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I hope they get deported


Me to


Just remember until we actually elect MPs willing to implement some funding to CBSA and CSIS specifically to deport these dudes, this is just fantasy talk. We all need to vote correctly for people who state objectively that these guys will go


Do we vote conservative or people’s party? I’d love to vote for the PPC but can they really win?? May just need to throw the vote to the PCs instead. Can’t have another 5 years of the brain dead liberals.


PPC, we have almost 2 years to develop a platform


Fuck the PPC - bunch of lunatics.


Bernie’s doesn’t want to win a seat. Not winning lets him continue to pull in campaign funds with zero accountability. How do you think he paid for that new Florida oceanfront estate + upgrades (new dock and break wall)?


Im assuming this guy isnt the only MP for the PPC lmao


This act of changing people's mindset is a time-consuming process. Do not expect that your choice will come to a majority. First, we need to make our voice heard. Both the liberals and the Conservatives have the same outlook regarding immigration. If you are skeptical, you will find that the only time PP had spoken against immigration was in Quebec, nowhere else has he even hinted reducing immigration levels. By getting our voices into Parliament (where there is currently none), we will get other voters, who do follow the parliamentary events, to know about our stand why this is bad. Under even the most optimistic circumstances, expect PPC to have a much larger majority in the next election (not the upcoming one). In this election, our aim should be to get our opinions and concerns regarding immigration into Parliament.


The irony.


- guy who lives at home with his mommy


lol keep hoping. People don’t get deported after attempted murder charges or robbery charges. Doubt immigration will think trespassing and destroying crops is a big deal


Sagar_choudhary1235 on IG


Good luck, more of em keep comin in


So much for no farmers no food I see on all Indian vehicles.


Crop insurance $$$


None of these properties will be Indian owned. They don’t destroy the property of their fellow countrymen, just everyone else’s…. Everyone is loving these open border policies now, aren’t they???!!! 🖕🖕


its easier to buy a 100 acre farm, and use it for parking tractor trailers on the land that once fed many, than destroy the property outright, but thats just Caledon


Exactly. I have been saying this from day 1. These guys are sitting in Canada and protesting about Indian farmers. Ask them how many times have they protested for a Canadian farmer


They don’t give a shit if it’s not an Indian farmer.


These are Hindus. Different religion/ community


Same province. Sikhs aren’t the only farmers out there.


Charge them, fine them, some jail time, and then deport.


lets not waste our tax dollars with them in jail. straight to deport


Bears need food /s


How would you do it? Would they be alive first? Or would you chop them up first? Does their blood stink as well? What happens if you slaughter a Hindu halal style? Would that make it kosher for the bears? Hahaha /S🤪


Alex i’ll take stuff i didnt want to know for $800


People don’t get deported after attempted murder charges or robbery charges. Destroying crops and trespassing is not grounds for deportation.


Make them pay for damages then deport


Pay for damages? Would you like them to buy a bag of dirt and some seeds ? 😂 As for the deportation. People don’t get deported after attempted murder charges or robbery charges. Doubt immigration will think trespassing and destroying crops is a big deal


I'm not sure if you know this, but seed and fertilizer is insanely expensive. As well as the farmers time and diesel to run the tractors. It's not just some dirt and seeds. It's more time away from the farmers family having to fix this. More money out of their pocket.


and you only have so much of a window to replant before it's too late. The cost to farmers when people - snowmobiles, quadders, etc. damage crops is enormous. And there are plenty of people of all races who do it. It isn't "just grass". Farmers are already struggling with inputs and harvesting just based on weather alone.


You're a fucking goof, bud. Edit: lol, a Sikh - go figure. Probably one of the drivers


Why are you so dumb, you think crop just grows out of thin air? Even your parents had to put effort to bring you in this life, even though now they regret every moment of it because of you because of your seed sized brain. Don't ask me what a seed is now lol


Man, you are an entitled one! Probably never worked an honest days wage so have no idea of the work required to fix this mess. I hope those people have thier licenses revoked (dangerous driving, destruction of private property, trespass, financial loss to the property owner).


You clearly have no idea the costs of farming. Seeds ain't free, labour ain't free. A small farm will spend $1mil on seeds alone for one season.


1 mil on seeds for how many acres of land ? A portion this small is worth dollars and cents, even after taking into consideration the time spent on this portion. I do know the cost of farming which is why I know suing for damages won’t get them much. Y’all just love throwing that word around. Sue and deport 😂 💀


River shitters really need to leave and bring their backwards ideology brains back to the east.


“lAnD oF tHE brAVeS” yes, that’s why instead of fixing their shit country they’re fleeing to Canada. Very brave.


What country are you referring to again ?




Buddy in the last pic grabbing his crotch.


they just finished getting each other off


Reach around line up


I bet he’s the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around.


