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šŸ•Æ šŸ•Æ šŸ•Æ šŸ•Æ Manifesting šŸ•Æelimination game šŸ•Æ Tatum šŸ•Æ šŸ•Æ šŸ•Æ šŸ•Æ


Please drop 70 on these bums


You wish Tatum has nothing on Luka not even one game can compare to Lukas's scoring Fanboys offended now?


At least Tatum is an outstanding defender. Nobody with the ball is hunting JT. Unlike the revolving door LD


Lmao at lest he wins games (Luka can double Tatum points and that is just average game) than being just avrege player like JT, who has average stats yet here is praised like Jesus lmao but hey a get you have to its all you have


Luka is a 1 way player. Iā€™ll take a legit 2 way player any day. Enjoy losing the series.


You'd pick 2 way player who exactly because Luka puts more point than any your 2 way players. You want to way player for lower score just to have what exactly? Its not over buddy that Boston loss was brutal anything can happen


Iā€™ll take a 2 way player just to have WINS! Mavs are going to lose the series! You can yell about Luka all you want! Your boys are going home empty handed while Tatum will be lifting the Larry Oā€™Brian trophy! Have fun crying!


What win lol he literally guides entire team and he's 1 way player blowing your defense away please be real


He guides the team on offense. They try and hide him on defense. Have you ever watched the Mavs play? Apparently not


It has to be because if Luka would be good defender then there will be 4ā€¢0 for Mavs lets be honest the fact that Mavs only have Luka to rely on just shows how exceptionally good he really is


Luka is incapable of being a legit defender for any period of time. Boston is a far superior team and Mavs will lose


It doesn't have to he's excellent in offense


And must be hidden on defense. He gets blown past over and over and over. Heā€™s a big reason why you guys got easily demolished in the first 3 games. Give me complete player any day. Enjoy losing the series!


Do you even watch basketball because Luka isn't even in defense 3/4 of the time and he's literally the reason you were blown in the last game you're literally just on last hopium trying to say something The same thing that you said about Luka literally goes for Celtic as well when Luka blows trought 4 guys at the same time so which defense were you talking about again?


Have you been watching the games? Most of the time Boston is playing Luka straight up and the rest are staying home on the rest of the team. The strategy is to let Luka get his own while taking away his options to kick out to the perimeter. You clearly donā€™t have any idea what Bostonā€™s defensive strategy is. Yes, you guys had a great game on Friday. Congrats! Now lick your wounds and go sit in that Texas heat


Mavs just had no fight in them! Completely out of their depths! Series was never in question! Boston is a superior team and will be next year too! GO HOME!!!!




Facts hurt huh? šŸ˜†


What facts are those?




Tatum: ā€œLord forgive me for what Iā€™m about doā€


I have vertigo and 8 work meetings today, just going to make memes all day


I would be disappointed if you didnā€™t


We have to go to work during the day, so the Celtics can go to work tonight


Vertigo sucks. I always get it pretty bad after I've gone running and then try to do some housework (bending over, up and down quickly). And then it lasts for a couple of days. Weirdest feeling. Meme making is probably your best bet.


Yeah I've faced it for years now. Could operate fine yesterday even going to the gym, but waking up is always the worst and hit me like bricks getting out of bed this morning. Vertigo + Celtics anxiety is such a horrible combo right now.


Heyyy vertigo gang


āœŠšŸ»šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«Ā šŸ’«šŸ˜µ


Hi, I also experience vertigo occasionally and the Epley maneuver almost always works for me. Have you tried that? link https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/home-epley-maneuver


Thanks for sharing - yes I have tried this so many times but it always makes me throw up (which does in fact make me feel better lol). Really need to master doing it, sometimes I don't even know which side is the culprit. If you have a more foolproof video demonstration, lmk!


Iā€™m in the same boat. Mine is medication based but it fucking sucks.


This made me laugh so hard!


