences! So maybe rain wouldn’t have been good for me, but maybe someone else would like it because it’s like a little short film! And THAT would get them hooked on the rest of the show, even if they don’t love the characters once they know them.😅


Depends on the friend. I showed 'Onesies' to a friend who has had troubles with infertility and she fell in love with the show. I showed another friend 'Dragon' because they're a D&D player who has lost their mom. My partner got hooked because of 'Pavlova'. My go tos for sentimental about their babies are 'Baby Race' and 'Sleepytime'


Pass the Parcel or PAVLOVA


Pizza girls (which I did with my husband lol)


Granny mobile.


I'm from a Tropical country, so Pool would be a very good pick for me : ) Everyone I know has realized how much thought goes into going on a swimming trip


Sleepover. Every person I’ve started on that one is an instant fan, kids or no kids.




Agreed. Anyone who’s ever been out on a night with (or who was) *That Friend* will get a kick out of this. And if they’ve ever had a toddler, all the better.


I actually really like trying to figure out which episode might get people interested in the show, but it varies based on that person‘s life. A sentimental mom might like baby race or sleepy time, a more pragmatic mom might like sticky gecko. A sentimental dad might like born yesterday, where a more pragmatic one might like takeout. A not-parent like me might like Campjng better with its focus on friendship. My brother recommended to one of his oldest friends that he should start watching Bluey with his kids, and I told him to start with Hospital since his friend is a doctor.




Feather Wand and Hammer Barn got me. Probably one of those because of the mix of humor and family.


Dad Baby, Sleepytime, or The Sign


Baby dad on YouTube


The consensus seems to be: Bluey is amazing. You can't go wrong with any of them. Just don't skip the intro.


Honestly, whenI asked my older brother(born 1980) if the little one could to watch Bluey, then proceeded to watch Fairytale...


The high emotion episodes are meaningful because you have a basis of character development. Just seeing Sleepy time completely free of the relationship between the family members, or the naive sensitivity of Bingo, it just won’t hit that hard. Buuuut, Cricket with Rusty will resonate with a lot of people that have at least played sports. But again, it also helps to watch a few Rusty episodes first to get the full impact.


Depends on what will soeak to them. Onsies would do it for me. But ofc not everyone.






When my husband and I were Bluey DINKs, the episode that convinced him was Family Meeting. I’d recommend Sleepytime, Stumpfest, Camping, Creek…


Ooh, I love this question. Made my husband watch promises first and then a few others. He was hooked. I can’t remember what episode I showed my best friend but clearly I regret my choice bc she didn’t seem phased. “How ruuude”


I’d also suggest Granddad, I feel like it’s a more “adult” episode and the last scene really hits!


I showed my mom Sleepytime, and she thought the show was very thoughtful after viewing!


I don’t remember the name but it was the 80s man. When bandit tells the girls about his childhood. And Relax for anyone that struggles to relax.


The sleepover because sleepy muffin reminds my of my besty when we were younger and she would have too many cocktails and myself and our other friend ( bingo and bluey) had to keep her wrangled


Unicorse or… the one where Bandit and Chilli are hung over and the kids insist on playing whale 😂


The sign




If we have friends over but the kids are going to bed before they leave I like to put on hospital—because it’s genuinely funny. Or sleepy time, rain, housework, or really any episode that shows off the creativity and humor of the show


Shawn It shows the whole dynamics of their playtime and how the neighbors play along.


Toss up between Cricket and Hammer barn


Mr. Monkeyjocks. It has all the main characters featured and they all have fun and some good lines, but still has a moral to the story. Also the first part is totally relatable as a parent.


Family Meeting. It was the one episode that got me hooked.


Curry quest or Hammerbarn would be my recs




Honestly would choose copycat, it still got the children show charm but also grounded feel when they just tell her that the bird died, Showing that they too could also tackle big/sensitive issues.


I think it might be Stickbird, Relax, and/or The Creek. The first two deal with something one of the parents is struggling with and could be relatable to adults. But they’re also cute and funny. Although, Stickbird is more serious than funny. The Creek is a very artistic episode. It has that montage where they show the slow motion dragonfly, the leaves, the waterfall, the bird, the little crayfish in the water. The montage of them having fun throughout the day with the little handmade boats and throwing the rocks into the water. There’s not necessarily a “life lesson”, either, except we see Bluey come to realize that the creek is beautiful just by being willing to experience it. Plus it also has Bandit playing with the kids so it still is a good representative of a Bluey episode.


The Jack and Rusty episode.


Army. My ADHD self loves this one too.


Pass the parcel 100%


Only because it hasn’t got a mention, Smoochy Kiss! I think Bluey is hard to get to hooked on unless you watch a few episodes and start relating to the simplicity by which they convey reality and the thoughtfulness and depth behind the simplicity. Not sure I’m articulating this in the best way. It’s simple yet profound and that’s what makes it so relatable.


Fairytale. No competition. I showed my childless brother and by the end he looked over at me and said "Did I just watch the first episode of my new favorite show?"


