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Holy fuck that is very bad for a major release. They're gonna yank this thing from the theaters and release it quickly no doubt. Won't even get close to enough back to cover the advertising and actors costs.


Yeah there is no mistaking that this was a massive flop. Too bad too. I think Mad Max has more lore to explore in the core, but seems like most people just don’t care anymore.


Nice rhymes


lol right? Dude was flowing just now. ![gif](giphy|3ohs82LiUFYq5QaqME)




MF DOOM, you tricky bastard, I knew you were still alive out there somewhere!


It's never been a popular IP It's always been very niche, it's not really the kind of thing that justifies the budgets of a big summer blockbuster (which is a shame since that's the only way to do the vision justice)


It's a damn shame, I really enjoyed this movie


Theatres are empty these days. They might not.


Was #2 again yesterday behind *Garfield*. Will likely lose the weekend


I feel like it’s still a tough call. Garfield should have a better Saturday bounce, but could be close. The fact that there is no new competition makes it really hard to say how much both films will go down.


May even end up at 3, since IF doesn't look far


Breaks my heart


What’s depressing is that these are bombs are so frequent we’re running out of talking points about them lol.


Is Hollywood just screwed at this point? They’ve been running on fumes with legacy sequels and remakes but it feels like they’ve mostly exhausted the popular IP’s. Not sure where they go from here.


Hollywood will be okay ish the issue is theaters at large


then make ticket prices $5 and people will go. $14 a ticket, $7 coke, $9 popcorn, I'm not going no matter what the movie is.


Given how discount Tuesday is only 30% more revenue than other weekdays, it's hard to believe perma discount Tuesday would create more revenue. Cinema Day sells out everything and doesn't gross more than like a mid tier release Sunday.


People have things going on on Tuesday like work or school. A lot of people just don't have a 3 hour slot on Tuesday, but they have that slot on other days. I do think theaters can cut back on prices. I also think there should be 4 National Cinema Days per year instead of one. It gets people into the theaters to buy snacks and spreads movie popularity through word of mouth. I also think streaming platforms can give out a few free tickets to customers to get people into theaters.


30% more visitors on the cheap day and you don't think that would spread out if that was the price every day?


No, I don't. I think that a substantial percentage of those visitors would prefer to view on a different day, but instead go on Tuesdays due to the discount. Additionally, there's no possible way for theatres to get the over double attendance that they need (to get the same revenue from $5 tickets they currently get from $14) on the weekends. Most weekends there just isn't room to accomodate that many extra bodies.


That's basically $30-35 per person, more if you get more than the basic stuff. I have a very decent OLED TV and the movie will be $25 or less to own and watch forever in a few weeks.


> That's basically $30-35 per person, more if you get more than the basic stuff. Lol. The "basic stuff" is the ticket. A popcorn and soda for everyone is living large.


Well these days it is, but I factor it in because at home I got my fridge lol.


Yeah I only started actually buying popcorn and soda at the movie theater as an adult. When I was a broke kid, I could afford the movie ticket and sneaking in a vending machine bottle of Pepsi in my hoodie.


Me over here with a $20 monthly subscription, a popcorn bucket that's $20 and then $5 a visit with free refill and I bring in my water bottle. I pay nothing, or $5 at most for a popcorn to split with multiple people when I go. If taking kids, maybe we'll sneak in candy or buy an icee for $8 to share AMC 's sub is so worth it. Pays for itself in less than 2 visits. Makes going to the movies worth it.


My local theater has 5 dollar tickets if you go during the weekday afternoon. And just sneak your food in. I've snuck a soda and snack into the last 200 films I've seen in the theater. No employee cares. I honestly don't really get people's complaints about the theaters. I love going to them still. Most of the time it comes to 10 dollars a person and the theaters near me have great recliner seats. It's a great experience.


People buy like 5 course meals at theaters and cry about the price.


And on the flip side many would pay $100 for great food and drink and a really good theater experience, no matter what the movie is.


I mean you don't need to buy any of the food. The ticket price itself has remained in line with inflation for like what? 50 years now? People just don't value movies the same way they use to.


Dude no shit I went and saw it in IMAX and got some snacks with a date... 110 bucks. Fucking wild. Fucking insane!! A movie is a passive entertainment activity it is not worth that much.


