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Barbecue ≠ hamburgers


I have learned that some Europeans refer to grilling as barbecue, which feels horribly wrong as a southern American lol


I am European and am 100% guilty of doing this.


Lolol, my British wife does the same, throws me sideways every time.


As a northeasterner from Pennsylvania, can confirm we do this up there too


Also they were invented in America, by German immigrants. Same with Chop Suey (by Chinese immigrants obv), and many other dishes we associate with a particular cuisine. America is a melting pot of cultures


Lmao I was gonna say, Hamburger is 100% German American


Yeah what a wild take.


Meat cooked on a fire, truly specifically American


French fries aren't French tho, weren't they invented in Belgium?


It's French. But has been pushed so far by Belgian that people think it's Belgian. But really. It's as mutch French as it's Belgian. Like French invented it first, but even now apart from restaurants we don't go as far as Belgian. In any case it's the north of France that invented it so it's influenced by belgians in large parts.


Safe to say. Both in Europe like hamburg


Actshuallllllyyyy (sorry) I was watching something about this (convinced they were Belgian) and historically they traced the first evidence of "les frites" coming from Paris. It was a French YouTube channel and the people they interviewed were Belgian food historians basically saying that the idea may have come from Belgium, where women would fry little fish in vats of oil... but there's no evidence the actual French fry originated in Belgium. I hope you enjoyed this unsolicited nugget of information.


I went to Antwerpen last month and had a discussion with a belgian lady selling "pommes" (French fries only). She told me that french fries were originated in belgium only and the best french fries are still made in belgium only. Safe to say, those were the best french fries I've ever had.


And here I was thinking they were made in grease


I'm Belgian and you can come catch these hands my boy. 😤😤😤


Yip and Tom also knows that but he doesn’t even need to give a verbal answer seeing his face


Well, they ain’t American, regardless.


what language do they speak in Belgium








French and Dutch


And in small parts German


They are made in Greece


Beat me to it. So I'll just have to drop a completely unrelated pun Why did Snoop Dogg walk into a doctor's office holding a fishing rod? >!Because he's fizz-ishin!<


The idea still gets across


Not sure, mine come from Iceland.


What da hell Crazy running into you randomly


Still not american


I think he's confused because french fries are basically just British chips.


Pretty sure that not in the USA still


But still not American


Hamburger=Hamburg, Germany French fries= Belgium Fries German Chocolate Cake= USA made by Someone that last name is German


Hamburgers were invented in Seymour Wisconsin


Yeah from what i’ve the story is that hamburg was popular in germany, which was basically just a beef patty and then someone from hamburg in america decided to put it between bread. Am i right? That’s what i’ve heard before but i’d like to know.


French fries are actually French and not Belgian as the name might suggest.


Technically speaking most Americans are Europeans


Where the "Hamburg steak" is from Germany, the hamburger sandwich is credited as an American food. "French fries" is the modified word name for Frenched Fried Potatoes, referring to the cut and the preparation or the potatoes, rather than the origin of the dish.


This. The German Chocolate Cake is an American cake invented by a guy named German. Just because there's a country/city in the name doesn't mean it's that country/cities invention


The pretentiousness already does it for me, but just him going off on Americans because our stables are similar or take one or two things from another cultures food and make it a new dish. It's like saying beans on toast isnt British because the Ketchup beans they use originate from Kazakhstan, and the bread first originated in uganda.


It really does come off like r/AmericaBad


Beans on toast actually isn‘t British. Heinz first came up with it in the US.


The Earl of sandwich would like a word...


My name is earl...of sandwich


That would have been an awesome one off episode for Earl


Like Creole and Cajun food I think qualifies as American.


Agreed! But also if they are going that route, what good food in the UK originated in the UK. Cuisine isn't based on historical origins and flavours and cuisines blend to become something new with new influences. Also things can be refined. The American South didn't invent barbecuing food, but by god is it an incredible example of regional cuisine that is excellent.


I'm not the most cultured person on the planet. But i feel like a hamburger made in America and a hamburger made in Germany will be wildly different. Same for french fries. America tends to have an effect of taking foods from other cultures and creating a new meal based on the original. But with enough changes to appeal to the American palate. Such as the California roll.


> America tends to have an effect of taking foods from other cultures and creating a new meal based on the original. But with enough changes to appeal to the American palate. Such as the California roll. > {insert_ANY_other_country} tends to have an effect of taking foods from other cultures and creating a new meal based on the original. But with enough changes to appeal to the American palate. Such as the {insert_any_food} Every country in the world does the same thing, I hope it’s clear


Yes every country does this. Its their culture that influences the dishes. Sushi exported to Norway and has been adjusted to the Norwegian palate is just as specific and unique as authentic Japanese sushi and as specific and unique as the California roll. If one enjoys Norwegian food, chances are you'll like a Norwegian roll because archetypical ingredients enjoyed by your average Norwegian will likely be in this roll. I only specify america because American food is the topic. And America usually prides itself on being this giant cultural melting pot.


