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Does Warhammer 40k count?


Good luck quantifying that money pit.


Hey, I only have one army in 40k! And another one in Age of Sigmar. Oh, and a Conquest army. And a few paints and terrain pieces and tools...oh damn.


Don't forget your Kill Team!


Let's say 40k


It's definitely possible to do the math, it's just a horrifying concept and we're better off avoiding those thoughts. 😬


It certainly _makes_ you count. Your money and many other things.


Mine would be X-Wing then if that counts and I haven't played that in years. Still have all.my stuff though.


Space Hulk is :))


Arkham Horror LCG. I’m about $800 USD in


I was about to say a future game, I’ve gone all in on Earthborne Rangers after playing the demo. But then I remembered the shelf and a half of Arkham!


Also in on Earthborne Rangers. No idea if I should start with the expansions or not, what's your plan?


I'm starting with the base, can always pick up expansions later


I went in for the all-in pledge. I love the demo, I love the feel and flow of the game. As do my group. I’m almost certain my gf would like it as well. But, I have a collector streak and am a sucker when it comes to card games I enjoy. Logically I know that the expansions will be available later on in retail.


Oh me too, just debating if I should start playing with the expansions right away or use the base game only first. Base is probably the right call as the game is unique enough without the additional variety/rules, just unsure how many times I'll really playthrough the campaign.


Ah I see. Sorry I misunderstood, yeah my plan at the moment is starting with the base. I reckon I’ll get 2/3 play throughs of the campaign though to be fair


I was about to say Escape the Curse of the Temple big box, but you reminded me of the $$$ I poured into Arkham Horror LCG. $300+ for a game I don't even play once a month.


I also have Escape plus all the add ons


Yay for Escape love!!! Madness and shenanigans!


I have the core, and I want to love it. I like the idea of having the solo role playing experience. But tell me. Can this game be any good solo?


Yes, AHLCG is a wonderful solo game! Two-handed solo is great. I actually enjoy true one-handed solo more, but you’ll need to do a few campaign runs before you’ll get how to build your decks.


I have a chance to buy a 2nd hand set, 2x core set, dunwhich, carcossa, the forgotten age and the circle undone with all mythos packs. How much do you reckon would be a fair price for that and do you think I would be missing something with not buying the revised boxes?


You would not be missing much getting original core sets instead of the revised core set. There are a few cards you’d be lacking (Rite of Seeking level 2 and Eucatastrophe come to mind) but they aren’t necessary cards when you have 4 campaigns worth of player cards. $350-$450 makes sense to me, but I haven’t been paying attention to the second hand market.


Thanks, I appreciate your response, I'll probably pull the trigger.


Can confirm, put more than 1000€ in it.


I've been off and on considering that game. Maybe I shouldn't...


It's a fantastic mix of deck building and roleplaying. I wish it wasn't as good as others hyped it to be


I was in the same position. Then Black Friday happened with cheap old core boxes and investigator packs. Now I'm balls deep in Arkham Horror LCG content. So maybe don't browse r/boardgamedeals during the holiday season.


It’s an amazing game, but you should definitely try out the full core campaign before going deep into it. It will both tell you if you like it enough and if you have a regular enough group that will play it with you to be worth it.


Maybe you should ;) I'm selling my collection with extras for $800 in Oregon.


I started on it but I stopped before all the expansions. And I find the expansions confusing...like, why are there seemingly more.than one box for an expansion? I've been thinking about jumping back in but, to be honest, I'm a bit intimidated.


In fairness they’ve made it easier. If you’re looking to get into it, (assuming just the base game) then ignore the square ‘deluxe’ boxes and blister packs, just look at the bigger rectangle boxes. These are the campaign and investigator boxes. The campaign will give the you the entire campaign and all associated enemy cards (though some missions will require encounter (read enemy) cards from the base set. There’s now 7 - I think. The investigator cards will give you 5 investigators and a bunch of player cards for deck building. I would personally recommend either Dunwich which was the first expansion, or Carcosa which has arguably the best story beats as the first campaign to dive into if it’s something you’re interested in. Bear in mind you don’t need the investigator boxes to play the campaign, but you might find it harder with a limited card pool.