Right? Wanted to see Furisoa with my Father, sister and mother. We all loved fury road, let me just say. The IMAX prices for Fury road was vastly cheaper back then than regular tickets to a normal screening for Furisoa. We decided just to wait for it to come out on VOD. Too fucking expensive to go to the theaters now.


Yeah I would hate to be studio execs right now. You can’t just throw a big budget and good writers/directors at an IP and make profit anymore.


a job where you're very well paid and can always blame someone else for the failures and not get fired? sign me up


We really are a stuck culture right now. I wonder if there is someone working on this who can explain why this is happening.


It’s not really that complicated. Streaming has become so massive now, there are so many cheap options for movies now and the ones in theaters will be available to stream after a few weeks. People just don’t want to spend more money to go see something in theaters when they can just wait for a bit for it to show up on Netflix.


It’s not even this, it’s entertainment being extremely decentralized. Video games, YouTube, podcasts, sports, fantasy sports, tik tok, and countless others. It’s literally a matter of the younger demographic not growing up as movies being one of few options for entertainment. And influence.


Exactly. Everyone talks about competition from streaming, which is true to an extent, but it’s also competition from every other alternate form of entertainment too. It’s not just “should I go to the theater or watch something on Netflix”, it’s “should I go to the theater or watch something on Netflix or watch the NBA playoffs or play helldivers or watch my favorite streamer who’s live now”.


Should I pay $30 to be entertained by Furiosa for two and a half hours, or spend $30 to be entertained by Palworld for ten times as long in the comfort of my own home?


Movie industry needs to adapt or die. Films don’t hold as much cultural power as they used to.


This is cited as one of the reasons Simpsons started to decline. Much of the humor in Simpsons was based on popular entertainment, TV shows and movies people would have seen, but when entertainment began to decentralize, shared ground disappeared and common references dried up.


Yep, it's the equivalent 30 year olds in 1935 asking why fewer people are going to vaudeville shows.


I don't think its this simple. The author Brandon Sanderson gave a good reason. He said that movies are basically going through what books have had to deal with for decades now. Marketing for books is _impossible_. It's due to the fact that there's so many of them. It's extremely hard to break out in the industry and get attention. I read a stat that publishers make over 95% of their income from like 10 books a year, the rest lose money. The issue is now we have _so_ many movies constantly coming out. It's hard for any of them to stick out. Think back to just like pre-Endgame. Every Marvel movie was a big deal. But now it seems like every other week a movie is coming out, so its hard for people to actually care about any of them. I actually didn't even know Furiosa was coming out until i heard about the flop.


Yeah this is a big part of it, mixed with the streaming issue. Look at the movies that ARE doing well. They are all massive cultural events (or low budget horror). People need a reason to grab their friends/family and make the trip to the theater. You have to give them a reason to not wait two months to see it at home. If you don't absolutely have to go to a theater RIGHT NOW to see a movie, then you'll wait. So what studios need to do is not just make movies, but make can't-miss cultural events.


But not every movie can be that must not miss event. It’s simply infeasible and unsustainable


Yup, and that's the problem. You can't give $100m+ to any old movie these days (looking at you, The Fall Guy). Studios need to reign in budgets rather than throw boatloads of cash at middling IP movies. Take a note from the horror industry. High concept, low budget. Take a $10m profit on a $2m movie rather than a $10m profit on a $200m movie.


I wonder how much of this is because more people see basically no advertising. If you've got an adblocker and a streaming service and you don't pay for the shit deal that is cable TV, you can almost entirely avoid ads, including trailers.


I'd guess not that much tbh. We've basically been in that state for a decade at this point, but it hasn't been a problem until the last 2 years or so.


Case in point: Madame Web (which I still haven’t seen)


Like star wars, I honestly don't give a fuck about star wars anymore. I just can't be bothered with it. Fallout, I am back baby!


Brain rot / $ are the biggest issues. People don’t have the attention span for full length movies if they can’t also have their phones out. People also can’t afford groceries let alone going to the movies. I hate it, but that’s how it is IMO.


