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I thought the story and writing was beautiful, but I personally didn’t think it was amazing as some of my friends did. Still liked it but didn’t love it. I mostly think this has to do with me not liking the ending. I have made up an alternate ending in my head 😂


Same. I just felt it meandered for most of the book, and then it ended like the author realized she had to finish it somehow. But the writing is gorgeous, and the scenes are great. Overall, I liked it, but I stumbled through the middle part.


Yes, the ending was a bit strange, given how it felt a bit as a Stockholm syndrome coming to life but well...I guess that is one reason why I often dislike these books but I Really loved 90% of it!


Opposite for me - sounded right up my alley but I found that it didn’t do it for me by the time I finished it. 


Same here. I was quite disappointed and underwhelmed.


I absolutely loved it. I bought it in audiobook and also hard cover and reread it every year. Sometimes books just speak to us don't they.


yes, sometimes you just go, grab a book and then read and love it immediately


I cannot stand V E Schwab's writing style. It grates on my nerves. It's a shame because I love the ideas of all of her books but I hate actually reading them.


The villains duology disappointed me because it was such a fun premise and could have been executed so much better. I don’t think it’s entirely the writing style because I actually really liked the first one…I think she just has a hard time following through on her interesting ideas .


I felt the same way! Although I actually like her writing in Addie much more, but the Vicious books were a real disappointment for me. I don’t think if I had read them first I would’ve moved on to any of her other works Great concept but wasn’t really fleshed out properly and felt very flat


I'm the same. Her concepts are almost always amazing, but I've never loved anything she's written and I've read nearly all her books. My favorite was her Everyday Angel chapter book series, which wasn't even her idea.


I didn´t read anything else so I cannot judge on that


Glad you enjoyed it, I had the same impression when I first saw it. Unfortunately finishing it only confirmed my bias that this type of book is not for me, I did not enjoy it 😅 Don't think I'm the target audience.


Me neither and I felt the ending did not really worked that well but the whole book, I really loved. That was the surprise for me :D


I went in with similar expectations and likewise wouldn’t usually enjoy books like this. It was very borderline at times but I’d say it overall stayed on the ‘good’ side of the line. There were a few plot holes but I’m just about willing to forgive them.


I absolutely loved it but definitely shipped her with Luc 😭


I actually did too and I have a whole alternate ending in my head about how that actually would’ve worked and made sense haha


i love the premise and some of the writing is good, but i felt like it dragged a bit


I went into this book not expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. I’ve been getting a little bored with the time jumps in books I’ve been reading for book club lately, but I thought this made sense and worked well to tell the story. I know a lot of people are complaining about the ending, but I didn’t mind it so much because the very toxic relationship between Addie and Luc was built throughout the book. I also enjoyed the author’s writing style.


The ending was something I had a tiny problem as well but that was the only quip


I am normally a realistic fiction/non-fiction reader, but I liked the touch of supernatural combined with realistic fiction. Admittedly I didn’t like Henry as a character. I thought he was whiny and soft, but I liked seeing Addie feel loved and getting a taste of normal life. I actually loved Addie’s relationship with Luc and almost feel unsatisfied she ran away from him in New Orleans for being unable to believe that he loved her. I thought they had great tension the whole story and totally surprised by the ending. Part of me loves an ending where not everyone lives happily ever after, but I also wanted Addie to be happy after enduring so much. I loved the book, especially the last 100 pages. It totally opened my mind to reading books with more of a fantasy element.


Ahhh I think that’s what I loved about Henry, kind soft men in romance stories are lovely and a treat 🥺


I definitely did not feel the same about the book as you, but I did find the concept really interesting. If you're keen to try another romance (something I'm very picky about) the Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels is a lighthearted, snarky good time.


Loved the book, but really had to push through the beginning, as the things she experienced were hard to read for me. Wouldn't want to be invisible, at least not in that way. I know that many people didn't like the ending, but I found it amusing. It's been a bit of a bittersweet twist, as she seemed determined to take Luc on.


I didn’t like this book at all 🫤 I listened to the whole audiobook but just couldn’t enjoy it.


Thanks for a nice tip!


I had very similar feelings! Wasn't a genre I particularly seek out but just read it a few weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised... Also got sucked in by the cover, lol. 


I think this time around, the cover was the one thing that got me to check the book...I rarely do that :D


I’ve read this 2 yrs ago. I loved it. A bit heartbreaking. I heard it’s going to be a movie soon?


