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Do any of these people realize they're the villain?


These people don't care what the cardboard has written in it.


Yeah but they really don't care as long as they can run or fly or sail away from any consequences their lifestyle has on this planet and it's people


So they re tied a national monument privately. Imagine saving up for your Egyptian vacation and then you get the pyramids and they are closed.


Also imagine having access to a insanely expensive museum that isn't even open yet


Just the thought of that breaks my heart. I’d like to visit Japan one day and I can only imagine how devastated I’d be if the Stairway to Heaven, Osaka Castle, and Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden were all closed for some Boujie Beige Becky’s over indulgent and extremely wasteful wedding party


**I do not let it break mine,** here is why, >*the biggest museum,* That's the qualia he thought was so fascinating, *the* ***largest museum,*** tbh it makes me want to marry, have the wedding in the ruined cosmodrome which contains the Buran Spacecraft in the steppe of Kazakhstan, "here at the **largest museum of spacecraft in the world,"** ***I dunno, I dunno,*** just like at some point, I was like: He didn't see anything, *that he'd understood to be as interesting, as, Robin Thicke,* three times he mentions Robin Thicke, *whom you might run into at the airport, without even noticing,* and not one anecdote about **the,** ***stuff he'd had such privileged access to; to him, this was, "the pyramids from tv," like the Eiffel tower or the...*** ***Which,*** you know, I don't mean this in the **negative, I mean it in the sense that, like,** ***the Kingdom of God is within you, type,*** *that the Osaka Castle inside of you is more beautiful and elaborated than* ***anything, and,*** **I mean that, anything, a person could, "purchase."** Boujie Beige Becky’s over indulgent and extremely wasteful wedding party. *could* ***eat*** *parts of Osaka Castle and have no greater connection to it than the person for whom this holds ghosts and histories and Per Se,* understood and meditated upon types of, *significance,* it calls to mind how the Dead Sea Scrolls had been sold for, >Interior Decoration, Movie Props, *whatever you want old scrolls for,* **or,** How Western Imperialism **trivializes, denigrates everything; Robin Thicke,** ***a stack of expensive things, "how much did these cost?"*** **idk man,** there is a Horseshoe, here, that, *While it would be expensive to do it personally,* **o.k. and thus not to envy,** >Imagine this was all a **Carnival Cruise Line Experience, which he'd taken,** ***whisked here, whisked there,*** **look at the stuff from tv take a picture** ***move along,*** Look: it's Robin Thicke, *wouldn't be so Shocking, on a Cruise, I should think; I've not been on one,* but, **let's be honest;** and I'll be honest, I'd imagined this guy, right, meeting, *for whatever reason,* Miley Cyrus and telling her, The same story, beat for beat, and then the conclusion, *what could the point be,* ***expensive, not with her,*** **"I spent a lot of time with Robin Thicke, so."** >Oh, uh, *is he well, uh, how is Robin Thicke* No clue.


Cool. Tax these mfkrs. Tax them to the bone.


The nice thing, they can just move wherever the tax is lowest and there will always be countries to sell themselves to these people just for the pure hope of trickle down bs


Sanction them for doing it.


Why would the government pass those laws? They are getting bankrolled by those guys


They are those guys.


taxing isn't enough, i feel sick to my stomach knowing i share a planet with these psychos.


Yes, this definitely stirs you inner Bolshevik.


i more had in mind inner 18th century french revolutionary but go off comrade


I bought my wife’s engagement ring at a police auction to save money and our entire wedding was half the price of a used car, but this looks great too.


Looking at rich people's Wikipedia pages I see they tend to get divorces with plenty of them having multiple marriages. At least your marriage is genuine.




You can see glimpses of reality in their wedding photos. The couple posed with camels, and the Egyptian owners are nearby in the frame, dressed in regular clothes and glancing uncomfortably over. As someone who’s lived in Egypt, I’m sure all these workers are making barely anything, watching this madness go down


They are just there cause security hasn't gotten them yet


I see ignorance to suffering, and then I consider a ticking clock. Tick tock.


