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Mine is already disabled. Running version 1.62.156 on Linux. However, enabling it and relaunching the browser, I really like it. Thanks for pointing it out!


Yeah, same here. In linux it was never enabled my default. But I kinda like the changes.


How many desktop pixels are you loosing?


He's not making them wobble.


the more tabs are opened, the more pixels are lost... even more pixels when using multiple tab groups. Even being able to see just 3 letters can help you identify a tab, unlike an icon with no text, that is shared by multiple tabs.


Dude, you´re addicted to tabs. That is the problem, not the new design


I said the new ui is worse cause less information is visible (which is objectively true) and you are telling me "The problem" is how i use brave? You use it differently so you don't mind this new UI but **why the fact I don't use brave the same way you do makes me the problem**?


As a fellow tab hoarder, I've got your back. I'm not proud of my hoarding, but it what it is.


>Even being able to see just 3 letters can help you identify a tab, unlike an icon with no text, You should use vertical tabs, then you can see all the tab labels clearly.


Nice idea , and also get a new monitor , so u have space for 30+ vertical unstacked tabs )))


That's what I ended up doing. Took a bit to get used to, but it's definitely worth it. \- Since most websites don't use the full width of my monitor, I don't actually lose any pixels. \- The tabs always remain legible \- Scrolling through them is easier \- And re-arranging them is also way more convenient. I can't tell you how many times I accidentally pulled a tab too far out of the horizontal tab-bar where it got converted into a window, so I had to drag it back in again, which is always a bit awkward. With the vertical tabs that doesn't happen that easily due to the wide space for the tabs. So if you're someone who always has a lot of tabs open, then vertical tabs is the way to go. 👌


I had to disable the new UI design because my AHK program is not working properly due to additional pixels it add on bookmark bar, most of my scripts are using coordinates.


This is just delaying the inevitable.


unfortunately :(


yeah! I'll fix if I have time but for now I will disable it.


my browser updated and saw new UI changes, but I'm not a huge fan of the new tabs design thanks for flag to change back to old UI !! (thanks for making a reddit post that appeared on google too haha) I liked brave because they didn't change the UI and kept it very bare but I see the UI is changing slowly which I'm not really liking so it might be time to change browsers :( wish I could change the search bar back to not being rounded but I guess I'll just get used to it...


Firefox did the same design change, and that's what made me ultimately drop it. I agree with you, I like the simple aesthetic of Brave. Those new tabs look like buttons, and at a glance, I always have trouble identifying which tab is the active one. I realize this might be a problem with me, but that also means that if we can't disable it anymore, I'm switching browsers again.


The tabs redesign was the reason I switched away from Firefox to Brave. If this change is irreversible (via flags) in Brave, I'm gonna switch to Edge.


For which reason did you switch to Brave? Just the UI?


You can always CSS theme Firefox.


I did that, Firefox updated, everything got back to the old UI, and I'm giving up. No, thanks. I just want to open the browser and have it working the way I feel it should work.


With this amount of tabs (which seems to make spacing of the new UI a problem) you might give vertical tabs a try maybe? It takes some getting used to (it certainly did for me), but it makes handling a lot of tabs much easier. Just a suggestion.


I have far more tabs than this guy, and vertical tabs take up a significantly more impacting amount of screen real estate. Very much not a good solution.


Old UI looked better indeed, I hate the rounded edges and pinned tabs still scroll away. ://


I'll keep using the OLD UI as long as there is an option to disable the NEW UI *(via flag).* If they push that this is the new design and no flag to disable this, then I will adapt and change my AHK script to fix all coordinates I set *(no choice)*.


Thanks !!


I like it! It lost you as a user but gained one from me. The world keeps turning.


Let's see, how they implement this , cause i like to test new thing's :)


I liked.


I kinda love it. Makes the tab bar appear neater. I was wishy washy with Brave, but have been using Brave since this update


> This new UI waste soo much space Huh? To me it looks like the UI is exactly the same except that tabs are a few pixels wider, so you can only fit 18 in the space instead of 19. A bigger problem is that in the top screenshot at least the first few letters of each tab are visible, but not in the bottom one. At the point that you have more than a dozen tabs in a window, it becomes crap no matter which browser you have. I know, because I've usually got anything from 30 to 300 tabs open at at time 😢


300? Wtf


I have the same version, how did you activate it?


I restarted pc and this ui was activated by default. Its released as staged rollout i guess... that's the reason why people blaming me that i made this up or that im using nightly build (im not). If you like it use the mentioned brave flag to activate it.


Is there a flag for returning the old back/fwd/reload page buttons?


Vertical Tabs are great..


I like it, it reminds me of Windows XP taskbar the shape.


It looks better imo


I don't like these darkened mugs! It looks like an unloaded tab.


It doesn't bother me that much but it's true that the old ui was better.


I much prefer it. Tabs were way too small on a 1440p monitor. This is a massive improvement. I switched to Brave Beta so I could get it sooner. Looks like I can switch back to Release Channel. I had to manually enable mine. They didn't turn it on by default for me yet.


Looks like they decided to copy Firefox's homework.


