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I was going to suggest teething which I see you thought of! Chewing is probably hard on the gums! Try sticking to soft foods and cold foods maybe and see how she responds?


I tried that yesterday, and she had a few more bites than what she has been eating. Her dad surprised me with some BBQ chicken wings and she didn't want to eat the chicken but she was using the bone as like a teething toy. With close supervision ofc. Mashed potatoes have become her favorite, so I'm going to see if there's anything else she can eat.


T E E T H I N G. Offer softer foods. Every molar is coming in at once. Going through the same thing. I don't deny my son the nutrients. 


I HAVE! 😭 She's been teething on and off since 3 months old but she has never stopped eating her whole meal. I'm not "denying" her anything. I'm actually trying to encourage her to eat more rather than just have breast milk and water and only eat about 90% over all of her daily meals and snacks. If she wants to breastfeed, I will absolutely do that. But like I said, she is small for her age and I definitely do not need her losing weight.


I think you misinterpreted what I was saying. I was just being short. And they don't usually teeth at 3 months, unless there was an actual tooth. They drool from their salivary glands coming to the forefront to prepare for food. You can actually look into that. Many ppl mistakes it for teething. Molars and canines are much more intense. Especially if they're all coming in at once. My son's doing the same thing breastfeeding a lot. Eating hardly anything if I'm lucky. But slowly it's getting better. Just be patient. Its normal. Of course you'll worry about the lack of food intake. I do daily. But as long as they're not losing weight, you're probably good. 


She got her first two teeth at 5 months. She started to teeth at 3 months because her two bottom teeth looked like they were coming in but then they would go back down. It went on for two months until they finally broke through. If I did, my apologies. But respecfully, this is my second child, I know what teething looks like, my son didn't start to teeth until he was about 6 months, and got his teeth about two months after that. That poor baby was in such pain, and nights were the worse. Now that she's getting all of her canines, it's much worse this time around. But she did have her 15 month check up and she's still around 21 lbs. So at least she didn't lose weight, but she did grow an inch 🥲


Yes my son's hardly eating and he actually somehow gained weight and height. I just trust the boob milk at this point. I'm glad I kept on bf past 1. 


Well it's now officially 16 months and she gained another inch so I'm just gonna trust my breast milk lol although she did get her appetite back but it's slowly coming back.