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Wow! That's a lot of work! Is it worth it?


Yeah I found that even though I really enjoyed the game I was hesitating on bringing it out because I didn't want to pull 16 boxes off the shelf and then hunt through those boxes for the various kingdom cards picked by the randomizer app. Really anything that makes me more likely to get it to the table quickly is worth it for me.


I get that. We organized Gloomhaven, and it made it so much better.


How, if I may ask? Just an inlay to get away from bagging or a system which actually makes the setup easier? I own the game but have never played due to respect for setting it up.


Not op, but we got ours from Tower Rex on Etsy. Made setup 1000x smoother—we could actually find the pieces and just pull them out instead of hunting through baggies. And it was useful during play, particularly with health and condition tokens. Just had the thing on the table and didn't need to worry about where to put em.


We used two accordian style folder. One for terrain and another for minis. It's been awhile so I might be missing some nuance... but it was a simple solution


Heh, we just used zip lock bags. We had to be quite frugal when we got the game. Still, at least it's organized.


Late response - I use an accordion folder for the large map pieces, and several craft storage containers with tiny dividers (made for bead storage for jewelry making) for all the small pieces. Makes set up very easy, especially after doing it a few times.


I organized Dead of Winter with the wooden insert. And by God it's so good!


Just did the same thing with my freshly arrived Heroes of Might and Magic III KS copy (content all in pledge without artwork and all). The Minis are useless so I organised every tiles, cards, and fortress/heroes mini only into two boxes. Much better ! I'd rather bring this than a carton full of boxes :') Anyway, good job, everything's neat !


“I love this new Dominion game,” I said to myself 15 years ago. “It has all the deck-construction strategic fun of MtG, but it’s just one box of cards to buy and learn and keep track of, not an endless sequence of expansion packs!”


Hey at least you know what's in the packs! I'll take an expensive LCG version over a TCG any day.


This is very true!


I gave up on magic (Even thought I still play commander) And instead I play board games.


Nice. You're all sorted until the next expansion releases.


Easy enough to move things around to add in more expansions. The token trays can be taken out to add more room for cards, the randomizer cards don't really need to be in there either, and eventually I can just expand into a 3rd box if needed.


Is it still ongoing? Whew... Every other deck building game beats it out of the park


Not for those of us who prefer the fixed supply style of deck-builder. I like seeing what's going to be available at the start of the game and strategizing around it, but having it be different every game. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's mine, and there's rather few deck-builders that actually try to mimic that style.


>Fixed supply-style deck builder  This is it for me as well. Anything with a rotating market doesn't compete with Dominion. 


What deck building games do you feel like are better?


Well, he seems to infer that all of them are better. Think of any deck builder, then just say "X is just a better version of dominion".


There might be specific small elements or twists that are good, but overall, I try every deck builder I see and none of them come close to Dominion. Most of them you don't get to cycle your deck enough to play the cards you buy enough to matter (Cry Havoc), a lot have random markets where a good card flopping can decide a game (Ascension), many try too hard to focus on other elements and do both the deck building and the other elements worse (Arnak, Dune Imperium), most don't have the variety and depth of a random Dominion layout(Clank), and most of them take way longer for less satisfying gameplay (Mage Knight). The closest I've seen to coming close is Star Realms/Hero Realms/Shards of Infinity (for the speed) and The Quest for El Dorado 2p.


Aeons end is great for that too, but it's co op so not quite the same obviously.


Yeah, well, and MtG is still king while A:N is dead.


Got em!


False on both counts.


All of the LCGs are dead. I don't understand why? I don't get what was wrong with the model


They can only sell them once, and avoiding that pitfall by growing collections with expansions makes it harder for new players to join, causing a spike then a drop. Tcgs can get huge income via chase cards and fomo, as wotc has weaponised quite effectively


What's really wrong with the model is that they aren't MtG. Just like you can't make an MMORPG that beats WoW or a TTRPG that beats DnD, TCGs and LCGs thrive when there's a big community and lots of content - so the ubiquitous "biggest games" just have built in greatness that you can't challenge well. If you want to be king, you need to already be the king.


