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What percentage drop do y’all think for the weekend?


55% probably. Not tragic but logically needed much better.


It is tragic. Because of the low opening this film needed a 25-30% drop.


Oh gosh that hurts


So this is what Octoboss felt when he got pulled into Boomy Knocker.








I really really really think they should have re-released Fury Road a few months before Furiosa released.  Gotten people hyped for the Mad Max universe again.  Just like they did a quick rerelease of Dune Part 1 before Part 2 dropped.  Get the core fans engaged, get them to bring friends to see Fury Road, and then likely make plans/prebuy tickets for Furiosa.  As one of those people, I 100% would have gotten people to go see Fury Road. Then I would have had a built in set of people to see Furiosa with.  Instead I saw Furiosa by myself in the theater on a random weekday night. 


Fairly strange how WB didn't bother drumming up a Fury Road re-release to boost Furiosa unlike Dune. No double features as well. 


For real, there’s commenters down below talking like this was some massive studio conspiracy to push ‘girl boss’ movies, and then general audience was ‘clever enough to see through it.’ It’s like, ‘bro, no re-release of every Mad Max film over the last year? No double-feature of Furiosa and Fury Road? What studio conspiracy? It feels like the marketing team turned their brains off!’ No, it feels more like they stopped treating the mad max films like the cult classics that they were, and didn’t do their outreach to the art house and general audiences.  Even The Return of the King, which was guaranteed to be a box office smash, got triple feature releases for the hardcore fans! Studios need to make it feel like an event! Four prior films to act as ambassadors for the mad max world, and all of that hype-building squandered.  How the fuck they weren’t re-releasing one film a month - even on weeknights - to get online film people talking blows my mind. 


Yeah it was the occasion to put the Mad Max franchise back to the forefront by making some kind of anthology re-release as a build-up to Furiosa. They didn't bother re-igniting the hype a decade after like Cannes reviews and cutting wannabe Fury Road trailers would do all the heavy lifting. It's seriously baffling how WB put "Mad Max saga" in the subtitle but didn't do some kind of marathon re-release for Mad Max fans. Advertize some kind of remaster. They made a niche property even more niche. They managed to shrink the Fury Road audience that they gained in 2015.


HBO had them and was lightly promoting them in the US


The marketing was so lazy. It felt like a shrug. “Here’s a Furiosa movie I guess”. Even more baffling as the movie is quite good. It’s a prequel to probably the best action movie of the last 15+ years. A prequel to a film that was nominated for 10 Academy Awards. Of which it won 6, the most of any movie that year. There was a strong demand for the movie. But the trailers and lack of compelling marketing just silenced the hype that was there before the marketing began. Genuinely it felt like this movie was a much bigger deal until those trailers dropped. No re-release of Fury Road was ridiculous as well. They needed to make this an event but they didn’t. Why would casual movie goers care to see a movie that the studio doesn’t even seem enthusiastic about? They treated it more like a movie they were trying to bury. Again, totally baffling given that the movie is really good. Idk what happened behind the scenes but WBs marketing team needs to learn some lessons. This should have been a slam dunk. Everything about the movie was set up perfectly to be that slam dunk. But the marketing team decided to make it feel so bland. Not that this would have been a billion dollar film but it should have done at least as well as Fury Road.


I think they got wet feet from the trailer reception so they cut their losses imho it was financially the best idea as the movie would have never made its budget back sadly


They seemed to spend a good amount on tv spots per ispot


Yeah, what the hell? I would've been all over that and I'm not even a "hardcore" Fury Road fan.


Why couldn't you have done an at-home viewing of Fury Road with your friends? Are there really that many folks out there that could have "rallied the troops" to see Fury Road in theatres(and then later Furiosa with that group) that couldn't have done the same with a home viewing party?


This. Its ludicrous to think the answer to no one paying to watch a brand new movie is to spend money putting a 10 year old version in theaters. These ideas are loaded with confirmation bias. It would have only gotten say 1/4 to 1/2 the audience who was already going to go to Furiosa.


It shouldn't be up to the fans to do the marketing department's jobs for them. If they wanna hand over just one million of their marketing budget I'd be happy to throw some events for them though.


Okay. Dozens of sequels drop every year. Basically none of them have re-releases for the original film. Why does Furiosa need one? I'll just say this: If Fury Road got a re-release it would probablynhave done poorly. Then Furiosa would have had to contend with bad headlines about Fury Road.


1. Longer than average gap between prior movie and new movie 2. Fury Road is known as a film that didn’t do massive box office but has grown in acclaim since - probably a decent cohort of fans who haven’t seen it on the big screen There’s two reasons why Furiosa could have done with a re-release that other sequels didn’t have.


