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I breastfed until 17 mo with a baby who still has tongue and lip ties. Just fair warning pediatric dentists are quick to recommend tie revisions as the fix all. I could imagine continuing to breastfeed through the revision might be difficult as well. It might be worth going to an IBCLC to see if they spot something with your latch. Is she biting or are the teeth cutting in while feeding? I heard somewhere that babies can’t actually bite while feeding since it breaks the seal and they can’t get milk. Maybe unlatching every time you feel that pain can signal to her that doing that = no boob. I didn’t have this specific problem but wanted to chime in since I did bf a lip tie toddler!


Her teeth are cutting in while breastfeeding. I know she doesn't mean to do it but she's also getting her canine teeth in so she's now comfort feeding. Her dentist recommended that we wait with the lip tie because it isn't that bad. She said we can see if it needs to be revised if it's interfering with her speech. Which so far it hasn't. But the IBCLC isn't a bad idea! I thought she was weaning herself off there for a sec, but then her top teeth came in and now her canines so I doubt she's going to wean anytime soon


We only made it to 12 months but he had his top two teeth also. I noticed he wasnt doing it when he was super sleepy. I started using a silicone nipple shield and it helped. He eventually learned a better latch.


I was thinking of doing that! Her dentist said her lip tie isn't that bad so we would should wait. But she's also now getting her canine teeth and it's made her teething a lot worse so she's comfort feeding. I noticed it didn't hurt as bad yesterday so I'm hoping it will continue to get better.


I breastfed my first til almost 3 years and didn't have issues with teeth (other than the initial teaching not to bite). If it coincides with her getting new teeth, I'd think maybe she just needs to adjust her latch a bit; especially since it subsides after a few seconds.