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Our security barely looked at our RV, we went to so much trouble stashing everything and just breezed in.


The basically just profile people lol, if they think you look like you’d do drugs then they search


Well, duh if the dog was a drug dog, he would’ve hit off everybody. They’re always bomb dogs same as the airport.


Thank you for sharing this information. May the festy gods shine upon you.


They got me for most of my trees


Today is day 3 of "day-parking" for us, and not one single person has tried searching our car.


My wallet was robbed by lost and found last year. Over 1k in cash. It was in the wallet in lost and found intake. When I picked it up all of it was gone. Some Bonnaroo staff are thief's and it has gotten out of control.


I’m just wearing skimpy enough clothes that they are like he’s too gay to have anything


Yes. Checking for glass containers.


Also, if you have a lockable glove box, LOCK IT!!!!!!!!! just say it's broken and has never worked/ stopped working a while back. They can't break your shit or demand your keys to open it.


As others have said if u wanna guarantee something doesn't get taken keep it on you, they can't pat you down or touch you


Do they check inside coolers?


Had a volunteer cuss me out for asking if she was serious when she said I couldn't bring in my umbrella. We didn't see anything in the rules about it, but if thems the rules, thems the rules. All she had to say was "yeah, sorry, we can't let umbrellas through" and I would've been like "ok, cool, I'll bring it back to camp, thanks!", but she straight up cussed me out for asking if she was serious and kept attacking me even after I tried to apologize and de-escalate the situation. Reported her to the security overseer. As someone that works a customer service job where I get cussed out regularly, you don't treat anybody that way when you're working. It was wholly unnecessary and even other staff were even looking at her like "woah, too far".


Hypothetically, if I have a Wednesday every car camping pass, but I actually arrive Friday evening….what happens?


Upon further research, I did not buy a car camping pass this year. Therefore I will be walking around with a tent and backpack Friday night looking for a nice patch of grass


Yeah, while at the checkpoint Thursday morning, one of the shitbags stole my meds. Yes, prescription meds. I didn't notice till late afternoon and I couldn't tell you his name if it meant my life. PLEASE CHECK YOUR CAR AT THE CHECKPOINT after they search, or watch them like a hawk while they do.




Also be careful of security entering center roo. Last year I handed him a basket to pass around the scanner and my phone was in it. 10 minutes later realised I didn’t get my phone back from the basket. Ran back and the dude had changed shift and disappeared.


I always hid my sand/trees in my crotch during the car check. Never let me down.


That’s those extra skunky trees!


That’s always the only recommendation I have.


My shit was barely searched granted I look like a middle class white guy who has never had sex before so that may have something to do with it


Bro same I was like, that's it? 😂I had a truck bed full and stuff, they opened up a quarter of the way, opened one box and said, you're good 😂 I said uh alright 😎


Bro lol me and my group of the exact same lol we had a fucking truck full and they had us open our cooler, they looked in, didn't move anything and let us go.


My theory has always been, the more square you look, the less they press.


i had my entire ass out fishnets mini skirt everything and the lady opened my bag then zipped it right back up. didn’t care at all i had multiple js and alc w me in my fanny pack


Part of what I love about driving a mom suv lol


Friend, be kinder to yourself lol


I’m with UT. I look like IT and accounting had a baby and named it Bland. I also very rarely get any sort of extensive searching.


West toll booth had some dickheads yesterday. They brought the good boy to my whip over some bullshit.


did the good boy find anything?! the og poster said they were bomb dogs!


I didn’t haven’t anything. It was all in my trunk and shit though.


awesome!! thank you


Can you confirm that it won’t be an issue if I come in today with a Wednesday entry car camping pass?


Camping passes don’t have to be swapped unless you plan to enter sooner than the day stated on the pass.


This is correct^ you don’t have to swap earlier day for later


I cannot unfortunately


As in can’t confirm or think I’d need a Thursday?


Can’t confirm but I would think you’re gonna need a new one


You gotta go to will call to switch it out for Thursday otherwise they won't let you thru




Go to will call and swap it out. Better safe than sorry. It takes ten minutes in and out usually. We did it last year.


Gonna see how long the line is. If it’s short go the main entrance I might just try it. If it’s long I’ll swap it. Fingers crossed


Yeah some might be cool but you should just go switch it out


You're the best, currently not packing anything suspicious but if some of my wee amount of cash or something else did go missing I'd be upset.


What happens to the contraband if they find it?


Lost in a series of small fires


What I believe is supposed to happen is a supervisor disposes of it discreetly in a locked container and the cops come and get it for destruction at some point. But supervisors seem to play by their own rules at each checkpoint.


Can you keep your wallet on you? Or does it have to stay in the car while they search?


You can keep *anything* on you. They won't search your person


Keep it on you


They don’t ask, just get out w shit on you that you don’t want them to take


Always watch them do the search.


Yeah my security person was REALLY trying to get me to confess to bringing stuff. Multiple times asking if I had weed or drugs


My guy said he didn’t feel like looking through our stuff and just asked if we had anything.


Mine too and tried to convince me the dog was a drug dog when I knew damn well it was a bomb dog. Dude said they sniffed out mushrooms so I should tell him where my weed is and they won’t take it.


And most drug dogs don't actually alert for drugs, they "alert" when given a cue by their handlers so their handlers have an excuse to illegally search your stuff.


Are the security points that check cars just for camping ? Or do daily parking cars also get searched? I’ve never been and going for just a day, and wondering what the various security points will be.


I believe all vehicles are searched


Big ups to you. Been worried about security thieves. Going to have a close eye on them