Why wouldn't you, u have vertigo, def not time for much else,8 weeks?my god man, I feel for ya,hope u get that squared away


You promised 8 memes and shared only 2!!! Speedy recovery from the vertigo though.


Are we expecting a legacy game tonight fellas ?


Donā€™t care. Just want a win. Tatum listening to this narrative would just make it easy for Dallas to scheme for our offense. Think about how Tatum often plays. He catches the pass and does a lot of jab stepping to work out his move. He is being far quicker and more decisive on the catch this series, but that leaves him having to think more on the move. He is sometimes struggling with that, but is still doing a great job running the offense. I donā€™t want him focusing on himself to get his own optimal shot. I want him disrupting the defense, pulling double and triple teams, and getting the Mavs in rotation. We are up 2-0 and 14-2 in this playoffs, and people are worried about Tatum having a legacy game? All he needs for his legacy is a ring. And then maybe some more rings.


This is it. We will remember the stats, other fans in 5-10 years will just count his rings. Go get the ring. Everything else will follow. Also me: I hope Tatum go nuclear tonight.


I actually am. I think he goes for 30+ tonight.


No. Heā€™s gonna continue to face double and triple teams every time he gets the ball. He should continue to kill them with his passing, thatā€™s how weā€™ve been winning. That being said, itā€™s not like he isnā€™t getting good looks himself. He makes those shots and we win soundly.


Not scoring wise. But that doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t affect the game in a big way in a Celtics win. The Mavs are doing everything they can to take away his scoring. Itā€™s working to keep his point totals down but itā€™s not leading to wins for them. He just needs to keep taking what theyā€™re giving (tons of dishes) and not force it (like he did multiple times down the stretch in G2)


Torch they ass, show em what a real bbq looks like


Give me a classic Jays game! Tatum 20+ in the first half, and Jaylen with the KO in the 4th.


Welp you were right lol




I want the spicy mole-station sauce


Not worried, I trust his shot to fall more on the road than at home tbh


Weird how that works


It would cure my depression


If you are depressed being up 2-0, nothing will cure that.


Well, itā€™s a clinical thing so ya lol


Dude is being aggressive, 22 shots last game. He just needs to make some of them. Give me an efficient 25


Itā€™s all about shot selection. I Donā€™t remember the last time his covered step back to the left three when in. The entire arena knows heā€™s going to do that so maybe he should think itā€™s time to adjust. The defense 100% wants him to shoot that shot


One mark of maturity is not being constantly worried about peer approval / what others think. The obsession with what others think by many people on this sub gives it the feel of a high school corridor. IDGAF about the haters. I'd suggest you do the same.


Amen. It is crazy how despite everyone on the Celtics having the same message about the team, we still have so many fans fixated on the wrong thing. This is why Jrue was so explicit about how impactful Tatum has been on offense. Certain fans want him to change his approach to pad his own stats instead of focusing on breaking down the Dallas defense to allow his teammates to score. I want to be honest about this. Tatum is still developing when it comes to quick decision making as the primary facilitator. But he is still young and this is the first season where he is more of a point forward on so many plays. A lot of commentators have talked about him looking indecisive on offense, and that is likely partly due to this change in play. Instead of his slow jab steps holding the ball, he is going faster on the catch. This is making it harder for him to get a rhythm, but is destroying the Dallas defense. Look at game 2. Tatum blew like 3 layups at the rim that he was making earlier in the season, but the team was insanely efficient in the lane overall. And Dallas actually has shot blockers. But our offense is so disruptive right now. Do people want it to get bogged down, with Tatum playing more like Doncic?


"So many fans." Nah - just "Reddit fans." This sub is really, really, really tilted to, shall we say, 'young men.' It's not at all representative of most fans.


I donā€™t think that is true. Sports radio has been full of idiots for decades. And they werenā€™t just kids calling in. ESPN has people yelling similar stuff. They canā€™t engage in a conversation of substance, so they latch on to trivial stuff.