This is exactly the info I needed, thank you! I still have the base set and a couple of the smaller expansions... definitely not the big boxes. So the campaign investigator boxes have items that are particularly fitting for the campaign, then? Makes sense.


If you have any more questions, r/ArkhamHorrorLCG is always happy to help.


Either this or Mansions of Madness. With Marvel Champions a close 3rd


is that with the sleeves or without?


Nice try wife.


I have about $900 in to Too Many Bones. I also have Arkham LCG with seven campaigns, and a storage solution, which amounts to about $600.


I'm upset that you did the math because I'm all in and I was plenty happy to think it was closer to $600.


The three base games were $150, $110, and $90 for me, plus the Trove Chest was $150, so that's $500 right there, plus the expansions, characters, and peripherals... It's probably cheaper now altogether, but I bought it all new and piecemeal.


Came here to say tmb.


Same. I don't even have the base game, just Undertow. But I'm $250 in with 40 Waves and 4 extra Gearlocs.


Came here to sat Too Many Bones as well. But pretty sure I have over 1k in it. Since I have everything for it, except 1 bonus gearlock.


My crokinole board


how much?


[They're generally around $150-200](https://www.browncastlegames.com/collections/crokinoleboards). You can get lower or higher quality ones. The cheaper end is veneer on plywood. The higher end is exotic hardwoods with engraved and epoxy filled details. Crockinole is timeless though, so I think getting a decent quality board that you take care of means you've got an heirloom.


It is perfectly fine to grab a barebones one for cheap. Using dust to make the board more slick covers up some of the imperfections. Also once you hook your friends on how fun it is you can gift your starter board to one of them and get a higher quality version


Oh hey I keep forgetting I have that one. Yeah A Woodestic one, 2 sets of stone, bowl. €300 all together. Gloomhaven was about €130. Food Chain Magnate + Expansion was 2x €80.


I've got the occasional kickstarted $99 on the way, I've never played yet


Is it worth it? I jump back and forth on getting one.


It probably the best “party” game there is


Sleeping Gods with both expansions: 180€ Not much compared to what I’m seeing here, but damn, that one was a stretch for me.


I was just thinking today how kingdom death monster is aifestyle game.


KDM is way too much. I have the base and a few expansions that were picked up while on sale. I wouldn't have the base if it wasn't for the fact that I got it while you could still get the game foe $200. The $400 core box is just outrageous with the $1000+ expansions being equally over costed. A single expansion costs as much as a single game does. Sure a lot of people love it, but many are priced out of it.


I absolutely love what I've played of it, but I'm not spending more then ~$200 for it. That's just not justifiable.


Aeon Trespass Odyssey: 700 bucks give or take


I just checked how much I've spent on ATO via my Gamefound receipts... $1600.


Yeah - I didn’t count Herkales but if I throw that in I’m over a grand….. Such a good game though.


For sure. All in on the first 5 cycles, and all in on Herakles. Plus luxury map tiles for everything, godforms, neoprene, etc. I'm also one of the suckers that spent $18 on the 2 extra minis that they ended up giving to everyone regardless of whether you ordered them or not. That kinda pissed me off.


Yeah I’m in for that stuff also. Mats, tiles, etc. I can’t wait for the stuff to start shipping…. I was a late pledge to the original game.


That's such a bonkers number to me I'm just curious, did you see it as a significant investment? I guess I'm asking if you're rich or just love that game


It’s a niche type of game to be sure. Comes with tons of minis, and then I upgraded the map cards etc. There is months and months of playtime packed into the box so while I did see it as a significant investment, I’m enjoying it immensely.


That's great to hear and I'm glad you found the game for you!


laughs in MTG


I cashed out of my MTG collection this year and itemizing that for a bulk sale was very eye opening. Now I've spent most of the money just splurging in DnD stuff so...


I spent my MTG collection payout on a board game table 🤣


Before they banned mox opal I sold my affinity deck and bought a nice turntable. It blows me away that you could play legacy or buy a car with that money.


