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Unless he’s on the Lakers, Heat, or playing against the Celtics, I will root for whatever team this man is on. I hope he wins a ring by the end of his career. He deserves it.


Uhh fuck the 6ers and knicks also wtf lol


It comes down to personal preference I guess. The 76ers and Knicks have never felt like a threat in the time I’ve been a Celtics fan.


Threats? No but i still have room for hate in my heart. Cuz fuck em, thats why The celtics are the balls!


I rather save my “hate” for the Lakers and Heat. But that’s just me.


You have a limited amount of hate bro? That sounds incredibly healthy actually.


It’s a never ending battle but I try my best not to hate anything/anyone.


Username checks out


Gooood, let the hate flow through you...


I don’t hate the 76ers or the Knicks. What have they done to us 😂


Philly vs ny vs boston hate is just how I was raised


Why do they have to do something to us? Annoying org, annoying ass Embiid, annoying ass fans


They took our big Al for a couple years


they are from philly and new york


I’m guessing you are a younger fan? 80s/90s Sixers and Knicks were some of our main rivals.


Still Philly and NY though


I personally kinda like these Knicks. Josh Hart is hilarious af.


Yo chill out (Na fr him and jb seem like great guys, ive seen clips of their podcast and its great. Its just sports hate, its not deep, its just for shits and giggles lol)


Thank you I said this and got downvoted lol, the sixers rivalry feels one sided


Knicks would have to be some historical thing or people just hating New York Although the KG line about Honey Nut Cheerios to Carmelo is 👌🏼


Fr, I’d rather he be a Laker than a Sixer


Me too. Heat/sixers would be the most painful spots for me


Even though he seems like such a perfect fit for the heat


That would make it worse for me. Al being on the sixers, for example, was a lot better than it otherwise would've been because he actively screwed them over by being a horrible fit


Nah don't worry about the 6ers. That poverty franchise wouldn't know what to do with a winner like Smart. If anything, they'd tank his value and open up a pathway for his return. Just like they did with Horford.


nah i'll support this dude even if he banging 3s on us, we deserve em


I'll root for him if he plays for satan himself.


The Grizzlies are gonna be a force next year. Pelicans too. Will enjoy watching the West beat the crap outta each other - but the only thing that matters now is the next 48 minutes.


Smart was a wonderful bridge player from one era to the next. It's a shame that he really did need to be traded for (what I hope is the final stage) the maturity growth of Brown and Tatum (and to allow DWhite to flourish) It would be awesome if we could bring him back to the team at some point but I think that's unlikely aside from a 1-day at his retirement.


I always felt like Smart was going to be the leader of the team as long as he was here, and I think everyone knew it was time for it to be turned over to the Jays.


Part of me will always wonder what would've happened had LA not backed out of the Brogdon deal and we run Smart/White/Brown/Tatum/Porzingis/Timelord/Al/PP. Obviously it's worked out so I'm quite happy but Smart and Timelord were some of my favorite players to watch and root for. I do think there's something to Marcus being a leader and needing to turn the keys over to the Jays. It muddled the hierarchy.


I love Marcus but I’d much rather have Jrue


Well there is also Timelord, but obviously we’re comparing a 19AAV player to a 33AAV player, if both are playing according to expectation, everyone would much rather have a 33AAV player.


It wouldn’t have worked Marcus is too challenged offensively


Yeah sometimes you gotta leave the nest to fly, that’s basically what trading Marcus was. That doesn’t mean you hate your parents or never visit but eventually you gotta do your own thing.


I miss that smile.


Never been so sad about a trade that worked out *amazing* for us




Honestly.. for me that KG and PP trade wasn't that bad, they accomplished what they needed to in Boston, they were at the end of their careers and it felt like they were sacrificing themselves for one of the best trades in history to set up the Celtics for the future. Obviously I wanted them to retire as Celtics but I think that would have definitely been detrimental to the team. But yes, sad to see them go for sure.


IT trade also not giving me the warmest of feelings.


Modern day Nomar. The sacrifice we needed. I don't like it, I wouldn't have had the balls to do it, but it's worked so well I can't argue. Love me some Marcus though!


