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She is just salty because of this scene. https://preview.redd.it/xmvvkcp23tyc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53103bb728aa98ca5f09d965b9b49324198c6716


What the heck is your mother in law talking about?


I know right. She is crazy and clearly doesn’t know the difference between a British and Australian accent


Could be from a non English speaking country, easy mistake maybe


Nah. She is American and a bozo


I’m an Aussie living in the US and it’s shocking how many times people have asked where in the UK I’m from.


I apologize on behalf of my nation


Not just you mate I’ve been accused of being an Aussie in the Netherlands


I lived in Utrecht for a year. So many Dutch people who couldn't understand my Aussie accent but were great at speaking English. Other funny moments like ' How ya goin?'... 'Erm, by bike'. I had to start saying hello like a normal person until I could speak Dutch fluently. Which incidentally sounds like a made up language back in Australia.


Hahaha made up, crickey


I apologize on behalf of my nation


No need to apologize, I miss Holland :) Everyone there loves Australians. Most people in my Dutch class found it hard to make friends but all I needed to say was I was from Australia and the 'friend of a friend' rule goes out the door. Kings Day I think I went to about 12 house parties in Utrecht... You guys know how to party! New Year's was like Christmas as a kid too. Standing in line at the local garden centre to buy about 400 euro worth of fireworks. I was living in the tokkie area of Utrecht and I think it was 4 days straight of non stop shenanigans. I made friends with everyone on my street.


Hahaha it’s okay. I love it here and been here a long time so it usually just becomes a huge face palm moment for them once I say “well, no where…”


Start saying you’re from Liverpool to really mess with their heads


I used to be a server when I first moved here and when people would be like “where are you from?” I had a lot of fun picking a random other US state and telling them like “oh I’m from Oklahoma” with a straight face and watch their expression become more and more confused. (I hated my job and this was one of the few ways I could make it fun hahah


Tell them you’re from Minnesota (guess where I’m from) & people will automatically think we’re nice, Paul Bunyan was real, & it snows year-round (only 10 months out of 12).


Hahah I live in Chicago, too many Minnesotans here for them to believe me.


Thanks? 🤣


Hey I’m a Brit living in US and I get a lot of where in Australia am I from? No one has yet guessed I’m a Brit and I thought my accent was pretty BBC


Did someone Freaky Friday us?????


I have a similar but nearly opposite problem. I was born and raised in Chicago IL USA. Learned both Polish and English growing up. People in the USA, especially in the Chicago area keep trying to guess where I am from. I have gotten Germany, England, Scotland, Austria and Australia, but somehow never Poland or the USA! Apparently my English is too clear and well pronounced? Also grew up watching Monty Python and Hamish Macbeth, plus other BBC shows, so there had to be some influence there.


Mate I’m English and every time I’ve visited the US I’ve been asked if I was Australian! Glad to see it works the other way, too!


It’s because you haven’t used the C word enough


Hahaha not when first meeting people at least ;)


Sounds like a real bobohead.


There's no need to bring any anti-clown hate into this. 😆 ![gif](giphy|d3OGagApBtxVYKFa)


There's no need but it's usually a good idea anyway.


Ahhh, a non English speaking country. J/k I can get the whole accent thing. Though they really are quite different. But Peppa pig is such a boring show compared to bluey. She must never have watched it properly.


As an avid gamer, this checks out - I’m from New Zealand and for YEARS, people from US/Canada/South America regularly refer to me as British. I’d say it’s probably a lack of exposure to our accents which vary pretty heavily depending on where in the country you’re from, which is also the case in Australia and the UK. I could see how easily they could all end up in the same category to the uninitiated 😂


I'm from New Zealand and fellow kiwis ask me where I'm from sometimes 🤦🏽‍♀️ I think it's because I enunciate more than the average kiwi gal


Not all of us Americans are as…confused as your MIL. 😂


I'm American and I love Bluey and can't stand Peppa pig.


To be fair, Americans often think I’m British when I travel there and I’m Aussie. I think to some American ears the accents can sound similar.


I’m British and have been asked fairly regularly by Americans if I’m Australian.


Nor between dogs and pigs.


