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I’m a reporter, email me, and we can talk about opening an investigation [email protected]


Bump wtf


Me and this guy got sucker punched during Red Hot Chili Peppers! I wonder if it was the same dude. My jaw still hurts and there’s bruises on my neck from the whiplash.


Was he blonde-ish, he had one hand, wearing a tank top i believe?


Surprised surrounding people in the crowd let this go on. I’ve gone to hundreds of shows, and while it’s few and far between people get out of line, if they do people are quick to take things into their own hands. Especially if it’s a lady. I hope everything gets situated for you, it being after the fact it might be difficult. Fuck that guy.


a bunch of men around us tackled him to the ground TWICE, after he hit me, before security showed up, from what my friend and witnesses said. i don’t remember much between the punch and the hospital


Fuck that guy. Hope you’re doing better and I hope he gets his.




I think I saw that guy at one point. BUMP. GET EM.


Bump. Fuck that guy


My daughter and I were at the hospital the same time as you/ your friend in the bed next to y’all. I can’t even believe that shit happened to y’all. I hope you are able to find him and he gets held accountable.


hope you guys are okay. i vaguely remember hearing y’all next to us 🫶🏻


My daughter knocked out the moment they got the IV, but she’s feeling much better and we’re going to take more precautions with the nastiness of the mushroom and waterslide next year. 😅


i’m so sorry your daughter had to go to the hospital! i did not go on the slide or in the mushroom fountain as i couldn’t convince myself it was clean but if i may ask, what about the fountain caused your daughter to have to go to the hospital!?


She has a UTI/ bladder infection and due to us showering every day and us taking extra care of private areas while camping, it’s assumed it came from being in water that people were urinating in as well as being in while dirty. It’s apparently very common at Roo.


wow, so sorry to hear that. wishing her quick healing!!


Thank you! She’s been much better after getting a few doses of antibiotics and will be done with them Sunday.




I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope he is brought to justice.


I hope this guy gos to jail. He should not be out in public.


I was legitimately physically assaulted hardcore at the red hot chilli peppers right before Melanie came on, something was in the air Saturday :( I’m so sorry that happened to you. I still have bruises on me from when I was attacked


hugs your way! i am also sorry you were attacked


Bump. I heard about this too. So fucked up. Sorry this happened to you.






I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope you get some answers!


Bump!! So sorry this happened and I wish I could fight him for you ❤️ No one deserves this. Someone needs to take his other hand too 🤷


I'm a long time roovian. I promise if this stuff goes down near me I will be going to jail for beating the fuck out of someone. This southern boy was raised to defend a woman. I was there this year and wish I could have been with you. Im so sorry and know that roo is not like this. I hope you get justice. I also hope you come back and don't let that guy ruin it for you.


Second this. I walked up on an incident where a girl was accusing this guy and his "team" (who had abandoned him, obviously) of stealing her phone at the other stage and security was actively trying to figure out what was going on. My buddy and myself hung around to make sure if he tried to bolt we could cut him off or assist in case he did worse. Escort eventually showed up and took over the situation. I'm not sure what the end result was but I think I saw the same guy in outeroo Sunday night. Hopefully that girl got her phone back at least. There's not much out there worse than someone(s) who prey on vulnerable Roovians just trying to have the time of their lives. There's no place for that shit at any festival but as a Tennessean, Roo is my festival and they can keep that shit at EDC or Coachella or wherever.








I met that man on thursday and he grabbed my friends phone and put his number in it lmk if you want it! i don’t know his name!!


God’s work!


Sent it to me I can find his name and address.




Bumping this


They don’t have to serve him shit. They should put a warrant out for his arrest and grab the bastard the second they find him.


To be fair he probably doesn't live in Manchester


He doesn’t have to be. If they know his name any police officer in any state would see that he’s got a warrant for his arrest, take him in and call the police who issued the warrant and they’d come and get him. 


Bump, hoping you get justice


Bump 💚






I think I know who your talking about he was also at post grabbing and groping on everyone I thought he was just high but now I see this and its sad this was my first roo I still loved it buts its sad to see this happen. And I hope he gets whats comeing to him and if my boyfriend would have saw it he would have killed dude. Im so sorry to hear this and im willing to help if I have to.


We had a one hand man camp across from us in Plaza 2 right in front of where in the woods. We didn't have much interaction with him though and didn't get any pictures of his camp. Sorry for not being able to help more.


This was my friend that I went to roo with! I can vouch that this is not the guy he was with me and my friends all weekend


Hey that was me! I was in my tent at 1030 that night and it was infact not me. I’m sorry for what happened to the victim and if I knew anything about him I would mention it cause I tend to talk to other people with missing limbs but I did not see this man. Willing to post pictures to show it wasn’t me if need be. You can reach out at any point


Not me that assaulted*


It sounds like they may have found the right guy. Sorry for calling you out 😭 I was just hoping to help.