I miss those eyes


I'm pretty sure a little piece in my wife died the day we found out he was traded. I had just got her into basketball -- and the Celtics, specifically -- and Mahcus was her favorite player by far. She was mad as hell at Brad for a few months there. 😆


My wife was exactly the same! She still kinda resents KP for being the guy who “replaced” Marcus.


Idk how KP about to bring us a ring.


hopefully this game 1 turned the tides


Despite following all other Bos sports since childhood, I didn't really grow up watching Basketball. In the last handful years I've gone from watching playoff Celts to more and more games to having it in the regular rotation along with football amd hockey. I really wanted to buy a Smart jersey because I was in love with his grit. Trade was the right move, but it really stung as one of the players I connected with the most as a newer fan.


Dude, please do not jinx us. We have not won finals yet.


Yeah we should wait until after the finals for this type of post


This sub has been trying to jinx us for the past week


Well said. Always gonna miss Marcus.


This man will bleed green for eternity, you can see it in his face, he IS Celtics 4L!


Feel like this willfully ignores how much he held us back. The difference between Jrues approach and Marcus’ is gigantic. And why we are here


100%. People act like it’s a coincidence the season he left we became the number 1 team in the league. It’s not all because he left, KP and Jrue were huge pickups. But the team was always below potential with him forcing hero ball every crunch time came. Now we play actual team ball lol


I thought he was a good player. He is a great defender. But I think he has been way overrated by us celtics fans. Like people were acting like losing him and Rob and adding KP and Jrue was not an improvement.


I don't think he was overrated as a defender. Dude won DPOY. Offensively, Jrue is a major improvement though.


I think he was pretty much accurately rated as a defender. I think people overestimated what he brought to the offense, and honestly, I'm not sure he really was all that helpful to the development of the Js. I think, of course, they will say nice shit about him, but our fan base was outright saying nonsense like we traded away the heart and soul of the team.


Cracks me up how trading the “heart and soul” of the mentally weak Celtics was viewed as a huge negative lol


The heart and soul of a team with no heart and soul. The fetishization of Smart by Celtics fans was honestly so embarrassing (and apparently still is based on this post).




If you go back and look at the end of games. Count how many games they lose because of a dumb play by Smart. There are a lot of them. At least 5 every season. There are not as many games where he does something positive that leads to a win. He did contribute to a lot of wins with good play. He also turned a lot of easy wins into close wins where another Celtic bailed him out. He also had a lot of games where he missed at least 10 shots and made less than 5. I will stand by my take that he is a net negative as a player.


He clearly wasn't the DPOY though. That's why he is overrated. He isn't as good a defender as jrue or white. And they don't take boneheaded game losing shots during crunch time. He seems like a decent guy and is pretty good, but I don't think you can win if he plays during crunch time. Too many stupid plays.


Love ya Marcus


Marcus was a good Celtic, deserves 0% credit for this season other than freeing up space and capital to allow KP and Jrue to get here. For those that agree with OP, did you line up for the Ray Bourque Avalanche Cup parade in Boston too?


I knew I'd see Smart on here but not this soon. These dudes just can't get over it.


I changed my mind after last night… thank you Marcus for not being here to screw it up when it got down to 8 points by taking terrible threes, and thanks for not trying to be the coach (sitting in Joe’s chair) and making it all about you. I will give you full credit for shooting your way out of town.


Thank you Smart for no longer having seniority and finishing games over other players who've outplayed you.


God I miss him so much. Wish he retires wearing the green


Still numb about it, they better win that damn title


Yep, my take, too. He was my favorite Celtic. It's also annoying having to argue with Celtics fans about how he wasn't just a chucker who made the game all about him. There's a lot of disgraceful rhetoric out there about him right now. Like we wouldn't be in the exact same position right now if he was still on the team. The pieces we acquired better f-ing put us over the top.


