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Four months in? Just fyi, I think that's when most women lose their hair after giving birth. It has to do with your hormones changing, not so much with breastfeeding. I'm six months out, and it's better. That said, I do feel that breast feeding is rough on our bodies, so do remember to take your vitamins. I felt awful four months postpartum, and my hair fell out in clumps too. I'm sorry, it sucks. My hair has started growing back though, so it's temporary. Hang in there.


First of all… you don’t have to do the whole “let me start by saying I love my …” you don’t have to justify or caveat your feelings. We all know you are a good mom and don’t let some weird guilt tell you that you can’t complain and that somehow needs a preamble that you are not a bad mom. You a good mom! We all get it here!!! ❤️ Second- it’s probably not breastfeeding. All women who give birth get it even if they formula feed. You know how for like a whole trimester not a single hair fell off your head and you had stellar hair and probably (if lucky) skin??? Well the free ride is over at about 4 months. And ALLL that hair falls out like at once. It’s all the hair that was meant to shed the last few months but didn’t and it makes a mass exit. It feels like you are losing a ton and may be in clumps but it’s your body putting things back to where they were. If you end up losing more than just returning to pre pregnancy then talk to your doc. You will also start sprouting postpartum hair in a halo around your head and it will look gnarly. I have wavy hair and I got a crown of ringlets for like a year and a half. It looks unhinged. The skin and teeth is also part of it. Hormones rebalance and you go through like a crap version of puberty. Godspeed.


…well shit. (8 weeks pp and I have the best, thick curly locks I’ve always dreamed about)


It’s ok. You will regrow THIS luscious crown. 🙃 https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/postpartum-hair-loss-photos_ca_5cd57d94e4b07bc729788f51/amp


I feel so seen - thanks for sharing this link 😂


This is so relatable 😂😭 I didn't realise how bad it was until summer turned to winter and everything feels dry all the time 😩 my skin, my scalp. Nothing seems to help. And this baby also destroyed my teeth during pregnancy, so who knows what will happen on the other side. I have no advice, just solidarity! Good job on making it to four months though! It gets so much easier from now on ❤️


If you don't have your period yet, you are living through mini menopause. When period and estrogen comes back, you will be like before.


Breastfeeding can diminish your vitamins and minerals (as can pregnancy and birth 🙃) which can certainly affect your teeth!! Have you had any blood work done?? I had to up my magnesium intake and add a B12 and vitamin D supplement (in addition to what I was taking while pregnant), and I definitely feel a little better! (Unfortunately, that sounds like normal timing for postpartum hair loss, which I don’t think there’s much you can do about 😩)


That was around the time my hair started to fall out. My daughter is 16 months now and it's just now starting to go back to being slightly thicker lol. But momma, we have all been there! You don't have to justify anything, I'm still breastfeeding and I'm struggling between weaning her off or not. I'm just glad we made it this far. Also, look into vitamins. I learned how much nutrients they are taking fron us, and it blew my mind! So I'm taking calcium, B-12, iron (I'm anemic) and vitamin c.


I don’t envy you. 4 months is a really difficult time and I shutter thinking about it. Around 3 months I started feeling like I was getting the hang of life again and then my baby went through the 4 month sleep regression, half my hair fell out, and I was back at work. It’s rough. There’s no easy way around it but there are better days ahead and you’ll persevere ❤️


Hair is falling out because of hormonal changes after birth. Not related to breastfeeding. During pregnancy there is high concentration of female hormones. After birth it drops suddenly and stays low until period comes back. During pregnancy hairs stop falling out. After birth they all fall out.


Thanks for all the replies 💕 this is my 3rd baby so I was aware I’d shed just not this much as with my 2nd I only breast fed for 8 weeks due to a tip of the tongue tie which she never got cut I just don’t remember my hair coming out so bad that time but my hair is cut in a different style to then so it probably feels a lot thinner because of that too I’ve started up my vitamins again I’m terrible at taking them though 😥


Sounds like you’re not eating a nutritious enough diet


No probably not…