So, Walmart lol


You need a community, and it's hard to gather one when your choices are endless MTG players, or 3 dudes playing a game you've never heard of.


Still cant fathom FFG making 2 card games to rival Magic and fumbling the bag on both of them


A:N got killed due to Hasbro not renewing the license or smth tbf


I'll ask. How much ? I mean everything. Boardgame + sleeves + organizer ?


The games I honestly don't know, I picked up the Dominion Big Box around 2010 and have been buying the expansions throughout the years. The organizer was from Etsy, about $125/box. The sleeves were $14 per 1000 and I used about 8000 sleeves. The most expensive part was actually the printing of the dividers. There is a free tool that generates the PDF for the dividers at [https://domdiv.bgtools.net/](https://domdiv.bgtools.net/) but I wanted them printed on nice card stock and I didn't want to spend the time hand cutting out ~500 dividers and tabs, so that cost $350 for the print and labor. So to answer your question, I guess all in it's whatever the MSRP cost of all the expansions is, plus about $700.


What does that whole set weight?


About 45 lbs for both boxes combined.


But why male models?


What sleeves you use? That's a good price


I absolutely love the wood look of the boxes op has. I have picked up card boxes from [bcw](https://www.bcwsupplies.com/collectible-card-bin-1600-gray)for different games. They are $29.99 each if you are looking for a lower cost alternative. Their boxes lock and have a little handle that comes out of the middle.


You should xpost this to /r/Dominion :)


What is your favorite game in your collection?


*wipes tear* It’s *beautiful*


Wow, that is amazing. I'm sitting here being quietly envious.


Damn, he's even got the OG Guilds and Cornucopia in their own full-sized boxes before they got combined. You don't see that anymore.


My God, it's beautiful


Boooooring, all you have here is a COPY of every card ever printed. Im waiting for the follow up post when you actually have every card ever printed. Looks amazing :) nicely done


Yea, I was gonna say: I checked my box and at the very least he doesn't have these.


Well at least 10 copies


Haha, good one


I used to work in a print shop that printed *very* similar dividers for a dominion player. He actually convinced me to try it and I’ve played a bunch since then.


As someone who first got into the hobby through Dominion, and still think it is one of the best balanced games in existence, I applaud you.   I have something similar, but not every set, and plastic instead of wood.  


Mental note: "Don't get into _Dominion_."


Have any experience with magic the gathering? OP said 700 all in for ever since it released in like 08 or whatever. Magic the gathering that (might) get you every card from one fucking set…


Your point still stands, but they said 700 for sleeves, the wooden boxes, and dividers.


So you're telling me Dominion is worth trying...?


Its my favorite tabletop game.


$30. Best I can do. Final offer.


Oh, I am impressed. What kind of sleeves do you use and why?


Used the DeELF ones from Amazon that come in packs of 1000 mainly for cost effectiveness given I needed 8000 sleeves and they had good reviews. No complaints so far!


I'm curious, how long did it take you to sleeve them all? I enjoy sleeving stuff but this might be too much even for me x)


It took a while. I did it over 4 long sleeving sessions where I also alphabetized the ~500 dividers that were in a random stack from the print shop. Probably about 16-20 ish hours of sleeving and organizing total.


Not organizing them by expansion is elite


What a beaut! What process do you use for randomizing your Kingdom before a game?


Probably volleys a couple of shuttlecocks onto it.


The Dominionizer app works great!


I did the same except I used a program to custom create art for every card and printed everything on sticker paper and then mapped it painstakingly by hand onto cardstock and cut and trimmed every corner (before cornering tools were a thing). I still have nightmares about it.


Every Dominion card ever printed *SO FAR*


Oh god, those boxes must be so heavy!


I was just talking about wanting something like this on Saturday! Making everything alphabetical would make putting it all away so much easier.


I need to do something like this for Marvel United.




That's pretty cool! I have similar for my Legendary collection.


This is truly inspirational art in functional form. Well done!


That one card is misfiled. Otherwise it’s perfect!


Plot twist: OP hates Dominion


I'm so jealous! Nice work! Dominion may be the only game I'd put this much effort into.