Welp, you got me there - but then, I'd also claim that the sports radio audience also isn't typical of the demographic of fans. I know I'm a hardcore, hardcore fan and don't listen to sports radio. "Fellowship of the miserable" has shifted from the airwaves to Reddit?


The only online community I see thatā€™s not full of Debbie downers (and I make a distinction between hardcore fans with valid criticisms and Debbie downers) is, oddly enough, Instagram. IG this postseason seems like itā€™s full of positive Celtics fans, or negative fans of other teams that promptly get trashed on by positive Celtics fans.


This brings back Cam Newton PTSD


The last time I saw this meme was before Mac got benched against the Colts. Not feeling too great after remembering that. Celtics in 5


Id love to see him cook in a blow out the most but a quiet 13/10/10 in an absolute blowout is also fun. Seeing all the cope soothes my soul


Fr the shit on tiktok has been absolute brain rot by casual fans


The second Tatum starts playing iso all you see are complaints that heā€™s dragging the clock and stagnating the offense. Now that heā€™s not doing that anymore, people say heā€™s not involved enough and that heā€™s being carried. Dammed if you do or donā€™t šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø the way I see it, heā€™s making his team better by distracting the defense and giving them good looks. Haters are gonna cry no matter what you say


Calling it now. We're getting a 50 burger tonight.


We can win two more games, perhaps two in a row, with a very limited KP or not him at all. Weā€™ve got Jrue, Jaylen, Tatum, DWhite, and Hordford as our starters still. The next two games will be much more competitive than the last two, unless the Celtics come out scorching hot But I think we still got this and should be in the drivers seat regardless of KPs status.Ā  We can *do this*Ā 


Give us an efficient 23-27 point game tatum for the next 2 games and the fmvp is yours


These hoes were indeed stunted upon.


Mission Accomplished


Clean passing against the early doubles would be enough. I don't need Tatum to score if they are going to double him. He just needs to make better decisions, move the ball to the open man, and avoid forcing low percentage hero shots. We are getting great looks when he plays facilitator.


His driving and facilitating is the reason we are up two. All I want to see different from him is to not be hesitant to let it fly when itā€™s clearly going to be the best shot of the possession. Him ā€œtaking overā€ on offense shooting wise disrupts our whole game, and they are respecting him all the same whether he shoots it or not.


I want to go up 3-0 and I want it now


I never (well hardly ever) bet on players props but I bet Tatum going over on points and getting the first FG of the game. I just have a feeling heā€™s going to go off because heā€™s so fucking due.


Please JT... stunt the Mavs...


Need this now with Porzingis hurt. Need a solid 25-30 point night dude. Lfg.


Pls for my mental health


I honestly donā€™t care. He can score zero points as long as we win.


I have showed this to everyone. Itā€™s perfection.


I been saying all day this is tailor made for a Tatum breakout game


This needs to be the game where Tatum just takes over and shows the world once and for all who he is. He is a "direct descendant" (Pierce's trade led directly to drafting Tatum) of Pierce. It is time for him to show his Truth!


Huge game tonight!!šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ€W


He missed straight bunnies last game, I expect him to be more efficient with that positive luck regression coming back the other way


Bro getting carried by the bucks 5th option come on now yā€™all should be ashamed


All Iā€™m saying is if heā€™s shooting the most shots out of anyone on our team heā€™s gotta be making at least half of them


JT could have a 100/20/20 game and these clowns wouldn't stfu


This series has just given me depression, Celtics are too good


I've been sacrificing goats and praying to Azathoth all day. My He lead the way.


What would kobe do?


Jayson "me cargan siempre" Tatum


Mannix especially; he was bad mouthing Horford


0 rings


This aged like fine wine.


We will win the chip, but the haters arenā€™t gonna stop trying to invalidate this ring


30pts away from beating kobe as player with most PO points before turning 27ā€¦just sayin


Mavs in 7 lively over Porzingis crying ass bitch


Jayson "me cargan siempre" Tatum


Brown > Tatum All about having grit and resolve, not working on you side fade and hairline