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I was worried when I read the title, but this is so lovely!


Me too! I think we were all getting ready to fight the plane lady. šŸ˜‚


I was metaphorically removing my earrings.


Me too. I was about to ask someone to hold my purse.


I was ready to throw down, no questions asked. So glad it was a positive ending!


Yeah, OP got me in the half... three quarters actually... ngl lol


I thought this was going in an entirely different direction, so glad for a wholesome ending! šŸ©·


So nice! We were talking to a nurse at the doctor's office and when she found out I breastfed she congratulated me and said it wasn't easy. She said good for me for keeping it up. Even though I am only 3.5 months in, it felt really good


At our 9 month pp appt, the ped said ā€œstill breastfeeding, fantastic! thatā€™s a huge commitment!ā€ And I was šŸ„²ā¤ļø


Iā€™m at 11 mo ebf and this makes me feel so good about myself! My family acts like itā€™s gross and annoying more than anything, so itā€™s nice to hear someone recognizing that it is a big commitment!!


I'm blessed to have had more positive encounters than negative. The most I've gotten is a glair, but that's probably because I'm usually with my 6ft husband. šŸ˜…


This is my experience as well. Ive only had people give me a mean look like twice but so many times someone will stop and congratulate me for being brave and that they wish it was like that when they were momming.


Iā€™ve gotten mostly positive reactions, if any reaction at all. Itā€™s almost a shame, because I know my husband would love to put someone in their place for me.


This is so lovely! My mum knew a few people who had bubs around the same time I did, and she said all of them have given up on breastfeeding and Iā€™m the only one still doing it. Iā€™m just under 3.5 months in. And donā€™t see our journey ending soon. I also had to call the healthcare hotline a while back and the nurse who I spoke to congratulated me for nursing as long as I had and said it was one of the hardest things to do. Congrats on your journey!


Breastfeeding is a magic super power with an infant on a plane!


Agreed! I flew with my 6 month old and he slept both takeoff and landing both ways!


I thought the title too didnā€™t match the positivity in this but not upset. I feel shamed constantly for choosing breastfeeding my child all the time by my family as if Iā€™m in the wrong for not letting anyone else feed my child. Good for you, and thank you elder woman on the plane so kind. Itā€™s the little things!


Iā€™m in the same boat! My parents are in their 50s and were formula fed so in their minds thatā€™s the best choice. The constant, ā€œsheā€™s not gaining enough weightā€ (her dr says sheā€™s growing perfect), ā€œshe doesnā€™t get everything she needs like she would with formulaā€ (yes she does), ā€œyour boobs will never go back to normalā€ (youā€™re my dad, thatā€™s inappropriate), ā€œshe cries with me because you breastfeed herā€ (no, she cries with you because sheā€™s a baby)ā€” SO IRRITATING


As if people havenā€™t been breastfed for thousands of years šŸ˜‚ itā€™s so stupid - if it was that bad the human race wouldā€™ve died out ages ago


Well done for still breastfeeding! Lol the boobs comment is so strange. My mother doesn't outright say she cries with me because you breastfeed her but I can tell she is weird about it. She will refer to me as the food bank and calls them udders. She is very grossed out by the most normal of things.Ā 


Thank you!! And thatā€™s so frustrating! My dad (who obviously loves giving unsolicited advice) will try to tell me what I should be eating and if I disagree in the slightest, he goes on a tangent about how he was raised on a dairy farm and had to milk cows and knows what heā€™s talking about. Like wtf my breasts arenā€™t udders, I am not a cow


Letting other people feed your child? You mean go against nature and against your own will? They are deranged.


On my babyā€™s first flight (a red eye at 5 months old) 2 people commented on how I was a great mother! šŸ˜‡


I was worried at first when I read ā€œcommentā€ā€¦ Normally posts I see are about peopleā€™s unwanted opinions on openly breastfeeding! Nice to see that it was a happy comment and not a rude one!


Thatā€™s so nice! The last flight I Was still breastfeeding on, I ended up next to some poor high school or college aged boy who was soooo uncomfortable but such a gentleman. People are nice, generallyĀ 


That is so lovely! And a well deserved compliment! This also goes to show how much a simple statement of encouragement and acknowledgement will go. Iā€™m going to try to say this to all the mumā€™s I see, especially at the airport - because that truly can take years off oneā€™s life šŸ˜‚


That's lovely. As someone who breastfed both of mine to 20months and just stopped on January I can tell you that when it stops you miss it. You treasure those moments with your little one.


I have some lovely cards from a group can "Can I breastfeed in it?" (discusses clothing that's good for bfing), which have the group info on one side, and a "thank you for breastfeeding in public" on the other, and how they're helping to normalise and make it easier for other parents. I hand them out at every opportunity, because someone gave me one when my littles were little, and it gave a me a real boost! They also sell little key ring tokens celebrating breastfeeding milestones, which I think would be lovely for the doctor or similar to give out. Makes you feel genuinely celebrated and valued.


Thatā€™s so nice šŸ„¹ Iā€™m about to have my second and my OB congratulated me the other day on still breastfeeding my 2yo, through pregnancy, and said itā€™s not easy when your body isnā€™t your own. She was very validating. Unlike my older female GP who, when I went in to try and talk about the possibility of having PPD, said there was no need for my 1yo (at the time) to still be ā€˜hanging off the boobā€™ šŸ™„I think she was trying to tell me it was ok to stop for my mental health but that honestly wasnā€™t the issue and I felt very unheard.


I had my 2nd 3 weeks ago and Iā€™m breastfeeding my 23 month still - itā€™s AMAZING. I hope you love it


Thatā€™s so nice to hear! Well done you šŸ˜Š


Awww I love that! Last year, me, my fiancĆ© and our 3 month old daughter went to get the oil in our car changed and I didn't realize how long it was gonna take. I forgot my cover and she started to get hungry. There were two older women there, and I kinda panicked because I knew baby girl was getting cranky. So I went ahead and started to breastfeed her (after I discreetly slipped my boob out). There were two other men on the other side of the room so I sat on the floor and faced the women so I would feel more comfortable, although I was still kinda nervous about what kind of comments they would make. I was so pleasantly surprised when they said how awesome it is that I was breastfeeding my daughter, and that I was doing a good job šŸ„¹


Love this! ā¤ļø


Breastfeeding is a magic super power with an infant on a plane!




My husband's grandparents, before they passed, kept asking about whether I still breastfed their great grandbaby, without judgment, and then congratulating me for it. I often think they'd be so happy we made it 2years. There are some really great supportive older people around!