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I personally enjoy B&B and have been watching for probably 5 years now. A tradition passed down from my mom, who’s been watching since the show first aired. If it’s not for you, that’s cool. I won’t lie, B&B is pretty campy and ridiculous at times, but also enjoyable if you acknowledge that stuff right away. The storylines in play right now are that Hope developed feelings for Thomas while they worked together during her fashion show last year. She kissed him in Italy and Liam saw, and immediately ran to (his ex wife) Steffy. Hope ended things and started a genuine relationship with Thomas, despite Thomas having a few screws loose and being kind of obsessed with Hope in the past. But since he’s a “one woman man” and Liam constantly wavers between two woman, she dumped Liam and got with Thomas. They had a “no strings attached” policy for a while because of his unstable history but Thomas wanted something more, and eventually proposed. Hope said she needed more time, but Thomas proposed again, bigger and better than before, and she still turned him down. Right now, they’re in the middle of ending their relationship. Steffy (Thomas’ sister) is very anti-Hope, and thinks she’s trying to stir up Thomas’ emotions by being non-committal. Meanwhile, there’s a side story with Ridge’s son, where he’s dating an intern named Luna. Her mom is this bohemian woman (Poppy) who takes drugs recreationally, and Luna accidentally mistook her mom’s drugs as a tin of mints. So she got high as a kite and slept with another man at a party. Her aunt is also Finn’s mom, and an accomplished doctor, and looks down on Poppy for her lifestyle.


Adding to this for OP, on the topic of "campy and ridiculous" (which I personally love about this show): Thomas' past obsession with Hope includes him having a relationship (?) with a Hope mannequin which he thought was talking to him and telling him to kill Liam. Also, Hope at one point pushed Thomas into a vat of acid, though it conveniently turned out not to be acid after all.


Oh I love the camp too 😊


Yeah but it all turned out to be a result of his brain tumor pressing on the part of the brain that makes you an obsessed maniac lol 😂But that doesn’t explain the fake CPS call on Brooke


I think Finn is Lunas father


Nah I think it’s Jack


That's even more scandalous!! Now that would explain why Lee hates her sister so much




Short answer: Don't waste your time. It's poorly written show, with inconsistencies in characters, limited cast, and lots of incestual (by marriage) relationships. B&B changes the story each week or so. So currently going through the break up of Hope and Thomas (stepsiblings). A few weeks ago, Steffy murdered her motherinlaw in self defense. We'll see if they return to that story. Police may be returning. A few weeks ago. Luna accidentally slept with her boyfriend's rival, after only one night after losing her viriginity to her boyfriend. Luna's mother uses edibles that Luna accidentally ingested and caused hallucinations and the mixup. That's all that is going on now. Sad. So much potential.


you should google storylines from the past and watch classic episodes on the official youtube channel. that’s how i got into this soap


If you are not a Steffy/Ridge/Thomas fan you shouldn’t waste your time. Nobody is allowed to say anything back to the Forresters. They make up new lies about the Logan’s which are taken as facts. I mean if you enjoy rape, killing, child abuse, kidnapping, buying babies and bully with no consequences and the victim shamed and blamed you should continue to watch.


I'm newer, been watching every day for something like a year and half, and despite Hope and Thomas being one of my favorite couples this week has *easily* been the most boring week during the time I've watched. The other period you mentioned watching was boring for me too. I really like B&B overall, but during my time watching I've found the show to be wildly inconsistent, turning on a dime between periods of highly soapy/dramatic/bizarre OMG WTF DID THAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN?! with extremely eventful episodes and three storylines going at once... and then next you have ONE boring-ass storyline spread thin over the whole week(s). Like, a couple weeks ago was a somewhat sudden and surprisingly violent (for this show) major character death, with at least two characters looking like they were on the verge of going insane in the aftermath of it--and now we've had the most boring week ever of repetitive drawn-out shit that could've been handled in one or two episodes. So, I dunno. I do think you've been unlucky and tuned in at particularly boring points while missing the exciting stuff in between, but also these boring times do happen.


I’m a relatively new watcher too. The story evolution pace has been dreadfully slow, when not in crisis the characters just compliment each other like sayings from Hallmark cards, they repeat themselves and often replay scenes that happened recently as though we don’t remember. There is something that keeps me watching though. I think I watch because I don’t want soaps to die. I understand B&B used to be written much better (I think that’s true for all the soaps) and this show is apparently popular in many countries. Many want them to get the fashion up front again (before my time watching) which I do think would be really interesting but also expensive.


Logans and Forresters are always intertwined and at each others throats. Brooke and Ridge and Eric are the main patriarchs. Watch any show and you will pick up on the feuds, storylines. My sister explained B&B to me as well as googling the storylines and characters. Sheila was the consummate bad guy and I loved her character. Bill Spencer is the puppeteer and money man.