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Sopranos Barry True Detective (Season 1) Fargo (Season 1) Ray Donovan Homeland Billions IASIP ​ I'm stoned so I reeled off some shows I think are great, I also believe BB to be an all timer (Sopranos is elite also and I put True Detective Season 1 there too)


Wait. No mention of The Wire?


Seriously. OP should be banned.


"Yeahhh... Wire" -- Pinkman


I tried a few episodes of the wire, and thought it was too slow. The pilot of breaking bad has you itching for more immediately.


THIS ​ I tried TEN TIMES to "get into" The Wire... absolutely terrible lol. So unrealistic & over acted. Maybe because I was late and didn't watch until maybe 5-6 years ago and the content grew stale? (Although Sopranos never not holds up for me from similar time)


Took me a few goes to get into the Wire, but it's worth it. It's more about the big picture, the institutions, the city itself. When that all starts to click is when it shines its up there with sopranos and there are some awesome characters too


Just for you, I'll give it another go. I'll commit a little further into it too. I'll try to get through season 1 (hopefully I've been steered by then)


Nice thats rad, from memory that's what did it for me once I cracked season 1 then I kept going and all thr seasons click together and paint a bigger picture




By ep 8 or so you should be hooked. The beginning of s2 may make you question it again because they do a major shift in characters, but hang in there because s2 is up there with the best seasons.


I feel like you have to watch the show just knowing Baltimore is the main character and the characters on the show are just kindve a product of that I guess


Wire is one of the most realistic TV I have ever watched. wtf man


Insane take to think BB is good and The Wire is unrealistic and over acted.


unrealistic and overacted? huh? imagine posting this publicy lol


I'm so dumb when it comes to The Wire. Before I started I was well aware that everyone considered seasons 3 and 4 some of the best television ever. And I just fell out of it after season 2, don't know why. Gotta go back and do it all


yeah the wire is for smarter people than breaking bad


Sunny is the BB of comedy shows


They just had like an unofficial crossover episode last season lol. Where Aaron has been controlling Bryan like a puppet or something. I love Sunny.


Mac really nails the 90’s MJ look in that ep


Ozarks is comparable imo man doing something illegal to support his family and dealing with the effects of his lies with his children and wife not bb but still pretty good


Yes great show... although it just kinda grew boring for me after season 3. I finished it but it didn't really move me like some others. Still fantastic


If you watched The Wire on a DVD and looked at the "bonus" material, one of the great things they talk about is that the story is based on real events, and several of the characters were real people. From what I've read, critics, or at least some, consider The Wire to be the benchmark for many similar series that followed. I've got to agree.


Yeah Ozark is almost like BB but instead of meth it's money laundering. I thought Ozark was amazing. The writing, specifically the storyline, I really dug it because it's so brutal. Like I really didn't know if ANYBODY was safe on that show. The antagonists are brilliant, and a character arc like Ruth, it's hard not to root for her. Marty was a great character to me as well, because he's so mechanical and unemotional until it really matters and then he's just a completely different beast.


Idk why we’re getting downvoted but yeah I love how Marty is portrayed much like Walt quiet and unemotional most of the time really let’s his actions speak for him and the antagonists are amazing as well


It still had a very bittersweet ending for me. Where as with BB, I was totally happy with the way it wrapped up. Same for BCS, because I felt like, with Walt dying, and Jesse getting a new start, it only made sense for Saul to end up the way he did. Ozark had some great characters though. Del was such a menace in S1... Then you find out, nothing is certain. Man, Darlene was probably one of the most haunting antagonists ever for me because of how volatile she was. Bitch was almost like Tuco with tits. "Remember who you're working for" is up there with "Rednecks" lol.


Ozarks is dog shit after that ending


Ozark is so fucking good


BB and BCS are my top shows but Ozark is AMAZING. Makes it even cooler because I live in the Ozarks lol.


Yeah I might be a lil biased bc I’m rewatching it right now but I definitely think it’s comparable to BB




LOVE LOVE LOVE me some Justified. GREAT show, and while we have Timothy Olyphant on the line, Deadwood was unreal too


> Ray Donovan > > Homeland > > Billions I don't think these are on the same level as the others




Ten times better than Billions.


