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I've watched a documentary where the serbs raided a Bosnian village and there was a Orthodox woman from Montenegro married to a Bosnian Muslim. The serbs told her she could leave but she refused and said that she lived all her life with these people and I can't leave them now. They killed her too.


Love to know the name of the documentary you watched!


https://youtube.com/@pravdabosna?si=p0tKFvITLYvcZBx1 The mentioned Montenegrin Woman was in one of the documentaries from 2023 i guess.


Thank you so much


You could not pretend because your neighbors where they who killed you or tell to killers where to find you. Specially if you had a misunderstanding with a serb before the war that was his payback to kill you.


Just so sad. How do humans do this


> How do humans do this They are serbs and croats. War criminals are literally walking on our streets taunting the victims saying they will not only repeat but be more cruel the next time.


History continues to repeat itself over and over again 😢




Only if you were Emir Kusturica




I assume a “check” for this could be to make the men drop their pants as Serbs are not usually circumcised.


Idk haven't heard any instances like that, I think if your village/town was fighting, and you got captured, nothing would save you.. but I'm from predominantly Orthodox part of Bosnia, around Banja Luka, we didn't fight, cause most men worked in Slovenia and rest of Europe, so the village was mostly elderly and women and children. Before we were forced to leave, we were give the option to convert to Christianity and we would be allowed to stay.. obviously nobody took them up on that offer..


A true Orthodox Christian would never forcibly convert someone to their faith because that would contradict the principles of their religion. The individual coercing another would no longer be able to consider themselves Orthodox, and the person being forced to convert would not truly be embracing Orthodox beliefs. On the other hand, if someone claims that extremist paramilitary groups attempted to convert them to Orthodox Christianity, this must be a fictitious scenario as these groups harbor enough animosity towards Muslims to not allow someone to join their ranks as a "paraorthodox" individual.


A true Orthodox Christian also wouldn't kill unarmed civilians either, but we all saw how that played out..


i dont know why you getting downvoted all what you said are straight up facts, the above story seems very made up and is 100% fake


Why would you think the story above is fake? Have you heard about the other atrocities committed by serbs during the war? They were doing unimaginable things, so them forcing someone to adopt a different religion is not unbelievable. You are either very naive or just ignorant.


The story is not fake you fucking imbecile, I was a 7 year old kid, my family has talked about this many times through the years. Why the fuck would I make something like that up.. if I wanted to villinize somebody, I would have at least made up some worse shit, then being asked to convert.


„In August 1992, there were at least seventeen thousand Bosniaks who remained in Bijeljina and around twelve thousand in Janja. In comparison to other towns in Serb-held Bosnia and Herzegovina, this was a relatively high number of Bosniaks. Most of these Bosniaks, however, decided to stay in Serb-held Bijeljina and live there as long as possible for several reasons. First, getting out of Bijeljina was difficult. Bosniaks trying to get out of the town were turned back because of their identity, their Muslim names. Second, a significant number of Bosniaks or Muslims opted to remain loyal to the new authorities and in return keep their lives and property. A number of them even joined the VRS. Others decided to change their names and even converted to Orthodox Christianity. A number of Bosniak children continued attending schools, in most cases adopting Serb names so as to not have problems with other children or teachers.“ (Karčić 2023: 323f) Excerpt from Hikmet Karčić's book "Torture, Humiliate, Kill: Inside the Bosnian Serb Camy System"


What happened to them after the war? Did they stay orthodox ?


I don't know, it is unfortunately not mentioned in the book and I personally do not know anyone from Bijeljina. The author also says that there is not much information about these cases except for a few news reports and unfortunately these conversions were not part of the ICTY's investigations. The only way to find out would probably be talking to locals.


On YouTube you can find Atık mosque in Bijeljina and a active džemat. 


No, they also killed those Muslims who fought on their side.


No, it wasn't a war of ethnicity like a lot of people like to describe it. It was a territorial war. Serbia wanted the whole of Yugoslavia. Bosnia wanted the whole of B&H. Croatia wanted the whole of Croatia and Herzegovina.... The people living there were just an excuse to control it or by killing everyone conquering it.


Even being born Orthodox Christian didn't save you. If you lived in a town that needs to be conquered or terrorized, you fell victim to shells and snipers same as anyone else.




Like who? I know 5 of them and they were maniacs that killed mostly 4 joy. On the other hand orthodox that fought for the Bosnian army were fighting because they found Bosnia as their home and guilt since RS commit such crimes