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No editor name on the box, looks like a non official like the one you can find at very low price on temu or aliexpress. You probably won’t find extension in this format.


That's sad :(


Isn’t this a counterfeit version?


It has been brought to my attention that it indeed is. I'm not really surprised, but it's a bit sad.


I wouldn't be too sad. They've elevated the production with this small box. I hate how much air is in the official splendor box.


I had a friend make a really cool 3d printed box that basically the size of 2 tiny epic games (actually smaller, but I don’t have another game to reference). It was available on thingiverse.


I think I'm one of the few people who like the box insert of the normal game. I like that it's organized with a slot for everything and everything in its slot...


Yeah I actually love the compactness of the game, but I find it sad because I would like to have such a compact version of the expansion and I just can't find it anywhere


I mean, the real game's cards aren't hard to read, but from the pictures this one seems to be even more vision friendly. For those of us with trash eyes, it's kind of appreciated. Would still buy the real version.


Dah, that's a bummer.


Can confirm, this is the Chinese knock-off version. I've seen the knock-off expansion somewhere as well, maybe try aliexpress.


I haven't been able to find it anywhere... I'll keep looking, see if I get lucky


Seeing yall be chill with counterfeits for "elevating the experience" but losing your minds over designers using AI to create artwork is weird to me


I mean, I didn't even know it was counterfeit, I got it second hand from a flea market, and at that point it doesn't really matter if it's official or counterfeit, neither space cowboys nor aliexpress/temu/whatever are getting a cut from it. I have only willingly purchased one counterfeit game in my life, and I'm planning to purchase the official version eventually anyway because the quality is really bad. Still though, it does piss me off that the OG splendor box is so ridiculously big, but i will get the official expansion because this game can fit, box and all, inside the cities of splendor's box.


Aren’t those different things? I mean, you can think ai art looks good, but still not want to support it. I can think this box is a smart size, but it doesn’t mean I support counterfeit publishing.


Sure, I’m talking about all the comments explicitly celebrating that they also own this treasured counterfeit lol


Have the same one from Aliexpress. It’s not a legit version haha.


I did have the suspicion... Still, it's awfully convenient


Yeah, it’s my travel board game. Don’t really care if it gets damaged or goes missing cause of the price. Still playable!


Looks like a homemade box.




I got a similar one from Wish.com. I own the original and duel versions, but wanted to see what I could get for about $3. My knock-off has a plain brown cardboard box with a small Splendor sticker on it. Cards and chips are super cheap and flimsy. Honestly never played it but I do like the idea of the small form factor!


In this version the quality is surprisingly good, actually, for a knock-off. The chips are rather thin but not really flimsy at all, and the cards are actually really nice.