Honestly we’ve all got equally gigantic good quality TVs in our houses. There’s just no special reason to have people come over to watch a rental on our TV. We’re also too old to have extra people sit on the floor to watch a movie.  However, this same group of friends will go out for IMAX/Dolby/etc and dinner, if someone plans it.  I’ve also never seen Fury Road in theater, so I was honestly checking for the re-release I assumed was coming.  I don’t know how many other people are out there, but the movie events I plan turn a single ticket sale to about 8-12 tickets sold.  Let’s call that ‘fan turnout generation’, which really does get butts in seats. 


I don't know man, it just seems strange that the hold-up to getting together for Furiosa was the lack of having seen Fury Road a month earlier. Did you just not ask your friends to see Furiosa together or were you just hammered with "never saw Fury Road" which they didn't care much about "It's a prequel sono required watching before." There's dozens of sequels/reboots/prequels every year that don't get theatrical re-releases of their original films. Just don't see how it really moves the needle when the standard is to not re-release the previous film(s).


In our case, it was a bunch of stuff. For example, we bought our Dune Part II tickets a few months in advance. I was waiting for a theatrical drop of Fury Road to do an event and then get social buy-in for Furiosa, which never happened. Everyone prefers streaming 90% of the time. For movie theatrical, I do have to create a mini hype event to get people to the theater. Waiting for a Fury Road rerelease that didn’t happen got us to about two months out from release date, at which point 1/2 the group was going out of state for the Memorial holiday weekend. So, we weren’t going to be able to make opening weekend work. Then the movie did poorly opening weekend, got a PVOD release date of this month, and that basically destroyed the group momentum to plan to see Furiosa two weeks after release. Once PVOD is a few weeks away, it’s 5x as difficult to get people to even consider seeing it in theater. edit - not streaming, PVOD [https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/1d4y8w3/furiosa\_premieres\_on\_pvod\_june\_25\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/1d4y8w3/furiosa_premieres_on_pvod_june_25_2024/) edit 2 - I’m still going to try and pull something off, but honestly, I’m not hopeful.


They did in the US but it was a cinemark exclusive. Those pissheaded dipshits made it an exclusive. There's like 1 cinemark where I live and it's subpar.


Yeah I was wondering why no one remembered the re release from March, I didn't know it was exclusive. I went to see it, but I imagine it did not make a lot of money.




The audience simply didn’t care. Studios are going to be in for a rude awakening as we get a lot of Fall Guy and Furiosa scale flops in the next couple of years.




Only movie geeks go to RT but normal people browse their local newspaper / news website. They do movie reviews. If they say a movie is great, that can stick in peoples’ minds. Similar if they say it’s a bucket of shit.


I will get downvoted on this but screenings for Reviews is a waste of studios’ money unless is a superhero movie. Only video gamers and marvel fanboys need validation. How much did the reviews helped furiosa? Or hurt greatest showman , or bohemian rhapsody? Put your money on something that can help box office or at least select the right “critic” for the right screening. Randolph and IGN can help comic movies, duralde gay arthouse , but other than that by playing their biases, they hurt more than help.


God bohemian rhapsody was bad ahhahaha. Those are both kinda musicals though, how did west side story do... are musicals just popular in theaters?


Actually I felt like it's outside the gamer/fanboy set and in the letterboxd/Landmark set that reviews really matter. Furiosa was a prequel to a movie that was very much supported by critics.


Word of mouth of casual viewers who aren't into RT or letterboxd scores is moreimportant. Kingdom of the planet of the apes 3 weeks ago was scorned by the letterbox, IMDB and RT crowd. But anyone who just casually watches the movie just as general audience will only see a great movie. WOM for Kingdom was great, therefore it's holding better than the cinema aficionados were expecting. So the screenings were a waste of money. Edit jeha4421 What part of I don’t pay attention to aggregator sites wasn’t clear to you? **I’m saying no one should and specially the marketing departments of the studios are not getting a return from their investment in NY screenings** Only the comic fans can get some validation from RT as a few of them can’t form Their own opinions and use it for their Marvel vs DC fights. But how much the reviews helped furiosa? Or Hurt bohemian rhapsody? Studios don’t like change but it’s time they invest in some other way of promotion. Or at the very least select the right “critic” for the right movie. What I meant that Randolph (RT reviewer who just doesn’t get arthouse or movies based on books and is highly unprofessional ) **and people in this forum that pay attention to aggregator sites** like letterbox RT and cinema scores we’re making fun of both Wes Ball and the B anomaly. **The scorn was mostly on comments and Randolph has been making fun of Wes ball for years now** why fox thought it was good to invite her to screenings is beyond me. But general audiences don’t care about any of that. Two weeks ago many in this sub (the letterbox and Rt crowd) were making fun of the score and we told them that it didn’t matter , kingdom was going to hold well. Aggregator scores and polls are irrelevant to the purposes of this sub but people still use them to create bad buzz.