Disagree wholly. Succession was a great show, but it was HYPED to no end. The production quality was great, the acting was good... but the story was meh, so never really drew me in. I felt like Billions REALLY got to the core of the show, Succession was a bunch of privileged assholes who never really did anything but chase their mistakes. Again, I liked the show, but not an all-timer for me.




The Americans The Terror


Barry was darker and much more comedic. Similar in moments of suspense and moral ambiguity. Fucking awesome show would highly recommend.


I like most of this list but I thought billions was horrible tbh. The acting was pretty atrocious at times and the plot just sucked a lot


Billions was great until the last couple seasons


Nothing like getting stoned and binging BB or BCS. I loved Ozark - ending is just not great & you’ve gotta deal with Wendy Byrd, otherwise it’s great. But I’m the same as OP…nothing truly compares and I’m always back to rewatching BB.


Don't forget power which is amazing as well.


Good list. I would add; Fargo (Season 2-5). Dead To Me. Ozark. Everybody got their opinions on what their favorites are and whats wrong with what. They are all good watching and will help you put things into perspective.


I really don’t see the hype with the sopranos. It’s just some old ass fake Italian men playing to every stereotype in the book. If I want a crime show the last thing that interests me is “generic Italian gangster”


maybe its just me but ive watched breaking bad and still enjoy other shows




not really


It's sarcasm.


The Wire did that for me.


family guy did a joke about that. They claimed that breaking bad and the wire aren't real TV shows and they are simply hypnosis forcing viewers to say nothing but good things about either show. It sure worked on me in breaking bad




This needs to be way further up. Only show that managed to blow my mind as much as BB. The writing, the acting, the production…*chef’s kiss*




I watched Mr. Robot all the way through, and was left hungover from it. I needed a new show but they were all falling short. In the Mr. Robot subreddit, someone said to watch Breaking Bad. And now I’m here, itching for another show. The cycle repeats forever.


BB & BCS are the only reason I still have Netflix.


You can get the entire breaking bad series Blu-ray for as little as $70. The entire series of better call Saul on Blu-ray is currently available for about $100. So $170 to have them all in the highest possible quality. And actually own them. Or you can pay $240 a year to stream on Netflix.


And they usually have commentary which is always a great excuse to watch again


Be careful however buying it digital in some places. Xbox had an awesome deal on all seasons of Breaking Bad. For some reason, it's all censored. A show about making meth, murder, and occasional sex doesn't need a censored version. Makes no sense.


I think netflix is getting rid of breaking bad next year


There are dozens of shows that are in the same ballpark as these. It’s not easy to find them but it’s easier now than it’s ever been before. Go watch something new.


Dozens? .... Doubtful


Do I need to start naming them?


Listen, if you actually think there are dozens better than bb....we majorly differ in opinion


He said in the same ballpark. Still idk. But that’s different than straight up better 


OK maybe I shouldn’t of said doesn’t, but maybe close to a dozen


We're all entitled to our opinions 🤷‍♂️


He ain't lying, bb is not that good


Okay so name me a dozen shows on par plz bc I'm fiening a new good show


Sopranos, the wire, fleabag, the bear, true detective s1, bojack horseman, archer, the good place, shameless, twin peaks, avatar, the leftovers, madmen, barry, last of us, succession


Yo Mr White… F House of cards and game of thrones


I believe game of thrones early seasons are on par with it. I think BB is ahead a little bit more, however, they were released around similar times and are both classics


Games of Thrones seasons 1-4 are golden, 5-6 are good, and the rest is trash we don’t speak of


I love House of Cards. I was kind of kidding, though I think BB is better.


My girl and I are watching The Fall of the House of Usher rn (highly recommend) and she goes "I wish you never showed me Breaking Bad because now I'm looking for meaning in every character's colors and everything."


You can search for meaning even if it wasn’t intentional. That’s one of the best things about art.


y'all need to watch the expanse. even if you're not into sci-fi. it's bigger than that.


Deadwood On the comedic side: The Santa Clarita Diet (Like the zombie genre? Then you must watch this. Hate the zombie genre? Then you **REALLY MUST** watch this.)


SCD is my all time favorite comedy. Deadwood's okay. I prefer Oz.


To me the sopranos is really the only show that I consider to be to the level of BB/BCS. Ozark was pretty damn good too, but sopranos is on a different level.


