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Whoa the BAR gunners are actually FIRING THE DANG BAR!


Had to grab some US airborne sprues to kitbash for this exact reason!


Looks nice, but *how about a new Soviet set next, please!?*


Yeah. As happy as I am for plastic winter Americans, the Japanese, Soviet and German sprues have definitely fallen behind. Praying that there's plenty of new models being released along with 3e.


My *sneaking suspicion* is that this means the second army book released will be the US. i.e. the first set reflects the first two army books in the queue. From there I would *hope* it means each army book will also mean a new related release... but maybe I'm getting a little too hopeful lol


German, US and British (Commonwealth) would be the first ones to be released as they are the most popular. US next does seem likely.


I'd think fourth would then be Axis after that, if so, so probably Japan (unless Italy finally gets elevated up to "its own army book" levels)... so second starter set Burma campaign, clearly!


I’d be happy just to have new Japanese sculpts, but a Burma starter set would be such an awesome way to reveal those. I don’t care if it’s improbable–those often overlooked conflict points in Asia would be awesome to see!


Burma could be a good shout. As far east Gurhkas have just been released


They did confirm that new minis will be released alongside the Armies of…. books.


I guess that's one thing GW does right. You get a new army book, you know your army is gonna get some new kits lol


"New army book coming, time for a second mortgage!"


My second major army is Japanese so I feel your pain.


I thought the new starter might be Barbarossa with new German and Soviet kits. Would have been nice to update two old kits in one go


Yeah, I got my dad a box of Pioneers that use the Blitzkrieg sculpts, and he got so frustrated with them that he couldn't finish their assembly. Barbarossa would be a great starter set to release new ones for them.


What more do you want like an example the range looks pretty good to me from the outside?


The existing plastic kits are mediocre, and I believe one of the oldest ones still out there. The summer kit in particular is pretty notorious for not even having half the soldiers in summer uniform, but instead the padded winter jacket.... It's in pretty good need of an overhaul.


Ah now that I think about it there are quite a few padded jackets when I made my friends soviets. I don’t remember them being that bad to build other than the weapons coming off a weapon sprue and not being attached to an arm. Aren’t there winter Soviet’s in plastic?


The winter kit is basically the summer kit with some great coats but otherwise the same. The weapons being separate is another big complaint people seem to have, since newer kits don't do it that way (although I'm the weirdo who doesn't really mind that part. Loose weapons make kit bashing a lot easier).


I don’t mind it, it gives more opportunity to kitbash I feel, the only plastic kit I hate is the Japanese the weird knee joint on the prone soldiers just makes me angry


The Japanese are the first army I stopped painting and got rid of because the sculpts sucked.


The separate weapons was annoying and fiddly to me, and slowed down the build process. i'd be glad for a new late war Soviet kit.


Ah now that I think about it there are quite a few padded jackets when I made my friends soviets. I don’t remember them being that bad to build other than the weapons coming off a weapon sprue and not being attached to an arm. Aren’t there winter Soviet’s in plastic?


The sculpting is rough on some bodies, like the ones that have bags on their backs you can't tell where the bag ends and their body begins. The way they sculpted it, it just turns into an amorphous blob at the meeting point.


They have pics of new sculpts in the article.


Plastic winter Americans... my one weakness. ☠️


I have been so good about not enlarging my pile of shame this year but I think that ends now... https://preview.redd.it/kd9om40qrbad1.png?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50838908f4ab598b9168c715c9fe2ccfd9dbd8e


At least you have till September to thin the pile out a bit more 😆


I'm already thinking of kitbashing opportunities for the US infantry to justify already working on the metal ones!


Wish they would do an East Front Starter.


I like the LT double fisting his 1911 and grease gun.


A classic. You love to see it.


So glad there are some plastic snowsuit models now!!


Does this mean the new starter mean it’s going to be winter paratroopers?


It is winter FJ vs winter US army


Yes, the article shows pictures of them.


Looks like Winter US Army as opposed to Airborne-specific.


In a winter coat, only real difference would be the lack of jump boots, I'd think? A little shaving and some green stuff should make that pretty easy to kitbash.


Plastic Winter forces please please!


Literally in the article dude


I skimmed it I’m at work


Understandable, have a good day x


They are confirmed!


Legit. I'm guessing a rulebook comes with?


I'd certainly assume so! The previous two-player starter sets have always included a copy of the Rulebook.


I'm into a winter start set. I'd imagine we get a tank a piece as well.


Im putting my money on a "reverse band of brothers box"... 2 squads of fallschirmjagers vs 1 squad of us infantry supported by a greyhound. (The BoB are roughly 2 squads of us ariborne against a squad of germans supported by a half track)


I'm pretty sure the set will be balanced like Gentleman's war, it's the main complaint against starters.


There is an M8 on the cover. Maybe that will be included?


Good point. If we take that as a sign there is also a guy throwing a grenade. Could we be getting rules for grenades?!


I hope there are some more dynamic poses for the FJs. They look like they're all on casual patrol.


Oddly, a painting that I think would make a better cover just popped up in my feed: https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlePaintings/s/RwCkK0BCNH


Gotta respectfully disagree with ya there. Peter Dennis is the GOAT. His cover artwork has a certain "action comics" quality to it that is perfect for Bolt Action.


Would wish for new plastic heer winter for late war, imo the current one of winter heer just fits the late war less than I would like it too so it can cater to the early and mid aka lack of snowsuits and other later more ragtag/ late war winter kit (think the metal winter heer grenadiers) but at least these new winter FJ have snowsuits and great sculpts!