How was it scorned by the RT IMDB crowd? It has really good reviews on both...


Will probably end up at #3 for the weekend. It did beat *IF* by $200K on Friday but could fall behind on Saturday and Sunday because family movies hold better on weekends


gets worse every time ya look. dang.


Furiosa won last weekend. Now it's Garfield's turn.




2024's The Northman 😔


which ironically also stars ATJ


Reddit told me she's a bona fide star, tho.


She is though. The Queen's Gambit is one of the highest viewed Netflix series ever. You'd be hard pressed to find many other actresses that have the same level of spotlight as her right now e.g Zendaya and Jenna Ortega. Stars just don't sell movie tickets now. They'll follow her on Instagram and obsess over every red carpet look she rocks but they won't actually go see a movie just because she's in it.


I have never in my life gone to see a movie because an actor/ress was in it and i think i'm in the majority. movie stars are a thing of course, but i don't think movie stars in and of themselves sold some insane number of tickets. the movie star of the 80's was harrison ford, guess what, he was in a bunch of spielberg movies and star wars that were amazing films. it wasn't really ford bringing in the bacon. tom cruise and will smith arguably sold tickets, but tom cruise's big box office movies are franchises, not tom cruise himself.


I think it's more like the actor/actress makes people more likely to be open to seeing it. They kind of, like, confer legitimacy on it as a choice of an afternoon. For instance, I doubt so much of the BO we attribute to Leo is going because they want to see Leo specifically. It's more that he is a good sign that it's going to have a certain energy/quality they want.


ya i do get what you are saying, but that is not what this subreddit always talks about with movie stars straight up causing people to watch a movie. there's all kinds of good actors that people like and they confer legitimacy, but they don't sell tickets imo, and quite frankly i don't think they ever really did.


There are a ton of examples of movies that relied on stars to make them profitable. Two examples are to look at the careers of Denzel or Sam Jackson who definitely boosted the revenues of their projects by themselves being in them. Does Snakes on a Plane make money without Jackson? Does Equalizer become a franchise without Denzel? Would people still watch Jack Nicholson movies if he hadn't been in them? There's been a lot of very deep statistical work done within the industry to evaluate if including X actor would increase the revenue of the film by Y amount (This is how they would then price contracts with these people). The models historically have shown that including stars in your film is a very good value proposition. Lately though this may not be as true with films like Furiosa and Fall Guys not succeeding.


In other words, he is a brand unto himself. It’s kind of a distinction without a difference.


I don’t disagree. I was trying to explain why there’s value to star power besides the very narrow mechanism the commenter described. I.e.: that’s not precisely how stars “sell tickets”


> tom cruise and will smith arguably sold tickets, but tom cruise's big box office movies are franchises, not tom cruise himself. There’s no “arguably” to it, Cocktail didn’t make $200M on a $20M budget because people like The Beach Boys. Cruise has been a bankable star for decades, he can turn hot dogshit like Last Samurai into a $500M box office. He’s had some very high box office grosses outside of MishPosh. Though yeah, those *are* his biggest. But his floor for the most part is “solidly successful.” How many bombs does he have since Top Gun? Maybe 2? Edit: Like Edge of Tomorrow nearly hit $400M, despite marketing being a mess. Most people refer to it as one of his “bombs,” despite it mostly breaking even and posting mid-nine-figures.


This. I remember an actor not long ago saying that the era of the A Lister is over. There absolutely was a time where studios would attach a name to a project because people would show up. Robert Downey Jnr is from that era and spoke about the humbling experience of Dr Dolittle's flop. Imagine how it felt for him, coming off the massive experience of Endgame (ultimately the conclusion of a beloved character he played for over a decade) and no one showed up to his next movie. That's literally what it's about these days.


I legit never heard her name before Furiosa.


She's been in a lot of excellent things, like VVitch, Queen's Gambit.


She was in the Queen's Gambit and ... *sigh* ... New Mutants.


She's still a huge star, although not in the way we used to think about "stars" (box office draw). "Star" now just seems to mean someone who is very famous. And of course everything is relative. I saw someone not that long ago try to claim that Ayo Edebiri is an "A-lister." No.


While The Northman underperformed at the worldwide box office, the film later found financial success at the VOD and other post-theatrical markets. So in the end it did make a profit.