How'd you do it? I haven't played seriously in several years and keep meaning to cash out but it's kind of a pain the ass


My metro area has a lot of bulk buyers who give 50%-70% TCG player prices depending on card value. I kept hanging back thinking I'd sell at about 85% if I could find the right people for each big dollar card but eventually realized after a few Facebook interactions that it wouldn't be worth my time. I sold everything worth more than 25 cents in one meeting at a coffee shop five minutes from home and the bulk I can just let my kids build with when they're older. On top of the DND stuff I also bought a fridge with the money.


Advanced Squad Leader ($6000+) - every published core module, action pack, annual/journal and historical module. Plus, every 3rd party module and scenario packs from Bounding Fire, Schwerpunkt, East Side Gamers, plus various packs from many others.


Thank you for your service


Ive got a Go set that has probably cost 300 Euro, but the slate and shell stones alone would cost over 500 Euros nowadays.


Yeah Go is my answer too. Tho not as expensive as yours, I think mine was about $150 USD




Whole Imperial Assaut collection, multipe expansion packs, IACP cards and 3D printed miniatures along them


Gloomhaven which I thought was pricey, but reading through these comment makes me realize that is just the equivalent of a started cost for you guys lol.


Terraforming Mars with all expansions and add ons or Eclipse:Second Dawn with all expansions and addons


Surprised I had to scroll this far for Eclipse second dawn. It’s the pride of my collection and I thought it was an expensive one (full KS plus the expansions) but some of these other responses are killing me.


I was about to post the very same! Love those two, and excited for the TM kickstarter to arrive.


Marvel Zombies all-in, about $900. I got it partly for my kids, who do like it quite a bit. I also wanted a Zombicide game in the collection, so I went the whole hog on this one. Likely not bothering with the other Zombicies, or even DCeased.


Surprised I had to scroll so much to see a Zombicide comment. My board game collection is very small but the answer is definitely Zombicide for me.


Glory to Rome: Black Box. Maybe my favorite game. Every card is in a sleeve now, play this all the time MegaCiv in the wood case (the hinges are so low quality it's kind of disgusting, I will probably replace them) The Campaign for North Africa (which barely qualifies as a board game, it's cardboard performance art)


Kingdom Death Monster with all present and future expansions...


Same plus all the random white boxes plus other models, extra dice, t-shirts. And the new showdown board too.


Cthulhu Wars, including backing the last kickstarter for quite a number of the expansions. Sad thing is by the time it got delivered I found I didn't particularly like the game anymore, but selling it is pretty much impossible.


Why is it difficult to sell?


I sold mine, no trouble. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to sell at eBay list prices - those are the games that aren’t selling. Look at completed sales. Mine was a heavily played copy, I threw in my reference sheets and house rule lists. Played it a ton but I have kids now and it isn’t going to see the table anytime soon so I hope it’s out there continuing to be loved.


X-wing Miniatures


Me too, and criminally everything I own is "first edition" that nobody plays or wants to buy.


Well now that they are discontinuing it that may change...


I've heard one person "easily" dropped $1K on that. Another said "once you get one of them, you're going to want to get them all". That got me to "nope!" out of starting that!


Probably Too Many Bones. All non promo content (plus a few promo cards and The Gearloc Child) in a Trove Chest. Also my heaviest by several orders of magnitude. No, I’m not doing the math, it was slowly collected over the full run of the game and I’m worried it might be $1000+ all together :/


It certainly is 1000+ alltogether, I can assure you as a fellow gearloc ;)


Scythe with all expansions I guess


It's between Root with all the expensive excluding clockwork and Low of Ragnarok. One on those is really good...


Kingdom Death Monster. What I have retails for over 1k, if you can find it.


2.5k into KDM. 1.2k or so into AHLCG and TMB. It falls off drastically after those 3.


If Magic, the Gathering counts, I’ve got probably $25k in cards 😂 Otherwise, it’s Fireball Island that I paid a couple hundred bucks for.


