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I am 100% living vicariously through you in these updates. My wife refuses to leave the romance (smut) genre 😞😞😞


Tell her about warbreaker! I know it's not smutty, but maybe the romance aspect will at least intrigue? Plus, Lightsong and Blushweaver exist, it's like a smutty tease


Is yumi and the nightmare painter not more romance?


The worst part is that she's an artist too! I'm confident she would like Yumi if she just gave it a shot.


Did she watch your name?


Yep and loved it


Pitch it as a your name novel.


That is one of the comparisons I made, thus you see my frustrations. It's like she's afraid to try my recommendations


Yep and loved it


Good idea I'll start planting the idea


Update: Warbreaker isn't spicy enough for her. I told her the premise and she said she needed more romance lol


I got my wife to start with Mistborn by telling her of Vin and Venture. Hoping that’s enough to get her into SA as well.


Unfortunately I have tried that angle already 😞 I just can't seem to peak her interest


Honestly, your best bet is to wait until she hits a reading slump where she’s mad at her genre and wants to read something else out of rebellion 😂 but this also matters: has she read any epic fantasy before? Does she ever stray outside of romance? If no on both of those, you’re going to have a much harder time convincing her.  It feels kind of funny to see so many husbands like you going through this struggle while I had to push my husband to start them (in his defense he was busy and they’re chunky reads). 


These updates are really sweet




Man, I’m sorry to hear that. It could just be a wrong time type of thing? When my husband and I got married, I remember he told me he didn’t want to “waste time reading fiction when he could be learning something.” I explained to him, ‘sure you won’t learn about what already exists. But if you want to be innovative (he’s in a STEM field) then you need to be imaginative.’ And slowly but surely he has become a big fantasy nerd and I think he’s read more of the cosmere than me. So you never know. Sometimes people just need time. 


That sucks. It also doesn't sound like a legit effort to try and enjoy reading something new, but I usually push back about descriptions like "convoluted" and "taking too long". The point of a story isn't the ending or how fast you get there, but the (trying to say anything else)....journey (dammit). As for "convoluted"....man that word is misused. Convoluted is an adjective that means involved, intricate. It can also be used to refer to something that is literally and figuratively difficult to unravel.. [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/convoluted) I don't know about others but I prefer stories that are complex and difficult to unravel, makes it all the more interesting than a story where you can see every plot twist coming a mile away. Plus, "convoluted" is often used in a negative way, but can you really say a story is convoluted before you finish it? How do you know that every part of the story didn't play a part in the whole or the end? I think a lot of what BS writes is involved and intricate. I also think that's one of the reasons so many of us love these books. If its not for her, its not for her. No need to disparage something just because it isn't your jam (Shallan mic drop).




I’m sorry about that. My wife and I don’t agree on every book. For example, I won’t be reading ACOTAR and there’s nothing she can say to convince me to try it. That being said, I try not to disparage the things that bring her joy.


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What do you mean?


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