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This dude was 19 playing in a professional basketball league when the pregnancy news came around that he was going to be a father. I can't fault him when his first immediate reply/response is, "oh shit," lol. That is tough as nails and it's commendable how much love he has shown Deuce. Proud for Tatum to be representing the Boston Celtics. #Banner19


Ya, Tatum always comes off to me as a very smart and particularly thoughtful guy.


Shoutout his mama and grandma!


He's such a wholesome dude. We're so lucky to have a controversy free title team full of genuinely awesome guys


Deuce is the reason JT is a boring super star. He matured many years quicker than most young players because he took being a father very seriously. Fathers are role models for their kids and JT’s class is a great way of leading Deuce as he gets older.


Made him grow up fo sho. JT cheesy cuz all he know is dad jokes 😂


Deuce still needs discipline though


Thought this was r/nbacirclejerk because I interpreted the title as “Jayson Tatum talking about hiding (his) pregnancy from the nba”


Lillard over ME???? Yeah, I agree I just wanted to follow the same title since it was a crosspost lol. Threw me off at first when I saw it without my morning coffee.


Thanks for noting my flair lol 😂 


>Jayson Tatum talking about hiding (his) pregnancy from the nba https://preview.redd.it/aqw1lvky5m9d1.png?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e60da195af143a8b2e131644e84dabe09af8926


That pic of him in the crib with little Duece 🥲 Those are the memories I miss most raising kids. I’m so happy Jayson is apart of our organization! He’s got the #dadclub cheering for him for alternate reasons.


My mom mentioned how she’s never seen or noticed the players having their families around the team so much in the past as now and I said I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole thing was part of it. I remember reading about this earlier in Tatum’s tenure and I’m pretty sure Danny said something about them being surprised Tatum was hesitant/guarded about it so both the Tatum/Deuce dynamic and an organizational concern they wanted players to feel at home probably came into play. Brad and Danny are both very family oriented guys to begin with


Why do people not like this guy again?


The answer is clear as day - people think someone who focuses on family, commitment to success, and doesn't outright start drama/personal troubles in their respective franchises tend to be portrayed as 'lame,' boring,' the truth is half of these nephews who shit on Tatum are just jealous. Every team trying to win a championship would gladly love to have JT on their team.


People called another Boston legend boring, corny, and lame. But that man wore #12.


Well he said some repetitive things after the finals that was kinda corny so that trumps him being a rock solid human being and very entertaining and well rounded player, of course 🙄


boston celtics


A lot of it is you know....


That he’s a black American man


Tatum is popular. Armchair GMs and “real hoopers” think they’re savants by saying he’s an overrated fraud. It’s just circlejerking. We’re gonna be seeing it forever. Every young rising star player is gonna generate the milquetoast “DAE think *insert name here* is better than Tatum” takes. Classic hivemind stuff


Because their dad hated the patriots when they were growing up


Give props to the baby momma too. You hear absolutely nothing from her or see her. They seem to have learned from all the past superstars who’s personal life got dragged through the mud


They are not together AFAIK, and she chooses to stay out of the spotlights. They co-parent. I imagine Deuce is with her when JT is on a roadtrip, for example.


I LOVE JT. What a good dude. He just seems like someone that gets it. He’s a Facebook dad with a jump shot, basically. Love it.


That thing he says at the end... "nothing else matters" is SO REAL. I had the exact same epiphany the moment I held my daughter for the first time... all the stress in my life (work, etc) was so insignificant. My main priority from that moment forward was to keep that kid alive and smiling. Little Deuce is lucky to have a dad like Big Deuce.


This is the type of wholesome content about family we need to see more in the nba 


Gosh I'm so proud of JT. He's so mature, calm, and unproblematic. Ofc I love a little drama here and there. It's the NBA and all, but it's great when it's not on my team. I am so confident in him and Jaylen being our core.


Deuce has more of his life exposed to the public than any 5 year old on earth lmao


Legendary basketball player. Even better human being. Struck gold with the Jays. Period.


Having a kid is the best thing that happened to him.


He appears to be a tremendous Father. We almost feel like we know Deuce...fortunate little man. Love it.


Didn’t a picture come out after the Finals where she is pregnant again?


Not the same girl. The new one is Ella Mai.


I thought this said that Jayson Tatum himself was pregnant lol


This video is 2 years old. There isn't a time limit on resurfacing videos but I'm curious as to why it's being brought up now or how it's relevant today.


Gee Einstein, I wonder why a sub dedicated to THE BOSTON CELTICS CELTICS would have content on it featuring a current BOSTON CELTICS player


This is in reference to r/NBA posting it. No duh it would be on reposted because it involves a Celtic in any capacity.


I hate myself, but I don’t hate myself enough to be on that sub and know any references to it I have at least some self-respect


Fair compromise would have been to post it as a cross post but not everyone knows how to do that.


I have never seen it so it was a nice surprise for me, I can imagine someone coming across it for the first time like me and posting it. as long as we aren’t recycling the same videos every few weeks like some of the subs I think we cool. Are you familiar with the rule of cool?