Distilled + expansion for $85


Does marvel Champions count? Got everything retail + some few promos...+ tokens... 😬


I have Nemesis, but I keep updating it every so often. I have every card sleeved, with dragon shields where applicable. I have the medic which is $100 on her own as it's out of print. I have a big dice tray with component holders that is magnetized. It has a space ship aesthetic to match the game. I have the aftermath expansion. I have the extra terrain minis like doors and dead bodies. And I recently decided to get them painted. I'm running out of ideas on how to make it more bougie.


I only have the base game but it is the most expensive base game I own lol I do want to get expansions for it soon tho


Aftermath is barely worth it imo. The gun turrets and new rooms are cool, but I don't like the characters. They lean way too hard on the semi coop game while I prefer full coop. They also have lots of design creep.


Purchase price or resale value? My Kingdom Death: Monster collection is probably the most expensive that I still have in either case. I went all in on Nemesis+Lockdown too, which was a good chunk of cash, so probably an HM. My tournament Crokinole board was probably in that range, though probably less as it was purchased a long time ago now. My Glory to Rome Black Box edition didn't cost that much at the time I pledged for the KS (or rather, I bought a pledge from Starlit Citadel), but if I were to sell it now, it would be worth a hell of a lot more.


If you count all the expansions and promos, **Dominion** is my most expensive. But in a sense that’s more than a dozen games, and each one individually was not that expensive.


Everdell plus expansions totalling to €250


TI4 with PoK and all Codices, plus a 3D printed insert. All told, well over $300 put into it, fortunately the insert was a gift so it wasn’t all my money.


Same for me, except I don't have an insert but I have organizer boxes that I bought. Also, I have a lot of other upgrades from Etsy and we did a simple paint job on all the ships.


Complete imperial assault.


Kingdom Death. Upward of 500 at the time and It's gone up since then. we were gifted a bunch of expansions as well, I think 4? Great game though. Dixit is probably sitting pretty up there too now that I think of it. I own just about every expansion for it plus base and some promo cards. above 200.00 at this point.


Kingdom death monster


I have a still-sealed Battlestar Galactica expansion


My holy grail game for a while was Battlestar, I got the core game and the Pegasus expansion, both still in shrink at Gen Con last year for $350. Most I’ve ever spent on a game and had to haggle down to it, but worth it.


That's a hard one, I have everything from The Lord of the Rings lcg (except the nightmare decks) before they started re-releasing everything and some of the packs were hard to get hold of. I also have everything from Descent (second edition) journeys in the dark which was another set that was expensive to complete due to hard to find packs


You and me both buddy


I have all from Descent Second Edition as well. Sadly have not played it enough to justify the amount I payed. I have 3/4 of first edition Descent and played it alot before second edition came out.


Purchase price? My $250 Backgammon board if it counts. I never spent more than $50 for one game. Value wise - probably complete Battlestar Galactica, especially that since Exodus I didn't really have anyone to play it with...


Wingspan. All the expansions and the nesting box make for a board game centerpiece. It’s the only game that’s not on the shelf. It has a permanent space dedicated on the dinning room table.


This list makes me feel way better. Mine is Food Chain and Ketchup Mechanism - about $200.


Haven't done the math and not sure I want to but I'm into both Kingdom Death: Monster and Cthulhu Wars for low 4 figures. Probably $2-3k for KDM and $1-2k for Cthulu Wars if I had to guess. I probably have a few other big mini games that I'm into for under $1k (probably more like $300-500 each). That's not counting all the paint, brushes, tools and other stuff to do all the painting and modeling.


Magic the gathering Unmatched (as far as having everything but the latest set and the solo characters) Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy


Memoir 44- all of the expansions including the campaign books and the bag to hold it all


Kingdom death monster


Assuming we aren't talking CCGs. Mine would be either Kingdom Death Monster or ISS Vanguard All In Sundrop.


Totally forgot about Arkham Horror LCG, Marvel Champions LCG, and LOTR LCG. They seem cheap but add up when you have everything.