>He was my favorite Celtic. It's also annoying having to argue with Celtics fans about how he wasn't just a chucker who made the game all about him. There's a lot of disgraceful rhetoric out there about him right now. Like we wouldn't be in the exact same position right now if he was still on the team. It's been very frustrating and discouraging to see those comments in other threads. I know there will be some out there that don't like him as a player or didn't appreciate what he brought. On the other hand, to see the characterizations that he's selfish and wanted things done only on his terms is where I'm disgusted.


He also shot us out of a ton of games. Why does Boston always love to hype up the 7th most important person?  Sport doesn’t even matter. Marcus Smart was a great defender. He was a terrible offensive player and did way too much on that end.


Its funny cuz I said for years they needed to get rid of this guy. And the minute he goes out the door; look at where the Celtics are


I don't miss him. He never knew his role. We needed this fresh start without him. Jrue does everything Smart does but better and with more poise. He plays within his role perfectly.


I'll love and trust this man forever.


He’s literally the soul stone sacrifice we had to make. Marcus 💚


I’m sorry, but subtracting him in favor of Jrue was instrumental in improving this team. Teams would and did leave him alone at the end of games. He would hit a few, but he missed way too many of them. It became a huge detriment for the team in crunch time. Even Cousy called it out!


Marcus Smart was an extremely self centered basketball player—and it wasn’t just offensively where he was chucking 3s and forcing bad shots He played hero ball on defense as well. He was an extremely good defender no doubt but so many times he put self above team on defense, picking guys up way beyond the 3 and making dumb fouls in crunch time, risky steals And that’s not even to mention his leadership style where he tried to commandeer the ship from Joe last year. He forced his way into every photo shoot with the jays. Just as important as getting KP and Jrue was getting rid of Marcus’ ego


You don't think if the Brogdon-KP trade had gone through as planned that JT-JB-White-KP-Horford-Smart are still the clear favorites in the East?


Yes, if we are assuming injuries to Giannis, Embiid, Butler, Randle, Haliburton, Mitchell, etc. They’d run through that lineup like a hot knife through butter, like they just did. But would they have had 64 wins? Would they have had a losing record against exactly one team during the regular season? Would they be able to ultimately win it all? Idk. It remains to be seen if they will beat the Mavs, but what is undoubtable is that Jrue has been better for this team than Smart was.


I honestly think we’d be +/- 3 games either way and playing game 1 tonight if you insert Smart for Jrue in 2024, all else equal. Jrue has been great. The KP trade has been great. I just don’t think Marcus was detrimental like some people here do and I’ll never buy the “Jays couldn’t lead with Marcus” narrative. This team was one win from the finals last year and made the finals the year before. The Jays were hitting their prime with or without him. Anyway, no sense debating tonight. Let’s go!!


LFG!!! ☘️


Smart was literally known for playing his best at the most important times. Do you really think the Celtics wouldn't have made the Finals this year with Marcus instead of Jrue? I'm happy we were able to acquire Jrue, but we needed to because of the giant hole left on our roster by Marcus.


I’m sorry man, I know ppl on this sun have a soft spot for Smart, and he did have some memorable shots he hit. But as I said, more often than not, he was absolutely a liability at that point of the game. Jrue gives at least the same D with way less of the ups and downs and flops and flails. He’s stable and reliable, and that is exactly what we needed at that position.


This must be Felger’s burner account. No need to compare our current squad with him.


Felger is negative for the sake of his radio show. But that doesn’t mean he was always wrong. He’s ass backwards wrong about JT, for example. But cmon now, you can’t tell me that the team isn’t better with Jrue vs Smart. We got championship pedigree and a player willing to subjugate himself for the betterment of the team. And a guy who HITS rather than just takes big shots.


Take a look at Jrue's shooting splits in the 1st 7 games of the playoffs compared to the 2nd 7 games. Jrue was a great addition, but his offensive production is all over the place. Even in the last two games where Jrue was getting tons of praise, he shot a total of 3-12 from 3. Marcus would get crucified for that. Jrue has been able to ride along as our 5th option this season. And my point is, we would be in the Finals with Marcus just like we are now. We've had the easiest road ever getting here. Now it's time for Jrue really to step up. We better hope we get 2nd 7 games Jrue or else we could be screwed.