Not just attention span but rather saturated with entertainment. All day I scroll insta reels/reddit/twitter during work. By the end of the week, I will have some youtube/series lined. So I am satuarted with entertainment, an rarely feel like movies are worth it. Also, with streaming - driving 15-30 min back and forth to watch 2-3 hr movie doesn't make much sense.


disney never used good writers anyway


I think something sort of negative, which is that movies are steadily moving in the direction of broadway/theater or the comic book industry. Meaning, yes many people will still enjoy movies and find them interesting, but it appeals to a certain shrinking demographic.Movies used to be cultural glue and something everybody knew about and looked forward to. I notice most movies people other than aficionados look forward to today are 1-directed by someone famous from the golden age, or 2-based on something already culturally relevant.




But, regarding you first paragraph, George Miller is a creative. Furiosa drips with passion and creativity, and meets many of the criteria you want in a movie. Is the budget the problem?


George Miller is 79 years old and he made the 5th film of a franchise he created in the 70s. He's not the fresh breeze I am hoping for.


I mean maybe you'd have a point if there weren't dozens of films being released every year with the exact constraints you're talking about. Guess what? Nobody goes to see them.


Low and mid budget movies are being made all the time these days, and not doing particularly well. The problem is that there are too many movies (and competition from streaming with the average time that a movie is exclusively in theaters going down year over year) and to make a profit it has to be something extraordinary. Furiosa doing so poorly is a direct rebuttel to your prognosis.


And declining DVD sales have took the wind out of more niche movies that used to be common during the decades of VHS and DVD.


Couldn’t agree with this more


You've probably heard of dump months, but this is an actual dump year thanks to the strikes. It's telling that one of the biggest movies this year is Dune 2 which was supposed to release last year.


Theatrical is a business in secular decline. There may be blips in the downward trend but the direction of the graph has been clear for years now.


Marvel didn't save cinema, just slowed down the decline until it inevitably failed. Marvel could have never built a sustainable system, people would get bored sooner or later, and after they break the cycle of having to must see cinematic universe movies to keep up with it, it's incredibly difficult to get them back, since all that baggage is making it unappealing to come back.


I was thinking the same thing recently. Indiana Jones is likely dead, DC literally faded into oblivion (we’ll see how Superman does next year), MCU’s B listers have been flopping, Transformers seems bust, Star Wars theatrical doesn’t look promising, Alien franchise is just embarrassing. Seems like for now the Jurassic movies are still continuing on a high note, even though I thought the Pratt trilogy was fucking awful, as did most other people. I don’t know what will happen but it’s certainly seen way better days. These past couple of years has been a bloodbath. Deadpool will 100% be the biggest film of the year. Hollywood can’t just wait on every Avatar to set course. Not these days.


It feels that way. Maybe a hard reset of the kinds of films that get funding. go back to the new hollywood trend of making mostly low budget, shot on location films and wait for a few to blow up to bring us back to a blockbuster era.


I just hope audiences still have interest in these type of movies after being fed big budget franchise slop for over a decade. A lot of the younger generation just don’t seem to care for the type of movies like the ones that were being made in the 90s


anyone but you did decent money...if nothing else a lower cost movie will be likely to offset theatrical losses with streaming and pvod


You guys think that they can comeback from this? What do you think needs to happen in order for the younger generation to be more interested or is it just downhill from this


Where ? Right to Inside Out 2,  Deadpool 3 and beyond !


We're too poor to go to the movies.


This time nobody can even break out the 'just make good movies lol' talking point. This movie is great by all accounts, has known qualities in its lead stats and director, is part of a well-known franchise and is an action movie which should have decent appeal. The only major misstep this movie made imo was the trailer being terribly edited, and it's doing worse than Morbius.


mine too, it's a very good film


It sucks. Best action movie in a long time and the general audience couldn't give a shit


I was worried after Fury Road being so good and the trailer being a little iffy that Furiosa would be a disappointment but it’s so so good. I might see it again in the theater before it eventually sadly leaves. Bomb or not, at least we got this great film and will always have it. I’m just sad it will likely prevent us from getting another but maybe with George’s age that realistically wouldn’t have happened anyway.


I'll probably see it this week. Agreed on the trailers, they really didn't stoke much excitement for this movie. The Fury Road trailers back in 2015 did a much better job.


I'll definitely be seeing it again soon, it's a theater movie through and through. And yeah, it sucks, but this isn't the first great movie to bomb and won't be the last. We are lucky to even have another Mad Max movie, bomb or not.


Welcome to the industry. There are thousands of movies like that you never heard of.


That’s true, but it’s even more alarming when it’s a big budget blockbuster.


