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Yes, if it’s a free coaster it is normal. That slack disengages/engages the system which allows you to ride backwards without needing to pedal backwards. It’s a little annoying at first but once you get used to it, it makes fakie tricks so much easier.


but you also can’t slow your fakie  down.  


Technically you can, the way I do it I just pedal forward to engage it and once it’s engaged, you start to pedal back.


tbh I've never tried it but understand that most of the time you fail coming coming off fakei is bc you're not ready to backpedal. It just always looks hella jarring.


Thank you. I think i will never buy freecoaster…


Yeah that’s normal. If you slide the silver cover on the hub, you’ll see an Allen key adjuster inside where you can adjust the slack. I have then same hub.


Thank you I’ll try to check that out !!!!


Yes. Its called slack. Its adjustable


It's slack (like everybody else already said). I didn't know it was adjustable though, so I'm glad you made this post. Thanks! I just bought a Kink Switch as my first BMX. It's definitely a learning curve coming to freecoasters haha I already have a bruise on my knee from bashing it into the headset


I didn’t know the term for it, I knew there was a word though 😂 we’re all learning something now ! I just bought the Sunday Aaron Ross freecoaster as my first one too! I’m excited to learn and damage myself at the same time 😂


My freecoaster has this much slack but if yours bothers you then take it apart and add some slack washers in the clutch.Some come with complete bikes with this much slack but I think it should have minimal slack until you get used to the clutch then adjust it as you feel comfortable with.


Thank you for the tip ! I agree, I’m new to freecoaster so I was expecting that much slack ! I’m going to try adjusting it later


Sure no problem.


If you want to reliably be able to go fakie without it engaging and needing to pedal backwards, you're going to want to keep that much slack. Yes it's normal


It’s normal if it’s freecoaster that’s it engaging to roll you fakie (backward) without the pedals moving so you ain’t gotta pedal backwards like a madman… as long as you hear no clicking or popping and feel no vibrations or feel a click when you pedal sometimes you’re fine and if they do start to pop grease the hell out of your spindle like go nuts with it


Yeah on a free coaster you have slack when pedaling forward. Also, it may pop while pedaling for a while depending on what type you have but it will stop over time


Looks like you have a Odyssey clutch V2 for your rear hub based on this, totally normal, GREAT Hub


Normal for blown out freewheel


You're gonna have slack if it's a free coaster it's gonna take time to catch gear a lot of people hit their knees on the stem having this shit. Cassette you won't have this problem.


I still feel ghost pains from riding a freecoaster on my knees and shins.


It’s normal but unless you ride flatland get rid of that crap and get a cassette. If you ride a freecoaster then you never truly pull or land any of your tricks. Be man and avoid the path of least resistance.


what do you mean? freecoaster is a blessing for flatland