Which still might happen with furiosa, so it still might be 2024 the Northman.


The budget for the Northman was 70 million while Furiosa has a budget of 160 million. We will find out in a few months.


She’s dead stop the count


This isn't dead. This is the fighter teabagging the corpse on the canvas. Poor thing is getting defiled.


A real banger of a movie. Boggles the mind this isn’t doing better


This came out too late since they should of released did when it was at the height and highs, no tom hardy, no mad max character, Charlize didnt reprise her role.


Charlize might have dodged a bullet even though I'd have prefered that she reprised the role in the third act to make the bridge with Fury Road smoothly. (Or scrap those last shots). Keeping ATJ until the end doesn't make any sense in terms of continuity. I heard they used AI to blend Alyla Browne's features (Kid Furiosa) with ATJ's at some point to smooth the transition between childhood and adulthood. But not between ATJ's and Theron's to my knowledge.


I really wish Theron was in the 3rd act


If you count the credits she was


Who cares it’s a good movie and the public doesn’t wanna see it. The “it came out too late” is dumb. Every movie out now is taking huge Ls. People don’t like going to the theaters nearly the same as they used too. We are bent.


It’s not just now. Ten years ago you had a very similar situation. Sin City: A Dame to Kill For came out in 2014, nine years after the first Sin City came out in 2005. Sin City grossed $158.7 million on a $40 million budget. A Dame to Kill For grossed $39.4 million on a $65 million budget. And this was in 2014, when the box office wasn’t shit in general.


During the Peter Jackson King Kong I had to confront some kids behind me who wouldn't shut up. There have definitely always been people who can't behave in a movie theater, but it probably seems worse now because the Tik Tok brain zombies with no attention span can't keep their greasy fingers off their phones for two hours.


I’m sorry but I’m not seeing the connection to my comment or the preceding commit chain here.


lol I think I replied to the wrong guy, I was in the thread about people talking about people talking during movies.


It happens. To connect to that, worst experience with that I had was in 2009 with some middle school kids who threw popcorn at my friend, were constantly running off to the bathroom and talked incessantly. I like earlier showtimes, but if I go later at least I don’t have to deal with kids.


Yeah, that's atrocious. Theaters really need to start doing a better job of checking on screens at least once in a while. I think going to the earliest showtime weeds a lot of those kids out, depending on the movie of course. The theater I used to go to in Century City used to have movies at like 9 am or even 8 sometimes. I think they did away with them because nobody would go, which is why they were so awesome haha. Nothing beats going on a Fri or Sat night opening weekend to a big movie with a packed theater, but it's just so risky with the amount of people who don't know how to behave.


Top gun? Apes Caesar trilogy? I hear ya sin city is a good example but I think market just hurt it so bad more than the length of time. Although i can’t deny it’s at least a factor.


Top Gun came out in the 1980s and then Top Gun Maverick came out now. That's different, you get nostalgia viewers in. Same with Fury Road compared to the original Mad Max films. The new Apes trilogy had nothing to do with Tim Burton's 2001 Apes film and so could tie back to nostalgia for the earlier Planet of the Apes films. 9 years delay is kind of the worst time. You want either 1-5 years to the followup, or at least a full 15-25 years or so. James Cameron is an exception, he made Aliens in 1986, 7 years after the original, and of course Avatar Way of Water came out 13 years after Avatar.


Nah it did come out too late. When the previous movie is just a *marginal* box office success (not critical/awards - it excelled there), releasing a prequel or sequel 9-10 years later when not everyone saw Fury Road is extra burdensome risk they add onto their backs, when the landscape is already more difficult as it is. This would be like releasing an Uncharted 2 sequel in 2031. Nobody is gonna give a shit in 9 years. This is like releasing a Warcraft 2016 sequel or prequel in 2035. Stupid move. Notice all these movies topped out around $400M. That's *okay* but not nearly enough people saw these movies for them to justify expensive sequels/prequels. Also, we acknowledge movie-going habits have changed. But Barbie/Oppie came out, what, 13 months ago. Dune 2 came out in March and made $700M+! Furiosa is good but it does NOT have the elements of a crowd-pleasing four-quadrant blockbuster that gets the overall general audience riled up and coming in droves and repeat business. I can even list some flaws of the movie which make it far weaker than Fury Road but that would be getting into spoilers. I still liked the movie but man, it gives barely anything for the mainstream to love.


Correct me if im wrong but despite mad max being a stable in pop culture didnt the movies always do bad on box office.I think its more of a cult following hit.


The first one did bajillion dollars on the budget of a shoestring and a half eaten burger.