Oh no if I was in your shoes I would the exact same thing even if it ended up not being me you did right thing to do to give information! I planned to attend next year so I thought I’d reach out and let people know for the confusion


Can you contact me so I can get more info from you I am a security supervisor and was working Bonnaroo all week night shift I would love and try to help out








This is why I fucking hate crowds man. I’m sorry you experienced that.


Saw this man, was it near the bathrooms by which stage? I remember seeing him and thinking something odd was happening but I was looking for my lost friend so was preoccupied! I am so sorry! I wish I had been paying closer attention, I would have beat his ass for you!


this was at which during melanie martinez; around 1230 in the morning. we were in the area everyone sits on their tapestries and whatnot a bit behind from the camera spot for the live stream filming


Okay not the same guy then but I truly hope you find him!


i have seen the other post about the incident; i am trying to get as much exposure as possible


Bump. I’m so sorry you had to go through this :/


Upvoting for visibility. I hope he is found and Justice is served! Idk what was in the drugs this year but a few people were aggro. I’ve wondered if it’s the same thing that happened in NYC a while back with women getting sucker punched.


Some people just can’t handle psychedelics. They aren’t for everyone.


It’s the Molly. Doing it too often/too much one time will burn your serotonin receptors and you can’t get em back. Or - some are just pre-disposed genetically. What you’re seeing is mostly Serotonin Syndrome leading to Violent Paranoid Psychosis. BF and I did psychs/fests for 6 years until all of a sudden now if he takes any drug (it’s happened now on weed, Molly, shrooms) - he will think everyone’s going to kill him, fight everyone around him, start seizing, and need multiple cops/EMTs to sedate him. More on my page on that. Can’t spread this gospel fast enough - and it’s only going to get worse. It’s all fun and games and “shrooms would never do that.. they just can’t handle their drugs” bullshit until it happens to you or a loved one. Stay safe and be vigilant my friends. Sobriety is the only choice once it happens (alcohol is ok for him) - and if it does, make sure they get sedated, as tasing can shock the heart to death during an episode. List of research studies somewhere on my page.


Btw - by no means am I saying this was the case, but it’s the root cause of many of the unexplained random assaults at fests nowadays that require a team to restrain them.


I saw that man walking around right before her set. He did not look okay. Like he had consumed too much of something. Shame on him.




Your post has been removed for Rule #1. Please refrain from hostile/unnecessary confrontation. Negative opinions and reactions are fine, but please do so in a civil way.


She had to leave roo and go to the ER twice. And he punched her after she turned down his advances.Are you supporting predators or just a troll? This wasn’t a mosh this was assault.


Your energy can quickly find its way to the door. I feel bad for anyone who has to suffer through your ignorance.


Take at look at his comment history. Incel and bigot for sure.


It's probably a bot. Did you all see that Russian bot that stupidly dumped its gpt error on Twitter? They are on here as well


Good luck getting those pigs to help you with anything


I saw another post describing this incident - have you found that yet? I can try to look for it




Bump. I have seen other posts on here wanting to help identify. Hope you find this pos.






I’m so sorry that happened to you holy shit. I have no idea what was going on with the crowds this year, the tone was definitely off.


Isolated incidents dont mean the whole crowd was off. I spent hours and hours inside of Centeroo every day, bouncing from stage to stage, and never saw anything that made the crowd feel “off.”


I’m just speaking from what I experienced this year as opposed to last year.




I'm so sorry this happened. My daughter was also in the crowd and I had to go sit down for a minute. I would be so upset and probably would be in jail had I seen this, much less if it happened to my daughter. I'm hoping that you get the justice you deserve. Have you been able to positively identify the person?


i have identified him thru the power of social media, but police are saying they can’t serve him until they make contact with him somehow. total BS i don’t understand


Is he from Manchester?


Can you send me his name? I personally know a guy with one hand who was supposed to go to bonnaroo this year. If it’s the same guy, I could probably get his address passed over to LEOs


Do it if it’s the same person he punched this woman in the face


How many people were there with one hand lmao!!!


Unfortunately, it’s not the same person 😔


don’t you mean luckily, it’s not the same person. haha i personally wouldn’t want to know a person who would do that 😂


Haha I was mostly hoping I could help track the guy down! The person who I know is an ex of a friend of mine so I was never close with them anyways


They have to serve him the papers, it has to be done in person.


They’ll probably send the papers to the police department wherever his dmv address is. They’ll send police to his house over and over until they serve him. Do they have his identity?


Put his info in here so we can at least all blast him and call him out publicly


if you go to the link to the other post above it sounds like someone has his phone number


They can’t serve him papers if they can’t physically contact him. It took 2 weeks to serve my mom bc she would leave her house when the cops would be coming up. They had to come in the middle of the night to catch her lol

