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I’m old enough to remember that Flex magazine and may still have it somewhere.


I remember that magazine, it had reactions from the pros. Paul Dillet said little guys like Shawn Ray and Lee Labrada shouldn't bother competing in 93 and should sit with the audience. And I think it was Chris Cormier or Flex who said the difference wasn't that impressive because he's wearing shoes in the first pic and socks in the second so he was closer to the camera.


I watched video of Cormier doing a leg routine with Dorian from a few years back (past their prime). Cormier ends up puking out the back of the gym. https://youtu.be/tH6hTEqq6Fg


I love a good Dorian video. So many throat gains




The chick on the elliptical has no clue.


Definitely sounds like a Flex comment lol. Flex’s insecurities and narcissism bleed through in every comment he makes on everyone in bodybuilding. He probably followed it up by comparing himself to Dorian lol


How ironic that Paul said that.. because he never placed higher to them little guys...


Funny you say that, I recently threw away about 200 flex mags from the last 30 years


Ive been looking for old ones noooooo.


Sorry brotha


I would love to have the August 1988 issue. I want that cover framed on my wall


over your bed?


I still have mine packed away in a box with muscle and fitness mags.


And them old ass Ironman mags!!


And a few Muscle Mag international magazines too!


Holy calf gains


Holy everything gains...except the mullet. Dorian trimmed that part down.


I think it's mostly the socks.


Growth hormone's a hell of a drug.




1993 was the pivotal year in bodybuilding. There was a choice between mass and aesthetics. Mass took number one, and aesthetics - number two. The bodybuilding still hasn’t recovered from that fateful decision by judges. Classic category is a half measure, but at least it demonstrated an appetite for the change.


Dorian was still decently aestetic in 93. He was just also huge and grainy as fuck. Completely undeniable.


This part is key. Like MJ ushered in the hero ball era of the Iverson types, but mj dominated AND got his teammates involved the perfect marriage of whatever it took to win. Dorian was still aesthetic as fuck but he was also huge. Very few have been able to bring both traits well.


This was when it was still manageable for him. Everything else got bigger too, so his waist wasn't super noticeable by comparison.


Yeah that's when the big guts started, those mega doses required to compete with Dorian grew everything. Bodybuilder's started burning the candle at both ends and it shortened their careers considerably.


I think you’re wrong. Seems like many top pros are still in their 30’s and up with long careers, whereas shorter careers seemed more prevalent before Dorian. Larry Scott competed and won until 28 Arnold won his last Mr O at 33 Sergio was 28 at his last Mr O Zane was done at 37 Samir was 28 when he won Lee retired at 31 Dorian retired at 35 Post-Dorian: Ronnie won his last Mr O at 41, competed until 43. 2008 Mr o was 39; also placed 6th in 2019 (dexter) Jay won his las Mr O at 37, placed 6th at age 40 2018 Mr o was 43. Rhoden For 2019 Brandon is 37 and still competing.


Yeah most of those guys retired before they had too and still continued lifting. I specifically said guys who started mega dosing to keep up with Dorian post 1993. Which did shorten their careers because they peaked and blew up in size but dramatically went down hill after around 2-4 years. And some only lived a few years after retiring. Flex wheeler destroyed his kidneys. Nasser el Sonbaty did enough damage that he died a few years after retiring. Andreas Muenzer died during his contest prep. Dorian started tearing muscles left and right and almost died from internal bleeding during his contest prep in 97. Then there's guys who seriously wrecked their health over that period like Tom Prince, Don Long, Greg Kovacs, Mike Francois and even Mike Matarazzo who saved his own life by quitting bodybuilding but his heart was already too damaged. The list goes on.


Oh for sure tons of guys did and still do crush their health competing in this sport. I’d say from a lifespan perspective, all size sports vastly reduce lifespan. NFL offensive linemen die at a horrendously young age on average, it’s just not talked about like bodybuilding because the linemen aren’t the major characters of the sport, especially after retirement. It’s almost like anytime someone approaches that magical number of 300lbs for a period of years, irreversible damage occurs to the heart.


Dorian even mentioned how from '92-'93, everything got bigger. Right down to the midsection. But it was still manageable at the time. He noted that insulin was the factor in that growth.


I'm not mistaken, Dorian himself said that he started using insulin in preparation for the '97 Mr. O., and that he blames insulin for the watery look he displayed on that year.


I needed to specify the insulin part, definitely just reread that.


I disagree with this, Dorian was aesthetic to me in 1993. If you talked about the later stages of Coleman's career where he had a huge gut I agree but in most of his career Dorian actually looked pretty good for the sheer amount of muscle mass he was carrying.


Oh please this is stupid, it is just impossible not to reward muscularity in bodybuilding.


It's amazing what a haircut can do.


Even his face got more muscular.


And his bones...oh wait!


And his internal organs!


Dorian himself said he over dieted for the 92 Olympia, and when you can compare the pic to him on stage a few weeks later, the amount of size he lost is surprising...


Damn that is insane. How many pounds of muscle do you think he gained that year? He's making noob gains as a fucking IFBB professional.


