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I love both but Peak Rondo was better. White really suits modern basketball though. Edit: Just for context, Rondo was a 4x All Star, made 4 All Defensive teams, finished Top 10 in MVP voting twice, and made an All NBA third team. Bottom line is though that both are champions! For the Celtics!


It was once a legit convo of rondo, dwill and cp3 for who was the best PG in the league


Yeah and that was an idiotic convo that only the purist of homers took seriously.  Rondo wasn’t remotely close to CP3’s level.  


Wonder where bballtim is lol But you gotta admit rondos late career resurgence is at least kind of cool


Bballtim. Now that’s a name Ive not heard in a long time.  Long time.     And by late career you mean helping the lakers win a title?  Nah, fuck rondo.  He was actually planning on stabbing us in the back to go sign with the lakers and be Kobe’s sidekick, but ainge shipped his ass to Dallas where he was promptly exposed and by the end of that stint the lakers were like, “nah we good”… he ended up finding his way there eventually anyways. 


I take comfort in the fact that according to [Dwight Howard](https://x.com/dwighthoward/status/1803196675659280764?s=46), Rondo said winning a ring in LA is nothing compared to winning a ring in Boston.


To be fair his LA ring was during the bubble lol it was probably very anticlimactic for them


Sounds like you're taking something personal that had nothing to do with you.


Rondo was the COOLER passer though!!


I mean magic Johnson picked Rondo over CP3 at one point. I agree cp3 was better but it wasn’t just Celtics fans arguing for rondo.


I love Rondo, especially 2012 Rondo, BUT I have always hated, and I mean HATED, that dudes attitude. I appreciate him, but always loved him from a distance.


I admit cp3 was miles ahead but Rondo’s performances in playoffs were amazing like giving close to 20/10/20


Yeah, Rondo was arguably a better passer, but beyond that CP3 dwarfed him. They both were incredible defenders, but CP3 made what like 6 Defensive 1st teams in his prime? CP3 is a legitimate #1. Rondo is great if he’s your #3 or #4. He worked perfectly for the big 3 era, and it’s no surprise his career accolades dropped off after that team was blown up. I think Rondo fit perfectly with the Big 3, but he doesn’t hold a feather to CP3


CP3 would even have been better with the Big 3


Except not because then they would have never won a ring


Bullshit, replace Rondo with CP3 and they easily win 2-3 championships. The year the Celtics won a title CP3 put up 21/11/4 with 2.7 steals, was 2nd in MVP voting, and was on the all NBA defensive 2nd team. I was a big Rondo fan but CP3 in his prime was insane. Remember that in 08 he took the Spurs with Duncan/Manu/Parker to 7 games in the WCSF with fuckin David West and Stojaković as #2 and #3 scoring options. West was pretty good on the Hornets (after CP3 was drafted) but the second he wasn't playing with CP3 he fell off HARD. Went from 6ppg to 17ppg with a rookie CP3 and went from 5 seasons in a row averaging 18ppg minimum to 12ppg overnight. I'm far from a CP3 fan but I gotta give him his props.


It was just a joke because a gypsy cursed CP3 to never win a title


It was the knee injury that caused his decline. He was their best player the year that happened. He lost a lot of his athleticism after that injury, it sucks.


ur right he wasnt remotely close because cp0 rings is so ass thats he infinelty below rondos level


Yea gimme rondo 7 days a week twice on Sunday over d will and cp3


I’ll take 2012 Rondo all day every day. It was a short prime, but CP3 never reached the heights Rondo did in that playoff run, especially against the Heat. He was like the best player in that series, sharing the floor with the likes of prime Lebron and Wade.


Wade was way past prime bro.


Dwyane Wade was 30 in 2012. He was not "way past his prime."


DWade was past his prime at 30, sorry homie. Those knees were already on the decline at that point. 2006 Wade I would agree with.


Fair. DWade had like 3 prime years. Shocking people consider him some all time SG. All time dirtiest SG in the running though.


Hey I took this argument with my friend and got into a heated argument. You know what happened after that? Rondo went on to win a chip in LA.


Rondo was borderline if not top 10 but CP3 was top 5. Rondo was better than DWill a few years.


For the 2008 team he may have been a better fit than Celts for a while. We should have sold high on Rondo for CP3 if that was ever a realistic trade.


The argument with them was always “pure point guard” and completely took out scoring which is silly.