Just say not even close. And how could the main character of each show be voiced by the same actress? 1) Peppa Pig is British, and Bluey is Australian. That alone wouldn't have been a sufficient case, but that's where 2) comes in; the child characters in Bluey are voiced by children of the people who worked at the studio, thus they are not given credit for their performance to protect their privacy.


Peppa Pig is also very anti-dad and Father figure. The children are negative, ill-behaved and are rewarded for such behavior.


Like Caillou!


Caillou is the only cartoon I hate more than Cocomelon.


I didn't know it was that bad. All I know is I hate Peppa.


They are not poorly behaved at all. I don't understand why people say that. The worst Peppa does is forget to wear her boots....


I don't get it, either. Just like when people try to say that Paw Patrol promotes authoritarianism. Peppa is a solid second for me. Not necessarily close to Bluey, but not miles behind, either. The episode where Grampy Rabbit is revealed to be a metalhead has forever endeared Peppa to me. That and since I found out that it's freaking Brian Blessed voicing him, of course lol. Also any of the episodes where glitter is involved. Those hit right in the hypothalamus. The image of Mrs. Gazelle pulling a glowing vial of glitter out of a hidden wall safe with a pair of crucible tongs and decked out in a full Hazmat suit is forever burned into my memory 😂☠️.


There ARE funny moments in Peppa Pig. I am saying that as a person who really dislikes the vibe of the show. Peppa isn’t misbehaved per se, but the way she talks to her parents and elders (esp Daddy Pig) is often disrespectful. This is usually tempers by the lesson of the episode, but not always. Daddy Pig is constantly portrayed as an idiot and the foil for the rest of the family to laugh at. It makes it really hard to watch the show and want to enjoy it with the kids. Bluey IS miles ahead of Peppa Pig and really any other kid focused animated show.


Idk man, I guess I kind of get what you're saying. At the same time...I feel like Bandit gets the same treatment, although to a much lesser degree, in several episodes. He's always got some little scheme to try to get the kids to do something or teach them some lesson and they tend to backfire on him, quite spectacularly, the majority of the time. He also gets injured, albeit nothing serious, quite a bit. Whereas Chilli is almost always the voice of reason who's one step ahead of both Bandit and the kids. The overall tone and intent of the shows are pretty different as well, with Peppa being more infantile and exaggerated, and Bluey still being silly but much more grounded in reality. I suppose what I'm saying is just simply that I've never seen anything on Peppa that's ever bothered me as much as it seems to have you and that I can appreciate it for what it is. I wholeheartedly agree with you that Bluey is way better than the vast majority of what's out there, though. It's certainly helped me to be a better parent. Which can't be said for most stuff.


I can respect that take. I think the worst I have seen against Bandit is calling him “Big Fella”. Early Chili episodes were in fact like you say. However as her character has grown she is shown to be flawed as well and not always the one with the right answer.


With regards to Chilli...yes, that's certainly so. Which is why I included the qualifier *almost*. As for Bandit I was moreso talking about the more buffoon-ish aspects portrayed in several episodes and the comedy derived from his bumblings.


I hate George so, so much. Also, I thought I was alone in feeling like that show was anti dad!


* They're not even close * Don't listen to your MIL * Enjoy Bluey


Yeah I had to correct her. I could not let this slide






If I had 10 cents for every time I’ve said that to my mother, I’d never have to work another day in my lifetime.


*scared sofia noises*


I mean, Joe Brumm did work on Peppa Pig... but my child is not going to watch that in our house!


Yeah it probably says something he went on to make his own show despite peppa pig being profitable 😂


I very much dislike peppa pig. Besides fat shaming daddy pig all the time and such, I don't like their particular British accent. When I said this to someone before they said it's like the southern UK accent so Idk. Maybe my dislike for the show makes me biased. My son does like it though so he watches sometimes but everytime they do something that isn't very nice I mention it to him


I just bought bluey dvds to watch in the van and I actually asked my husband a couple days ago if he had put peppa in instead. I wish I paid attention to which episode it was, but the voices (without watching) were similar for that brief moment enough for me to question it. Bluey > Peppa Always lol


The structure is roughly the same. Brumm wanted to make the Australian version of Peppa pig actually - he worked in animation in Peppa pig before. But he wasn't happy about Peppa's Dad and wanted to do something very different. Then bluey was born. Peppa.. Is ok. Good for toddlers and it's simplicity it's amazing sometimes. Very easy to follow. But it's in a different level than Bluey. It's like comparing Friends to The Wire. Yeah, The Wire is the better show the comparison doesn't make sense.