I see French fast slidy down things or their backs against the wall in the future. Tick tock.




Hey, let’s eat those bastards


prob not taste that good


But still satisfying




I hate this


This makes me want to vomit.


Woaw nice we billionares can rent the pyramids ahahahahaha yeah so.coool


everything has a price


I don’t know any of them and I hate them all.


Eat them, eat them all!


Meanwhile in America we are being crushed by a cost of living crisis and [a quarter of us](https://www.creditkarma.com/about/commentary/more-than-a-quarter-of-americans-are-skipping-meals-due-to-the-rise-in-grocery-costs) are having to skip meals and go hungry to get by. Getting real French aristocracy vibes here with all the shameless extravagance, while we "commoners" struggle to afford the basics. I'm just waiting for one of them to tell us to go eat cake.


This always comes to mind when I think of wealth-inequality: [https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/](https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/)


They’re billionaires. Unless you tax them at like 90 percent you won’t make a dent and taxes are on earnings not current wealth so you’d only be taxing that piece. Stagnant wealth is the real problem. Sitting on piles of money means more money is in circulation and therefore devalues current money.


Can someone show the Orcas this BS?


Burn it all down


I swear to god I kept waiting for the punchline, *the blood-sport, the giraffes lit on fire,* **the punchline,** and Here I am a Person Who Takes This Kind of Question Seriously, Wondering, >Can it be a Parody, a successful Parody, *in form & function,* Even if It Doesn't Intend to Be? Let Me Give you an Example: [The Kendall Jenner Pepsi Commercial, and lemme be clear: I Live in Saint Louis City, I was at the Protests, ](https://youtu.be/uwvAgDCOdU4?t=1)**and I think this is fucking, hilarious,** and it's also *fascinating; the* ***Default Ironic Detachment of Liberal Work Product, and Discourses in/at Work is Fascinating,*** **sometimes, I even wonder:** >Is an Ironical Self-Regard a Product of these work environments, Their Contradictions? **Is it a product of the Philosophies?** **Is it a Mechanic of the Material Conditions,** ***e.g.*** The Soul will not bear certain things,[ asked to make this ad](https://youtu.be/uwvAgDCOdU4?t=1) and perhaps aware that it **cannot be done well, due to the constraints, and the contradictions,** ***what are you to do but, "fuck it up?"*** If you look through my post history, you'll seem some Pepsi Ads of my own and **I do, in earnest, have that advertisement to credit for that line of thought,** ***to some degree,*** *that vector, with such cthonic intensity,* and here I'll describe more specifically, in this case: * Robin Fucking Thicke, **is Not that Cool** * Robin Thicke is Mentioned three times, **each, with,** ***more intensity, than, "the Rest of it,"*** * **If you look at my Post History,** you'll see that I reference *Thoth* and the *Akephelos* unprompted, for no reason, external to the fact that I **think this stuff is cool, interesting,** ***a subject a person cannot learn about without epiphany, after epiphany, after epiphany, about the nature of society,*** **themselves, religious experiences of others and their cultural echoes in one's own life: Great. I Love it,** I Love that stuff, which is, *technically, kind of, in the video* * Our Interlocutor doesn't know what to make of it, "Most of us had never been to Egypt," **reminds me of the time an,** r*esume trader, let's say, had been talking to my family about Travel, etc. and busted out with:* ***I've been to the big four (three?)*** **to me, I was like, "what?!"** The Big Three, *which are.....South Africa, Kenya,* * *The Zim and Zam* I don't remember what she'd thought them to be, but I was like, **woahhhhh** how pervasive is this I've never **heard of this notion,** *and, for extinct species of Ice Turk,* I've got quite a lot of relations with Africa, but, **what is this, big three, four, like Pokemons?