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I didn’t cry on any of these. I cried on Flat Pack, Baby Race, and Rug Island.


"Maybe she saw something she wanted"


That and "you're doing great" get me EVERY SINGLE TIME.


I tear up even when I read my kids the book version lol. I want to be an encouraging mom like Bella!


Every time!!!! The first time I saw that episode I was 6 weeks postpartum with our second. Had 2 under 2 and drowning in the moment thinking we made a huge mistake having them so close! That message couldn't have come at a better time!




I saw that episode for the first time during a very difficult time in my motherhood journey. I had to put the kid in the playpen for safety, I was crying so hard. I couldn’t watch Bluey for a while after.


I cry at baby race every time, especially the end. " you're doing great." I'm a mom, and I feel that. 😭🫶🏻


I’m a *dad* and I feel that.


In case you dads don’t hear this enough. You’re awesome, and you’re showing all these young men what a true man and father is. Please keep doing it and all of us moms appreciate partners like you.


Preach bro, same


My husband regularly teases me about being absolutely destroyed by a pink poodle


I literally stare at her, and I'm also like, " thank you 🥹🫶🏻." Sometimes that's all we parents need to hear ok. 😭🫡


We saw Baby Race when we were going through the motions of getting our little girl to walk, checking if she's ahead or behind curves, etc. We needed to hear that.


FLAT PACK!! This episode is emotional terrorism. "Now what?" "Psst." Dealing with family members dying and contemplating death, and the joy of "going home" to the beyond wrecks me every time.


Flat Pack touches on death so subtly and beautifully that I’m pretty sure it was the first episode that really made me cry. Bluey letting Bingo go and sitting down with uncertainty, hearing her parents call to her, and then she walks back to look back on her “life” with Bingo. When Bandit says “This is Heaven.” I just bust out into tears. I am not religious, but it helps me cope to imagine my afterlife will be spent with my loved ones in some way.


This kills me every time


What about Cricket ?


Cricket gets me every time 😭


Rusty is such a darling… He and Bingo make me almost reconsider my stance on kids.😄😄


I loved it but it didn’t make me cry.


The end of Cricket always makes me tear up!


Oh man, due to some minor developmental issues my daughter was VERY delayed in walking. She did roll to get around for a while. Baby race came out when my wife and I were in the thick of physical therapy working towards mobility. I felt this one deeply. It’s my daughter’s favorite episode now. I tear up every time she watches it.


You left out Grandad


Oh, yeah. That one did actually make me cry too.


Baby Race is to date the only episode that me tight throated. Sleepytime came close but I have never cried in any Bluey episode. Different strokes I guess.


why on rug island?


"What did she give you?" "Everything!"


Rug island was the first time I realised this show had my emotions by the biscuits. Criminally underrated episode imo


This. This line gets me every time.




Flat Pack kills me every time! Baby Race is a great one too...


I can’t read the word flatpack without getting teary eyed. Such a lovely representation of the growth journey.


Of those three, in order: Sleepytime, Onesies, The Show. But all three of those are blown away by Cricket, no contest.


Cricket is a great one, Rusty is the goodest of boys. I forget the name of the episode right now but the one with rusty and Jack is very touching too.


Army! As someone with ADHD I felt so touched.


As someone who believes they have undiagnosed ADHD I feel you on this. ❤️ Jack


A D H D I have


Cricket is my favourite of all and I will never, not tear up at it. I make no apologies.


Made the mistake of watching this one when my husband had just deployed, still gets me now even when he’s home.


Cricket makes me sob 😭


Early Baby, for those who have had an early baby.


"He just really loved cricket" 😭😭😭




I literally can't mention this episode to my wife without her bursting into tears.


The first time I watched this episode, my son was starting to show developmental delays. I bawled because I'd felt just like Chili-- "I just felt like I was doing everything wrong." Even now I cry because the assurance touches me so.


