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Whenever I see a super aggro, threatening comment in the game threads I’ll look at that freak’s profile and like, 90% of the time I’ll find a trail back to a sports book subreddit or something. Its insidious. Its changed people’s entire outlook on something they probably used to love. Imagine saying something like this to a guy like Derrick White. You probably weren’t a good person to begin with, but letting a gambling app pick your pockets has made you a horrid piece of shit to the point where this wonderful dude is the guy you target. Just throw that person in the garbage; they’re trash. Thankfully Derrick seems like a strong-willed person, unfazed by your idiocy.


They say that drug addiction makes you a terrible person. It makes you lie, cheat, steal, threaten people, etc to get your next fix. It's not even really you, it's just a parasite that enters your brain and takes over your.thoights. Gambling is a bit like drugs.


Not a bit, worse in some cases


What cases would it be worse than drug addiction?


I work in the substance use disorder field, and although people might not drop dead from gambling, it is incredibly socially accepted, and there is significant overlap between people with gambling problems and other mental health problems. People who would never go to a casino now have access to such aggressively stimulating instant gratification that it can be very dangerous / life ruining.


I've found many serious gamblers prefer to play scratch tickets + keno at the local corner store. I see it all the time. $100 on scratch tickets, win back $50, they put in another $50 to buy $100 more, and keep this up until they've spent $500. And I can assure you, anyone who is spending $500 in lottery at the corner store does not have it to lose, like some people who visit the casino may.


Yeah you're spot on, Keno and scratchies are where the heaviest daily gamblers tend to land. The challenge with sports gambling is that you can do it from your couch, and can do it 24/7 if you want


How wouldn't it be. Shit can destroy your life just as easily just as quickly. You think fighting one compulsion or another is easier?


Just think that the added health impacts of drug addiction would make it worse


To an extent yes, addiction itself more brings on personal negligence than the actual drugs usually if that makes sense, idk how to really word it. Whatever the addiction(s) are just becomes the main fixation. Either way, it's all insidious & lead generally to the same path, where there's one addiction there's often another or more too. I just think saying one is objectively worse than the other might be off


Gambling is for degenerates Occasionally having fun with fanduel probably isn’t bad, but the addicted people are crazy I got a buddy who makes really good money and is always broke. He works for a finance company and will literally ask to borrow money from me, an Amazon delivery driver. He pays me back but it’s pretty crazy cause he makes more than twice as much as me and lives with his parents


It didn't get that bad for me, but betting on games definitely ruined my love of it. I had to stop completely and it took a couple years and the Smart/Brown/Tatum Celtics to help get that love back. Never again man.


Its weird, to me it becomes the only score in the game: Who do I need to hit on a random stat over/under to make my stupid $25 parley into $129 of winnings …. That I’ll go ahead and let ride with more stupid bets. The actual score? Eh. Load management for the guys my team needs to be healthy? Fuck that I need another board.  And then the game ends, I kind of only watched two or three guys, at least one of which is playing for the opposite team, I don’t know what I am even doing with the time because watching single player’s individual stat counts is not something I would ever do unless it was close to some all time high. I guess, what I found was when you watch a game to see who wins, hopefully your chosen team, you get into the momentum, the swings in performances, half time adjustments.  You know who won afterwards too.  When you watch a game to see a bet play out, you get into the specifics of the events you need to occur and lose most of the rest of the context. And if I didn’t wager on the winner, who knows if I would remember who won later in the week 


The influence is like Fantasy Leagues but on steroids.


Exactly my thought. I stopped doing fantasy after my first year because I didn't like rooting for things outside of just the Celtics' success. Pretty sure there's a version of me that doesn't make that choice and is now splitting time between dodging loan sharks and sending players texts like that.


Yeah, tell them. Not the players fault they throw their money away on something they have no control over. Sports betting is a menace


“Don’t blame me, I just passed it”. 😂


Nothing makes me happier than seeing dumbasses lose their money betting on basketball.


Nothing good has come from the legalization of sports betting


IG is insufferable


my investment into $DKNG did when covid it. made 8k off of it.


Legalized sports betting is out of control, what a bunch of unhinged maniacs. Don’t bet on things outside of your control if you can’t handle the consequences.


Lotta unhinged maniacs getting drunk every day as well


Drunk Betting


All gambling-based abuse of athletes is awful and stupid. But sending someone hate mail for not hitting their under seems extra dumb. You think you're going to guilt him into sending you money because you doubted him?


Saw him doing this the other week and it's so sad. The hate some Celtics players receive especially is so awful. I can't imagine how anybody can hate on guys like White, Jrue, Porzingis, Brown, Horford but there are people that are awful. Drop some positivity to these people.


I can’t get over the fact that there’s a glaringly missing name from that list - is that because you think Tatum does deserve such vitriol or is in a different category because of his position 


It's because I can actually understand why Tatum gets clowned on. I don't necessarily agree with any of it except that I find it hilarious when people post those videos of his look-alike dancing when he has a bad game. Say whatever you want, but he does a lot of corny stuff. If people clown on him for that it's sometimes deserved, but I don't want to see him getting *hate*. He's great at staying out of trouble off the court.


Half-leprechaun ass is pretty funny tho


Legalization of gambling was dicey enough but letting it be done via an app where I can bet my entire paycheck while pooping is too much. I have friends that are deep in that never bet like this before.


This, it’s just too easy to blow money


who treats our DWhite like this? That is horrid.


It’s pretty awesome that he’s just laughing about it because it’s stupid as fuck! Bro, you bet my under. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Sports betting will destroy sports within the next 15 years.


Sports gambling is a problem


Hilarious lol


I think you are a great player!!  I am 62 I have always been a Celtic fan... You are a great team,  sorry!  Some Celtic fans are just dumb as hell can't be helped. They lost money you won who's the dumbass???   Go Boston Celtics. World champions!!!!!  Hell to the yeah...


The NBA doesn’t generate enough money./s This is going to be the next scourge on our society. Does anyone know if there is a portion of the profits set aside to deal with the inevitable problems it’s going to cause, or is it the American way: privatize the profits, and socialize the problems it causes?