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This right here šŸ˜‚ Nothing beats some good fanfic smut. You may have to do some sifting, but good god there are some talented authors out there.






Came here to say this




*Delta of Venus* by Anais Nin is properly filthy.


She invented smut. šŸ«¤


and fucked her dad šŸ˜– (so the smut can be...interesting. just a warning)




She had an incestuous relationship with her father in her 30's. He was absent during much of her childhood, and when she met him as an adult they had a brief affair. She wrote about it in one of her books (Incest). Her writing is beautiful and very much worth the read, but she *does not* shrink away from the taboo


Umm..but what...she actually had this thing going and then just took this plot into a book? Like this actually happened to a woman who happens to be better Anais and a writer and she just wrote all this in her book or did she just write this as something that happens to a protagonist in one of her books.


Yes, this happened IRL and was likely the inspiration for some of the fiction she wrote. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incest:_From_a_Journal_of_Love


šŸ‘ thatā€™s enough internet for todayšŸ™‚


Honestly man.. wtf is even going on in world. Sexual relationship with father.. oh my God!!! Oh my sweet Lord. Ufffff...


Oh my god.. I open reddit to unwind and this is what I see.. oh dear. Phew.. gosh.


Taboo? Thatā€™s where the gems lie.


Smutty yes but some of the stories are genuinely fucked up.


Thereā€™s a few short stories there that are pretty cringe(pedophilia, SA, etc) and plenty of great ones too.


I would also recommend going to [HERE](https://romance.io) to see how much smut a book has. Itā€™s very helpful for me to know when Iā€™m starting to read a closed door book to not get my hopes up for the scene to just fade to black.


This is great, I was looking for something like this.


You might want to check out the fantasyromance & RomanceBooks subreddits in you aren't already in those


This is the answer and the Redditors in those subs will bring it for any request. šŸ˜†


The Red by Tiffany Reisz. My husband suggested it to me. That suggestion paid off for him.


I love The Red! I also recommend her Original Sinners series and The Rose.


I just read The Red and The Rose, now I need similar recommendations!!!


Anne Riceā€™s Sleeping Beauty series


I LOVE the Sleeping Beauty series >!(especially Book 2 when she's worked at the inn, just fucking *chef's kiss!*)!< however I would include a disclaimer that there is a LOT of BDSM and kink involved in it. Definitely not for the vanilla of heart.


Those were something else. I read them over 20 years ago and they left an impression for sure.


LoL, smut on top of crazy smut


You read them when you were under 10 years old? šŸ˜³ ETA: my sleep deprived brain conflated the OP saying ā€œIā€™m 30ā€ and you saying ā€œover 20 years agoā€ ā€” now realizing youā€™re not the same person, phew!


Okay thatā€™s gross. I was in my older teens.


Omg, for some reason I thought you were the OP, who started this post saying ā€œIā€™m 30ā€ ā€¦ my bad! One of those cases where being wrong is a relief.


I read these as a teen and I remember them being too much for me lol I was at an age where I loved reading smut but I didn't finish this series. They were apparently hard to find back then as I got them in a used bookstore then popped them up on ebay and I remember the bidding went to like $300!


So, I shouldn't have dumped them off at goodwill?


Hell. Yes.


A Sport and a Pastime by James Salter


Just finished reading it three weeks ago šŸ™Œ


*Ada or Ardor* by Nabokov is literary porn in every sense.Ā  Ā  It will take you half a dozen re-reads to catch half the erotic puns, wordplay, and implications, and to grasp much of the rest you'll probably have to either consult several in-depth analyses or speak English, Russian, and French, yet the initial read will still be one of the most erotically/romantically-charged stories you've witnessed.Ā  Ā  I especially appreciate the passage off-handedly describing a clock's second-hand progressing from 9 to 12, and only after deliberation does the reader realize they're actually reading about a woman slavering over her man's pulsating erection. And that's a very innocent moment. Addendum: This is the guy who wrote *Lolita*. You'll have to bear up with... *ahem*... forbidden elements.


Any of the Anita Blake series by Laurel K. Hamilton


Ohh, I loved those!


Also her Merry Gentry series. Pure porn.


Anything by LKH, honestly


Gotta try Katee Robert. So spicy, and she's hugely prolific.


"Dragon's Bride" changed my life so I second this


Come over to the romance books subreddit šŸ˜Š (don't know if we can link here). Plenty of smutty recommendations


If you want a ridiculously smutty comedy podcast from years ago: My Dad Wrote a Porno is hilarious.