Literally me anytime I start a new show I’m like “I good be watching breaking bad rn” and then watch it


You're missing out on a LOT of good shows


shitttt probably :p


Then watch some that are considered really good like bb good not really better or the same but similar


Trying, not the same😂


Community It’s always sunny in Philadelphia The boys The Simpsons Bojack horseman Shameless I have the same problem and I still rewatch BB all the time, but these ones (especially bojack and community) I was still able to really truly enjoy. They all have their flaws and BB is basically perfect, but they’re still really good. Bojack and community are actually very similar in terms of focusing on unlikable characters ruining the lives of characters we do like and having a very solid story with deep complex character dynamics and evolutions.


It's always sunny in philadelphia is peak TV but I feel like it's not the same category as a series like breaking bad where serious shit is happening and there's an ongoing story


BCS was the last show I remember looking forward to week to week like 'Breaking Bad'. Haven't had any recent ones I find myself HAVING to watch each week. I did enjoy 'Daryl Dixon', it was much better than I expected, but it's going to be hard for something to hook me as hard as a Vince Gilligan show has.


I know the feeling. I get bored with shows easily now. New season of True Detective is good. Dark is amazing too, if you haven’t seen it.


Prison Break is fantastic, currently on Hulu!


Love the first 2 seasons….very meh on the 3rd…it was during the writer strike too.


Sons of Anarchy is a good one


Definitely watch Sons of Anarchy


Other shows I’ve personally enjoyed are The Sopranos, Dexter and The Night Of


I can relate to this with films. Since watching Get Carter, I can't help but feel a state of ennui and depression, knowing that no film I ever watch could ever surpass it.




They call it the breaking bad effect for a reason


Everyone needs to see Barry, just finished snowfall and thoroughly enjoyed it


Go watch DARK and you will blow your mind


Sons of Anarchy


BB is not the only good show our there. Try The Sopranos, Mad Men, The Americans, and there are plenty other good stuff


Barry, just a 10/10 show tbh


Meh, unpopular opinion, but seasons 1 and 2 were 10/10. Seasons 3 and 4 were honestly pretty mid.


The Wire, The Shield or Sons of Anarchy are comparable as far as content and how it is filmed. Obviously Mad Men and Sopranos are the only superior shows as far as writing. All of these shows you have to keep in mind, most of the good ones, take a little while before you have that “whoa, this is amazing” moment, IMO.


Tony Soprano would like a word with you.


Bojack horseman is good


Babylon 5 The Expanse


TV shows that are on the same level: The Wire The Sopranos Mr Robot The Haunting Of Hill House Bojack Horseman This Is Us Normal People Succession True Detective S1


Try shameless. You gonna hate Frank as much as you hate Walt.


try xfiles, vince gilligan joined in season 2 and helped write/direct/produce episodes from then on. it’s extra fun when you see breaking bad characters in xfiles episodes, off the top of my head i remember tuco, walter, jesse, i want to say hank? anyway it’s not connected in anyway as far as story goes but actors and vince make it worth it imo. plus, xfiles is a great show! and honestly it starts to really pick up in season 2 after vince joins the staff


I started X-Files, I just don’t like procedural shows much. I used to, but now I can’t stand them.


oh that’s totally fair:/ there are quite a lot of episodes that connect and have a continuing story line (about the government hiding aliens/mulders sister samantha’s/scullys abduction story) from seasons 1-5 but it might not be super worth it if you didn’t watch the other episodes. glad you gave it a chance though!


I started the Americans based off a lot of recs on here, so far quite good!


Legit cuz of Breaking Bad I’ve started to only really watch shows if they have at least an 8/10 rating on IMDB and other sites 😭


You let other people make up your mind?


I guess so 🤷🏿‍♂️ When I first watched Breaking Bad it was because I saw the reviews and was like “No friggin way it’s that good” then I watched it and it became my favorite show ever.


Attack on Titan Give it a shot


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Walter White Bot😭


Im the same. Nothing compares to the atmosphere of BCS for Ms. The first season of Fargo was very good. But I can't find anything that hits the same way.


The first season is the only one like the movie, right? Did you like any other season? I only could get into the first season.


Breaking bad will always be my #1 tv show. Only show that comes close is prison break. Dialogue is cringey at rare points but the story and writing is AMAZING.


Watched the first 2 seasons, got bored after that. First season was peak TV, second was slightly worse, 3rd was just boring.


Lol you they're other shows that have the breaking bad formula right?