The experience is just shit now, almost entirely because of the audience behavior. Do you really want to go spend $12 a ticket to have to listen to piece of shit teens talk and be on their phones the entire time? With a staff that is too short to enforce what little rules they do have?


That's not a problem with this film because nearly any chosen theater is going to be borderline empty. The film has some issues and maybe the marketing wasn't that great, but it's still pretty wild just how little audience interest there was. EDIT: Just watched the trailers for the first time. Woof, the marketing truly was terrible. They should have centered a trailer over a sustained chunk of an action scene, maybe followed by some little quick teases from the rest of the film. The film is filled with beautiful extended shots and scenes but the trailers cut it and sped it all up to make it look extremely ugly and unappealing.


my theatre experience is always a good time


That hasn't been my experience at all, but I'm also not seeing movies teenagers either want to or can go to alone. The last time someone did something bad at the movies was the guy next to me at Imax fan first of Godzilla: Minus One in the very back row he pulled out his phone and started texting. So I asked him to put it away or go into the hallway and he's like "the movies right there watch it" and he continued to be on his phone. So I pulled out my micro flashlight and just lit up his face and asked if he likes a light source being in his face, he left. He obviously wasn't enjoying the movie (story) we both went to alone so it's like why even stay.


Where i live, parents just buy their teens' tickets and then leave. And it really isn't just teens. Old people are also really rude in theaters. The experience is overall just very poor IMO now. I used to run a theater and felt bad that we didn't have the staff to monitor auds. I also enjoy pulling the phone flashlight in face trick. Works wonders. If they're in front of me, I'll warn them once. After that, I just throw popcorn at them until they stop. Works pretty well.


Not worth it anymore.  Some senior citizen murdered a guy for throwing popcorn at him and got off.  “ A retired officer who was acquitted last month for shooting and killing a fellow moviegoer who threw popcorn in his face during an argument said he stands by his actions, saying he was defending himself. Curtis Reeves, 79, told ABC News' "Nightline" that he wished the fatal fight between him and Chad Oulson didn't happen and he feels sadness for the 43-year-old's family. However, the former SWAT captain contended he had no choice but to use deadly force in what he called "a vicious attack."” https://abcnews.go.com/US/cop-acquitted-deadly-florida-theater-shooting-speaks/story?id=83320436


Based. One less asshole on their phone and refusing to stop when asked by other patrons.


I agree with you that it's not worth it, although he didn't murder the guy. He killed him and was acquitted.


Florida Man at it again


You guys must not live in LA. Shining a light in people's faces or throwing shit at them can easily get you shot or stabbed over here. 9 out of 10 times you probably won't have a problem, but if you want to roll the dice over something like this, you have to accept the possibility that you're tussling with some degenerate gangbanger scumbag with a piece on him, a lengthy prison record, and knows California did away with bail.


My thoughts... 1) Mad Max is a niche franchise with a small fanbase that is devoted to it. 2) Movie going is still collapsing with home movies and streaming being popular. Barbenhiemer and Dune 2 were false hopes that movie going would return to what it was. 3) The marketing was horrible. I saw more trailers with Chris Hemsworth being shown more than ATJ, the latter who is playing the title character. 4) It's a prequel to a movie that came out 9 years ago.


> more than ATJ, the latter who is playing the title character. >!And even that was misleading because it felt like it didn't switch over from young ATJ until like an hour in. Not sure what the actual time was.!<


And to make it even more unappealing for the mainstream, Anya Taylor Joy >!barely has any lines in the movie. I think the trailers/ads literally covered 3 out of her total 7-8 lines.!< I don't mind sparse dialogue from heroes (see Clint Eastwood's Sergio Leone movies) but the general audience does. And it was sparse to a fault. Not enough is learned about certain backgrounds and places >!(can't believe they didn't spend more time showing us or talking about the Green Place,when this is THE movie to do it)!<


Good points, especially uour last one. I forgot how much that annoyed me during the film. >!The fact that we didn't touch The Green Place again felt like it left a huge setup unresolved because killing Dementus didn't resolve her desire to return to TGP, which is the overt drive of her character in Fury Road. Since she wanted to go back so badly in FR, I think they needed to better address why they didn't here. And the whole part with her returning with Praetor Jack was taking us there but served to resolve Dementus, not TGP itself. !<


What do you mean barbenheimer and dune 2 were false hopes?


Yeah r/boxoffice seems to be all over the place, Movie going is either collapsing or making a come back, depends on the day.


All the discussions I see about this are focused on specific movies doing well or not doing well. Is there any way to see numbers for total gross or total ticket sales across the US? Can we compare how many tickets to ALL movies are sold this year vs last year vs 2019?