** * "Most of us had never been to Egypt," **and Herein, what I've begun to think of as that Liberal Irony,** or [whatever we wanna call](https://solutions-centre.org/pdf/TOWARD-A-THEORY-OF-SCHIZOPHRENIA-2.pdf) it, **insofar as,** ***that's positioned to be an, "yeah I Know Right how lame," or, "oh, yeah, it was fantastic,"*** like saying, with an up-talk, "I went to the Pyramids?" waiting, then, to judge the response before elaborating; **no thing,** ***is-is, neither degraded by, nor, valuated, by, like,*** such an opinion, I mean, **it is whatever, truly, but it's so backwards,** ***so backwards, so backwards,*** * Delayed on Safari in South Africa **liebe liebe liebe,** *that is not much different than it ever was,* ***exotic, sure,*** **might be, but it breaks me how cagey, he'd been,** about an affirmative appraisal of the per se of, *other aspects, so enthusiastic about, "they'd been* ***late, because of Safari,*** **it was so cool."** I dunno deep sigh, here is the biggest one: * He Describes the Museum as **Largest, "largest," has he been to a lot of them; some are big,** some are small, the FKA Freer-Sackler, *connected via Narco-tunnel from the national galleries of the US,* tends to be, "better recieved," than, I dunno, **fuck, it just blew my mind;** like it's a football stadium, **the largest,** and then the unusual resonance of, * Largest Museum in the World, * Just for us, *so like,* ***was it like a haunted house*** * *Speaking of,* **farbeit from me to critique whomever gets invited to this,** ***fucks off into the tombs with teeth stained black from an ink bottle full of meth and LSD,*** for, whatever witchiness one could plan for it, but like, *to, "Robin Thicke!?!?"* ***unironically,*** **three times in a short synospis, "LORD ALL MERCY"** * **Here is an even bigger one:** I've seen the rolling feast for Dunces that rich people ride on, *it is as such,* ***ten to one there are stressed out people channeling them from scheduled event to scheduled event at a fever pace and I will tell you what this is like,*** **even though I have never been on one:** **Cruise Ships,** they're like Cruise Ship Tourists **and I've seen those before,** *oh look it's the \_\_\_\_ from TV, and* ***sure, sure, I guess it is special to be fussed over,*** **but this is the** ***fussing-over*** **of Nannies or an Old Folks Home, and Please Please Do Think back on the video** ***which I have seen once,*** *I am not ready, to see it again,* but think about it: **Robin Thicke,** the unusual juxtaposition of Lowest-Context Culture with *uninterpretable other material,* I did not see **Egyptian Music, nor much of the terroir save for some literal dirt,** I saw a woman who can jump, *while playing violin, I saw Robin Thicke Three times I saw a Museum Costume-Partied into an,* **Annual Museum Fundraiser in New York City,** ***e.g.*** ***It's been studied, I think, poorly, where one can say, "the city," and reference what,*** I think poorly, insofar as the dialogical nature of the conversation is ignored if a researcher asks, or, say, *the city,* relative to friends, family, strangers, IDK but: *The Met,* Doesn't Hold Water that far from Manhattan, *the Metropolitan Police of London are* ***a lot closer, no doubt, host a gala,*** **"the met," shameful, UGH**


That had to have cost 100mill -250mill easy. I witnessed a woman have to decide between gas and food for her kid recently at a gas station. They spent more on clothes for that wedding than my car cost probably. They likely threw away more food than I'll have all year, and I have a pretty good job. This is how I imagine the capital was in the hunger games before the revolution. But all the time.




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Brag much? Hope they all DIAF


I mean playing devil's advocate here I guess thats a fair sum that will help towards conservation efforts plus a lot of trade for the locals. Rather this than another super yacht!


lol, if only


Good one.


I’m actually kind of happy that they are spending it, letting it trickle into the economy instead of being hoarded. Not sure if that’s really how it works but I hope it does.


It really doesn’t.




*sigh it doesn’t. It never has.