It's not just the formula btw.....it's how they execute it


Yes, they definitely got lucky with breaking bad, it's like the positive version of a perfect storm. geniuses coming together with good ideas That sort of thing doesn't exactly grow on trees as indicated by the comments in this post


100%… I compare everything to those as well, most shows get so corny, have shitty dialogue, lazy writing, terrible actors, or just straight up repetitive plots that we eventually give up on them. Off the top of my head, game of thrones and house of dragon are some solid binge worthy tv shows, righteous gemstones and Silicon Valley if you like some comedy mixed in with the drama. My wife and I are always on the prowl for a good 4-7 season drama series.


The sopranos is probably better


Definitely better*


I've never watched that, but it's probably worse, idk


I’ve seen breaking bad 8 times Sopranos is better. It’s the pinnacle of TV


Why would you think that?


- the wire - the sopranos - mr robot - true detective (season 1) - game of thrones (seasons 1 - 4) - the wire i feel like these are extremely close to breaking bad. - the leftovers - lost - twin peaks these i wouldn’t say are as good but definitely well worth watching. - dexter - deadwood - succession - dark - prison break season 1 haven’t watched these but heard amazing things about all of them.


So you haven't seen Asian dramas. They gonna hook you up.


If you’re a fan of BB and BCS, you cannot possibly compare them to any other show. Some suggestions that are both completely different from one another, and are not even close to Vince Gilligan’s style of writing but are every bit as good would be: -Dexter (the whole show goes crazy) -Prison Break (for as long you can tolerate) That’s it. Every other suggestion in this thread is a waste of time except maybe ‘The Wire’ which, I’m only recommending because of that one Family Guy episode. (I haven’t even watched it myself)


Better call saul was awful, just retcons on top of retcons




The Americans


I’m the same. I start another show and it’ll be good but then I’ll be listening to music at work and come across a BB song and it makes me want to rewatch it because everything about it was just so good.


Game of thrones seasons 1-2 are breaking bad level good in my opinion, due to the charisma of the characters, interesting situations, and good balance between dark humor and genuinely dark moments.


Try The Wire


watch a show that’s not meant to be as good but more of a fun romp, too many shows take themselves too seriously and try to be the next BB but they’ll never do it so a show that’s exists to be fun will help you get out of it. personally it was Lucifer for me, fun show, great music and still some awesome dramatic moments but never tried to be something it wasn’t. or if you want to keep on the high end of TV you can always binge shows like House or The Wire


I feel like this is my problem just after Christmas I binged watch breaking bad for the first time ever and I couldn’t stop watching it and I got through it and basically a week and I haven’t been able to get into a new ship series since I just rewatch other things I’ve seen before


The one thing on TV that topped Breaking Bad for me was seasons 1-4 of Game of Thrones. But then the show devolved into an SNL skit, so Breaking Bad keeps the lead. That said, there are already some great recs in the comments. And even if a show isn't "better" than Breaking Bad, you can still appreciate it for what it is and the experience it provides.


It did for me until I came around to enjoying The Sopranos and The Wire, both of which I think are better.


i had the opposite experience ngl every show i saw after breaking bad was better and it made me almost like "damn do i not like this show anymore" but nah breaking bad is still great. probably only a tier below the absolute goats for me


Mr Robot While the subject matter may not be for everyone, the quality of the show is on par with breaking bad. I’d argue that the writing, editing, cinematography, and score all surpass breaking bad. Personally I think this is overall a better show than breaking bad but I acknowledge that that is my biased personal opinion and many people may disagree. From a filmmaking perspective it’s an incredibly impressive show and very much worth checking out


There’s a name for that, it’s called closed mindedness.


Peaky Blinders -


Same for me for Reno911 and Arrested Development. I sometimes ask my self, is this movie better than rewatching a Reno911 episode?




Love money heist


The first few seasons of *Game of Thrones* and *Attack on Titan* are up there.