Granny Mobile, Stumpfest, Dad Baby and Pass the Parcel




Rain, no words needed


If they’re really engaged with their kids, but also like a break: Hospital I see it in passing when we were visiting the in-law’s on Disney Jr. and I was like “I need to watch Disney Jr. until I find out the name of this show.” That was like 5 years ago and I’ve been a fan since.


Cricket, baby race, or camping, camping was the second episode I ever watched and I think it does a phenomenal job at both imaginative play, lessons, showing how important the side characters are and how cared for the world building is.


Between Grannies and relax where bingo is trying to relax


Flat pack.


Wagon Ride. It’s not too deep but showcases exactly why the show is so beloved by adults


Take out would be mine.


Stumpfest or Hammerbarn.


I know you said only 1 episode, but I can't help it. My top 5: 1) Sleepytime 2) Baby Race 3) Granny Mobile 4) Stumpfest 5) Unicourse


I have been in the position to introduce this show to four people who have never seen it: my mom, and three friends. I started out with Fruit Bat, Dance Mode, and Markets. This was before the last season came out. One of them was after the last handful of episodes, and I showed him Granny Mobile because he works at estate sales and has to deal with real-life "grumpy grannies."


This I so hard. Dance Mode ( I'm biased because this was the first blue episode I saw) TV Shop Facebook Talk Onesies ( Although after seeing brandy being pregnant, this, one kind of lost its magic. It kind of felt like a slap in the face to all of tpeople who want children who watch Bluey) Dad Baby This is far from life.My favorite well I mean I love all of them but I love so many more of them but I had to limithe choices


BBQ was my gateway episode. Def recommend starting with that one.


I did this and it was the Grannies episode. My husband's best friend has nieces and nephews plus our sons so he's aware of the show but had never sat and watched it. I put on the three grannies episodes and he was hooked.


I'm a post-op nurse, so I recommend Hospital to my coworkers. It's the episode that hooked me! I laughed so hard!


We've watched "Bike" a lot because it's our episode we use to introduce others.


If they have kids, baby race. If not, Stumpfest!!


My absolute favorite episode is facey talk! Lol or the one where muffin is cutting out her day time nap.


For sentimental any of the ones you mentioned or camping  For humor/relatable to the daily life of having children faceytalk.. my husband and i have absolutely been there with our kids


Cricket or pass the parcel




Stumpfest, dance mode, shadowlands, the weekend, curry quest. You want to ease them in thinking it’s a sweet kids show and then wallop them with the heavy hitters.


The first episode I ever watched was camping, and immediately fell in love with the show


Bicycle is a great into episode


Faceytalk, because it’s hilarious


Not sure of the episode name, but the BBQ one. Fantastic mix of adult and kid humor.


Mums and Dads is the first one I saw, and it hooked me.


I think flat-pack is a good one to watch and be like "wow, this show has deep themes for a kids show" while also being really funny. Great intro episode.




I think Baby Race, Grandad, and Onesies are the best at showing that it's not just a kids show, and someone can enjoy them even if they haven't seen any other episodes!!!


The Creek is the perfect onboard. It’s a work of art on its own.


Army for neurodivergents, Promise for everyone else. Finally the Sign because it’s so adult (but not in like an inappropriate way of course)


I don't understand why so few people are saying Stickbird


Hammerbarn is my fav


General - Wanting to laugh your bottom off? The Sleepover, Grannies, Bus, Granny Mobile, Daddy Robot, Magic Xylophone, Hospital, Horsey Ride, Hammerbarn, Featherwand, Unicorse , BBQ, Stumpfest, Whale Watching - Wanting just a chill episode? Keepy Uppy, Dance Mode, Seesaw, Bingo, Calypso, Tradies, Shadowlands, Bob Bilby, Markets - Wanting sick visuals? Fruitbat, Rain - Wanting to get slightly emotional? Bike, Yoga Ball, Perfect, Army, Daddy Dropoff, Turtleboy, Rug Island - Wanting to get gut-punched by feels? Grandad, Copycat, Baby Race Wanting a storyline? There's a few different ones: - >! Double Babysitter -> Christmas Swim -> The Sign (involves Rad and Frisky)!< - >! Daddy Dropoff -> Slide (involves Bingo and Lila)!< - >! Army -> Explorers -> Space -> Cricket (involves Jack and Rusty) !< - >! Relax -> Stickbird -> Show and Tell (Actual story arc in Bluey)!< - >! Unicorse -> Puppets (involves Unicorse)!< - >! Duck Cake -> Handstand (Bingo's birthday party)!< - >! Grandad -> Phones (involves Mort)!< - >! Early Baby -> Mums and Dads (involves Indy and Rusty)!<


Sleepytime. That episode has parent themes unlike any other and I love it


I do know on thing. This subreddit is weird AF




No Unicorse mentions?!


I show people named Shaun (which ever the spelling they have) the Shaun episode.


Lmao that’s perfect! I know exactly one Shaun (cousin) and he’s not far off from the emu 😏


Sleepytime or Cricket


For me, Bumpy and the Wise old Wolfhound. It's very self contained and highlights the fun imaginative nature of the show but also has a heartwarming ending.


Sleepytime. Actually did that with a friend that doesn't have kids. He understood how special this show is after only that 1 episode.