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I was in the parking lot of Trader Joe’s and saw a a person in the wild wearing a TAG shirt I stopped them and told them that I liked their shirt and BN was my favorite band and they recoiled at my excitement and just walked away .


Lots of introverts like this band. Probably just couldn’t think of what to say so they noped out of there.


The first part of this sounds like a Werewolves of London parody.


Who is TAG?


Don’t be obtuse TDAG. Is that better?


I love when people acknowledge my BN gear.


These are my two favorite worlds colliding that 16 year old me would have never anticipated


Bonus points for BN tattoos


Getting my Daisy tattoo at the end of next month


Big dog.


I have BN tattoos and also wear my merch in public oh well


I have the back of science fiction as a chest piece, working out my tdag next


I love BN but I am out of the loop on why they're cancelled?


Jesse Lacey was involved in a scandal. Idk all the details, something about cheating on his wife, maybe using his popularity to groom/inappropriately communicate with possibly underage fans.


The scandal came down to four things really: • cheating on his wife - he confirmed and apologised. • generally being an asshat to women he had been sleeping with - he confirmed and apologised • substance abuse and sex addiction - he confirmed • an ongoing inappropriate relationship with someone under 18 - this was disproven. The person was 19 when they met. I’m not saying he’s a saint but it’s ridiculous for the band to be cancelled for him being a garden variety cockwomble. (Edited as I wrote four things instead of three)


Thanks for the clarification 👍


Lmao this is the tamest shit ive heard someone insinuate theyd be ashames to wear merch because of. Are we straight edge or something?


Interesting, so the last part was disproven? How was it disproven, or why was he accused of it in the first place?


Hey! So I’m not an expert on this and this all happened years ago but if I remember correctly: Jesse had been talking / sexting with this woman who was a photographer. They met and had a sexual relationship at some point. I believe she might have even be the “show me your ass again” woman from anyone up when Jesse’s nude leaked. She made a claim that he had been speaking to her since she was 16 and that he had led her on, messed her around etc. This claim was backed up by some dude (I think a roadie?) who was essentially saying Jesse was an asshole. It all came apart when someone who knew the girl was like “the timelines don’t add up. If everything you say is true you’d have been 19 because you’re x age now.” Does this excuse Jesse from upsetting and messing this woman around? Absolutely not. But it’s just not the same thing as was alleged.




Nobody has dapped me up yet. Waiting for that day


When someone notices my Brand New Tattoos


There’s a smugness to the attitude in this meme that I find pretty fucking repulsive. Like people who pride themselves on not watching popular shows. Get all the way over yourself If you wanna dap a homie for wearing some merch you like, that’s awesome. If you’re doing because they’re being “brave” cause the band is “canceled,” then you’re MAGA-level cringe and you deserve no respect


You love getting caught in your Gary glitter T-shirt too!? 😂