I really hope it atleast makes Fury Road numbers. Didn't make a profit but ended up being profitable due to good ancillary sales.


Too expensive to watch, I'll wait for it on VOD. Also yeah, people just don't give a fuck anymore about movies.


*Brakes my heart


hello fellow idiots in cars poster!


I celebrate the miracle that despite the trend started last year in which only 24 films got more than $100 domestic, only 8 got past $200, and only 17 got past $300 word wide, there are still excelent products and people are showing and loving them. Not to the point of recovering the production budget, but people celebrated this movie and everyone at WB deserves praise, not scorn for furiosa. Hopefully it gets some Oscar nods. Everyone involved with this movie should feel proud, this is a great movie and the box office is not under your control.


The only thing I've heard about this movie is that it's a prequel to Fury Road (which I watched when it was released and thought it was fine) and that the main character has about 30 lines of dialogue. I don't find it particularly interesting.


It was an odd choice, prequels are for people who are hungry for more, quickly after a big hit or after the sequel does well. 9 years later, without the title character, and nobody reprising roles? A hard sell for an a-list franchise, near impossible for a B-movie one.


I can see where a prequel doesn't sound exciting.  Do have to point out I don't think Max had many more lines in Fury Road, if not less.


Chris Hemsworth has a lot of lines though.


exited to go see it this weekend! Had to wait a week so that I can go with my spouse. sooo wanted to see it last weekend


It's great! Enjoy!


Went and saw it just now. It’s a great ride!


Seeing it a third time this weekend, enjoy!


Oh dear.


This thing is bombing harder than the old civilization in Mad Max universe


I’m headed there tonight, not that’ll do any good. I didn’t love Fury Road like everyone else but I liked it and respected the vision. Filmmakers with balls should be rewarded.


Yeah these movies undeniably have a lot more vision and creativity than the average action movie which I really admire. All 5 movies make an effort to do something new and not repeat the previous ones which is really cool too.


this fucking sucks. it's a great movie and now we're probably not going to get Mad Max Wasteland


If this does not outgross fucking Morbius and Blue Beetle, I will be pissed.


Not outgrossing Blue Beetle, a movie meant for streaming, would be sad asf.


Morbheads just keep on winning


It’s just superhero fatigue guys don’t worry




Can’t say I’m surprised, I went to see it on Tuesday since my theater has cheap tickets that day and I was one of 8 people in the biggest theater. I thought it was better than average but no where near as good as fury road, my other friend who went opening night hated it.


Tbf there are only like 200 people in Omaha so 8 isn’t a bad showing


Maths tells me that 4% of people saw this movie. Those are great numbers!


Well this bombed horribly


$11.7 million weekend is my prediction.


Redditors behaving as if the reasons for Furiosa flopping are mysterious is one of the *strangest* results derived from it bombing.


Who's thinking it's mysterious? I just think it's disappointing.


That's my money counted in there, it was excellent on the big screen. Was gonna see it next week but my 2 closest theatres are dropping it this weekend already. Had to see it before it was as gone.


I watched it too with my SO while not as tight as Fury Road, it was still better than what was released this year (except Dune 2) and a good entry in the Mad Max series.


Oh god it’s coming to digital in less than a month now. Ugh And who’s gonna wanna see any of these legacy sequels with streaming sequels coming out next month like house of dragon/the boys/acolyte - and that’s just the top 3 people would know about ugh


Yikes 😳


Is this considered a bomb at the box office?


A big bomb.. 168M production budget and only grossing 70M+ WW is bad.. it needs atleast 400M WW to breakeven


Furiosa was the 2nd best movie of the year so far. It is so close as being good as Dune 2. It was an incredible movie. After watching Furiosa I went back and watched Mad Max. It made both films so much better. The action scenes alone are enough to see this movie.


Saw it in theatre and absolutely loved it. Action sequence with praetorian jack is one the of the greatest action sequences i have ever seen. Not as good as fury road for sure but a worthy prequel that deserves to be a big hit. Its a shame that we won't get to see Mad Max Wasteland with tom hardy. Was looking forward to it. George Miller should direct the first Justice league movie in the new DCU imo. He is truly a mastermind.


It I was super super rich I would bank the movie even if the return was not great. Too bad I am not.


I was hoping word of mouth would help propel it in its second weekend. I get the financial aspect but I think an underlying reason people aren't going to movies they're not willing to admit is they don't want to leave their homes for any reason. It's a problem beyond the box office.