Adjusting his micro


it's cringey and embarassing af how many indian men do this in public!


Why do you call this criminal "buddy"


Canadian colloquialism. You should know this.




that's how it is buddy


only for men


why dont they go back to the land they so proudly belong to? i will never understand this. some of the most inconsiderate and spacially unaware humans i have ever come across. i avoid any interactions with them at this point. its so sad cause they ruin it for A LOT of good folks who are here to be better and succeed in life.


Coworker of mine literally got sent to the Yukon because Ontario is too full right now. Nevermind the fact he has already been living in Ontario for like 2 years working hard and trying to fit into the culture, let's just send him to the Arctic circle so that all these brain-dead "students" can live here instead, what a great idea!


i work with international students and i can confirm the majority of them are SO stupid. i wholeheartedly believe someone in india is saying 'wanna go to canada? its easy' and then does EVERYTHING for them for them to end up here. its not possible with the interactions i have with them to think they even considered canada on their own. they cant even reset their email passwords. they just make new ones and wonder why all their emails havent magically transferred over.. and these are supposed to be young college students. omg lol


Update Found the owner of the car [https://www.instagram.com/chowdry\_vishal?igsh=Z2twODE2cTQ3aHJ6](https://www.instagram.com/chowdry_vishal?igsh=Z2twODE2cTQ3aHJ6) [https://www.instagram.com/the\_vishal\_ror?igsh=MXh0NjJheTZkbmF6dw==](https://www.instagram.com/the_vishal_ror?igsh=MXh0NjJheTZkbmF6dw==) Other 2 folks [https://www.instagram.com/chowdry\_sahil?igsh=cGRzempkdWM5aXVi](https://www.instagram.com/chowdry_sahil?igsh=cGRzempkdWM5aXVi) [https://www.instagram.com/sagar\_choudhary1235?igsh=ZmIzczZmM3drZWFu](https://www.instagram.com/sagar_choudhary1235?igsh=ZmIzczZmM3drZWFu) https://preview.redd.it/bhp8lyl427ad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14cb5162891a9fcbdc13b5fca6096d05aa11ca9d


I am dead. Don’t lie. 😂 ☠️ it came up just in your algorithm?


Haha, real story, my Samsung got updated with new AI stuff yesterday and one of them is circle to search. I just did that and this id**ot showed up 😂. "Let's not put clearly identifiable markings all over if we are planning to do nonsense stuff" said this joker never.


That’s sooooo funny…. What an idiot. ☠️ I hope the farmer sees this lol


Just saw a Samsung ad for this. Terrible appliances but man their phones have some pretty impressive technology.


best screens and phones


Just saw a Samsung ad for this. Terrible appliances but man their phones have some pretty impressive technology.


What a cringe account 🤣🤣 gym my ass, this clown is so weak and has chicken legs for days, classic moron




Looks like this shit stain is headed to United States


Good overall for the world so he cannot spread the genes further. This waste of resources will be 🔫 when he pulled this crap there


Haha found 2 more, just showed up on the feed. How empty you have to be up there to post your license plate on the internet.😂 [https://www.instagram.com/chowdry\_vishal?igsh=Z2twODE2cTQ3aHJ6](https://www.instagram.com/chowdry_vishal?igsh=Z2twODE2cTQ3aHJ6) [https://www.instagram.com/chowdry\_sahil?igsh=cGRzempkdWM5aXVi](https://www.instagram.com/chowdry_sahil?igsh=cGRzempkdWM5aXVi) https://preview.redd.it/fbdcs99e07ad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1531036d261ef366daf569a439a226fc8ebd96




The face of stupid


Yup they do this in terra cotta and cheltenham area as well. I’ve seen three different instances of people driving through fields destroying crops in the past 6 months.


They think they can do whatever they want, wherever they want. I really wish the police would teach them a lesson


Some Indian man was following me around last night until I whipped out my phone and let him know he was caught on camera following me for over a full fucking 15 minutes. Their bringing their ways to Canada and causing its societal downfall


I'm sorry you had to go through that harrowing experience with that entitled Bobs N Vagene creep. I saw your video and both feel incensed and fear for your safety.


The audacity of indian males, and the fact that they feel entitled to follow another person around when they see the person is alone and is female. That is criminal activity to do that to someone, it's horrifying that he wanted to follow me all the way home, of course he had bad intentions to do something to me.


I’ve been followed home SO MANY TIMES. Once this man was following me from the grocery store and I was speeding to get away from him. Cop pulled me over and I told him I’m being followed and am in danger. He didn’t even care. While I was being ticketed for going 17 over the speed limit, the same creep drove past me 5 times.