I think Olivia was a better show than Peppa Pig if you wanted something simple and easy to follow, along with sibling interactions. Olivia had her fair share of 'bratty' moments, but I don't think she was as openly disrepectful as Peppa.


TV Olivia is so boring and bland compared with quirky precocious pretentious book Olivia! I was greatly disappointed.


Bluey teaches how to be a good person. Peppa teaches how to be a bad person.


Ok but I’m still going to laugh when she hangs up on her friend who whistles easily.


That was the best moment in the entire show.


![gif](giphy|1yljHuVJ9c2d2) What’s she on about?? I’d have done this: PP isn’t a terrible show, but Bluey is just light years ahead of everything




Y'all act like Joe Brumm wasn't heavily involved in Peppa and he attributes his time there with wanting to make Bluey, so yeah they ARE close because he IN INTERVIEWS has stated he wanted to make Peppa but better.


Yeah, and he made a show where the father isn't a complete nitwit!


And he managed to make a show that's so much better, it doesn't smell of Peppa.


I legit can't tell if this sub genuinely has a burning hatred for Peppa pig or it's all just sarcasm and somehow every single person in this comments is catching onto the joke except for me


Peppa Pig is pure evil, my mind melts at the shortest clip


The adults in Peppa are absolutely useless.


Not true! There's an absolutely \*amazing\* episode of Peppa Pig where they go to the fair and everyone keeps being sexist and rude to Mommy Pig (basically saying she can't win any of the carnival games because she's a woman) and she absolutely snaps and wins EVERY SINGLE GAME basically because she's furious at the other adults. I'm certainly not a Peppa Pig fan (and I have a 4YO who watches A LOT of it), but that one moment is just priceless. Also, Daddy Pig is the most useless television parent in the history of television or parents.


Excuse me. Daddy Pig is a world-renowned *expert* on concrete manufacturing. #Respect For Daddy Pig


Daddy Pig once flew his family halfway around the world to spend Christmas with a family he didn’t tell was coming *after* a previous vacation with the same family where they obviously overstayed their welcome by several days. Bandit Heeler would never do something like that. RESPECT FOR BANDIT HEELER.


Daddy Pig is the embodiment of an absent minded genius. Knows his one area very very well but is prettucb useless with anything else. Hell, he even forgets stuff about his own craft like when he stood too long in setting concrete and got stuck. He knows all about it but managing *himself* is often the biggest issue. He's a heel. He's a clown. It has its place and don't take it too seriously. Same with bluey. Perfect parenting doesn't exist.


Don't forget when Peppa gets stuck in a tire and literally everyone makes fun of her and points and laughs.


Or the trampoline park where all of the adults get stuck in the ball pit like it was a trap put there by the Viet Cong.


Yeah they take the piss out of a lot of kids activities. Like glitter being the herpes of the craft world is played up 1000% in Peppa Pig. Alao Madame Gazelle (lmao, still love that name) is a vampire and doesn't have a reflection.


I do love that Madame Gazelle keeps the glitter in a literal biohazard containment safe and handles it with tongs and PPE.