Even that was dumb because Rondo had an insane habit, especially in the year after KG and Pierce were shipped out, of passing up obvious shots for assists. The fact that his free throw shooting plummeted didn't help either – he was a complete non-factor near the rim outside of kickouts to the 3 point line.


Honestly they were so different that it was hard to even compare them. Rondo was a PG who could cover 3-4 positions at a high level, was a great rebounder, and a great facilitator. But his lack of offense in his prime (especially on deep shots) really meant that the D could play off of him. CP3 was an elite scorer and facilitator who defenses had to respect at all times. But did CP3 have a shot in hell at defending LeBron? Rondo was actually pretty respectable at it. Two polar opposite play styles. In a vacuum, yeah CP3 was probably the better player. Depending on the makeup of the rest of your team though, Rondo might be the more valuable one to you.


Except Rondo leaned into the suspect offense claims. He exploited those thoughts for wide open looks to Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, and KG. Yes... please give me an extra 6 ft of space to see the floor for the best passer currently in the game...


CP3 was basically Rondo with the ability to score. Rondo never had a chance in that comparison


Rondo was way more athletic than CP3 and could finish better. CP3's wingspan is only 6'4" while Rondo's is 6'9"


Not only that. To this day I still think Rondo was the best player in the world during the 2010 playoffs. Being the best for two months is not something a lot of players can say about their careers.


Rondo, the king of Connect 4


Rondo is like 15th all time in assists too


I forgot just how good rondo was lol


Rondo was just ridiculous. That Dream Shake was just something else.


I don’t agree that peak rondo was better. He was a stat padding offensive liability who couldn’t play in a modern offense since he had to control the ball at all times given how useless he was without it.  White is way more versatile and effective. 


Stat padding? In the 2012 ECF, he had 44 points 10 assists an 8 rebounds! Against prime LeBron, Wade, and Bosh! Rondo > white and Jrue, and its not a debate!


With one arm!


A lot of fans will probably only remember 2008 Rondo as a supplemental piece to a championship squad. But that was only his 2nd year and he was sort of considered a project of a pro prospect. In 2012 he was the best player on a team that was up 3-2 in the ECF and probably wins the title and Finals MVP if we get through that series. White’s contributions are similar to 2008 Rondo. Probably better. But he hasn’t reached peak 2012 Rondo.


I'd argue he wins the Finals mvp in 2010 as well. Man had so many huge moments that run


He definitely could have. I bet KG would’ve gotten it though.


Only if they had replay at that time. That smack to the head from Wade would have been called....


Never forget him putting 44 points on jumpers


We had the 27th best offense in the league in 2012 with Rondo leading the offense. We were only good because our defense, and Garnett was the biggest reason why.


Rondo for sure. Rondo could do everything except shoot consistently. But, he was averaging a ton of assists, tons of rebounds, and was still getting his points. I am extremely biased because Rondo is probably my 1st/2nd favorite player ever.


My perhaps ridiculous belief is that we would have beat the heat in 2012 if Wade didn’t break Rondo’s arm. Rondo was a monster that season.


He was 44-10-8 in game 2 of that series.


The broken arm was 2011. 2012 was the head-whack in OT.


He had a 20/20/20 game 


Even then, towards end of his time in Boston he really worked on his mid range to the point where it wasnt "oh no" every time he shot it. He was even getting 3s to go down


I love me some Rondo, but he shot 56/218 (25%) from three in his last four seasons with Boston. He was never a threat as a jump shooter, spot up shooter, or any shooter really.


By the end of his career he could actually even shoot.


Rondo, come on


Rondo is so overrated because he has a sweet highlight reel. Derrick White is such a complete player that can fit a wide variety of roles and exceed at them.


Bruh Rondo lead the league in assists 3 times. Made All-NBA, 4x All-Star, 4x All-Defense, twice MVP vote getter. You can argue Derrick White is a better fit for today's game (and you'd be right) but even after the game evolved beyond Rondo's playstyle he was still an important piece of a championship winning team in 2020. Rondo is by far the better player


It’s not about a highlight reel. We watched him as the pseudo-leader of that championship team do everything. This is in no way a knock on Derrick who is also incredible


Depends. Are we using reals or feels to decide? By EPM and DPM White has already passed Rondo’s best season and White hasn’t peaked in either metric yet. It’s honestly shocking to read people act like there is an obvious answer. I at least need to hear better arguments for Rondo than “come on”


This isn’t about Derrick not being amazing, but Rondo was a top PG at his best and a leader on the floor for his team. If I’m comparing their ceilings and floors, Rondo wins it imo


I love DWhite but PLAYOFF Rondo who just took a nap is a superstar.


that profile pic…. fucking gorgeous.