DragonBall FighterZ, I bought every season pass so it’s pretty expensive. Also, not one game but the franchise, Pokemon. People like to complain that it’s expensive now, but it’s always been expensive. 3rd gen you needed a GBA, a Hoenn game, a Kanto game, a gamecube, pokemon colisseum and XD gale of darkness, and a few international flights to go to japan or the US for certain mythical pokemon.


Wrong sub buddy


Kingdom Death Monster with the Gamblers Chest. I still haven’t even assembled anything.


Mine is Kingdom Death Monster plus Gamblers chest


Tanares: Arena with all the expansions. Return to Dark tower with all the expansions. Everdell with all the expansions. Not sure which of them is the most expensive...


Joining the KDM crew with $1400+ worth of boxes. Didn't join the second kickstarter or I would've been out another $1000 easily. That said my second most expensive purchase is probably a $200-400 all in pledge for some random game.


Everdell complete right now, which hasn't touched the table since I upgraded to complete Mistake purchase during my early months


Descent Journeys into the dark. I own so much of it, so so so much.


Kickstarter Queen's Dilemma at $200. But I won that much on the family football pool so I didn't pay 100% of that cost. Otherwise, it would be Dune: Imperium, Deluxe Edition, plus Rise of Ix expansion, plus buying paint and brushes to paint all the Deluxe miniatures. It's my favorite game, so I don't regret shelling out that much on a single game.


Oathsworn all in $400ish


Most expensive in total money spent: **Shadows of Brimstone**. Bought both original base sets, Frontier Town, two boss monsters, seven monster sets, all existing (at the time) promo cards and the supplies to paint and store all of it. I'm well over $500 easily, and now I fucking hate that game. Haven't touched it in at least two years and probably never will again.  Most expensive in a single purchase: **Masters of the Universe: Clash for Eternia**. Backed everything except for the castle. Roughly $400 if my memory serves. Skipped the castle because I knew it would be a nightmare to store and I hate tower defense games. No regrets. The family loves it. Still working on painting it.  Most expensive in terms of resell value: **Camp Grizzly** with all released expansions. Picked it all up on Amazon for about $200 years ago. I have since been offered four figures for it but will never sell. We adore that game.


I gotta do the math. TI4 was $160 and I bought an organizer that was $90 so thats around $250. Gloomhaven was $160 with a $100 organizer, $15 solo scenarios, $15 Envelope X, and $40 Forgotten Circles totaling $330. Root was $60, Riverfolk was $40, Underworld and Mauraders was $100 total, $70 for all the hirelings, $20 for VB pack and E&P deck, $40 from Clockwork 1, and $10 for Landmarks Pack totaling around $340. So it’d probably be Root even counting organizer costs.


Everything Scythe. Upgrades, fancy bits and all


KDM Isofarian Guard Vampire the Masquerade: Chapters


Fully expanded spirit island with a broken token box cost more than my sim racing setup.


ISS Vanguard All-in pledge. $531 after shipping


Spirit island with all the expansions, premium tokens, quality sleeves, and an organizer from Etsy


Eclipse - I don't even have the most recent four new races expansions and I've already spent over $250 on it.


Just the purchase price : Nemesis + Voidseeders and Aftermath (second hand). About 250€ overall then come the two inserts (100€), the custom components (at least 50€) and the sleeves. Also : Dune Imperium, about 300€ counting expansions, insert, sleeves and cosmetics.


My wife got Everdell complete with upgraded doodads for $260 i think. I have Settlers of Catan from 20 years ago with C&K, Seafarers, 5&6 player expansion for all. That cost me $200 back then.


If we’re ignoring the obvious ones like Warhammer, kingdom death, LCG’s, or any TCG that has ongoing costs I’d say probably either one of my all in zombicide pledges or something like mansions of madness with all the expansions. Some of the harder to find games could be up there as well.


Four souls ultimate collection so far my favorite baord game


Heat xDDD I'm a poor dude


Netrunner FFG complete collection...


The most expensive game you have can be different than the highest price you have paid. I don't track payments, but using the [geekgroup.app](http://geekgroup.app) on my BGG collection I discover that my game that currently has the most value is *The First World War*.