You are a god to me !!! This is what I inspire, too


Haha, so how do you decide which cards to play in a match? Or do you have numbers attached to each index card and roll dice to pick?


There's an app that picks out the 10 kingdom cards for each game for you.


Now that I have a perfect storage solution, I'll never play the game again. --Me with like 15 games


I'm not even sure why this subreddit pops up in my feed, but this, ma'am, sir, both, neither or other is delicious. My word, that is impressive. Not only the dedication to the collection, but also the organization, display, oh, and preservation, because they're all in sleeves. And it's portable?! We'll done. And good post. Congratulations!


Sweet! What's the plan as they keep releasing expansions? Build up? They look stackable.


Just be careful moving it. I had a case that fit my collection and the bottom cracked in the middle. So look into reinforcing it or don’t ever move it. Don’t repeat my mistake.


Since I don’t see it asked how heavy are these boxes? Because card games are DENSE


I don't even know this game, but I can still 100% tell that this is absolute madness. Damn !


Holy shit.


Stop stop! I can only get so erect!!


All those cards just to play big money every time ;)


Dominion next week: “new edition, baby!!”


This makes my pee pee tingle


Genuine question since I’ve never played dominion, why? Not in a condescending “what a waste of time” kind of way, but like what purpose does this serve?


to be brief, the game is build by having a fixed shop of diferent cards that has 10 copies each that you use to deckbuild to score points. every game you can change the composition of that shop, expansions add mechanics and such so if he uses a randomize app he can easily build the recipie.


Gotcha, thanks!


You need help, bro. (Don't feel bad. I'm the same EXACT way about my Dead of Winter!)




How much in medical bills when you threw your back out lifting it?


Looking good! Which sleeves did you use?


I own every Dominion card too. I currently have the stuff in a 5000 ct BCW card box with stickered dividers but it doesn't fit the last three things I've purchased - Plunder, the Guilds/Cornucopia update pack, and Marshland promo. Not to mention Rising Sun which I have on order. I have all the rule books, player mats, and various tokens in the Base box. I pitched all the other boxes. So my question to you - where do you actually fit these big boxes in your house? That's my problem with the BCW box. It doesn't really fit on a shelf anywhere, not to mention it's like 30 some pounds and kind of a pain in the ass to lug around and choose cards out of. I'm very much considering getting several smaller boxes that only fit one or two expansion because for me it seems to be easier to grab a couple smaller boxes off the shelf and play with just a couple expansions at a time - which is what I do anyway, I'm never picking cards from more than two sets at a time.


The boxes are the exact width of a Kallax cube, they fit perfectly on the shelf.


That's awesome, where did you get the boxes?


It's beautiful! Lol


I really wonder how the fan made solo variant is for this


This is beautiful! I would love pulling this out and selling up a game with friends. Well done!


Impressive collection, shame I'm just going to play Big Money every game =P




So...can you start playing it now?


I think OP likes dominion


Very nice. It looks a little tight, but it's hard to tell from pictures. Are you able to easily remove one packet of cards?


Yup they separate pretty well when you push two adjacent dividers away to pick the pack of 10 kingdom cards and pull them out.


Do you have a favorite recipe (set of cards)?


Well now.... do you like the game?


Lol if i went to someones place to try Dominion for the first time and saw this, i would not want to play against that person anymore


I've got a similar setup but only about 6-7 expansions -- how do you avoid getting paper cuts on your fingers when you go to pull cards? I feel like my fingers are always beat up after playing 2-3 rounds of Dominion these days!


I posted my old one over a year ago that was similar, but yours is definitely better! https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/s/eLvmk9TziA I have since switched to 3 huge binders and it seems like a good solution, but is a little slow putting the cards away. Maybe I should post a pic of the new storage solution, but someone did a good mockup video in my previous post that I copied. Edit to add: if a new set gets released a box like yours is tough to maintain alphabetized. I had that issue too and would have to remake the tab dividers every expansion. Edited again to say I just found out "Rising Sun" releases at the end of July.




Where did you get/make all this stuff? I like Dominion but I seriously lack shelf space, which is preventing me from getting more. And there's the problem you mentioned of not wanting to open a bunch of boxes to play the game


But... you kept... the boxes?