I watch this scene anytime I need some confidence 😭😭 they definitely knew what they were doing with this scene


This was one of the first episodes I saw and I was really struggling with toddler twins, it was during covid and we had zero help, neither sets of grandparents had even met the twins yet, we were so villageless and I was insanely burnt out, questioning every single parenting decision I made, extremely disappointed in myself that I didn't have some superhuman strength and energy to be the mom I dreamed I was gonna be for the twins. When she looked into the camera and said it, I started bawling. Now we have support, twins are almost 4 and things are much better, easier, and this one still.makes me tear up.




Had my first (and so far only) couple-month old when I first saw this episode, it hit me hard. 😭


This one still hits me pretty hard.


Grandad. Nah, it was yesterday.


That one got me bad. And Chili's line earlier - "I still need him." My Dad's getting up there in age. I never gave him granddaughters to play with, but I'll always need him.


That line, along with transitioning to Chili being a kid again, gets me every time.


I can’t even think about that without tearing up. I’m tearing up right now writing this. I miss my grandpa and I wish I had that kind of relationship with my shit father. So, double whammy


right there with you. i had my college graduation a week and a half ago and cried for at least an hour just because i wished i had my grandpa there. just gotta keep working to make him proud


My old man had prostate cancer at the time. He was always the king of the kids. This one hit really hard.


I’m a grandma watching Bluey with my first (and maybe only) grandchild and that line totally made me lose it. I often sit and wonder where the time has gone. I swear I turned around and my babies were grown. It’s true what they say “the days are long but the years are short”.


As a Dad with young ones, this helps me through the tantrums and bedtime battles. One of these days, I'll be in Grand Dad's shoes.


https://preview.redd.it/mvq1pyr7y59d1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ce82970935f5458037b0338311a65464551f2b5 This one gets me every single time.




How I feel about my dad and how I pray my daughter feels about me. Wonderful epsiode


How is it that one still pic here can evoke so much emotions


As a parent of 2 thanks to IVF, Onsies and it's not even close.


As someone who always wanted to be a mother and had to make a hard choice to not be, I ball every damn time.


So sorry you had to make that choice. That's heartbreaking.


I'm sorry to both of you. I have kids, but the pain she feels in the episode... I think I cried 4th hardest to onesie. I have cried watching almost every episode


The only episode I cried on was my second watch of The Sign cause I was going through a breakup with the person I thought I was gonna marry


The Sign got me too, but for the other side of the story.


You mean the moving part? The ending made me cry too 😂😂


Yeah, it’s Bandits phone call and the realisation that they can stay. That combined with the music gets me.


I was wrecked already and then my 4yo started sobbing when the music started and he goes to tear out the sign. God damn even now the thought of it has me tearing up on the bus. If anyone sees a bearded dude crying on a bus don't mind me, I'm just letting myself feel feelings.


Same here. I’m never watching Bluey on public transport. Seeing a hairy, 6’8 man sob is not a pretty sight. Ha.


I was trying to keep from crying, then I saw my wife crying, we've both had similar experiences when it comes to moving and losing friends. And it was just over for me. Was tearing up when I commented on this yesterday. Luckily, I was alone in my car, so no one was there to watch my blubber over a kids cartoon.




Bingo crying saying "I can't do it" makes me cry every time. I went through that as a kid. Moving away from everything you know sucks ass.


I’m so lucky to have never moved


I haven’t cried at any of these. Only Baby Race, Cricket, and the Sign.


I cried during cricket, and army. Rusty stories always hit me the hardest.


I'm at the point where the thought of any future Rusty episodes makes me want to cry...


None of these. My 2 were: Camping after bidding an unexpected and sad farewell to an international foster kid we were carrying for The Sign, about a year after moving my family from the only town my kids have every known. Yeah, we all ugly cried after that one...


DUDE!!! I forgot about the Camping. That one got me too.


Camping got me so unexpectedly! Literally in shock


Do you think you made the right decision?


I'm not really sure yet. But that episode totally had me second guessing everything. Should I have been like Bandit and stayed? But then I remembered one of the best pieces of wisdom I've ever heard: "I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog."