Here's the [source ](https://twitter.com/luckymong1/status/1802902405358760417/photo/1)just in case you want to see the original artist, Jay Kim.


Rondo was better in a vacuum but you could prob fit white on more teams because he’s more well rounded and never a locker room issue


9 is the number of pixels in this post


individually Rondo but DWhite is a player you could add to any starting 5 and they get better. idk if you can say the same for Rondo, but he’s still my favorite player oat


Rondo was a different animal especially in the playoffs and consistently ran the offense. gotta go with him as much as I love D White


man what are we doing here


Both are special in their own roles and contributed to a chip but gotta give the edge to rondo




i don't think people really understand or appreciate the greatness that was Upsidedown Headband Rondo.


rondo was the better PG hands down. one of the last true pg’s to play in the nba.


Stop it. #9 would be retired if Celtics didn’t have so many other retired numbers




Not saying your wrong but if that’s the case why retire KG and not Rondo when they were both vital pieces to that 08 squad


KG is an all-time top 30 NBA player who won his only ring with the C's. He changed the culture of the team.


top 2 modern era PF. insane player.


I don't think we should have retired KG's number. He wasn't here long enough. I guess the organization figured *someone* had to honor him if Minnesota refused to do it.


It’s not about longevity, it’s about impact. LeBron was only in Miami for 4 years, you bet your ass his number is being retired. He completely changed the culture and trajectory of this team. We also don’t have Jaylen and Jayson without him. Truth had to convince him not to retire because he didn’t want to go to Brooklyn. So without him agreeing the trade never happens. His impact on the Celtics 100% deserved a number retirement. Ray would’ve got one too if he didn’t pull a Johnny Damon.


KG was the best (and most impactful) player on the roster from his arrival to his departure. It would have been unprecedented of the Celtics to not retire the number of the best player on a championship team.


DWhite is now a Celtic legend, but peak any game Rondo was a different animal, then you had National TV Rondo and Playoff Rondo.


Win one ring and you’re a legend what are the jones boys then. Or jojo white or dj or hondo or seigfried or any former Celtic champion the bar is set very low. He’s a nice piece on a good team


I’d say the walking triple double before triple doubles were commonplace


Come on this isn’t even a fucking question. matter fact it’s a stupid fucking question


Rondo put the clamps on Lebron in the playoffs.


Depends on the era and role but prime Rondo was an absolutely fantastic table setting PG and absolutely nails in the biggest games. Both champs. Both beloved. No wrong answer here.


Rondo all day man. Without him la would have had to play a game 7 against miami and they would have lost without rondo. Just look at his impacts game 2 and 6 insane for his age as a PG. That had ALOT of miles.


If we had won the title in 2010 Rondo would’ve been finals mvp lol.


Individually Rondo was the better player, but O wouldn’t trade current DWhite for him. He’s the guard we need right now.


Rondo, but i prefer White  Rondo's a fucking dickhead.


Hard to pick! Rondo was my favorite player during their run. But dwhite is really unbelievable the past couple of seasons. Shooting= definitely Dwhite Passing= of course Rondo Defense = Dwhite




ain’t no one like Rondo numba 9, but him.


Rondo in this day and age would be a severely limited player because of his shaky outside shot — but man, for that era he was INSANE. (And, to be fair, Rondo in this day and age would have probably learnt to shoot.)


I love Mr Buffalo but there’s no way in hell anyone should be picking him over a prime Rajon Rondo


youre pulling at my heart strings


Don't make me choose. I feel like they're both standing here and I have to shoot one. You moster




Rondo was like flashes of Cousy at times, he also had the heart of a Champion. The nasty chase down pass he had against LeBron, the come back when he dislocated his elbow and stole the ball. He was electric in his prime.


Better player Rondo, better person probably White


Chris Paul for sure


National TV/Playoff Rondo was a Top 75 Player all time. Only think keeping him from down was the lack of a consistent of jumpshot. However, [he would always hit that mf whenever he needed to the most](https://youtu.be/eDhWNdEZBSk?si=E2GncdUahkja-uR_) I love the Buffalo to death and we dont win #18 without his big performances. Im just glad we won rings with both guys


I love DWhite, but let's be real here.


