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No help unfortunately but thinking this could be why I have been having a similar problem the last two months for a few days each. It absolutely sucks.


I thought I was crazy but it kept happening. At least it only lasts a few days 🥹


Ohhhh yes! That's usually how I can tell my period is not far behind! I hate it but usually only lasts a couple days


I have an app to track my cycle but I'm terrible at actually using it. So even though the pain sucks, it also let's me know that my period isn't too far behind. I think the only time I would get worried is when my nipples aren't sensitive the cycle after 😂


I totally experience this. There’s no answer that I’ve found other than unlatching and then trying again. Something rough in my hands like Velcro to help take my mind off things!


That's a good idea! I'm a SAHM and with my ADHD, I get way too overstimulated when it happens. Ovulation is around the corner so I gotta get something to distract myself lol