For what its worth, Bandit was only moving because he was under the impression that he could make life better for his family when clearly their life was ideal where they were and he really didn't want to move either. I think the implication is that he felt he had to make a lot of money and be able to buy fancy toys and a really nice house like Stripe did for his family. However, while Stripe is able to provide more for his family in terms of stuff, he's frequently gone and its clearly taking a toll on his family life. His children are kinda spoiled, his youngest really doesn't recognize him, and the the show goes out of its way to show that he and is wife argue a lot. So in that sense, he isn't providing for his family. Real life is more complicated than that of cartoon dogs and I'm sure you moved for a better reason than being able to have just a fancier house and stuff


I didn't cry at all 3 of them, you cried at all 3 of them. Shut up Damn Leave me alone. haha


Shut up bro 😂


Oh, Sleepy Time makes me ugly cry every time.


Same! I cry pretty much the whole time. Such a beautiful episode.


Onesies, my wife and I are currently going through this problem and it's been hard on us. Still trying though, hopefully we get a little surprise like Brandy eventually did.


I wish the best for you and your wife, good sir, God bless.


I hope to all that is good in this world that you do.




i didn’t cry at any of these but i did cry at the episode when judo and bluey run away from bingo when they are playing 😭


My top 3 is Grandpa, Cricket and The Sign. Oh, and Rain! I cry every time during Rain!


Never cried with Rain, but still a top-tier episode.


What makes you cry in rain? I cry a lot to Bluey but never rain.


I knew this one was going to be controversial. I cry because I am the mum who is trying to do it all and sometimes forget to enjoy the magic with my lo. So when Chili stops what she is doing to go help Bluey, I cry and hug my kids. And it reminds me to be that mum when I can.


I haven’t cried but it definitely gives me the feels. Pretty sure it’s the music.


It's the wholesomeness of it. Chili realizing that a little bit of mud isn't the end of the world and choosing to give her daughter a core memory rather than fuss about the mess while also learning to be a kid again, it's very healing (and the music makes it so much more impactful)


I think the real question is how many bluey episodes have I NOT cried at...




The Sign, Baby Race and Camping got me to cry the MOST. Honorable mentions: Rug Island, Army (when Rusty goes to hug his dad) and Grandad. A lot more do make me emotional or tear up although half the time they’re happy tears 🥹


Grandad. Nah, it was yesterday.


I cried the hardest in the sign. So much crying the whole way through. The ending was very healing for my inner child when Bandit threw down the sign. I have a bit of trauma with constantly moving and losing all my friends every time.


Dude! Same man. When he took down the sign, I went down, too. I ugly cried.


Camping because of how many times people I’ve been close to have left






May I present: The Sign.


No, no, you may not.


Baby Race is my cry episode


How bold of you to assume I did.


Out of these three? Sleepytime 100%! Not out of these? Camping, Army, Cricket, Space.


I cryer on the budgie episode but I think that’s it


I got a more emotional about The Show than Onsies. The nod to miscarriages was unexpected and caught me off guard the first time I watched it. I did relate to Brandy in Onesies a bit but managed not to cry. Sleepy time somehow hit me like a train. It was so beautiful just to watch and then having Chili’s voice as though she was the sun representing the comfort our children get from our proximity was special. I think every parent feels like we want to be there for them always and as our children start to grow up and become more independent they need us less and less.


No, I cry the most during Handstand. I was my grandma's girl, literally best friends til the very end, when the dementia started kicking in I was the only one she recognized and could talk her out of the episode-or at the very least calm her down and help her understand-but that episode is like watching my memories of my childhood on the screen. While everyone's busy focusing on tasks, or in my case my younger and older siblings, she was the only person I felt like actually *saw* me and noticed my achievements and celebrated them with me. I love my grandma to the moon and back and always will. *"She was about the nicest Nana you would ever want to meet, Bluey."*


Sleepytime made me go hug my dog and call my mom.


None But I'm not a parent, so maybe that's why


None of these. But the endings of both Army and Grandad 😭😭


Not many episodes have made me cry but the ones that did were Flatpack, Baby Race, and The Sign


Sleepytime doesn't make me cry at all, i like the music, but I usually skip it as I think most of the other episodes are much more entertaining (just my personal opinion). Out of these 3 I'd definitely say Onesies, but none of these are the biggest tear-jerkers imo. Baby Race gets me everytime with "you're doing great" because sometimes that's all I wanted to hear, even as someone with no kids lmao.