I know the one you mean. The problem that people don’t realize is, the only thing this age of kids remember/mimic are the behaviours they’re shown. If they’re shown a show in which 5 of the seven minutes show repeated/reinforced funny insults, they repeat and roleplay that. The fact that there’s an ironic plot twist at minute 5 that smashes the previous 5 minutes of expectations is kinda lost on them. A nicely raised normal 4 year old would never assume that a woman can’t do a carnival game: even if their home environment is gendered, carnival games aren’t masculine. They didn’t have those expectations until you repeatedly and irrationally showed them, PEPPA PIG. They didn’t know how to bully like that UNTIL YOU SHOWED THEM, PEPPA! The lesson of the episode that is being received by the children watching isn’t “women can do anything! which will feel vindicating after their bullies underestimate them!”, but “it’s funny to insult people and watch them get mad. A good way to do this is to pick out their differences and announce them in a mocking tone. Incidentally, it’s possible that being angry makes you better at carnival games. Perhaps Mummy Pig was only so accomplished because she was provoked.” By contrast a similar Bluey episode would have a more progressive setting: for one thing, the gender message wouldn’t even need to be hammered in, as this could be established instantly, by showing Chilli being exceptionally good at a carnival game and perhaps receiving praise for it. You could then enter a plot where “some people just need more practice to get better at carnival games” - which could be a lesson for more feminine people (Judo) people who feel less naturally athletic (Pom Pom) or people who are just bad at carnival games and ashamed of it (Bandit.) the Judo plot would be a serviceable episode showing that some even prissy or “feminine” traits don’t hold someone back from being good at ranged weapons. The Pom Pom plot would be about practice, possibly accommodation, and not letting the traits you’re born with affect your pleasure in a carnival. The Bandit plot would naturally end with Chilli winning him a giant stuffed dog and awarding it to him. … sorry about all this. I had a lot of feelings.


Adding on-- kids have nigh unlimited access to these shows because of the internet, streaming platforms, etc-- the impact of stuff like Peppa Pig and CocoMelon is never-ending when it makes like insurmountably easier on overbooked parents, just giving your child a tablet with a "safe" app to scroll on keeps them occupied for hours. I think I had maybe an hour and a half of TV time when I was pre-school age, because that's all that was really geared towards me, shows like Eureka's Castle and Sesame Street.


Everyone who claims that Cocomelon is the worst has not experienced true suffering. They have not discovered the hell that is Knockoff Cocomelon.


The. What.


Knock. Off. Cocomelon.


So, when are we getting that episode? Because I want to see it.


I saw this as an obvious goading of her to do the games, she's just easily marketed to.


See, Mommy Pig could have her moment of absolutely pissed off glory. Yay, empowerment. Daddy Pig, on the other hand, got nothing but disrespect throughout the show, and accepted it with a smile and a laugh like the dimwitted laughing stock he is. And that's why Peppa Pig is no longer played in our house. For all of Bandit's buffoonery and moments of stupidity, he's both a competent father *and* has an actual sense of humor about his shortcomings. Oh, and dignity. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'M DOING THIS FOR MY DAUGHTER!"


My actual complaint with Daddy Pig is that early in the show, he's sort of buffoonish, but clearly a gentle, caring parent. But as the show goes on, he goes from sort of buffoonish but gentle and caring to boastful and oblivious. Early Daddy Pig is sweet. Later Daddy Pig definitely voted for Brexit.


Excuse me, Miss Rabbit would like a word with you.


I agree, and as a Brit I'd like to apologise for that "show"


I've convinced my 3yo our tv is broken and won't play peppa, and just can't be fixed


Hopefully they will forgive you when they figure out it was a lie. Being raised on good shows improves your chances.


She gets as much bluey, come outside and cocomelon as she wants. Even took her to see hey duggee on stage, and bought her 15 books at Christmas (and whenever we go past the works she gets books) I just can't stand the whole whiny little shit of a pig and the tv show has nothing educational or entertaining to it.


Well, they say the mind is the first thing to go. Though, some say it's the eyes. And yet, others say it's the ears! Your mother in law may bring an end to the age-old, old-age debate, by proving them all right.


Time to put her out to pasture. Kidding. (Am I though?!)


Where's that gif of peppa looking disgusted and hanging up the phone when you need it...


Peppa Pig is insufferable. Bluey is a kid and she’s cute.


Time to put her out to pasture.


I think you know what do with grandma, OP https://i.redd.it/b5gh6l4xpmyc1.gif /s, obviously


Cut off all contact, *immediately*.


Announce a state of quarantine.


We refer to Peppa Pig in my household as "Not Bluey".


Stopping your son from seeing his Grandma for this is not something Bluey would teach you that is for sure.