Well well well


Nahh, this is getting ridiculous. This is why we need to also have a per-country cap on immigration and not just on immigration itself. They segregate and don’t assimilate.


What a bunch of cunts with no self respect. They don't even understand how difficult of a job farming is and they literally fucked up a part of the corn field that would have yielded food for people. All their attitudes are similar and it's really fucking disgusting.


These are the same people with "No Farmers, No Food" stickers.


All their attitudes are not similar. That’s a childish thing to say. That’s like me saying all black people are thugs. You may see countless news posts about Indians doing crimes but there’s thousands of students who work their asses off and study and don’t cause any trouble. For every bad Indian I’ve seen, I’ve also seen 10 good ones who go out of their way to help people. Yes these guys are stupid but the whole community is not the same


What kind of upbringing does someone have to think this is okay? This shit makes me so angry...like truly, what is the thought process??? Why do this?


Respect is a foreign concept to them. They don’t respect others time, space or property


Meanwhile they expect respect from everyone else towards them, that everyone else must bend over to suit their needs and wants. Because otherwise they are just being discriminated against, and that everyone else is racist towards them /s


Some Indian man was following me around last night until I whipped out my phone and let him know he was caught on camera following me for over a full fucking 15 minutes. Their bringing their ways to Canada and causing its societal downfall.


Farmers feed cities!


but food banks feed these fucks!


Saw the not-so-brave guy in Burlington Saturday. Car had pieces of long grass on the side of it with green liquidy staining.


They are always Indian and I don't think it's racist to point out. Same thing happening in BC.


I'm Indian and I completely agree! There is absolutely nothing racist abt pointing it out. These goons are absolute filth that needs to be driven out. They bring unimaginable disgrace to us.


Some Indian man was following me around last night until I whipped out my phone and let him know he was caught on camera following me for over a full fucking 15 minutes. Their bringing their ways to Canada and causing its societal downfall


Ya there were literally reports of Indian men breaking into houses to rape a women. When asked why he said. "I thought she wanted it" disgusting backwards mentality being brought over here.


>I thought she wanted it Classic cop-out response by the entitled Bobs N Vagene creeps and rapists 👎


Ofcourse these jokers from Haryana have ruined it for everyone


These morons will take all Indians like me to the grave.


The haryana decal on the car checks out


Ah yes, the students we import by the plane load. The new Canada


Some Indian guy was following me around last night until I whipped out my phone and let him know he was caught on camera following me for over a full fucking 15 minutes. Their bringing their ways to Canada and causing its societal downfall. This isn't the first time an Indian guy has done this and worse, it's always Indians. I'm scared for my life and have the police on speed dial.


why do you post this over and over, bot?


So people know b***ch


Hey they are new immigrants, we have to tolerate them, you know multi culture is good for Canada, and our pm needs them to vote for him in the next election, they bring babies here so it is for future, the tax payer, do you know in Canada you can do anything you like , it is a land of free, they don't need to respect your values, if you say something about them is racist, is racial discrimination.


Some Indian man was following me around last night until I whipped out my phone and let him know he was caught on camera following me for over a full fucking 15 minutes. Their bringing their ways to Canada and causing its societal downfall


If they harm our country and have no respect for the way of living they shouldn't be here


My point exactly, but who's going to stop them


Why are you spam posting the exact same comment multiple times? We get it.


So more people see it


What a dumb thing to do, make your own post and use that as a title if you want visibility


I already did. You're the one being dumb.




Immigrants can’t vote until they’re citizens so your logic really makes no sense


Ohhhh do you think after they become permanent residents and they will be satisfied? Do you think they don't want to have a Canadian passport?


Only the finest imports in Canada (sarcasm)


Why don’t pretend you’re the owner of the land when you see and introduce them you Louis from the ville


Send them back to jungle


They are from “Haryana” province of India that adjoins the Punjab province. The dumbest of all indians belong to that “haryana” province, it’s even known among Indians. These fobs have zero manners and often found with big Haryana decals on their Hondas and Camrys , Also found on these cars are words “Jaat” that is a sect of supposedly high class 😂


I see that Haryana decal on cars all the time downtown. Good to know. Now I’ll steer clear of em at all costs when I’m driving.


It’s almost like they are from a country that would never allow this and now they think they can do whatever they want with no consequences..


I’d report this guy to US Homeland Security as well. His insta story is all “congratulations” with the US flag. Maybe trying to pull a Dunki into the US.


Seems like thier whole group is doing this this is another guy from the same group [https://www.instagram.com/chowdry\_sahil?igsh=cGRzempkdWM5aXVi](https://www.instagram.com/chowdry_sahil?igsh=cGRzempkdWM5aXVi) https://preview.redd.it/ie15eki697ad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11c641bebcf73d88c619d53087dca92b71313b56


We should be reporting this to the police. I’m sure If caught theyll be sent here and then deported.


