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I may or may not have 3 boards on the go....ok I definitely have 3 boards on the go. One is already blackout. I am missing 5 on board 2 and 12 on board 3 (not including the 10 r/bookclub reads I am partway through). Goal is 4 blackouts, but I suspect I may struggle to fill certain hard to achieve squares now. Who I gotta speak to to get more indigenous authors and graphic novels.....oh.....er 👀


On that note, how do we define indigenous authors? I think our next RtW selections from Samoa will feature works by indigenous authors. Both Albert Wendt and Lani Wendt Young are Samoans, with Lani Wendt Young having Samoan and Maori ancestry. Personally, I think of them as indigenous authors in the sense that they belong to the indigenous people of that region. But if I extend that definition to other reads, I guess some or many of the RtW selections could be classified as indigenous authors as well?


Good point. Paging the Ministry Bingoers u/miriel41, u/espiller1, u/sunnydaze7777777, u/midasgoldentouch and u/thebowedbookshelf


We agree these Samoan books would be considered an indigenous author. Good eye! As far as other RTW, I think we would want to confirm they were written about or written by people who were native to an area before colonization. Please feel free to suggest more to us.


u/latteh0lic good news!


I've been slacking on my reading lately 😞 But I'm on vacation for most of July and I'm hoping to catch up on some reading! I'm only going to try for one blackout, and I have 11 spots filled so far. I'd say that's a decent chunk! My main problem is that I read all these book 1s, and then want to keep reading more and leave no time for new series/stand alone books 😣 I think the graphic novel is gonna be hard for me.


I am on track for a blackout but first need to keep my eyes peeled for Indigenous, Evergreen and YA.


I’m four squares away from blackout. I also need to be mindful of an indigenous author.


I have 7, nearly 8 squares completed. I am hoping for a blackout but have a long way to go yet. I haven’t completed any rows yet but maybe could if I jigged some things around. At the moment I am still placing in the first available square that the book fits into but will probably have to move things around and start reading more selectively as time goes on. I think non-fiction and graphic novels are going to be tricky for me but I’m sure I’ll find something


I have cleared 17 squares so far, and I hope to be able to check 3 more squares (with David Copperfield, Children of Time, Salvation of a Saint) since I haven't made any progress at all in my reading this past week. I really want to finish reading Thinking, Fast and Slow to be able to tick the non-fiction box, but I haven't started yet 😅 Like others, I also need to keep an eye out for books by Indigenous authors. Also horror and romance, because I rarely read those genres.


I'm waiting until October for the horror category! I just can't get into the mood unless it's spooky season! 😁


Five squares away from a blackout! I hope to do one blackout and another bingo (maybe a row) by the end of the year. I've been super slow in my reading recently, I thought I could achieve blackout by the end of June :/


I have 16 I think right now... However, I think I'm going to struggle a bit for some of the categories to wrap up for a blackout. 😅 I'm not sure how to fill the Bonus Read square, because most of the bonus reads are usually sequels... And books by the same authors previously read don't count!


I got lucky and had started a series last year that continued this year, so had Bonus completed from that.


I have one blackout and a couple squares on a second board so far! I’m aiming for 2 blackouts but we’ll see how that goes 🙈


Good luck! I was thinking of doing the same... you're giving me hope that I can maybe go for it, but 2 blackouts sounds challenging. We shall see!


Go for it! Literally nothing bad happens if you don’t make it! I believe in you!


So true!


I've been updating my megathread post monthly but I'm happy I did a deeper scrub based on this check-in because I optimized my bingo card a bit. Based on planning I'm 7 spots away from a blackout now, which I'm pretty pleased about! I'm not necessarily too focused on getting a blackout; rather I am working toward it and if it happens, yay! If not, I'll be happy with what I've read. Categories I've not yet filled: * Graphic Novel - should be easy enough to fit in if needed * Sci-Fi - I read the most of this generally, should be no issue * Gutenberg - blehhhhh * Horror - we'll have to see on this one, I could go back and read one that was finished this year * Indigenous Author - we'll have to get more noms on this one! * Read the World - waiting for a book I can get easily enough from my libraries, so far literally nothing has been available which is honestly pretty sad * Young Adult - I'm very surprised I haven't gotten this one yet?! My plan does rely on me going back to fully read three books: * *Starter Villain -* I own this, and LOVE Scalzi, so I'm waiting for a good opportunity to fit in a quick read, maybe while traveling this summer?? * *The Wager -* I've been waiting for my audiobook hold to come in * *Demon Copperhead* - I own this one too, and thankfully it's due on July 4th for a work book club! Gotta love a twofer of challenge completions I feel pretty good about this status based on the fact it's only June! Truly loving this community (especially bingo) as I think it's helped focus my reading energy and get my backlog whittled down every so slightly the time I've participated in it. I appreciate everyone here!