But Pepa would teach it to us 🤣


You want me to look into retirement homes with dementia care you say? Okay MIL


Peppa Pig is one of the ugliest animated shows I’ve ever seen while Bluey is one of the most gorgeous.


I'm so sorry about your mom in law's stroke :(


TIL that your MIL smokes crack.


Peppa is a poor man’s bluey.


Anyone who can't differentiate between Peppa and Bluey is not fit to care for your child/ren. (Jokes of course) I do feel it is important for her to learn her lesson. I think two hours of non stop Peppa will make her realise the error of her ways.


Pippa Peg


Why did your mother in law choose violence?


Obviously Peppa's bad influence




Basically the same show. I know this isn't the point, but when you are comparing all shows that have ever been made, Bluey and Peppa Pig are shockingly close to each other. Bluey and Peppa Pig are both: Cartoons English speaking Non-American Children's shows About a family of 4 Titular character is the older daughter Anthropomorphic animals The closest show that I can think of is Daniel Tiger. So yeah, basically the same show. Other than vibe...


The similarities end there. They're far from being 'the same show'!


Great idea, I approved


Not even close.


Show her the Charades episode, the one where the four Heeler kids play charades with Nana. Make sure she pays attention, then ask her if she still thinks Peppa pig is the same show


Yes OP! And the other one where Bingo is trying to do a cartwheel and Nana is the only one who watches her.


*gasp* Go no contact. Cut this lady out of your life, and the lives of anyone you remotely care about. All jokes aside, Mr Rogers was my Bluey, and I’m positive that my grandparents thought he was irritating at best. It’s generational.


My older sister liked Mr. Rogers, but for some reason he scared the hell out of me. I don't know why, because that man was a national treasure, but I couldn't stand him as a kid. I was into Sesame Street and The Muppets. Now I dig Bluey.


I suggest bringing this over to the relationship advice subreddit. This is some serious shit.


England ≠ Australia. Also, I’m put off by Peppa Pig when daddy pig thought it was no big deal driving down the wrong side of the road on their holiday to Italy.


Pepa Pig is NOT to be played in our house. I have a strict rule about it lol. This is my own personal opinion about the show but I find it annoying, the children are rude and disrespectful and bratty at times. If my child is going to mirror or imitate a behavior he's seeing its going to be from Bluey. If you play Pepa Pig in our house you get squish squashed lol


Cut off all contact.




The voice actors from Peppa Pig are the same as Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom, not the same as Bluey voice actors.


For real life?


Yes. This is a true story


Grandma, you’re fired!


Throw out the whole grandma. Lord help her if she compares Muffin to Calliou because I will throw hands.


I think it's just time to move on from the relationship. Thank you mother in law for anything she's done for you and your spouse, then tell her you think it's best for your son if she doesn't see him anymore. I'm sure she's a well-meaning person so explain the reasons for your decision as a gesture of goodwill but stick to your convictions no matter how she reacts. Whilst it's important for children to have their grandparents in the picture, you can't have grandparents undermining what you're trying to teach your children. They need to receive a consistent message from adults around them, so having a grandmother who holds such problematic beliefs is contrary to having good, strong heeler-based values. I'm sure it will be difficult for your son but it's just too risky to have him exposed to dangerous and ignorant beliefs when he's so young and impressionable. If you think it will help, you can inform him that his grandmother has passed away. Best of luck in these trying times. Praise Bingo.


![gif](giphy|eIs3kaqiGZZf8iZlzD) Nope nope! Totally different show. Incomparable.


I've banned Peppa from our house. She is a bully and a fat shamer. There is no nuance, unlike Bluey.


Yeah MIL is on the ball, it’s like how Crocodile Dundee and King Charles sound the same


I'm a Brit and can say very confidently that Peppa Pig is nothing like Bluey - they share the genre of family friendly cartoon and that's all. To be honest, Peppa Pig doesn't really reflect the lifestyle of a British person very well either. Bluey does a great job of showing how Bluey and the characters around her grow and learn. It follows the idea of 'learn through play'. Some episodes don't explain what a character's past - it leaves the experience open for anyone - but shows how it impacts the way they interact with their environment. Peppa Pig is so strange. Some episodes have no plot and feel like fillers. The main concept in Peppa Pig is to tell the viewer what Peppa is doing. Every episode is situated around Peppa going to a location or learning explicitly - from Madame Gazelle or her parents. Also, Bingo is the best sibling to a main character I have ever seen.


