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I couldn’t conceive while BF. tracked ovulation and tried during the window, just didn’t happen for me. I got pregnant the first cycle I stopped. I’m not saying you should stop, but I am saying I don’t think you need to be super concerned that something is wrong. A lot has to be working in sync in your body to conceive, some people certainly can get pregnant while nursing but I couldn’t.


This was the same for me, I had about 5 cycles where I was trying and breastfeeding. First I stopped pumping while at work, so going about 8 hrs without feeding, and still no luck, then I stopped feeding overnight, and still no luck. Only once I was completely done breastfeeding did I actually get pregnant.


I feel like there’s been a push in the narrative from OBGYNs to prevent accidental pregnancies that everyone can get pregnant while breastfeeding, when it just isn’t the case for some!


That's what I think is going on. I definitely don't plan on stopping anytime soon, when it happens, it'll happen. Besides I live in AZ and I don't wanna be pregnant in this heat lol


I had my hormones tested before I got pregnant with my first and had high prolactin then, still got pregnant. I am still nursing him and 31 weeks pregnant with our second. Fertility is more than just one number, it's a complicated system. I personally wouldn't cheat one child out of our planned nursing journey to try to get pregnant, especially after two months trying.


Oh I'm not stopping anytime soon. She's 16 months old and it's not just to get pregnant but I'm getting to a point that I want to wean her off myself but I know I can't go thru with it.


Just wanted to say, I feel for you on the autoimmune stuff. I have an autoimmune condition that was in remission for 5 years and is back now that I’m 5 months postpartum. My doctor explained that it’s not unusual for autoimmune symptoms to flare up in the postpartum period because the immune system is adjusting back to non-pregnant mode and sometimes goes haywire during that process. It’s making me reconsider some of our family planning too. It’s hard and I’m sorry you’re going through it too.


And I'm sorry you're going thru it as well! The day after she was born, I just felt like my body was slowly going downhill. So many hot flashes, body pain, and going out into the sun was torture. I would love one more but I don't wanna go thru that all over again. Especially since it lasted more than a year. I'm just now starting to feel like myself.


I got my first period at 6 months pp while ebf. and now I’m on cycle day 31, 14dpo and not getting a bfp yet. I’m pretty discouraged !!! I hope and pray that I did ovulate. I was using opk tests and didn’t get a big peak but I’m convinced I felt my ovulation and also the zink spark. I have read that prolactin can make opk kits not work. Is that possibly the case for you ?


I haven't thought about that! Most likely the case, but I know it's pretty heartbreaking to keep seeing a negative. My daughter is going to be 17 months soon, so if I can wean her off, it's not like she'll be missing nutrients or anything. But I know she's comfort feeding since she is getting more teeth in and I don't wanna take that away from her either... I guess a baby should be put off for the time being. I just wish the baby fever could easily go like it came lol