People just aren't into the franchise. It's really that simple.


It really is a good movie. I saw it tonight, theater was two thirds full. Maybe itll have a bigger second weekend. Has the public grown wise and started waiting for reviews?


My number one favorite so far is Challengers. Furiosa is also my number 2, right above The Fall Guy!


Love the Challengers soundtrack! 


Yes it was amazing! Funnily enough, it reminded me of GTA Online's Deadline, very repetitive techno that builds and builds 


Hard disagree. Furiosa is several steps down from the tight and efficient masterpiece Fury Road. It falls flat in key ways, overstays its welcome by at least 30 minutes and makes Fury Road a worse movie by being connected to this disaster.


I definitely agree that it is 30 minutes too long and it is a little uneven. I still found it mostly enjoyable. Opening was amazing and the chase on the way to gas town was incredible. I don’t think it makes Fury Road any worse.


I can't quite put my finger on it but something feels off about that Furiosa.


>!she’s the same person at 8 years old as she is at the end of Fury Road. !< >!Furiosa’s failure was the villain, even though I liked the performance. At no point in Furiosa was it set up that she hates Immortan Joe or even has a reason to hate him. She’s barely on his radar for most of the movie and the he goes back to him instead of escaping. We don’t see her really caring about the other women he has captured until the last minute of the movie.!< The whole thing was just a waste of time, even if there were sequences that were great.


Somebody should have been the grown up in the room and told George to cut this to 2 hours.


I'm wondering where was the editor who won the Oscar? There's more to editing than action sequences, Sixel. I see no reason an action movie should be a 2 1/2 hour thing.


Agreed. I found it to be quite lackluster, not sure the word of mouth is as good as the internet is perpetuating it as.


I agree that it falls flat in comparison to Fury Road. The practical effects that were so beautiful to see in FR were replaced by mediocre cgi in Furiosa to the extent that it was distracting. So many odd moments. Which may make it a better movie for streaming on a small screen. Pair that with unfocused villains, more boring environment, and a long runtime and you get an ok movie. The movie does a better job of adding emotional elements than FR but not by much. It’s difficult to provide too many feels with so little dialogue. Good effort but forgettable. The trailers were better than the movie. 6.1/10


Makes Fury road.... What a crock.


Where I am some theatres have already removed Furiosa. Even with the Marvels they never do this. The theatres that have it don’t have any tickets booked for tomorrow night and just 4 sold for Friday night.


> Where I am some theatres have already removed Furiosa ...I don't believe this. To replace it with what?


Madame Web


This is a disaster. Movie was so good. I’m so disappointed


Unmitigated disaster. So depressing.


i was looking at the inflation adjusted BO for the original mad max movies, none were big hits domestically, they were just big hits relative to their budgets. Adjusted for inflation, Mad Max 2 did just under $100M Domestically. this will likely fall short of that, but not by a huge margin


Yeah, they were B-movies always. Putting in a prequel to a franchise 9 years after the first revival without the title character and nobody reprising roles would be a tough sell for a strong franchise.


Which is too bad, because furiosa is the best movie I've seen this year But yeah they gotta find a way to do a version of this kind of movie at under $100M


So sad. It was a magnificent movie.


If there is any silver lining here, it’s that it’ll be released on Blu-ray sooner than later. I’m ready to own it.


I contributed $14. Goddamn matinee price…


Well, they shouldn't have spent that much money on a franchise that has never been at that level. Fury Road likely didn't break even. These movies have to actually appeal to audiences if they expect to make their money back.


But muh 10 Oscar nominations, tho!!!


To think they spent months and months on the other side of the planet, under intense conditions (heat, make-up, pressure to succeed...) to finally, shamelessly, crashing under The Marvels. I'm really wondering what the director, the producers and the 2 "stars" are thinking about what's happening.


Miller is 80 and just released a critically acclaimed film that he had been dreaming up for like 20 years. I dont think he is too concerned on the finances, except that it makes the odds of a second tom hardy mad max unlikely. The stars similarly are more at the TV star level so while this wont be the thing to break them out, the acclaim of the film will help their TV careers. WB is pissed probably


I’m not sure even if this movie was a huge hit, that we’d be getting another Mad Max starring Tom Hardy. These movies seem miserable to shoot and Tom doesn’t strike me as the type of guy who would want to do another one


Do you have any clue what you’re talking about? Neither of the leading actors need to “break out”, they’re both already famous. Chris Hemsworth is Thor - and an incredibly famous actor and Anya Taylor Joy is only 28 but already very well known in Hollywood.