Onesies gets me every time. I didn’t have fertility problems but I also wasn’t desperate to be a mom. Watching other couples struggle who would be better at this than I am is just so unfair.


Don't beat yourself up. Not a single one of us is a perfect parent, and Bluey land is just crazy unrealistic in many ways, how do they (usually) have so much energy and so much humour and never ever get *really* angry at their kids? Look up Good Enough Parenting to get some perspective. I'm sure you're doing good enough, mama.


Grandad and Cricket are the ones that do it for me. Cricket I still have no idea why, something about that ending.


I cry at Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound, Onesies, The Sign and Flat Pack. Rug Island gets me sometimes too. The Show doesn’t have me cry, but I will tear up a bit; it just wrenches my heart in a way that my body just freezes. ♥️


Cricket. 100% cricket.


I broke down into ugly crying after watching Sleepy Time. It’s always the music crescendo and Chili as the Sun telling Bingo she will always be there for her that does it to me. My wife nearly bled out in front of me after she gave birth while I held our firstborn but she made it and has been an amazing mother. The episode just takes me back to that moment of the worry of her not being there but also the relief and joy of seeing her becoming the wonderful mother that she has is and how she would do anything for our children.


None, but the last one made me show it to my mom and she did cry :')


Spacetime always gets me


The sign, space and sleepytime.


I can't physically cry from TV, but _The Sign_ almost got me. I had to just smile instead.


Of those three? Sleepytime. Other episodes like Camping, Flat Pack, Baby Race, and The Sign made me tear up, but unexpectedly the one that brought out the most tears was Charades. Nana Chris doting on her grandkids reminded me so much of my own late grandmother, so that episode hit me pretty hard.


All of the above. The others that make me cry every time are: Baby Race Curry Quest (my husband and I both travel frequently and for long periods of time for work) Surprise The Sign Edit: formatting


I always cry at Handstand. My grandma passed away a few years ago, so... idk, it just hits hard. Plus the feeling of no one paying attention to you as a kid.


2. Onesies. But whenever Bingo dubs is going to be sad! "Why can't she have what she wants?" "Maybe you saw something you wanted" "I have to go, I'm a big girl now" 🥺


Camping and Onesie made me bawl like a baby. When Jean Luc comes back and says "Hi Bluey" I lose it. (And I'm almost in tears now typing it out lmao). Onesie I cried when Brandy was reaching out for Bingo and Chili was talking with Bluey as it was happening. I had a miscarriage so that's probably why it hurt so much.


sleepytime, baby race, and grandad were the three i cried the most at. i sat my aunt (whos acting as my mama) down and rewatched baby race with her and she teared up too.


Rewatched onesies the other day and I was uncontrollably sobbing after the kids had lost interest and attended to the duplo, my wife came out and thought something terrible must have happened and all I could say was “I just feel so sad for Brandy”


As a mom that dealt with infertility, Onesie 💯


I always cry whenever Chilli's voice says "I will always love you even if I can't see you" My folks are still alive but they're very far. Sometimes it hurts to miss my mom this much.


All three.


Born yesterday


I didn't get remotely close to crying to these the only episodes that's brought me close to is the sign


3 every time


The one on here that made me cry with funny tears and sad tears  was "onesies" because chilli's sister couldn't have kids and my own sister can't have kids either. The other episode that made me cry was "the sign" the reason why was in another post, onesies made me get funny tears because when Chilli's sister gives Bluey and Bingo there onesies, they don't fit, so they switch and bingo acted like a cheetah because she had a cheetah onesie


Used to cry the most in onsie but The Sign ruined it for me and now Brandy was just ignoring her sister for 2 years for literally no reason. Onsie went from being one of my favorite and saddest episodes to one I skip now. So Sleepwalk wins this


Pregnant Brandy.




None of these. Cricket hit me the hardest.


All of these plus space, the sign, and cricket


None of them. For me it's Camping, Army, and Cricket


Brandy one ofc. Because it's not meant to be... *Somewhere butterflydrugon starts ugly crying*


None of them, I always loose it on "space" (:


Me too! The first time my husband was so concerned and confused. He watched it with me and didn’t even know I was crying about Bluey. I had to decompress and process why I was crying so much.