I mean itā€™s hilarious but not well written smut, if OP is really looking for good smut


Iā€™m going to blink in agreement


Agree. Itā€™s almost as if his dad had never been with a woman. At least thatā€™s what his writing suggests


True. I got sidetracked by the romcom mention.


Omg I forgot about this podcast and how much I enjoyed listening to it! Oh Belinda šŸ˜‚


Omg I just discovered it a couple months ago!!! Iā€™m on book 5, laughing so hard on the daily. I did literally have to stop and gag once though. Almost vomited in the street walking my dog!


The Jade Bone Saga by Fonda Lee easily has the best sex scenes I've read. It's by no means a smut series, but when it dabbles, it does it well.


Yeah I just finished Jade City and oh my, lol very well written.


Faking with Benefits if you have any interest in one lady and 3 guys together. šŸ˜„


Oh I DEF am hahah thank you!


The author has 3 more "why choose?" stories.


Would you be interested in alien romances? The Clecanian series by Victoria Aveline is the best for men who worship their females. They are actually "taught" it. Also, the Horde Kings of Dakkar was filled with smutty delight. Also, check out some Jennifer Hartmann books. They are so good and pretty smutty!


I think it depends on what kind of things you're into. There's sports romances, dark romance, thruples, etc.


All of the above tbh hahah just looking for something well written and more adult than YA


Most smut that isnā€™t in a strictly romance book gets labeled YA so itā€™s hard to find. YA just isnā€™t really a well defined genre and having smut often gets stuff classified as YA.


The Bewitched series by Laura Thalassa. Thereā€™s some problematic stuff in these books, but the sex scenes are insanely insanely hot and well-written.


It really depends on what you are into. Emma Holly prince of ice was super hot if you are into flr. If you're into male dominance Angela Knight is really smutty. Kati Wilde The wedding night before Christmas is really hot and has a plot. And if you're into super heroes Suzanne Brockmann's Born to Darkness is great although I think the MM scene is probably hotter than the FM scenes. If you have a specific thing that gets you going message me and I'll try and give you a specific recommendation.


****Reposting because my original comment contained links, didn't realize that wasn't allowed. ETA for some more romance suggestions I would recommend you check out the romancebooks sub. That's the best bet for general romance suggestions, you're going to find mostly FM stuff there unless you specifically ask for queer stuff. There's also the MM_RomanceBooks sub which will give you gay romance. If there's a sub dedicated to sapphic romance I can't find it. If you're into reading MM pairings, KJ Charles is the gold standard for me. I also love Cat Sebastian and Freya Marske. As far as open door sex goes, these authors in my opinion are consistently good. Their books are also well written outside of that. The relationship is good, but the plot outside the romantic connection is also engaging, which can sometimes be hard to find with romance. They all have works that are primarily MM, but each has one with at least one female protagonist. KJ Charles has at least one FF book and one FM that I've read and also enjoyed. (Proper English and the Rat-Catcher's Daughter, respectively. The second is a sequel to Any Old Diamonds, which is MM). KJ Charles was previously an editor which I think helps a lot with her writing being well fleshed out. She's got several series' as well as some stand alone books. Freya Marske has one FF pairing so far, but it is a second in the series (the Last Binding trilogy, the other two are MM) and I wouldn't recomend it as a stand alone. It's a very good series though! Cat Sebastian has at least one FM book that I know of (the Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes) but it's a sequel to the Queer Principles of Kit Webbb which is MM. Also, One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston is a really great FF story that I enjoyed a lot. This book and Freya Marske's a Marvelous Light (first in the aforementioned trilogy) were my fist exposure to adult romance with on page erotica. I had previously not known there were books that both had descriptive sex scenes and engaging plotlines that weren't just about the romance (no shade to those books, I just didn't feel drawn to them). That's actually how i got into the romance genre in the first place, I hadn't really gotten much into it before that.


I was recommended A Lady of Rooksgrave Manor when I asked for fantasy smut (I was looking for spice, and I definitely got it.) The person that recommended it described it as ā€œa cozy monster eroticaā€, and the description made me giggle so I had to at least try it lol. Wasnā€™t sure it was going to be my thing when I saw ā€œmonsterā€ in the description, but I ended up thoroughly enjoying it! If you want ā€œnormalā€, romance novel, 1 on 1 lovinā€™ itā€™s probably not for you; but if you just want spice for spicey sake (there is a plot, but I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s the main focus) then give it a try.