I hope it gets a lot of home media love and tops streaming charts and gets nominated for tons of awards. Anything, actually, that can convince the studio to let Miller make another one.


Well pull a Veronica Mars In the sequel if necessary. Let’s lock Start it. WB deserves praise , not scorn for supporting the vision of a director like Miller. Everyone working in this movie should feel proud of what you accomplished. It’s not your fault this is a difficult time for box office. It affects all movies not just furiosa.




Not to mention it’s a very dark and twisted movie; more than Fury Road. WoM doesn’t exist because people who liked this film can’t just recommend it to everyone they know.


100% agreement. I loved both movies, but the ending of Furiosa is dark as fuck. And I agree with you, the whole movie is that way.  Fury Road can be watched with no background, and it had a very classical ‘good guys win’ ending. Also, it’s like a 100% perfect masterpiece.  Furiosa is great, but it’s not genre-defining, no background needed, good guys win.  I think I could throw Fury Road on for a friends movie night and get near 100% enjoyment. I think Furiosa would be more like 70-80%. 


Yeah especially since Fury Road is pretty unique in terms of feeling like 100% non-stop action, while Furiosa is comparaitvely slower with its five-act structure and lack of meaty action until Act 3.


Or easier: Mad Max is just not a big franchise. Fury Road already was an underperformer


Yeah, but it still did slightly better than break even. Furiosa looks like it'll lose 110 million. (Edit: or up to 270 million loss)


>but it still did slightly better than break even. Depends on what number you take into consideration


According to Hollywood Reporter, Fury Road lost $20M-$40M at the box office, and I haven't seen a publication post any alternate numbers.


Oh I just took BO numbers from Wikipedia "worldwide total of $380.4 million against a production budget of $154.6–185.2 million" and it looked like it broke even.


If it’s 185.2 million, then it did not break even. And if there is a range given, the higher end of the budget is usually the real budget.


I mean, there’s a lot of movies in 2024 that probably would have broken even or done a bit better than break even if released in 2015. Instead they’re crashing and burning on release.  Furiosa’s got great reviews. 2024 might just be the tipping point for streaming eating theatrical. 


Reviews don't matter as much as the type of genre and story that's being made. If Miller had to tell this story he probably should have made it a lower budget film and make it more attractive to the people who enjoy wasteland type of films.


I’d argue that it fall just short of break even.


WNBA should take notes from the PWHL


Miller wrote ‘Furiosa’ during pre-production for ‘Fury Road’, as background for the world and character.  It’s a 10+ year old script that was written before a single frame of ‘Fury Road’ was shot. The furthest thing possible from a Hollywood trend-chasing script. It’s simply one director’s creative vision.  All of this is documented in the book about Fury Road’s production.  Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max: Fury Road https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Sweat-Chrome-Wild-Story/dp/0063084341


Sometimes people just want to make up their own narrative instead of doing a little googling, anyone who’s looked Into it knows Miller wrote furiosa years ago like you say


To be fair, while it was written back then that doesn’t mean it was ever going to get made. It’s definitely possible that the studio green-lit the film for more cynical reasons such as those described above.


I believe the original plan was to do it back to back (Charlize Theron auditioned for Fury Road with the last scene in Furiosa!), but then they realized that would probably kill the actors. WB gave it the green light before the Fury Road shoot was as gnarly as it ended up being. Then I believe Miller and WB got into some litigation about backend payments which took like five years to resolve, so he wasn’t making anything. At one point he was just gonna make it an anime.


True, but I still have a problem with people labeling it as some sort of girl boss movie. It’s not, because it wasn’t created as one. And generally people blame the director and crew and not studios. The studio didn’t make it, Miller did.


I completely agree it’s not the intent of film but it’s hard not to see it as the intent of the product.


That user's name is SloppyMeathole. I don't want to presume, but I have a feeling he complains about females in lead roles a lot.


I don't agree with your statement on an overall basis, but it's wild that 72% of the audience was male opening weekend. It's also apparent that women will show up for films in-theaters; Anyone But You and Challenger's legs are prime examples of that.  It's also unfortunate how costly this film was. I understand why, so much of it was practical or on-location, but it makes it much harder to profit. 


>Anyone But You and Challenger's legs are prime examples of that.  but they are not primarily male protagonist franchises, like Mad Max is, that's what OP is talking about 


Sir or ma'am, this is Reddit. Everyone is free to get offended and reply to what someone might have written instead of what they actually wrote.