Rondo had among the highest bball iq. Even Bron respected it


I’ve got to go with Rondo, that dude was a beast. He ran the offense, called out adjustments on the fly, and rebounded so well for a guard. He was a walking triple double. He would gamble a lot on defense and play the passing lanes a lot, but it just paid off so often that it didn’t matter. He’s probably my favorite Celtic of all time, with KG a very close second.


Rondo was in the running for MVP when Pierce and KG left. So rondo. Love d white but rondo was basically a walking triple double every night


D White is a perfect role fit for this team but peak Rondo was THAT DUDE. His shooting was frustrating sometimes but he made up for it in almost every other way you could hope for from a point guard.


Rondo is better but I love Derrick. He really exceeded expectations for me. I’m happy I got to see both and I hope Derrick continues to play for us for a long time


They’re both great but anyone saying D White wasn’t around to see prime Rondo this man had a defensive game and the size to switch defensive positions, his offensive bag was decent too he didn’t shoot from range as often as white but his ability to facilitate and be a floor general were so elite he didn’t need to score as often. I can remember watching him the years leading to the ‘08 team you could see his development for understanding the game and those huge hands when he would fake a behind the back pass and still have the ball palmed it melted my young teen brain hahah


Both are good but peak Rondo was something else.


Did you post these pictures from your Nintendo DS or something


Love me some Buffalo but Peak Playoff Rondo was the best player in the league some days, not to mention a champion as well.




There’s no 17 or 18 without these two.




Rondo was at times fabulous, like top ten player fabulous. But I always remember a time during the 2nd championship run with the Garnet, Allen and Pierce group when Rondo tried to take control of a huddle with this HOF trio. I thought, wow, this guy is way too full of himself. I think I called that. Edit: And just to add that White is like the opposite of that, ego wise. And better all around.


This is pretty silly


Derrick White is the best role player in the league but Rondo was a superstar for a few years post title.


D.White all day.


The comments on here truly shows how there are way too many kids in this group


this post should be flagged….


Apples and oranges.


Rondo is better overall, White is more well-rounded and can do more. And by do more I mean shoot 3s consistently, because that's really all Rondo **couldn't** do lo.


Naaa Rondo missed to many mid range shots.


Naaa. Shooting 3’s consistently wasn’t the only thing he couldn’t do… His mid range shooting game wasn’t consistent. D White’s mid game is more consistent than Rondo’s was. Most definitely. Also, D White’s defense ability overall is better. Can’t remember many times when Rondo went straight up at and above the rim and block a 7 footers dunk attempt the way D White did against Lively did in this Finals. D White had some fabulous run down blocks up at rim level that is just phenomenal timing… I just bought a D White #9 shirt because all the intangibles on defense, and big momentum making 3’s and shots. I think D White is so very undervalued for us Celtics this year.


>Also, D White’s defense ability overall is better. Rondo was 1st team All-NBA defense multiple years lol. Held his own his own guarding Prime LeBron in multiple playoff series


Again! How many times Rondo get up at rim and over level, and deny a seven footer? Not on Rondo’s repertoire. He can’t do it!! So yes, AND MOST definitely, D White’s defense ability overall is better, irrefutable.


I mean 1v1 Rondo cooks, but as far as who I want on my team it depends on the pieces around them. Obv current team gotta go d white, I feel like Rondo's intensity might be too much for some of our current roster.


I always wanted to Rondo to finish his career here but the course of the team at the time warranted him to be traded but recency bias will tell you white so I’ll just wait until white is done playing here whenever that happens. To decide who was the better 9




Recency bias aside, my gut says Buffalo but Rajon ran those teams as a true point guard. So it's a tie! They are both great.




Is there a chance that in the next 15 years all the single digits 0, 4, 8, 9 will be retired?


Rondo but Derrick White isn’t too far behind


white isn’t even close to rondo. rondo was a floor general white is not, rondo was damn near a triple double every night when it was actually hard to get a triple double. his handles were better his passing was better his ability to get to the rim was better his ability to finish was better. defensively you could make the argument white is the better defender but let’s not forget how good rondo was on D and those matchups against lebron were masterclass. white has the better 3 ball that’s about it’s


Imagine both playing together!! 🤯


Both are uniquely brilliant. I love them both - really miss peak Rondo as he was one of my favourite players. Very crafty.