Hard disagree, I disliked how cramped tabs were (particularly pinned tabs). But good callout on the flag for people who don't like it!


ya i don't like the new 'tabs' they look like buttons, and the color differences make it hard to tell which "tab" (button) is actually selected anymore ​ but when i switched it off, now it looks .. different again, this isn't quite the way it looked before the update. but i guess its more tab like at least I want the tabs back from 1.61


what are those phone, film colored tabs?


its minimized tab group.


oh okay thanks


also not a fan, but tbh I think I'll get used to it


Nah man. New UI good and clean. Better than before. Use Vertical Tabs if you need more space or buy a 32 inch monitor 😛


I seriously hate the new look. What a stupid design change.


I like new ui, on mobile too


Why do so many modern UI choices involve so much wasted space? This is why I still prefer Windows 9x design over anything modern.


because non-Luddites are using at least 1440p by now :)


Everything is made with mobile-first thought, and our fingers are not getting smaller.


It looks a lot nicer than the old UI.


I didn't mind the old one, but I prefer this one.


Nah, it's much worse. No idea what's gained either functionally or aesthetically by having tabs hovering loose in the bar. Having them attached to the window below adheres to standard UI conventions, makes it much clearer which tab is active, and just looks better.


They are taller and so it's much better for 1440p and up monitors


Nah. Brave already does UI scaling, as inherited from the Chromium source, and even more vertical scaling could be added without detaching tab handles from their associated views and turning them into loose-floating bubbles.


Personal preference. I don't need UI scaling, the tabs were just plain too small at 1440p; the rest of my system is fine.


Looks good the new UI


Why do you have so many tabs


I only count about 20 tabs. I've had [more than 300 tabs open in eight windows](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/554/866/4da.png).


But why?


Because I'm interested in too many things and way too easily distracted.


I see a lot less tabs now and the height of them broke my window navigation UI. Both on Windows 10 and my Linux with GNOME.


Thank God for your post.... I could not handle the new UI any longer!




1. **lie**, educate yourself if you wanna lecture someone... [proof](https://streamable.com/1s1me3), [version](https://i.imgur.com/DYWMIUe.png) 2. I don't care what people have complained about and i explicitly stated **i dont mind design changes** and explained **i dont like changes with negative effect on functionality** (so opposite to what you suggest, you could have find this info in post itself...) 3. 4. 5... I don't care about pixels... I see less information; you would notice that if you wouldn't be bothered by counting pixels... You basically said why it's worse (function wise) and then you say you don't mind therefore it's not problem? As i said to someone else, **seeing first 3 letters of every tab versus seeing none is big difference** to me :) >Imagine having a hard day in life because Brave decided to update the UI and add couple pixels somewhere, reduce others and make the UI looks better. Who are you to judge what bothers other people? And why you talking about UI looks? I never said its ugly, **its just harder to use.** >brave://flags/#scrollable-tabstrip Didn't know about this, I will use it after this new ui will be forced (if i don't switch to Vivaldi sooner) >Also, what's the point of pinning tabs anyway?.... You are doing it again. **"I dont need it, i dont like therefore its useless" No its not.** >At least Brave is doing UI changes and hired someone to lead the team about it and make things nicer to look at and more consistent instead of being 10 different colors for similar buttons. What is this argument... Other browsers dont have teams to make em nicer? You wrote this after you recommended switching browser to me. You also say its "make ui nicer, more consistent" but the point i made is **its worse function wise**, because less text is visible. Last paragraf is **disproven in first point** of this comment. But its funny how confident you are. The less you know the more you think you know.


It's legit just more modern and moves with the times. Like, you are complaining about 11pixels and 2 letters. If function was important to you, you would have already made other settings to suit your "personal" preferences. You act as if your life depends on it. typical windows user... always there to look for drama


> It's legit just more modern and moves with the times. The previous commenter's complaints are relevant and substantive, whereas your response that the changes are "more modern" literally means nothing. And, for anything that has utility beyond mere aesthetics, the correct design principle is always "form follows function", never "form follows fashion trends". If all you've got is "more modern", and aren't even *addressing* the impact to functionality, whether positive or negative, you're basically conceding the point.


You say things like "typical windows user" while calling someone he is looking for drama?


I would think it is on by default since I haven't turned anything on or changed any settings and last night it was the old UI and this morning there is a new one when I launched it.


You're taking this too personally. The new design is terrible (IMO) aesthetically. The borders around pinned tabs? It's not pleasant to the eye.


yeah, my main complaint is with my pinned tabs. Looks way worse in this new UI.


lil bro it’s the designer


This is the most “first world problems” post I’ve ever seen lol.


Here we go again. Always some people complain.


I think it looks good, thanks for the info, activated it 🙏


So if the new UI is terrible, if it made the loading faster, is it still terrible?




If you measured it, you will find that a browser like Chrome takes more pixels down. It's not about Brave that it takes more space, it's about consistency... Chrome's tabs take up more space, but you won't even notice it. "consistency"


just enabled the flag and i love the update! thanks for pointing it out


Interestingly I have Brave on two Macs, identical version numbers for Brave, 1.62.162, and got the new tabs on one machine but not the other. Turned them off on the one that got the update.


Its staged rollout i guess since im not the only one having this ui judging by other comments.


I think you have some fair points. My guess on the new "bubble" UI tab, is it could be for better visibility. I think it is a lot easier to see the "active tab bubble" than it was to see the vertical pipes.


Thanks for the fix! I'm not a fan of the way the new tab group labels look. They make the text easier to read, but there is reduced contrast between different tab groups. I'm fine with how it was before. I think all that needs to be done is make the font size bigger, and that's it! If it ain't broke, don't fix it!