With the right actress, I Can imagine this being a dream role for any young actress...I don´t know, I am worried when one of my favourite books gets adapted (I think the only adaptation I liked more than book was Chocolate....)


Thought I would hate it but absolutely loved it


I recently finished it too, for a book club meeting later this very week. Really enjoyed it! I know some people didn't like the ending, and I can tell why. But I actually really enjoyed it. Maybe that's because I don't believe for one second that Addie actually outsmarted Luc. I'm not sure if the book really gives us much clue into Luc's past, but he might be literally *billions* of years old for all we know! There's no way that he doesn't know what's going on.


The prose was stunning, and I loved where the story was going. But that ending thoroughly disappointed me, and tainted the whole thing for me.


I loved the story. The writing was phenomenal. Idk about the ending though. I was hoping for a book two.


Ugh I LOVED this book. Definitely in my top 3 reads of 2023. The ending crushed me but it was so worth it.


One of my favorites this year, and ever!! I loved this book so much! Loved the writing, the story, and even the heartache! It was so poetic and well done!!! Glad you loved it too!


Personally I loved it, I’m glad you did too! I’ve read a few of VE Schwabs books at this point, I came into this one after reading the Greater Shades of Magic series so I was already a fan of her writing style, and I felt like Addie was a strong improvement in most all regards.    I feel like I really understood the characters are their emotions and motivations, and they were portrayed deeply and made me empathize with them. The world was also well fleshed out (I know it’s just “earth” but one of my criticisms of GSoM was that everything felt like it happened in like a super small radius). Also I thought she nailed the ending which appreciate a lot and can be a rare thing   It’s a 5 star read for me and I’ll probably go back and read it again soon, which is rare for me. 


I almost gave up about 10% in, but once it turned the corner, I rushed to finish it. I LOVED this book!


I really enjoyed it myself. Very well written


I loved it!!!


I highly recommend those who read Addie La Rue to give The Sudden Appearance of Hope by Claire North a go. It features a very similar setup but explores it in interestingly different ways.


thanks for the tip


I'm reading it now! I knew nothing about it before, only that it was available from the library, and have been so pleasantly surprised by the writing and the characters.


I liked it a lot but thought it was a bit longer than it needed to be and I did not care for the ending at all. Would recommend to the right reader though


i got the book for my birthday and absolutely fell in love with it! the ending crushed me but the storytelling is spectacular


I totally agree with you. I am not a romance centered book person at all, but I think the fantastical elements of the agreements made and the twist of Henry also having a curse makes it almost a fantasy? At least in some ways.


That fantasy element is what attracted me to it as well.


I loved this book. Definitely a unique story.


I read it and I did like it! Not an amazing book for me but definitely an enjoyable read. Wish they’d spent more time with Addie’s history and less with the modern day drama and I haaaaaated that she seems to end up with the “bad guy”. But I loved the concept and idea of it and it was reasonably well written. And yes the cover was beautiful!


Admittedly, her ending up with the "bad guy" when she spent centuries resisting and apparently did not even love him, felt wrong but then again...she left common human kind when she became immortal and he changed her. So the pairing sort of does make more sense but it seemed a bit rushed. But that was my only quip


Genuinely this is my favorite book I’ve read this year. So good!


This book was too long, there wasn't any plot, and the writing was bad.






I absolutely loved this book. I'm sad that a lot of the comments are people who didn't enjoy it. I get that not every book is for everyone, though. I'll admit I'm a huge fan of V.E. Schwab in general, so it didn't surprise me that I liked it, but I actually think it's my favorite book of hers.


I did not read anything else but I think I have one more book in tbr pile so I will get to it eventually.


someone recommended it to me, i always get the thought of “Young and Beautiful ” from Lana Del Rey when I think of it


Thank you for the review. I can’t wait to read it.


I loved that book, maybe a little disappointed with the end even when i wasn’t expecting a Disney Final but idk what kind of ending i was waiting for. That “Promise me” at the end broke my hearth into pieces.


My favorite line is "I remember you" from the guy in the bookstore that hit soooo hard


I’m glad you liked it. Not my cup of tea. The fact that seemingly a third of the book was spent on hipster dates in Brooklyn when the main character had lived through centuries of history and was part of the French Resistance was just so lame to me.


I really enjoyed the book but I didn't know there was going to be any romantic elements before I started. Sometimes I come across reviews about how it's boring and too slow and nothing really happens and I wonder if those readers picked it up expecting a romance novel. That being said, I'm totally Team Luc