For Guttenberg, I highly recommend House of Mirth. I tend not to go for classics and I'm trying to read more, and was really impressed by this one.


Do you know I have this one on my TBR and the only barrier was I didn't own it already! I might throw it on my list and prioritize it....


Definitely, it was a 5* read for me!


I second the recommendation. It was one of my top reads so far this year!


That's how I feel about the Gutenberg category too 😂


I'm waiting for one I'm interested in, is on my TBR or one I own, or one that's readily available from the library and short(er). None yet! :( Hopeful we've got the back half of the year to fill that one out lol!


We are just starting Sherlock Holmes and it’s free online. Plus short stories you can take in small bites!


I had a long think about that one today and added it to my maybe list! :)


I have 15 squares finished, yet somehow have an entire row unmarked lol. The hard one for me is probably the Read the World one. I usually pick books that I already have a copy of (it helps reduce my physical TBR pile) or have wanted to read, and I've mostly skipped that category. I'll just have to plan ahead for Read the World . . . and probably Gutenberg.


Gutenberg - Sherlock Holmes is free online and short stories you can take a little at a time?


I only have my strategy for now. I’m going to read whatever I like, and at the end of the year I’m going to see we’re it all fits. Ta-daa


Worked for me last year!


I'm trying to get a blackout. The only categories that I have no books for are Indigenous, Nonfiction, and Horror. But the rest of my board is a convoluted mess. I keep running into situations where books A and B fit into categories A, B, and C, so I need one book from any of those categories. Of course, the simplest solution is to read more books, and since we still have half a year, I think I should eventually be able to get this to work.


I'm 3 squares away from one blackout: I just need an Indigenous author, LGBTQ+, and Monthly Mini. Like u/latteh0lic , I'm hoping the Samoa picks qualify for Indigenous author. For LGBTQ+, I'm planning to go back and read Brokeback Mountain if all else fails (I've already read Orlando and wasn't feeling a re-read). And I should have no trouble joining for one other Monthly Mini or Poetry corner. So close! I have about 7 squares on a second board. Not sure if I'll try for a second blackout or just traditional bingo on that one.


I just need a horror pick for my first blackout and I have 9 towards a second card!


I have nine more to go, and I am reading three this month for more squares. I've been reading what sounds interesting and fitting them to the categories, which has been easy so far. Horror and Indigenous will be harder, but it will be done by December. No need to panic halfway through. Last year, it was hard to add a fantasy, but this year I already have one. The Farthest Shore by Ursula LeGuin. Catching up to David Copperfield, Orlando, The Devotion of Suspect X, and Scythe. Oh, and I'm doing a blackout. Maybe a second one with a plus or one row.


I am 3 squares from a blackout - David Copperfield and Children of Time are in the works, so that will just leave Indigenous Author to get the blackout! I am hoping to catch up with Fevered Star because I already read Black Sun and enjoyed it. Then I have a bunch of books (12, I think) I can put towards another card or cards. I'm not sure if I can do 2 blackout cards because certain categories will be tough for me - graphic novel, horror, romance, and Inigenous author seem like they'll be most challenging to fill a second time for me. I guess it'll depend on what gets nominated, and if not, I'll have a bunch of cards with a row, column, plus, or X, I guess. However, it shakes out, I'll be pleased because this is my 1st r/bookclub Bingo, and I didn't think I'd even get one blackout! (Turns out to be easy if you overcommit and read too many at once, every single month.) Yay, books!!!


Yay team overcommit!


I have 12 boxes checked on my Bingo board so far. That's half a Bingo board and we're almost halfway through the year, so I'd say it still looks good for me this year and I might achieve a blackout by the end of the year. I already have a plan for some open spots (to fill them with books I'm currently reading or ones I want to catch up on). The only squares I feel like I currently have no plan for or option in mind are YA and Indigenous.


* **How close are you to reaching your goal?** It’s going okay! I keep reading non-Bingo books lol, but I have 8/24 (soon to be 9), which is really promising. I am using Monthly Minis for some squares, especially for squares like Graphic Novel. Really looking forward to Horror since that’s a genre I’ve gotten into recently. I am struggling with The Wager - it’s been slow progress recently. * **What is your strategy?Have you changed your mind about your card choice/strategy since the beginning of the year?** - not really, still want to do blackout. If I read enough books I might do a blackout card plus another line card or something. * **Are there any Bingo squares that you find tougher than others?** Graphic Novel - will probably end up using a Mini. I think Bonus Book is going to be tough as well, since I haven’t read any #1s this year so my choices are one of the Anne books, or Murderbot #5 which I am not sure when this sub is going to get to. Indigenous Author will depend heavily on the book. I’m just not into the Evergreen selections so far, so will have to keep an eye out for one I’m interested in.