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He’s likely narrating the story in-world to an audience of multiple people on or from First of the Sun. (Not Earth.) The book doesn’t make clear exactly who, though.


Please give any examples of references to earth. If he says "laptop" that doesn't mean earth, that means that somewhere in the cosmere laptops have been invented.


Yeah, he could be on Scadrial in the future where they’re traveling in outer space.


He's not referring to Earth things but to other things across the cosmere.


He isn't talking to us, he's telling the story to an in cosmere audience, likely on First of the Sun. Given all the stories would happen in whatever language is native to the region, and would all technically be translated to English, that's why words like Laptop and Tablet appear. Also, you accidentally double posted this.


The book never says it’s Earth at all.


In addition to the other comments, Brandon has said multiple times that he takes the approach that his stories have been translated from their in-world language, so that they are readable to modern readers. That's why puns/rhymes/etc still work.


It’s people from Scandrial probably, if it sounds like earth or it would apply to us just assume it’s to people on Scandrial in post era 3 (era 3 is gonna be 1980’s)


You are correct, there is no earth in the cosmere. Hoid is not narrating to us. He is narrating to someone in the cosmere. His audience has future tech indicating that his audience is far along the cosmere timeline or from a planet with advanced tech or both.