I wouldn’t call Challengers or Anyone but You historically male franchises




Due to it's massive budget, but it's doing way better than it should've. Not to mention, Amazon doesn't care about BO performance at all


It is also two and a half hours. We barely found enough time to watch it yesterday, theaters only had so many showings.


Do you think Tarantino’s Kill Bill was geared towards women?


> They made a movie to bring in female audiences Citation needed.


I agree that people may have prequel fatigue, but why is 2/3rds of your post about women? After four movies about one character, it seems like the creator wanted to explore another character's journey. I wish we could move past the implication that movies starring men are normal, while a movie starring even one woman is pandering.


**No.** George Miller - not sure who "they" is - made the movie because he wanted to tell this story of a character who happens to be female, which he came up with during the making of Fury Road 10+ years ago. Stop imposing your gender agenda onto everything. And stop speaking in absolutes. *Some* women showed up and love the series, including me, not "none".


>Some women showed up and love the series, including me, not "none". Not nearly enough, unfortunately. 


Lazy take. Mad max is a small ass franchise. With that said, anyone who watched FR would fucking love this movie and is probably where all the money is coming from. IDGAF about Mad Max, tried watching the old movies only after how much I loved FR. This movie failing has little to do with "wokeness" and has to do mostly with mad max not being a franchise people care for, Hollywood not figuring out how to save theaters, inflation, and the overall shitty movie theater experience. The only thing keeping me going to movies is the AMC pass. People suck. They are loud and obnoxious. They're on their phones, talking, spilling shit everywhere. With everyone having a large, good TV and streaming, most people just don't see the perks of going to the movies anymore


First trailer was shit. CGI was too much visible. Should've focused on the weirdness, characters and worldbuilding aspects and it would do better.


I agree. This trailer made it look small budget with just a few live people -- kind of like a cheap Netflix movie. CGI looked so fake.


It’s already slated for VOD on June 20th. Studios will never learn. If VOD is right around the corner for most releases, many will just wait and the wait is getting shorter and shorter.


A mad max movie with no mad max based around a side character whose story was already explained and resolved in the first movie, set 10 years after the original was released? How is anyone honestly surprised by this?


We live...we die....we li.....ahhhh fuck


After seeing the film, I see why it got a B cinema score and isn’t connecting with audiences. Which has to do it’s been way too long since the last film. This movie would’ve worked more if it had came out closer to Fury Road. And that’s what he originally planned. Though now, it doesn’t really make a lot of sense as the film doesn’t really have a satisfying ending if you hadn’t seen Fury Road. I really feel like after all the delays, George Miller should’ve just scrapped this film and should’ve made a sequel to Fury Road instead of this film.


I’m glad he made it now because I loved it and I doubt he’d get another opportunity to do something as weird and niche again — and I think there’s a pretty strong argument for letting him make another Mad Max movie anyway, which is that calling something “A Mad Max Saga” does not invite audience, especially if there's no Max. They really should let him make a more traditional Mad Max 5. I'm glad Furiosa exists, and if the only consequences are for WB, that's great!


I adored the movie but I also very clearly saw why general population wouldn't like it.


I don't know if she's a big Star or what, but i never got a second bought the actress as Furiosa compared to Theron. Maybe they shouldn't have shown young Furiosa at first place, should've gone for a sequel.


I'd have gotten out of the house to watch Charlize


Miller didn't want to make a sequel. Both Furiosa and The Wasteland are prequels


> Both Furiosa and The Wasteland are prequels Well it was nice while it lasted.


Yes, and those are terrible ideas. Hence the "shouldn't have" from the person you are referring to.


has a prequel film that did not previously exist as source material (ie Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes) ever been successful? Is there any data that shows prequels are successful films? I don’t even think they’re popular in books Even something like the Hobbit isn’t a prequel, it was written before LOTR and LOTR is really an extended sequel to the hobbit


Star Wars prequels Also the current Planet Of The Apes run are technically prequels.


Star Wars is an interesting example. I’m not fully familiar with the development but I thought a New Hope was publicized as episode 4 long before 1-3 were created. I know it was originally released as just Star Wars. Good point! I would say the current planet of the apes is its own kind of thing as a standalone remake, but I do very much see your point


The Wasteland is a sequel to Fury Road


The second weekend drop wouldn’t be that bad if the opening weekend was higher obviously.