I mean, yeah, but it's still not "American" food, by that mean, any modified food could be a country's food, even though it was created elsewhere


Add sugar, fat and make it as fast as possible. Done.


Haha yes the classic "Mericans fat". Tell me Brazil, would you rather be fat or starving?


I rather be with my arroz com feijão, gringo


Nah they’re often made the same way, just not between bread


Yea. Most probanly by making the portion larger and adds diabetes to the mix. But still, ngl it does be looking good and damn yummy sometimes


Well, I mean american food is litearlly just food in america?


yes, but the food that was "invented" in America. that's that he means. by your logic you could say that pizza and pasta is Romanian.


Bro this is correct, why the downvotes?


You know I don't think I've ever seen a "why the downvotes?" Comment on something with downvoted.


\*Romania mentioned\* LET'S GO BOYYYYS


Yes but American pizza is way different than Italian pizza


Still pizza


Mexican food is the most American food I can think of


I know it’s a different conversation but at least countries outside of America actually have functional food and health organizations that don’t let companies here process the ever loving shit out of food like they do here. Mmmmm the carcinogens add so much flavor to this sandwich


Bro forgot that a non cursed British dish is beans and toast.


Fuck in hell, BEANS ON TOAST!


Americans like to give beans on toast as an example of terrible English food. But they’ve never fucking tried it. Being ill as fuck with some cheesy beans on toast is the best thing in the world and I’ll die on this hill


They also picture the disgusting American branded Beans on toast, they need to be the British Heinz beans. Andrew santino a famous American comic talked about this on his podcast bad friends, and he said he now buys the British version of beans and has them for breakfast nearly daily. Americans, it's not your beans on toast we love.


I mean it was originally. The Heinz beans originally used were THE Heinz beans created in America. But have since changed to better fit the British palate/use. You know. Like any dish from any place found in another place.


I'm not American and I said that it's the least cursed food from Britain. I'll make sure the hill doesn't exist so you can't die.




Have u forgotten bread sandwich?


All high end restaurants in England usually serve French food but hey


I mean fuck man, one of if not the most famous “British” dishes (beef Wellington) is a combination of ingredient/concepts from other nations. The idea that something isn’t part of a specific culture’s cuisine because someone else in the world had some variation at some point is pure asinine superiority complex


Fish and chips is from Jews that came to England from Portugal.


Interviewer say barbeque and then uses hamburgers as an example?


Shout-out to the Belgian s


Shoulda said chicken nuggets


classic barbecue. pulled pork, ribs, mostly meat based. prolly fried potatoes, a few stews, tex mex, jambalaya, california roll sushi, fajitas, corn dogs, smores, the list goes on.


Neither food in it's current form is in any way comparable to food from Europe. Everywhere adds it's own style. The U.S. being no different. A good example is pizza. Many different styles of pizza in different regions of the states, none of which being remotely similar to Italian pizza. They're unique. Nice try with semantics Tom Holland, but, that's why he's an actor, he can read lines well, but isn't expected to know much of anything. Guess that explains the smugness while pretending to know anything about food.


English food is literally the blandest shit ever. They got the palette of prison inmates.


Kentucky Straight bourbon, eggs benedict, Cobb salad, club sandwich, ice cream sundaes, pulled pork, etc


Interviewer was just dumb. That isn't even barbecue.


It's honestly pedantic to say that though, the modern hamburger is very much an American thing, same with french fires and this coming from a Brit. But by that same token I think the UK has a lot of dishes that may have originated elsewhere but have a British version that is very good, I don't agree our food sucks, at least not the modern stuff. This is a controversial opinion but I prefer New York style pizza to Italian. I'd probably prefer Chicago and Detroit style too, looking at it. I've never had it though.


It's such a European take lol. Yes, most of our food came from elsewhere, as did our entire historical immigrant population, so of course much of our food has it's origins in foreign lands lol. But if you compared the American version with the version of it's origin, much of the food we eat would barely be considered the same dish lol. Because our food evolved a little differently over time. Also, much of bbq (not hamburgers lol), actually did origionate here. Why is this a hard concept to understand haha?


Actual barbecue is pretty damn American lmao Does it really matter? Were a melting pot country but nobody seems to remember that💀


He is wrong but it was funny. Having outside influences doesn't mean it isnt from that country. Especially considering very little food in England is original as well. And their food is trash


What are you talking about, British food is as British as the British Museum


British people eat beans on toast. They have zero place to talk


Americans and british people shitting on each other is the funniest thing for an outsider, beccause both addepted so much culture from each other after the cold war, that they are just the same in many regards.