You couldn’t have picked better pictures?


Rondo was a problem


At this point. Rondo.


Does anyone remember the trade rumors ; rondo for Steph curry ? This was like around 2010 before he blossomed and had injuries




Rondo next ,


Rondo is an awesome playmaker, passer and rebounder. A double double machine back then. White is good on defense and shooting.


Don’t do this to me 😮‍💨 I’m an MVPRondo truther (legit top 5 candidate 2012 year) and felt we shoulda retired his number as a Celtic legend that you could only know if you were there watching all 82+ each year. That being said, I can’t get enough of the Buffalo and he’s more than done the number enough justice that I can happily move on and appreciate it all for what it is.


I’m sorry but this really isn’t a real comp at this point. Peak Rondo was able to match peak LeBron from time to time.


Rondo in his prime >>>


Am saying White hes way more consistent than Rondo was.


Rondo just made too many stupid plays at important moments. I never really trusted him to win anything.


Rondo is one of my fave players of all time but I think white has been better. Rondo was guilty of a lot of Stat padding in his day.


Neither, maybe I’m a sucker for shooting and Rondo was a better fit for his time but in the modern NBA Bald DWhite clears both


As of now One is arguably a 2nd or 3rd ballot hall of famer. The other is an elite role player but remains to be seen what’s next




Greg Minor






Rondo but Dwhite is only 29 and has another 5 plus good years ahead of him.


Where my Greg Minor fans at?


09-12 Rondo was special. So for now Rondo, but a few more years of this type of Derrick White impact could change that


I love White and he has a chance to be better, but he isn’t yet.


I honestly can't believe this is even a question. Rondo and it's not even close


Primetime national TV Rondo was a different beast


Rondo easily


Give me PRIMETIME peak Rondo over basically any PG in the league the last 20 years minus prime Rose and Curry


Harold Kottman


Buffalo is a great player, but why is this even a question?


Well it sure isn't J. R. Bremer.


One season Rondo was THE best PG.


DWhite is great but Rondo was way better


Both special in their own way


It’s a tough comparison. I feel as though 2nd year, 2008 Championship Rondo was just as critical as Derrick White was this season. Apex Rondo was the best player on a championship contending team as Pierce/KG aged. He had more success and a longer run, but apex Rondo is similar to apex IT. It’s hard to explain but for a minute they were top 5 in the entire league. Rondo’s later career just cemented the legend of his basketball IQ.


Gotta love DWhite, but not many Celtics guards can compare to Rondo g


Rondo made it to where if you said "The Big 4" instead of the Big 3, you know exactly who the "four" was.


I’m glad there is no bias of recency here.


I am one of Derrick Whites' biggest fans........ But Rondo was better.


They’re both great—love dwhite!! but I’d still pick the reason why I got into basketball: Rondo 😂


I love D White but y'all need to stop overrating him as a #4 option. He's a great role player not a star




How is this even a question?


Meeeee I wore 9 🙌🏼☘️


Derrick White. The lunch pail player. That tooth with that smile needs to be a caricature big head small body t-shirt. I’d buy a lot of them. Getting on the ground and going for the ball and getting his face smashed. Going straight up and stuffing the much taller Lively point blank at the rim when Lively was trying to flush it on him. The blocks from behind, the steals. More consistent 3 and Midrange jumper. Very key momentum changing,or emphatically still keep control of momentum when game hangs in balance, and ratcheting up everyone’s energy. So key


Dwhite easily. Better shooter, better defender, and more versatile of a scoring threat. He doesn't need the ball to be effective which is important


Rondo could only play in a really strong lineup. You can see that in his late career as well. 


Rondo was great but I don't know if his particular game flies in today's game. Like a really strong defensive point is great but if he's a zero from 3, shoots under 45% from the field, shoots under 70% from free throws? Tough to rely on that guy in the playoffs against teams raining 3s down. Like there are still guys like VanVleet that are sort of that model and they're fine, but you have to work around that. Rondo was a great playmaker but I never felt like he was a CP3-level genius, he just did a great job facilitating the scorers around him. Another couple playoff runs like this year and I think White has a strong argument to be on Rondo's level. He's also an elite defensive guard, he's a much better shooter, and he has fewer holes in his game so he'd fit on any team vs a guy you need to make exceptions for.


Rondo but it's probably closer than a lot of people think