I love this hobby. I can be impressed by your effort and dedication, while having absolutely no desire to ever play that game.


I was just in another post commenting on Magic the Gathering (something I am totally ignorant on) and found out that the Black Lotus is the most expensive card there is. Knowing that Dominion is not a collectible card game, but which card in theory would be the most expensive card in the Dominion card list if Dominion stopped printing and fans wanted to have a set of their own with the "best" cards available?


Hmm, good question. I guess if availability of all the cards is equal, then it's just about which cards are considered strongest, and [Chapel](https://wiki.dominionstrategy.com/index.php/Chapel) is probably near the top of the list. The designer has even commented on that particular card saying it was a mistake he wishes he could take back because it is way too strong relative to other cards in the game.


my guess it would be hard to find promo packs like Black Market. Going forward it will be First edition cards that got removed like Scout


Yeah, I was thinking Chapel as well. I wonder if he would replace it with something else if there were to be a third edition. What card is OP and replaced from the current first editions?


The serialized one ring is most expensive card for magic.


You don't have every Dominion card ever printed, there's a bunch in my collection right over here


Impressive, but isn't one of the main values of doing this being able to get rid of 15 boxes?


No, it's to stop needing to get 15 boxes off the shelf at once. Obviously you still keep the empty boxes.


For you, maybe, sure!


You’re gonna throw out all the old boxes now to save space right?…right? Or maybe since it’s a passion of yours, you could make wall art by cutting off the tops and framing them or something I suppose.


Sooo, we're trying to dictate what this guy does with his boxes for *what* reason, exactly?


Usually when people buy storage solutions it’s so they can store their games in a way that takes up less space. That often involves discarding original boxes, especially insofar as Dominion is concerned. u/Guilty_Light has made the unusual decision to actually increase the number of boxes they have to store by keeping all of the now empty original boxes AND adding two large wooden suitcases of all the cards. I’m not saying she shouldn’t do it, but it’s an unusual move.


The point of the organization was not to save space, but to make it easier to set up and tear down the game.


Well I have the app version that I got for free. ((Which is fantastic and you should all get it.))


Well I have the app version that I got for free. ((Which is fantastic and you should all get it.))


Well I have the app version that I got for free. ((Which is fantastic and you should all get it.))


You are a god to me !!! This is what I inspire, too


You are a god to me !!! This is what I inspire, too


Maybe I should play Dominion again sometime to remind myself why there are so many people that try to hoard the entire released collection


Not the biggest fan of Dominin but this gets an up vote for sure.


Looks like this game is…not for me


Owning all the expansions is definitely not common. Most people will own a set or two.


I feel that holmes.


Meanwhile, I still have Dominion on my shelf of shame (even though I generally enjoy deck builders).


I hate people that play card games in sleeves.


Seems like a dramatic response to a prosaic choice.


Why? Sleeves make mash shuffling viable without destroying the cards. How do you effectively shuffle an unsleeved deck that's too small for riffle shuffles?


I'm with you man! Sleeves all day!


Ive drilled in on these people a few times and it usually comes down to they just don't want to learn how to shuffle sleeved cards and be obnoxious about it.


What a weird thing to hate. Dominion decks get shuffled like crazy, especially the money and estates. Even after a few plays they start to show wear. Mash shuffle is so much easier and sleeves really help with it. My copy is great Western trail is super gummed up after 15+ plays, I really wish I would have sleeved it. You can def start to tell the base cards versus some of the cows from the market. Even new MTG cards are often worth $5-40usd, let alone older, out of print which are in the hundreds to thousands. Am I supposed to just raw dog my retirement account on some random dinner table just to be a purist? Also, why hate on someone sharing something important to them on a subreddit designed for it? I have 5 dominion sets and although it doesn't hit the table much anymore, I was stoked to see the magnum opus of all dominion sets. I guess they should've just made a "best games for 2 players" post.


More so then that why hate someone for how they choose to play their games. Not bothering you.


I hate people that play card games without sleeves.


So... Is the game any good?