I said it on another comment but baked beans come from Native American cuisine so it’s actually more of an American dish.


Downvoted for facts.


Beans might be an American "invention" or "discovery" but if another country adopts and alters it and the original country doesn't use that new iteration, it's no longer of that original country. Same with hamburgers.


Native Americans didn’t just grow the crop, they also cooked it in maple syrup then colonists in Boston baked them in molasses. When the only alteration is adding toast I think it’s safe to call it an American invention.


Beans on toast is undoubtedly American, considering it was Heinz that came up with it.


Dude thinks his a genius, half of what he said is incorrect.


Good God! It's PJ sandwich Vs Fish and Chips. It's like Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton talking about who's the true diva between themselves.


the look on his face lol


So while hamburgers arnt American apparently cheeseburger is considered American


Bro isn't the national dish of england, an Indian dish? 💀


i get how you can get caught up on details like that but people still have there different ways of making different things like mac n cheese in its homeland, the UK is worlds away from what we make in america. it does tend to be a greasy plastic-ish downgrade like tacos, burgers, pizza, pasta, curry (except uk macaroni 100%) but america still has its own forms of food. but by the most literal sense of "own" i can think of only thing USA has is philly cheese steak.


He's either being pedantic or doesn't understand America on a fundamental level. 3% of America is Native. If you discount the contribution of immigrants, you have almost nothing left to pick from.


Creole and Cajun? I'm too tired to look them up, but I'm thinking from Louisiana


Most food in America isn't American, but that also means they have a great variety of food, so you win some you lose some.


That looks at the end is of a killer for real


Europeans: “AMERICANS ARE SO GROSS WITH THEIR DISGUSTING DIETS.” Also Europeans: “Akkkshully that’s ouuuur food so….”


Actually the Hamburger was invented in America. It was, however, invented by a German immigrant from Hamburg.


Isnt New England Clam Chowder American?


Yeah usa people are fuckin' retarded. Hence proved.


Hamburgers are not BBQ. That's cookout food


They killed the natives. So they don't have any native food. . . . I don't know get some traditional women if you need unique and delicious food.


all the delicious american-ized fusion cuisines that originated here from immigrants of other nations begs to differ




Lotta bs in these here comments. French fries are from Belgium. US troops discovered them in wwI from Wallonian Belgian troops (the French speaking part of Belgium) and coined them French fries. Whether Belgium really invented them is disputed (though most sources believe they are) but the widespread use originated from Belgium.


Cheeseburgers Checkmate


Tacous ! 🌮


The hamburger isn’t the same as when it was first created. If I asked an Englishman to translate 15th century English, they’d be just as confused as I would be.


Fried chicken and biscuits with white gravy, and the British kids loved it


Spider-man is categorically incorrect here. American french fries are American. American Cheeseburgers are American. How they're prepared and how they were iterated upon in America makes the American versions American dishes. England wasn't the first country to batter and fry fish (Portugal was) but that doesn't make British fish and chips any less British.




America becomes the new Greece


AMerca 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


Hamburger and French fries is iconic American food


Fried chicken.


Freedom fries


Can the English just stop trying so hard to act like their food isn't one of the worst.


Does someone has a full video of that interview ?


The hamburger is inspired by a dish called a "hamburg steak" the exact origins are not known, but the name doesn't necessarily mean that it comes from Germany. French fries do not get their name from France, the name comes from the action of "Frenching" which is cutting the potatoes into the fries


But no American food can compete with the greatest British dish of all. Curry.


"French fries" originated in south America and ground meat formed into patties originated in Africa neither are European whatsoever... just because something was popularized somewhere doesn't mean that it originated there


I could go for a Philly cheese steak right now. Maybe he should give one of those a try.


ITT: Americans can't take a joke 😆. Tom Holland himself might be eating cheeseburgers, but in this interview he's just trolling as a smug Brit. 


Bro said barbeque and then listed fast food as examples goddamn


My man, he gets it. It's all about the multicultural exchange. Just enjoy your goddamnd (Not you Romania) food.


Sushi, burritos are gas


The entire point of America is trying to take the best of all the cultures in the world and blend them into one nation. Some people still don't like this for whatever reason but I mean, the reason American food is great is because it's food from all around the world sometimes with an American spin on it. There's Indian, Thai, Korean, Mexican, Greek, and Italian food etc, etc all within a 10 minute drive from me. There's also a trend to keep the dishes traditional because Americans are now more open minded to different tastes. Plus, try Texas BBQ and tell me that's not some of the best food in the world. -source has traveled


Any food you get whilst in America


Cultural assimilation (into American culture of course)


Pulled pork , bbq ribs , Mac and cheese , fried chicken sandwiches are some American foods smoked brisket


Whenever i get fish and chips the fries are always soggy and cold..how do people like that?


Can someone name pure american food for me ?