Have you ever read The Duskwalker Bride series by Opal Reyne? If you like monster romance, she is a must!


I have not, but Iā€™ll check it out. Thank you!


spitfire by maya kern was crazy excellent!!


Power of five by Alex Lidell. Magic, swords definitely ā€œadultā€


Thereā€™s also the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward


I recommend these all the time! They have something for everyone!


for me it has to be FOR THE FANS by NYLA K


Ā Taboo'nacle of Love, by Bunny Plumher is a satirical erotic comedyĀ 


Anything by Katee Robert, most popular was Neon Gods.


Some of the fan fic in a few of the subs I lurk is downright porn


You might try the Hunted series by Ivy Smoak. It's on Amazon Unlimited. The plot line is basically a romance between a 19 year old college student and her billionaire 26 year old professor. Some lines are a bit cheesy, but the characters are written well and it's some of the best smut that I've read that didn't fall into mythical fantasy.


My husband saw this thread and thought of me šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m watching the show outlander with my boyfriend, and If the show is anything to go by, the book probably has great scenes Historical fantasy/fiction (your girl is iseakaied to the past)


unfortunately they have more fade to black implied scenes than anything else, no super detailed sex scenes although the books are amazing either way


It does have a bit of an NA feel, but the Folk series by Lily Mayne has some good quality smut.


I answered a similar question before. My No.1 answer will always be *What Lies Beyond the Veil* and it's sequels. Good plot and spice all around. Anyways here's my old comment: **What Lies Beyond the Veil by Harper L. Woods** is first of a 4 book series Of Flesh & Bone. Really good plot, really good smut. I've read the first two books in the series and own the third but haven't read it yet because I'm in the middle of another book. **The Never King by Nikki St. Crowe** is another start to another 4 book series Vicious Lost Boys. This one is a dark Peter Pan retelling. I've read all but the last book as I didn't realize it was published yet. **Her Soul to Take by Harley Laroux** is the first of the Souls Trilogy and the book I'm currently reading. Urban fantasy, horror, and smut. Smut isn't too crazy so far (halfway through), but it seems like it's setting up for more. I don't like the references to the "now." There's Starbucks and strawberry vapes and a few other things that make it obvious what year the book was written in and when the book is set. It took me out of immersion in the book so I'm having a hard time finishing it lol. It's not bad though, otherwise. **Tentacle Entanglement by Siggy Shade** is a short book. More smut than plot but not a bad book. Interdimensional tentacle creatures looking for their soul mates and the MC is one of course. And I'll tack on more now: **Haunting Adeline by H. D. Carlton**. I'm about halfway through this book. I like it (plot isn't mind blowing, but it's fun) but it does deal with many dark themes so read the trigger warnings for the book. Aside from one scene where >!the mc gets fucked with a gun and!< I was concerned about the logistics, the smut has been decent. The plot is about >!a woman falling for her stalker!< who is a >!criminal who takes down sex trafficking rings.!<


Fourth Wing and Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros.


Read these! Loved them




Underboss Santino 'Sonny' Corleone and Lucy Mancini in the Godfather by Mario Puzo.


Pepper Winters. There are some disturbing ones, but the woman can write smut like no one else.


Celestine Chronicles by Cebelius


"Story Of The Eye" by Georges Bataille. Sorry in advance....\[shudders\]....


Tropic Of Cancer by Henry Miller.


The Black Dagger Brotherhood Series. I've read them all... Twice šŸ¤£


Remind me to post on this in 7 hours. I have a few really good ones.


The Sleeping Beauty series from Anne Riceā€¦writing as A.N. Roquelaure. Very erotic and not at all like the fairy tale we grew up on šŸ˜‰


The Holder of the Boulders by Dean Scott available on Amazon Kindle


Ice Planet Barbarians series. Filthy Rich Vampire. A Shadow in the Ember.


A Night at the Movies, Or, You must Remember This: Fictions by Robert Coover has short story called "You Must Remember This" that envisions a sex scene between Rick and Ilsa from the movie Casablanca. Very filthy.


The Anita Blake series has some good smut.




Notes from underground... Best smut


The zodiac academy if you havenā€™t read it. Currently on book 4, pulled me outta me slump after finishing iron flame


Trick Shot and Puck Shy by Kayla Grosse were both šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ novellas!


The Ravenhood series by Kate Stewart.


Butcher and blackbird


Haunting & Hunting Adeline - H. D. Carlton