And Jrue is totally fine with putting up 5 points and just gritting out the defense and distribution. His splits are different based on what the team requires of him. Can you honestly say that about Smart? Or did it always seem he needed to be part of a “big 3”? Bc that’s how it always felt to me.


Umm, let’s get 18 first


Win 18 first


We all loved Nomar, sometimes you just need to move a guy to get a team to grow.


I didn’t realize the finals were over and the Celtics won?


Wearing my #36 jersey today ☘️☘️☘️


Ya me too Shaq the big shamrock




We love him, and miss him for sure. Will always be a Celtic in my eye


Such a good dude too. Crazy how he matured after the college days


Take this cringe ass post down, you can post it again if they actually secure said banner


I understand why you feel this way, but if we win this chip, it will be because JH is a better version of MS, and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise


Marcus you’re missed!


100%. When the trade happened I knew it was best for the team, but he gave a shit on a lot of nights when nobody else did. The assist to Tatum for the win vs the Nets was the proof of his growth and one of my favorite C’s memories (didn’t follow basketball in 08). Love the guy.


We get this ring, I want to hang the banner with him present. He should also be in consideration for an honorary ring. He's still a part of this team (to me) and his trade started this.


Thanks for KP, Marcus.


Top five all time fav


Hated this guy


I want him to show up in game 1 or 2 but it’s probably too much for him to see them be back there without him


Wearing my Marcus T-shirt jersey under my Tatum shirt for Game 1. Been doing it every round. LFG!!!!!!☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️


I’m pretty sure all Celtics fans consider both him and Timelord to still be part of the team. Smart especially. I will always cheer for both of them for the rest of their careers.


No, no we don’t.


They should give him a damn ring


Love him, but he was called the "heart and soul" of a team that was consistently criticized for having no heart or soul. It was time for him to go. We made big upgrades this season.






Wish he’d come to a Finals game. Garden would flip out.


He's got a Dallas tattoo I never noticed until now.


Hometown lol


That makes sense, but I'm superstitious AF lol


Oh god


Our first pitbull since avery bradley. Thank you for everything marcus


Tommy would not have liked losing Smart


He would love Holiday






Idc what or how it needs to be done brad, but Marcus Smart NEEEEEEEEDS to finish his career as a Celtic


I mean we have to win banner 18 first.


The irony that he has a giant Dallas tattoo across his arm (he’s from there).


I miss him 😢


Always gonna be one of my favorites! Will be wearing his jersey tonight.


Loved him on the team, helped this team grow.. wish we got ‘22 with him but let’s get this one


Lmao is the series already over?


I miss this man I do, but I’d trade him 10 times over if it meant we won the championship


Same with IT


Let’s win this one for him, you know he’s either there or watching tonight. I’m wearing my 36 jersey tonight, was between 36 or 5.


its ok. cause he will be back, and he'll win one here soon


We haven't won the championship it's 0-0




Love him but I credit him for us not winning lol


Love him.


I miss him, he's one of my favorite players, but I'm also grateful for the KP trade


if al retires he should be the vet


Guy was so physical and gave it his all every night. He’s a football player playing basketball. Shoots like a football player playing basketball sometimes but that’s for another day. All love for Marcus!


Huh he ain’t playing


He and Nomar will always live in a special place in my heart.


Where is he now?


I appreciate what he did but for fucks sakes, we have a new gf and she’s better, hotter, and treats us nice. I mean to the point some of you want to give him an honorary ring? Ffs, let the past go, we are in the future now.


I thought we are in the present now.


Trusted and beloved


Still my favourite player, wish he can come home in the future as veteran to help the dynasty get another one😚




Fuck this post assuming we’ve won already.


Smart and Ainge deserve a ring if we pull it off tbh, we are not here without them


still wear his jersey proudly every game!


W post


Hometown favorite but he wasn’t going to help this team win it all. Too many nights of trying to be hero shooting 3-16. Wishing him all the best, but this team was made for this, Brad knows what he’s doing.