I haven't read through the comments so I'm sure I'm repeating shit, but... Fargo, The Sopranos, Peaky Blinders, Succession, Barry, Station Eleven


This is me: the wire, bb/bcs/sopranos/repeat. Every now and then throw in game of thrones if im feeling masochistic. Every few cycles il throw in dexter, lost, oz, generation kill, we own the city. Currently trying to finally finish twd, after watching the first few seasons many times, and it is painful


I feel this. Everything is terrible after BB except the Sopranos


Did you also once have a really nice steak and now you can’t eat any food ever again?


try Succession


Sopranos is even better


Mr Inbetween


Breaking Bad-The Sopranos-The Wire The holy trinity of TV




It'll get easier. But yeah. Prepare to look at shows never the same again. I highly recommend listening to the official podcast while watching. That's just simply a masterclass in tv making. Plus it's just simply an amazing podcast.


I feel the same about Ozark. Breaking Bad is the only other show that has effectively ruined all other TV dramas for me. Finished Ozark, now up to S3 on BB. I’ll prob just re-watch from the beginning until something as good finally shows up 🤷‍♀️


I hatethe fact that BB and RDR2 and the godfather because they ruined their respective (tv show, video game, and movie) I cant enjoy anything now


Attack on titan… trust me


Weeds, yes Weeds Suits, House and Dexter- bit repetative but great writing. Ozark put me to sleep after a few seasons. I've tried 3 times to get into The Wire but I hear about it constantly. I binged thru Sopranos during lockdown having never seen it. It was good but zero need for a rewatch. Game of Thrones and SOA - Great but not rewatchable. I've rewatched BB - 8 times, Felina maybe 20, BCS- 3 times. If there was less Chuck nonsense it would have been more.


The Sopranos


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Time for better call Saul! Ozark is good too (similar structure)


Clearly you need to watch Downton Abbey. 😜


Fr the camera work and foreshadowing is nuts no other shows rly do that


Crazy how I haven't seen ONE person mention snowfall. But yea. You should watch Snowfall. You won't regret it


Madmen The Wire Sopranos Succession True Detective S1 Barry The Leftovers


My dad recommended me prison break because I like BB but I haven't seen it, check it out maybe


I know the feeling. Especially BCS. XD


It’s a different genre, but after me and my Dad finished BCS recently, we started watching Invincible on Prime and it’s great. I can highly recommend giving it a try if you have a Prime subscription


Welcome to the club, bro


True Detective-Season one Mr. Robot Fargo


The Shield is an excellent show-7 seasons. Premiered in the early 2000s but stands up


watch Ozarks.


Honestly it’s good, but I don’t have it in its own category of untouchable. I’ve yet to watch a show that has ruined tv for me.


Breaking Bad is great but it got boring for me after 4 or 5 watch throughs. I can watch it again and I like discussing it and consuming content about it, but I probably need a few years in between watches. Try the Shield, The Sopranos, The Wire, Mad Men, or Deadwood. I've watched the sopranos over a hundred times and it gets better each time. It's as gripping was the first time and it only gets funnier The wire is fantastic, maybe the best ever at critiquing an aspect of society. It's a bit of a slow burn though, especially season 1. But it's absolutely worth watching. The Shield might be the most underrated show ever. It was ground breaking in that it featured dirty cops and it holds up really well. Mad Men is very interesting. Fair warning: it's bit of a slog. But don draper's search for meaning and his journey along the way are fascinating. Deadwood is like the Sopranos but set in the old west. Great use of foul language. Hysterical. Badass.


The Bear is some of the best Television I’ve ever watched.


I had that exact phase for a while. Still love the show but that thought eventually left me.


I say this to people all the time... exactly like this.


Peaky Blinders is great


Sopranos is legendary too give that a go


Sopranos is really all u need


I had the same problem, but I’m really into Mike Flanagan’s stuff right now. The Fall of the House of Usher was so great (especially if you’ve ever read and enjoyed any Poe, but it’s not a requirement), and The Haunting of Hill House is top tier horror. He also did Midnight Mass, which was excellent as well, and The Haunting of Bly Manor. (That one I wasn’t as crazy about- it was slow, but that might be on me. I’m probably going to try it again, after loving House of Usher so much.) I’m sure there’s other stuff of his that I’m forgetting, but yeah, his work is consistently great, like Vince and co. They actually kind of remind me of each other- like they use color similarly, and they shine in their usage of beautiful, frequently symbolic cinematography.


Ozark, daredevil and severance are the only shows I have even got close to to comparing to bb




I find myself always comparing Breaking Bad to every new show I watch,like it was the one that got away,no other can live up to it, lol!!


Mad Men was worth it.


The Sopranos is leagues better, even.


This Killing is a really great show if you want to try it 😉