Magic. I sold a tiny part (well under 5%) of my collection to buy a complete Arkham horror lcg collection including return tos, stand-alones, sleeves, token capsules, and more. It was definitely eye opening how much total value I have sitting in magic cards… On the plus side, I now have two silly-expensive lifestyle games. I’m thinking of selling another chunk for an aeons end or marvel champions collection, or maybe a car. :)


I don't currently own any absurdly expensive games (yet), the most expensive is probably the big box Dominion. But I'm waiting for Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era, which with the expansion and lore book amounts to about 316€.


In a single cost? I backed the whole collection of Mindbug and plenty of sleeves for over 300 EUR currently on Gamefound. Now I have to wait half a year for delivery. They can be enjoyed as stand alone games, but can also be combined, so it counts as 1 game. As a whole "franchise", King of Tokyo has set me back a quite a bunch more with chasing rare promos, and convention travels.


As a single game Cthulhu Wars I have every variation of Risk including Black Ops


I’ve upgraded Quacks with the fancy BGG chips, which are basically the cost of a whole other game. So probably that. Edit: apparently **Cinque Terre** is going for a fair bit on BGG


Sleeping Gods @ 70€. 


Not including miniature wargames or CCGs, mine has to be StarCraft. I have the expansion and promo stuff and am eagerly waiting for when my kid is old enough to appreciate it.


Cloudspire full collection. Oomf.


My most expensive game without expansions is likely Space Hulk.


$400 Backgammon


I have a handle of Splotters which all run about $80-100. Though I would easily pay more if I could find Roads & Boats somewhere in good condition.


Amazingly, it's already been 5 years since the last R&B reprint, so there's likely another coming in the next couple of years tops.


Besides Warhammer? The Joan of Arc All-In was 1000€ All 3 Nemesis Games combined will be over 1000€ Also Monster Hunter World+Iceborne


As a franchise probably Mythic Battles with Pantheon and Ragnarok 2nd is probably Arkham Horror TCG


As a purchase, either Talisman 4e Revised or Return to Dark Tower. Both games have all available expansions. If we're the talking resale, I think my sealed copy of Ank-Morpork CE.


I'm going to ignore TCGs here and say Return to Dark Tower plus all the expansions and extras


Just answered this a little over a month ago haha: https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/s/BvlbD78OgD


Crowdfunding Marvel Zombies Hungary Pledge($485) Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid($396 , mix of retail and Kickstarter) Western Legends($227, season 3 all in & big box campaign) Retail Picture Perfect($110 , plus expansions & acrylic standies) Copenhagen Deluxe(60) Heat($60)


I’m going to omit MTG stuff here and say that my copy of Oranienburger Kanal is currently my most valuable game.


Mtg… over 20k >.> I have a $8000 deck that I like to stomp people with. Dragons..


I have a review copy of Forbidden Stars, so in terms of appreciation that's probably the most. Spending-wise it's probably Dominant Species with an aftermarket animal token upgrade.


You make me feel good about my spending :). Mine it’s Oath If you count the full expansion I backed. Around the same base game purchase price I also have Gloomhaven and twilight imperium. There’s also root that is climbing up the ladder with the expansions… now that I have all these written down I don’t feel good about my spending after all :)…


Most expensive single game with no expansions is probably my 2nd hand copy of Last Chance For Victory. Most expensive with expansions included would be either Arkham Horror LCG or LOTR LCG.


Just the game itself…probably Nemesis. A game where I sank a bunch of money into it via upgrades, etc…Horrified.


Crokinole, my board cost me $550 after shipping from Canada haha. Worth it.


I’ve sunk 10s of thousands into Warhammer over the last 20-odd years. So probably that. Strictly board game though? Probably the Marvel Zombies all in that was over £500.


Mine is the Rising Sun kickstarter with all the trimmings.


Arkham Horror the card game. I am somewhere between 600 and 1000 dollars down into it.


Does kickstartring a game that haven't been delivered count? It was supposed to be released in 2022 iirc and Mythic Games haven't. They sold their project to a different company...