Credited for banner 18? This sub is so stupid


He was the heart and soul of this team. He lowkey deserves a ring if they win this year because he basically got traded straight up for KP which is a steal


I hope so too! I love Marcus


Yeah I mean, depends on what his market looks like in two years but could see him trying to come back to us in his mid 30s. He will likely want to make 25m a year on his next deal so we can't afford that. 


Fuck that. He actively he held this team back. Lol.


Can we win the championship first?


Sorry, but trading Marcus Smart was the best decision this team has made in years. You gain a 7'3 big that this team needed, and you get draft capital that I think was later used in the deal to get Jrue, who is as good of a defender and a much more efficient scorer. On top of that, you rid yourself of a player that was selfish offensively. He has a poor 3 pt percetnage, yet he takes many theees. Just look at game 7 at Miami when it looked like the celtics were going to win convincingly, but Marcus decided to selfishly shoot 3s and missed like 5 times. He tries to play hero ball, and this attitude had a BAD influence on Tatum and Brown. He set this identity, which led to more hero ball from Tatum and Brown. Marcus would also not hold himself accountable at times and throw Mazzulla under the bus. I get it. He was a great defensive player, and he was a gritty player, and that was his redeeming quality. But he hasn't worked out as a good leader for the team and it was time to let him go.


Marcus giving me major Nomar vibes.


>He was instrumental in the Jays growth Nah. Me me Marcus hindered their growth. >the heart & soul of this franchise Heart of a team with a weak heart. Soul of a team with a little soul. Good riddance to this limited role player and drama queen who demanded star treatment. Oh, and he disrespected the coach. We a team now. That we jettisoned Marcus (and Grant).


Why are you booing him? He's right.


Agreed with everything you said. He wore out his welcome and I’m glad we moved on, should had done it earlier honestly if you ask me.


You are gonna be downvoted to oblivion. But this couldn't be more true. We wouldn't be here if Smart wasn't traded. Addition by subtraction.


That’s Gonna be unpopular take here, but this way way more accurate than what OP said.


I miss him so much still 😭


We literally had to release him to get better... great defender and energy guy when shit was going his way but Smart is a mediocre and inconsistent scorer who actively hurt the dynamic between Tatum and Brown. He hurt this team more than he helped. I don't get these fucking posts when we're staring at gm1 of the Championship.




Love and trust.


Still unreal he’s not been on the team all season. Game 1 of the first round was so weird. Just looking around like hmm no Marcus🙁. I love this current team, and I’m grateful for the moves the organization makes, and if this was the sacrifice that was needed to help these guys get to 18, then so be it. Thank you Marcus. I know it was time to move on. He means a lot to this city and always will. If they do win it all this year (and I truly believe this is the year) it’s just going to be so strange that Marcus isn’t apart of that. He deserves to be there but also, we wouldn’t be here without this current team. Fuck😣.


My all-time favorite Celtic. I love the team we have now but I’ll always miss him.


Love him, but he has his chances to win here, couldn't do it. History will remember the winners, not those almost teams...


Wearing my 36 with pride all day. Miss him a lot.


Me tooooo


He’s my favorite basketball player of all time. I love championships but he taught me how to be a true fan and to love basketball. Gun to my head I wouldn’t trade his tenure for a ship. Kinda crazy but fuck you


I've got my finger on the Thanos meme when we get the banner... "What did it cost?" "Everything..."


They haven’t even played a Finals game yet. Let’s dial it back a bit.


They should honestly send him a ring if we are able to win, he might not accept it, but he deserves one. Even if its an assistant coach ring or something.


Going to the game today and 1000% trying to get a marcus smart chant going. Gonna ask everyone around me. In the balcony though 😭




I love Marcus Smart sooooo fckn much!!! Wish he was still in the squad


This. But even more importantly....Danny Ainge.


I miss him every day.


He’s owed a ring if we win it all. I’ll die on that hill.


I love Marcus but he isn’t owed a ring on a team he didn’t play for that NEEDED to trade him to actually win a ring.


He should have done of better job of buying into his role then, if he wanted to win one here


Marcus and Ainge deserve rings if we win it this year.