Sorry, I was referring to tom burke as the other lead, but that was very bad wording, I meant protagonists Anya Taylor joy is popular but mostly in TV and indie film, she has not carried a live action blockbuster


Unlike the marvels, though, the movie is critically acclaimed by both critics and audiences. Box office is not the only thing they care about


This is shaping to be a Wish result


It makes sense, not many people are hardcore fans of Mad Max as a saga. Fury Road hype died a few years ago and honestly I don't think it would get that great word to mouth that Dune Part 2 got at the beginning of the year for one simple reason, is not that good.


I think the number one factor is simply time. This would have done so much better in 2017/18.


Riding the hype of Fury Road, I agree, that would have helped a lot


You might get downvoted for spilling the truth, but the movie really is not as good as it could've been. Too much fluff and weird pacing issues throughout the movie spoil the amazing action scenes.


Fury Road is one of the best films I've ever seen but I have no interest in this. If it's not a sequel with Theron and Hardy then it feels like a straight to video follow-up


Oh no, the bad CGI fest prequel to a movie that wasn't that popular in the first place where they replaced Charlize Theron with someone who couldn't open a pickle jar is a bomb? How will Hollywood survive? Furiosa isn't even the best movie currently in theaters. Both Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and Challengers are better.


What do you have against Anya Taylor joy?


Shame it looks like it will be gone from my local cinema by next week and it only came out last week.


They should have never made this after being held back by that lawsuit they should have just made a straight sequel with mad max and then if the audience turnout is still there, make this and for the love of god not spend so much money


Mad Max: The Wasteland is almost definitely no longer happening and I hate all of you


The fault lies solely on Miller. You can't hinge the fate of a franchise's main movie on a film featuring a side character that nobody cares about. It's like asking people to see a Zoë Kravitz catwoman movie if they want Robert Pattinson's Batman. Also, I heard Wasteland was going to be another prequel anyway. Good riddance.


Same. No one except the echo chambers on twitter and reddit were on board with following up a Mad Max movie where the titular character was out of focus with a followup where he was absent altogether. People just absolutely hate when reality sets in and it gets proven, yet again, that they aren't the tastemakers they thought they were.


I honestly don’t think a film of the same quality, but featuring Mad Max would do much better.


She was one of the main characters of the last movie. I don’t really think no one cared about her.


This is truly a box office FAILURE, and I’m so bummed because it was genuinely great…


The movie is cooked, what a shame because it was amazing.


Fuck everyone who says "audiences just want good movies", actually watch them when they come out or shut up.


Thats so frkin sad


Curse everyone who didn’t see Furiosa last weekend Curse everyone who won’t see Furiosa this weekend Curse everyone, including myself, that saw Furiosa last weekend and didn’t drag ten people with them




Go ahead, I'm not watching until it's free on Max


Curse: In one hundred days you’re doomed to turn off the tv and say, “Wow! Wish I saw that in theaters”.


The problem is, when people skip theatres and watch at home, most people aren't saying that.


It's cheaper to just buy the 4k/UHD copy of the movie and eat at home than it is to go to the theaters and watch and eat popcorn. And I have it forever.


I'm willing to take that risk.


I'm just to worn out.  It's probably a good movie. But when I think about watching new stuff I feel bad. When I see I movie now 80% of the time I feel disconnected and disgusting. You can't fix that. I'm not special I know must people feel the same. Industry wide collapse.


> When I see I movie now 80% of the time I feel disconnected and disgusting. this is pretty weird bro


If it's weird why is it trending in the numbers to? I'm telling why I didn't go and I'm not going to go. If you don't like it that's fine. It's just an example of why. That's why I come to boxoffice to understand trends.


> why is it trending in the numbers to? i think a downwards trending box office should probably be attributed to something other than feeling "disconnected and disgusting" at the movie theater lol that seems highly personal to you


...Wat lol


Don't blame people who didn't go to a movie that was marketed poorly, a movie for a B-franchise of a prequel without the title character and no reprising roles after 9 years, a lifetime in franchise terms.