May the stars be with you Furiosa


I saw a post on X that was an inside joke about Fury Road that only FilmTwitter people would get but it showed how that movie was still relevant and popular among a tiny group of people online who don't represent the general public. So I now understand why people say Hollywood has to stop making movies that are popular with FilmTwitter and Reddit subs. More importantly the studio executives who weren't competent enough to understand why a prequel to Fury Road was a bad idea should be fired but that will never happen. Studio execs are never held accountable for bad decisions. Also studio execs need to stop relying on social media popularity when deciding who to cast. Someone on this sub told me ATJ had a high "Q Score" so it was smart to cast her. A "Q Score" isn't reality. It's a marketing tool that shouldn't be used when deciding which actress to cast in an action movie. I also don't know why they didn't have ATJ bulk up a bit so she was more muscular. It's a movie where she has 30 lines of dialogue. Almost all of it is action. Yet she looks like she just walked off the runway at a fashion show. She didn't need to look like Hamilton in Terminator but Natalie Portman didn't look the same in Black Swan or Thor as she does in real life. NOTE: THIS IS NOT BODY SHAMING AT ALL. There is nothing wrong with how ATJ looks. I'm only asking why they didn't bulk up temporarily for this role.


They should have offered a furiosa fury road double feature




This has been the biggest story for a long time because it's an optimal movie to see at the cinema but it's done incredibly badly. The reasons are being debated from every angle, but it's something seismic.


Also, nobody cares about a prequel. Zero stakes for a franchise based in survival and violence. I went and saw it but then entire time I thought I really don't care whatsoever about this story i already know what happens just let me see the action. I did like seeing Gas Town and the Bullet Farm on the big screen though.


This movie is not mainstream at all. Total mess


I wasn't interested in this movie but I thought it would be WB's big film of the year. Never would have guessed it would do Blue Beetle-like numbers.


Dead meat


Crashing down like a warboy from the Citadel's bridge. Witness!




Not surprised at all. Made it too late, the trailers were not good and it’s about a story that functionally didn’t need to happen. It’s a shame because it’s actually a pretty damn good film. But not surprised at all with the box office. It’s slightly surprising so many are seeming astonished that this isn’t doing well, seems clear as day since it was announced that it wouldn’t do well. Bah, I’ll be completely wrong about the next one XD


>about a story that functionally didn’t need to happen. I think that's the real crux of it. It's just achingly superfluous. I want to know what happens after the end of fury road, not a prequel.


I can't wait for Furiosa 2 that doesn't have Furiosa in it.


I'm watching it next week! You should watch it next week!


>You should watch it next week! The home release isn't until the following week though.




What can save 2024 aside from DW3 and Joker 2? What if 2024 makes less than 2021?


I really feel people have a limited budget these days, and are hurting. The slowdown has been noted by McDonalds, Wal-Mart (people are looking for deals before they buy), Target, and others. Movies have become expensive. I also have a other theory. Younger generations like watching at home so they can stay on their phones at the same time. You can't (shouldn't) be on a phone in a theater. So many people cannot put the things down long enough to enjoy a movie.


I think when this summer is over the narrative will not be Furiosa didn't connect but that big budget movies are nearly dead in this theater climate. They'll return some day but not this year. I think only Deadpool 3 will break 100 mil opening, and I'm even starting to doubt that.


Did anyone pick this being a bomb?


There has always been a good amount of us that knew this was coming. [Here's a poll about predicting the biggest bomb of Q2 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/18c5v7n/which_movie_has_the_potential_to_be_the_biggest/) About 26% of respondents predicted Furiosa being the biggest bomb of Q2, with only The Fall Guy being a more popular choice.


Not surprised at all No Hardy no Theron. You get what you deserve and don't get me started on the acting and writing stuff.


That sucks. People really should see this. it’s an excellent film.




I would had rather seen a movie about Immortal Joe rise to power after the fall of civilisation, couldn't care less about this Furiosa character past.


This movie was pretty terrible. WoM won’t save it


The money would’ve doubled if Pissboy had more screen time!




This film was way too long for such a basic story. If it was more stripped back and focused on the action a lot more it would've been a more effective film.


Surprise surprise. Nobody wants to see a Mad Max movie without Mad Max. If they want to print a billion dollars, bring back Mel Gibson and close out the movie franchise with a banger like Wolverine.


Mel Gibson would not get any of these movies to $1B, be fr


Clearly he would. Everybody wants to see old fucks who can barely walk in high octane action movies. Haven’t you seen Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny?


Maybe 20-25 years ago it could have been great but now no one cares.


I don't think Mel Gibson coming back would generate this franchise to a billion dollars but I do think it would create some buzz among the general audience this franchise is missing. Fury Road could've been a nice chance to bring him back. He doesn't even have to do a lot of action stuff. And Old Man Max type thing. I just hope we still get the Wastelands.


Bad title, Poorly marketed, The lead is not an A lister, They waited way too long after Fury road, The list goes on.. That said its an amazing film.