Does he mean food from the USA or from THE americas? Cause both have Britain beat lmao edit: seriously tho what even is a “countries invention” if he precludes things in that way? We agree the word “Jungle” is an English word but we (England) stole it from the Indians from the Hindi language.


Then wtf is english food, there national food is indian


When people say “American food” they aren’t saying food that was made in America, they’re most likely saying food that American people eat.


No no.. it’s American diet… not American food..


Tom Holland is in the unfortunate position here of feeling smug while being ignorant.


I don’t like american food, but origin =\= culture when it comes to food Things originating from one place can be a bigger part of culture elsewhere. And sometimes are forgotten in the place of origin


Is everything he said accurate?


I always hate this vid cause; Cajun, south western foods, philly cheese steaks along with dozens of other types of sandwiches, nachos, dozens of varieties of salads, loaded backed potatoes, (many ingredients entire existence was unknown until the "new world" including; tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, corn, beans, squash, chili, cacao (chocolate), and vanilla.) If you are going to claim to that an American Hamburger Sandwich (the thing we colloquially call a hamburger), as Not american because the "patty" is a Hamburg steak from Germany, than literally 100% of food ingredients listed above are American food. I like Tom Holland but he would absolutely lose face if i was asking the questions in this discussion.


What food is English? Does he think French fries are from France?


Sugar and different Sauces.


So here's the thing, most fusion foods are American, and French fries are not in fact French. American food is a mixture of foods from various cultures and whatever is cheapest to produce. It's hard to classify because it's usually mixed in with foods from other countries


Cajun *drops mic*


The hamburger might have been invented in Germany but it was perfected in the backyards of American Dads . Also why don't you see German owned fast food burgers? But completely American food , fried Catfish, beacon cheese burgers . Barbeque ribs, pork chops and steaks.


Aren't fench fries from Greece?


Hamburg steak is not a hamburger.


French fries are not from France, it refers to how they’re cut


How are you going to mention barbecue and then call it hamburger. Southern BBQ like barbecue pork rib and brisket


Who cares when it’s our culture lol it’s the best here. You won’t go anywhere else and find a better burger than a Michelin star burger from america and I’m speaking from experience


I mean, he's not wrong


Tom "Backshot" Holland


So US culture doesn’t exist?


America just rlly takes the idea that others made and adds onto it


kinda....like the british...half of their food is exactly like that too. the other half is just boiled meat lol


Cheese burgers, hotdogs, bacon and eggs, pancakes, cornbread, corn on a cob, turkey, popcorn, fortune cookies. What am I missing?


I think both their food is bad


French fries aren't from Belgium ?


Honestly anything that becomes unhealthy is american food


Nashville Fried Chicken 🤓


French fries were invented in belgium


B**** the door 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 leave now


Merica melting pot, also there are unique food made in the USA




American food is food made by an American.


Who let bro cook 👨🏽‍🍳


Tom looking at him like “bitch I will spider flip out this chair and kick you through a wall” 🧒🏻


French Fries or potate frites were introduced in the late 1600's in Belgium with their fish, so it would be very similar to what we know today. France was the next country to popularize the dish by selling it from street vendors in Paris in the early 1700's as a common man's meal. The 1st World's Fair was held in 1798 in Paris, France. One of the highlights was the potate frites vendors available throughout the venue. For many foreign visitors, this was a brand new treat, and it really made an impression.




Alright child friendly Spiderman, go back to eating your pestilence.


Bruh, French fries are not FRENCH! They call it American Fries in France! Goddammit!


French fries are also German


French frie were made by a french cook in louisiana, so i mean...


Just to be clear, French fries aren’t French. They’re from Belgium. They are called “French” because the way the potatoes are cut is considered French.


Americans have no original food culture… it’s all borrowed from different t countries.


Bros face after hearing French fries is hilarious


TexMex Babyyyyyy


French fries 😂


American cuisine is taking food from different countries and removing the shame (I mean this as a compliment). Like mac and cheese. American mac and cheese isn't a meal, but a side dish and sometimes comes loaded with "fixings" like bacon or chipped beef, I've even seen lobster in some mac and cheese dishes, Keep in mind that these were the side diahes.


French fries name comes from the creators last name being French I thought


The funniest part is that french fries aren't french, they're Belgian


French fries are actually from Belgium


The problem with his argument of american food isn't "american food" is that no matter what country you're in not all of their foods originate from that country. French fries aren't French. Sure the Hamburger originated im Germany but an american burger and a german burger are different. Think about hot dogs in America, you get a hot dog from Texas with all the fixins and another one from NYC with all the fixins and it'll seem like two completely different foods. But hey, I guess spotted dick and beans on toast is peak? Nah, wack. Im southern, gimmie some of that good ole BBQ, cornbread, sweet potato pie, and candied yams.