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Find the links to the discussions here: * [19th March - Discussion 1 - Inferno 1 to 7 (\~38 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1bii673/discussion_discovery_read_historical_fiction_the/) * [26th March - Discussion 2 - Inferno 8 to 16 (\~40 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1bo6oxq/discussion_discovery_read_historical_fiction_the/) * [2nd April - Discussion 3 - Inferno 17 to 25 (\~41 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1btsbdd/discussion_discovery_read_historical_fiction_the/) * [9th April - Discussion 4 - Inferno 26 to 34 (\~43 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1bzz9p1/discussion_discovery_read_historical_fiction_the/) * [16th April - Discussion 5 - Purgatorio 1 to 7 (\~35 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1c5lbaf/discussion_discovery_read_historical_fiction_the/) * [23rd April - Discussion 6 - Purgatorio 8 to 15 (\~37 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1cb8pov/discussion_discovery_read_historical_fiction_the/) * [30 April - Discussion 7 - Purgatorio 16 to 24 (\~41 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1ch5pb3/discussion_discovery_read_historical_fiction_the/) * [7th May - Discussion 8 - Purgatorio 25 to 33 (\~43 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1cmnejs/discussion_discovery_read_historical_fiction_the/) * [14th May - Discussion 9 - Paradiso 1 to 7 (\~36 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1crvtkx/discussion_the_divine_comedy_by_dante_alighieri/) * [21st May - Discussion 10 - Paradiso 8 to 15 (\~36 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1cxmrm3/discussion_the_divine_comedy_by_dante_alighieri/) * [28th May - Discussion 11 - Paradiso 16 to 24 (\~39 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1d2nx0x/discussion_the_divine_comedy_by_dante_alighieri/) * [4th June - Discussion 12 - Paradiso 25 to 33 (\~40 pages)](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/comments/1d83g5k/discussion_the_divine_comedy_by_dante_alighieri/)


Yesss, I am so looking forward to this!


We'll see you at the first discussion!


I've got two tickets to paradiso / won't you pack your bags? We'll leave [on the 19th per the calendar] https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/[email protected]&ctz=Etc/GMT


Grazie mille!




Been wanting to read for a long time. Excited to tackle it with this group


Perfect timing, then! I hope to get more out of this by discussing it with other readers.


Excited to finally read this in its entirety! I've only read sections before.


Lovely! I'm excited to read it slowly and really digest it.


How is everyone reading this?! What translation?


I watched a few videos on different translations and I ended up going with the Ciardi. Seems to be a good mix of trying to keep the poetic style as well as using language that isn’t too archaic. Also has good summaries, diagrams, etc. It seemed like a good choice for a first read


THis is the translation I am reading. Enjoying it so far. The notes are great. It can seem a bit clunky sometimes attempting to mimic the poetic style but I appreciate the efforts!


That’s good to know! I got mine yesterday so starting it today in prep for next week. I’m looking forward to it


I was actually reading Dante before this popped up here and was working my way through the Mark Musa translation. I may double up on Dante this year (I read the Divine Comedy annually for Lent) and read the Anthony Esolen translation as well.


I read it with the Everyman Mandelbaum translation the first time, which had great contextual notes. I’m going to try Italian this time around.


Oooh, the Mandelbaum translation is one of the English translations used in the Digital Dante. You'll have to tell us how the verse flows in the original Italian.


I've heard that the Longfellow translation is good, but I might want to read a version with annotations.


I have heard that as well, from what I understand it’s the really beautiful but with the language I know I’d have to read it very slowly. I want to read the Longfellow version on my second read


I'm so in, can't wait! Medieval literature has my heart on a platter.


This is perfect, then! You can tell us how this stacks up against other medieval lit! We'll see you in a week for the first discussion!


Had this on my bookshelf forever. Glad to finally have a chance to read it. I've also been watching The Medici and The Borgias TV shows recently, it feels the Italian Renaissance is making a come back in pop culture.


Glad to hear you'll be reading this with us. I've also found myself watching more medieval-themed movies lately.


The Borgias is a great show!


I’m excited 🌈 to read this again! Such depth and beauty in time for overlap with the Easter season ❤️💜💛💚❤️


Great point! ❤️💛🧡💚🩵💜🩷


I just saw a documentary on PBS about Dante called Dante: From Inferno to Paradiso. It's on Amazon Prime. (It would be best if you watch the series after you've read each part because there are spoilers.) I'll see you in the Inferno!


I was looking for the discussion thread since it is the 19th today. Can anyone tell me what time it usually starts? Sorry, I am participating for the first time.


Hey there, thanks for the question. We don't have a fixed time for discussion posts, and a discussion will usually be posted on the scheduled date., but this may be in a different timezone than yours. The first discussion for The Divine Comedy has been posted now, please enjoy!


Thanks for the reply!