With expansions? Scythe with all the gubbins. Without? Eagle Games edition of Civilization. Then the tabletop wargames dwarf all of them by a considerable margin.


I'm really cheap so the most expensive one I own is Klask. Trick is I found it at a thrift shop. Was labeled as furniture. Must have thought it was a mini desk. Brand new: $1. Retail was $65 at the time.


X-Wing miniatures if you add it all up but a collectible game is very different. I had at least one of everything they had released for all of 1.0. I did play 2.0 a bit but my local play group fragmented a lot when the switch happened and also life got in the way so I stopped playing not too long after that which is years ago. Still have my whole collection though. For a single item it would be my Crokinole board that was around $300 though I don't remember exactly. That's also kind of a different animal from "board games" as well though. My most expensive actual proper board game I'm pretty sure is the Firefly 10th anniversary crate.


War Room


Game I bought but have not played -Nemesis lockdown at 192$ Biggest Kickstart that I backed - lords of ragnarok all in sundrop - 340$ ( first game I backed and I was promoted so I was in a spending mode). Best turn around. Mechs vs minions 50$ Facebook Marketplace, painted and then had a buyer wanting to do 250$ for it. Worth its weight in gold. Twilight imperium 4ths edition 164$.


Too Many bones all in


Terraforming Mars (I'm all-in with the exception of Venus Next and a Colonies) and a Root (all-in except the resin clearing markers). My AH:LCG collection is probably a close second. For a single game, rather than an expanded collection of add-ons, it's probably John Company or Carnegie.


I'm going to include expansions, and count curious cases as one single game (e.g. the 3 Imperium 'expandalones' or Final Girl/Paperback Adventures character boxes.) The top 3 is: * **Imperium Classics+Legends+Horizons** for a total of €120. However, I sleeved the entire thing in Dragon Shields, so add 12 packs of 100 and we're closer to **€252** * **On Mars + Alien Invasion** expansion. €120 for KS version + €60 for expansion. That said, it's also one of my very favourite games, so well worth the money there. Total **€180**. * **Brass Lancashire** itself wasn't too expensive at €60, but it IS the game that made me invest €110 in fancy poker chips, bringing the total up to **€170**. From here it drops off steeply. A couple of the other Lacerdas and Paperback Adventures hit the €100-€120 mark, and then it's right down to €60-€70 territory for more normal games.


I guess my Castles of Mad King Ludwig Colossal Edition. Love it.


I own a few expensive kickstarter games from Primal, ISS Vanguard, & Oathsworn. My $1000 drop for Kingdom Death Monster, Gamblers Chest, & Expansions of Death take the cake for the most expensive in one mouse click.


DnD. Star Wars Unlimited coming close second.


Table top game. star wars armada ship loads of plastic core set was £100 then all the extras are like average £45-£50 each Boardgame. Mansions of madness that was £60 and then there are a few expansions at £30 average


It is probably a tie between Mage Knight and Decent. I can't remember which was more expensive but both were over €120.


$159.76 The Witcher Old World standard edition plus the Skellige expansion shipped to the US. Received it and replacement pieces as of September 2023. And still haven't played it.


Frostpunk + Minis + Frostlander + Sleeves around 220 € and still wanting that Insert for around 70 € so it’ll total at around 300 € for one game I will mostly play solo 🫣 Oh and Android Netrunner. Can’t calculate it but should be in the same ballpark.


Battlestar Galactica The Board Game. It wasn't expensive when I bought it, but it sure is now.


Lord of the Rings LCG!!!


Marvel Zombies. We went full Galactus level at ~$800.


Don’t have the numbers handy, so let’s say it’s a tie between * **High Frontier 4 All** with all four expansion modules, giant neoprene mat and most other add-ons and * **Mega Empires** with both Special Buildings expansions. If only single boxes qualify, **2038: Tycoons of the Asteroid Belt** set me back 200 Euro plus international shipping. Crazy for a game from 1995, so it was a birthday gift from me to me.


I don't own it yet (buddy does) But Twilight Emperium gets expensive if you keep updating your board. Lots or Etsy additions to make storing the game easier and play easier.