Sleepy time broke my heart as an incoming college student that was leaving for college a day before


As someone who loves kids but never had any of my own and sometimes wonders "What if..." Onesies gets me every time. 🥺


The third pictured. I tear up even talking about it


Onesies. Cry like a baby every time.


https://preview.redd.it/w6qaoqfl679d1.jpeg?width=2834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=277692d1e41043880d13474d7ad067171d98cd96 Honestly, these two episodes made me well up more than any of them. When Bella gives Chili those words of encouragement at the end, it really feels like she’s speaking to us mums who feel like failures at the end of the day. And the end where Jean-Luc finds Bluey by the tree they planted, several years later, just pulls at my heart. It really makes me miss some of my childhood friends.


As a PAL (parent after loss) myself, The Show absolutely destroyed me in that moment. The others got hard too, but the balloon burst nearly killed me.


Out of these three? Onesies. Dealing with infertility and a miscarriage, this hit home way too close. The next one I cried for was The Sign. Happy and Sad tears all together.




Daddy Dropoff always gets me at the end when they show the kids as friends still graduating college. Baby Race gets me every time. Cricket wrecks me. I just can’t with Cricket. Dragon and Granddad both get me. Even thinking about them makes me want to tear up as I am nearing 40 now with aging parents and in-laws.


“I have to go. I’m a big girl now.” = 😭 That said, the ending of the The Sign = 😭😭😭


rug island is what got to me


As someone who lost my mother when I was barely older than Bingo, Sleepytime makes me *bawl* without fail. It’s my favorite episode.


Sleepy Time and Baby Race get me every time. And the cricket one.


I cry every time we watch "Sleepytime". I have a little girl and the idea of her no longer wanting to sleep with me breaks my heart. I know it will happen but damn I am not ready.


3rd one


Def sleepytime i cry everytime i see it😭


The sign


The only episode that made me cry is the sign


The one on here that made me cry with funny tears and sad tears  was "onesies" because chilli's sister couldn't have kids and my own sister can't have kids either. The other episode that made me cry was "the sign" the reason why was in another post, onesies made me get funny tears because when Chilli's sister gives Bluey and Bingo there onesies, they don't fit, so they switch and bingo acted like a cheetah because she had a cheetah onesie


Sleepytime. I can NOT emotionally handle Sleepytime


Ugh Sleepytime makes me cry so much. My toddler sleeps with me at night but we're going to move her out soon. It hits hard 😩


"You're doing great" and when Bandit throws away The Sign. As a father of 4 and 1 year old daughters I, almost every day, feel like I'm doing a lot of wrong things.


These ones aren't even top 10 for me cry-wise. I only just tear on Onesies.


Number 2


Rain destroyed me until Sleepytime ruined me. Took me hours to recover after that one.


Sleepytime "I'll always love you" scene, and Baby Race "You're doing great" Like, still. Everytime.


Me who only cried during Butterflies:


I cried in The Sign when we see Bluey and Bingo joyously running back into their home


Sleepytime sets me off like clockwork


The Rusty cricket one


The Sign


So many episodes get me teared up. But if I had to pick from the above: Sleepy Time.


i cried on the sign and barky boats,


Only Onesies and the Show as I was going through my 3rd and 4th miscarriages.


https://preview.redd.it/8ywhy7gqb69d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f93e23c55ddf83edf66a0122ca570cfeb7d2351 For some reason, it was this one…


Surprised the Sign isn’t in this


Having gone through all of these situations…none of them. But for some reason, Cricket made me cry *so* much.


Sleepy time, hands down. Only because I lost my own mother as a little girl. It stays with you. I’m a 51 year old grandmother, for goodness sakes. I started watching bluey with my granddaughter and am surprised by how good it is, but I probably shouldn’t be.


Sleepy time


I cried at camping


I didn't cry during any of these three. I teared up in The Sign (of course) and Born Yesterday.


"You're doing great." (Baby Race) followed shortly by "You're not coming with us, are you?" (Dragon) Rain and Grandad also got me pretty good.