MY DAD SAID THE SAME THING!!! I love him to pieces but he thinks Peppa Pig is somehow better?! I let my nephew watch TV once a day if he's been good to wind down for bed and he always chooses Bluey, I think my dad's just salty because my nephew is getting an emotional show to watch


Boomers being boomers


Peppa is riddled with bullying and fat shaming, not to mention the absolutely useless adults (except maybe Miss Rabbit who is overworked and wildly exploited). It’s not even close!


I think its more a case of not wanting to show enough interest. My father in law asked why my son has a black and white soldier character (one is Darth Vader, the other a stormtrooper) and also asked who the baboon was (Chewie)!


Has your father in law been living under a rock for the last 50 years?


She needs hearing aids


It's unfortunate but I don't see another option.


Yeah, grandma has to go. 🤣


I also thought they sounded like peppa pig! Bluey and bingo has very high pitched voices like Peppa. But we watch it in swedish, and I prefer those voice actors (very uncommon for me to prefer the swedish voice actors). The show itself is obviously very different.


Bluey was inspired by Peppa and that's about it. The creator wanted to make something like it, but based in Australia.


And not cringe.


Well, he succeeded. For a very loosely defined meaning of "something like it".


Strait to jail. As a parent of a toddler currently favoring peppa pig(please send help) they are so different. The one thing in common is peppa pig also has some very subtle adult humor.


I believe Peppa is on her 3rd voice actress at the moment.


she should be executed via firing squad


Your Mil should be forced to sit and watch Peppa pig and then let her enjoy bluey. Seriously. I can not stand Peppa pig. It's not allowed in the house.


Yes, disown her immediately /s


"Grandma went to live on a farm".


Boomers gonna boomer.


When did your mother in law start smoking crack?


bluey is inspired by peppa. they are pretty similar in terms of premise


I hate Pepe pig and my child will not be watching it




Peppa pig is AWFUL. It’s banned in my house


Is it possible that she's confusing Bluey with Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom? That *does* feature a lot of the same voice cast as Peppa Pig, and is also a far superior show


Out of the way you old chook


OMG... not even close!


my sister said this to when I first showed her kids the show. bluey is NOTHING like peppa pig. I let the kids watch bluey will never say yes to peppa.


Peppa run so Bluey could walk 🔥


Hit her


Have her checked for dementia


Without reading any further, is your mother American by any chance?




I did think so, when I lived in America most people couldn't tell if I were English or Australian.


i cannot say enough how much i loathe peppa pig. i wouldn’t leave my kids with anyone who would let them watch that awful excuse of a kids television show.


https://preview.redd.it/ee46svea8nyc1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47fd5b1d59b21387c6b16eb4b9ad58278c3664df It’s kinda rude that she says the have the same voices


You guys American? Because no British person confuses us with Australia lol


Peppa Pig is closer to Caillou than any other show I can think of atm. I would never put those shows on the same category of "good children's programming" as Bluey, never mind set them on the same shelf.


I can see how you might think that if you’ve never seen an episode of either show. They are both kids shows staring cartoon animals. But really where the similarities end.


Whenever my kid sees a Peppa Pig image she calls it Oink Oink and sometimes asks to watch it. Not gonna happen lol I’m not opening that Pandora’s box


I agree


Over my dead body. I’d die before I let my fairy goddaughters watch that pig


I’d understand if she had said Ben and holly and peppa pig… but bluey 😑😬 put her back in the sea.


RULE BRITANNIA \*god save the king plays\* (no really, why do people think Brits and Aussies are the same people)


Peppa Pig and Ben and Holly’s little kingdom have some of the same voice actors but not bluey


In America, There would be shot guns raised and cocked to fire and then we would kindly ask her to leave.




Do not punish the child for the sins of the mother. That's not something Bingo would do. It's more Peppa's style.


Why did anyone do this!? It's called wars, You know!?