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I could not stop reading after chapter 34. Had to finish the book. Claim the stars!


Yeah. Just keep reading and you'll know when you hit it


Early and middle part of Starsight is quite weak. The decision to ditch the casts of previous book that we already had rapport for was strange. The new cast also seems to be too tailor made (atleast talent-wise) to specifically solve the last climatic moment. It's not a bad book but I don't think we should hold it up to Words of Radiance / Oathbringer standard.


Overall I enjoyed the series (especially the Janci novellas), but if you are struggling with Starsight, you will really struggle through Cytonic. It’s the weakest of them all. It may not be worth it.


I’m in the middle of Cytonic and like it so far but holy hell I couldn’t get through the novellas. I tried repeatedly and had to just give up on the Alanik one


I’m done with the Cytoverse. Some of Brandon’s none-cosmere books just aren’t that good and I’ve no interest in pursuing them further.