Because he wasn't scared to trial with big GH dosage. All other competitor had no clue


If I recall correctly, Yates weighed 242 or 243 in 1992 and 257 in 1993. HOWEVER, Yates has mentioned that he overdieted in 1992, and that of that 14-15 additional pounds of stage weight, in his estimation only about 5-10 (I forget exactly what number) pounds were "real new muscle". And also, IIRC, his drug dosages did not change at all from 1992 to 1993.


The sudden beginning of the end of aesthetic pro bodybuilding.


Everyone raves about Dorian’s lats and calves. But FUCK! The teardrop on his quad is on another level


I think 92 looks way better tbh




He looks a lot better in the before, its an "achievable" look, the after looks so juiced he is radioactive.


I’m not unaware of that at all, but I think 92 had the best of both worlds for his physique out of these two photos


Do we really care what an average person thinks when 70% of the US is overweight or obese? The other 30% most of them are skinny, skinny fat, or underweight. What evidence do you even have to stake your claim that we're programmed to prefer the left physique vs right physique in that Calum? It's purely personal opinion and maybe anecdotal from your friends. It's such a low bar to set to impress the majority or even other people, do you lift to impress others or yourself?


It's just opinions. I love the mass and 93 is the GOAT.


1992 > 1993


Lighting 1992 > lighting 1993 FTFY


His left forearm is so fucking enormous he has almost no visible wrist....holy trenbalone


Calves grew


Gotta be honest, the right picture is probably my favourite bodybuilding picture ever. The midsection is tight, the balance is perfect, and there isn't a single flaw. Even his 'weak' arms and chest just look incredible


I \*still\* remember seeing that pic at a magazine stand as it came out and being absolutely jaw-droppingly breathe-in-violently gobsmacked.


I can hear Leroy in this picture


Come on now Yates, let’s get nasty!!!


He screams so loud that camera microphone clips. It’s so epic


And when he tries to curl the same weight Dorian was lifting and fails mid way and let’s out that big blast of air he was holding in lol. We used to rewind and watch that on repeat for the laughs.


Is there a link to this somewhere?


That’s the year he discovered ultra instinct right?


Migatte no Goku'i


What a guy


Can someone explain to me how he got so much bigger in a year? Was he just injecting the whole fucking vial of tren every day?


Duck eggs


Ah yes.


92-93 was the year he started using insulin


I had no idea insulin was that powerful a PED


As I understand it insulin is the most anabolic substance you can put into your body. It takes nutrients and immediately shuttles them to tissue cells. It just is way more dangerous than any other anabolics.


Because you could mess up and become a diabetic?


In the short term you can die from insulin shock. If you pin slin and don't eat enough carbs fast enough you'll straight up pass out and die. In the long term it can cause insulin resistance and diabetes. Also insulin isn't selective in what it grows. Unlike testosterone which only grows muscle tissue, insulin grows your organ cells too. This in conjunction with hgh is thought to be one of the causes of the bodybuilding bubble gut.


That sounds like an all together terrible move


A lot of people think bodybuilding would have been better off without that discovery. On the other hand without insulin [this](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AGF-l7_TuTQ3_E8fV9GD2-kX9c5cvtHTEiRz70GKYg=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo) physique wouldn't have been possible. But then again we also wouldn't see stuff like [this](https://www.builtreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/dave-palumbo-046.jpg) without insulin. It's a mixed bag. When it goes right it *really* goes right, but as you can see it also has the potential to go *really* wrong.


Hm. Yeah, it’s so weird to see how one substance can go incredibly well for one person and terribly for another


Not true, Yates did not start using insulin until 1996, IIRC. The increase in size from 1992 to 1993 was a function of an additional year of training + not overdieting his hard-earned muscle away.


It’s amazing how many people dismiss progressive overload and intensity, low volume and pushing heavier weights and progressive eating and just argue all drugs.


Absolutely. I also find it hilarious (and sad) that when Yates (who, so far as I can tell, has been completely honest about everything to do with his bodybuilding career) admits to having used roughly 2 grams of anabolics per week while Mr. Olympia, along with HGH, clenbuterol, etc. people describe this as an impossibly low dose.


It blows my mind. It seems like all people care about now is the drugs and thinking more is the answer. They train like pussies doing junk volume and pump weights and have know idea how to eat or even what they eat


The face is what gets me. In 92 he looks just like a statue of a greek god. Good skin and clear (also massive) jawline. In 93 he looks bloated like hes in the middle stages of alcoholism.


Still have it on my basement wall. Also have a huge poster of Dorian, Nasser, and other from the 97' Mr. O Was an amazing lineup that year!


Dorian wasn’t just massive. He was thicc


He must have started using two scoops of whey 💪💪


And now he looks like a regular dude.


When Dorian realised the almighty IUs of GROWTH HORMONAA


Ever part improved except for his abs bit that understandable


Ever part improved except for his abs bit that understandable




First pic looks like Calum if he were to take competing seriously


The best part is it doesn't even look like he gained much mass, he's just so much denser. Looks like he's built out of stone


Its just me or he doesnt look too much different? The pictures seems to be taken with different photo lenses and that can give you the illusion of bigger, adding the fact that different types of clothes also help you on this.


Yea, and I actually prefer the 92 pic. Looks leaner to me.




Thanks. The focal point is the photo.


infamous means it's bad.


Yes. It was bad for the competition!!! 😂


whats the difference? I really can't tell / know what to look for