These goons do the same stuff in Haryana and now they’re all here. People move to Canada to leave their country and their problems behind but they bring it with them. Too many of them think that they are still back home and do what they want and tbh Canada needs to set a few examples before it’s too late. The real scoop here is, half of these brain dead idiots you see everywhere nowadays are people who come from land money and no etiquettes. Do you really think these people represent India and all its people and values? No. The same goons cause havoc in other Indian states too, try to ask any North eastern or South Indian. There are cities in the upper northern part of the country that are even considering banning all the cars from Haryana and Delhi to enter so they can put an end to their scummy and violent behaviour.


Why do the “international students “ always drive Camrys 😂😂


These international students should get banned and deported.


These are the folks that the government has opened the floodgates too. Who is going to stop the mass immigration madness.


Some Indian guy was following me around last night until I whipped out my phone and let him know he was caught on camera following me for over a full fucking 15 minutes. Their bringing their ways to Canada and causing its societal downfall. This isn't the first time an Indian guy has done this and worse, it's always Indians. I'm scared for my life and have the police on speed dial.


I had a buddy do this not long ago, left his truck in the field, and walked back halfway to town until my other friend came to save his ass 😂 No remorse 💀


Its always Indians. Some Indian guy was following me around last night until I whipped out my phone and let him know he was caught on camera following me for over a full fucking 15 minutes. Their bringing their criminal ways to Canada and causing its societal downfall.


Some Indian guy was following me around last night until I whipped out my phone and let him know he was caught on camera following me for over a full fucking 15 minutes. Their bringing their ways to Canada and causing its societal downfall. This isn't the first time an Indian guy has done this and worse, it's always Indians. I'm scared for my life and have the police on speed dial.


Damn Indians.


Found him https://www.instagram.com/sagar_choudhary1235/?igsh=ZmIzczZmM3drZWFu


Blow up his Instagram. Maybe he’ll learn some manners


No farmer, no food. Am I right?


Straight to protests after this


Did they seriously destroy the crops!!????? Worst state in India is Haryana no manners no etiquettes. Suckers.


Isn’t their motto “no farmers no food”?! What are they doing ripping donuts on crops if they care about farmers so much? Fucking losers.


Ducking douches.


Wild so many people assume they weren't born here. Brampton has had a large south Asian community for a while


OH MY DAYS, may all their food taste rotten. Who in their right mind does this, Im sure in Haryana they would have been turned into fertilizer for doing something like this to some uncle gi's field....


Apparently Haryana state doesn’t respect farmers like they do in the Punjab! In this case.. no crops no food! Ffs, I so wish that I didn’t see this sort of behaviour but I fear that this has become the new norm.


I just find it weird how they will post decals on their cars or hang dangly things under the front of their cars. We have sush a diverse set of people in our country, but apart from the rare exception, nobody else does this.. no farmers, no food? Haryana? Pictures of punjab? Free khalistan? AK 47s? Some dead musician? Personalized license plates on a shitty stock corolla? I will never understand how a group of people could be so proud of a place they are desperate to escape?


Time to take care of shit the old fashioned way


Deport these fucks. We don’t need these Tim’s workers, we need doctors. Imagine moving across the world to take jobs from high schoolers.


Damages. And they aren't cheap.


Gotta love growing up and getting told that if you travel to another country you have to follow there laws and customs or you may get sent to jail or worse then people come to this country and do this shit. Bring back public flogging put these assholes in it for a week.


Go to their country we have to follow their rules. The river shitters come here and they think they do whatever they want.


When people hear that Indians hate Indians, this is why. Because of such dipshits the entire community gets dishonored. I hope we find a way to clean up the country.


Boys will be boys




Kick them out


https://preview.redd.it/v4oozpc6q5ad1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c495778ef4caac35f68e08a4493ce3f8e97bac0 >Canadians


La la la la la, I'm in love with lovely Johnny


yea we don't need that garbage here is Canada any longer, they need to go somewhere else


They should send him back to the land he's so proud of.


Mid boggling to me how many people assume they weren't born in Canada...




Thats a brand new 2025 Camry and he's taking it off road on a farmers field. There's a fucking wait list for those and this clown gets one to do stupid shit in.


We hardworking people now suffering because of these as**oles . As indian is totally support to kick them out . CBSA should setup fast track courts for them .


Trudeau be proud! Freedom!


Post this in the Canada sub and see if they allow it, that whole sub is liberal and just blocks anyone who’s not left wing pretty much


Ethnicity checks out


Of course they are indian


I am sure they also popped in the fields


Bring the 3rd world become the 3rd world


Indian trash


This is what Trudeau and the Liberals want Canada to turn into. A low trust society.


Where is Horyana?