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They might as well rename it “The Bruce Carpark”.


Not to be outdone, every other arterial road will follow suit. But never mind, they keep telling us it's a good thing!


4 more lanes! (By 2036)


They’ll do anything but quality rail.


EX-VIC here (came up prior to covid). I don't use the rail network often, but when I have, it's on par or better than melbourne rail. You don't get toilet facilities or wifi on trains in VIC for normal metro services. Security & monitoring seems about the same though. I have noticed on a very small sample size, that the trains northside are better than southside.


[Just one more lane](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0dKrUE_O0VE).


One more lane: https://youtu.be/xtO_rF-OQ7w?si=bTtZWMTevOMbc5RP


That show is so accurate it's infuriating




And entrances. Almost all the basically permanent Saturday and Sunday afternoon traffic southbound on the Bruce from the Sunshine Coast back to northern Brisbane is caused by a single merging lane, and a bit later on a single exit. It easily adds 1.5 hours onto a trip back most weekends. Also, everyone focusing on the eastern motorway are missing the point that things like Gympie Road are some.of the main ways through and out of Moreton Bay for residents, and they are completely fucked at peak hour already. There is a proposal to put a tunnel in between Carseldine and Kedron, but its planned to be a horrendously expensive toll road.


Whatever they’re doing on the centenary if they don’t start making it 4 lanes wide from Toowong to the Ippy yesterday then I’ll die of old age before seeing it up to standard. Then there’s the fucking Bruce.


Making it four lanes doesn't solve anything in the long term. M1 through the GC is 4 lanes...


My solution is a little complicated but would work. Express lanes with dedicated merging lanes. Unfortunately people are too fucking stupid so.. yeah just keep 2 lanes and sit in traffic. Improved public transport would go a long way.


That’s already a thing. It’s called a collector/distributor system.


Do we have any in Australia?


Nah because they don’t work.


Build up. Duh. Build a highway on top of the pre existing highway Highway bunk bed Asian engineering first brought this to fruition. Bangkok has the [bang na express ](https://www.google.com/search?q=bang+na+express&sca_esv=575862859&tbm=isch&prmd=mivn&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi048vg6YyCAxVIs1YBHS0uB9UQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=617&dpr=3#imgrc=yztYyXWDIV_GLM)


It’s crazy around here. We built pre-covid for $600k and had a valuation come back at $1.4m. There are *townhouses* in our estate going for $1.5-$2m. *Townhouses*.


This is the part where us home owners cash in and move to a smaller town with money to spare. Jacking up the prices in that town, who will then sell. It's the circle of life.


Where is that? Townhouses in my complex went from 400 to 600 but 1m+ sounds crazy for Moreton Bay


Yeah not sure what they’re talking about


Townhouses in Quay St Newport going for 1.8m


>Quay St Newport Yeah that's a bit atypical: townhouses right on the shore with their own dock (or pontoon, whatever). Still crazy but somewhat understandable :)


Yeah maybe a bad example, but still Townhouses. They are actually quite big and luxurious inside but I wouldn't be paying 1.8m for that!


Investors realising Brisbane is about to become a world-known city.


Hence me getting out. Just north of Nambour, living on a 1/4 acre mortgage free, 1hour 15 to Brisbane . Win win.


Until the population density increases between Nambour and Brisbane by 240 people moving to Moreton Bay region each day, then the 1 hour 15 will be the time it takes you to get to the Bruce carpark.


I think someone moving to Nambour probably found a way to avoid a daily commute to the Brisbane CBD.


Own business, no need to go to Brisbane. Made sense to get out, Brisbane just got too big for me.


I feel that’s what everyone who moves there thinks, while they’re sitting on the Bruce driving back to Brisbane. Old mate made a point of the current travel time between Nambour to Brisbane, while the post is about the number of people moving to the area.


You wouldn't move up here thinking it's feasible to commute to Bne daily.


Might have to take a plane in the future.


Me and me fam are moving in 👍


got a pool too!


Fuck yeah brother, we'll be the best of mates 🤙


Beer o'clock?


I'm there matey 👍


What suburb in Moreton bay is getting 1.5million for a townhouse?!


>It has 94 suburbs, takes nearly an hour to traverse and is expecting 240 new residents a week for the next 25 years. > >Now, Australia's third largest local government area is pleading for infrastructure investment to cope with the impending population explosion. > >The City of Moreton Bay is the fifth-fastest growing local government area in the country – expected to reach 800,000 residents by 2046.


and the now expired SEQ Regional Plan illustrated that these projections ~~establishments~~ also woefully underestimate the actual population growth that occurs


Have they considered splitting up to two different geographic councils so they are smaller? Like Caboolture City Council and Redcliffe City Council as an example? That way one council isn’t managing 94 suburbs, and small enough residents aren’t traversing an hour across?


They used to be smaller. They combined about 20 years or so ago.


if you are stuck on the Bruce highway and notice Boundary Road, it used to be the boundary btn Pine Rivers and Caboolture Shire Councils.


They also all merged about two months ago to no fanfare. The new City of Moreton Bay is made up of Caboolture, Redcliffe and the Pine Rivers shire


They just went from being Moreton Bay Regional Council to Moreton Bay City. The merge happened back when they merged lots of Qld councils


Amalgamation happened in 08. Just about halved the number of regional councils. My local regional council was originally 4 shire councils.


The Palmerstone passage will be fked. No more fishing. Human waste will be the name of the day.




Been renamed in honour of Clive I'm guessing


Dude is kind of known to do a big dump. I'm assuming that's how Urban Utilities/UnityWater cleans out clogged pipes - get big C in to launch a termobaric shit down the lines...


This is due to his plan to build a world class cruise terminal there for Titanic 2.


Yes correct


Fishing undeterred


Under turd?


Undi turd?


Pummicestone Passage however will not be affected


That is why the southside is and always will be the best..


Shhh…. They’ll move to Springfield and fuck it for all of us


thats not south, its west its not brisbane, its ipswich and its not underrated, its ipswich


Don’t think that won’t fuck the rest of the south up… particularly the Logan and centenary and every other arterial.


Sorry infrastructure is needed for Brisbane city for the Olympics, and free public transport for the privileged.


There's no fucking way this can be fixed the way Australian government's operate. Any decent public transport is at least 5 years away. And there's no way they're going to stop immigration because it makes the economy look good.


Just extend the ~~bendy-buses~~ metro rail all the way to D-Bay... It's kind of fitting that you'd get on what you think is a metro commuter system at Deception Bay...


> 5 years away Alternatively, 2 election cycles or more away.


If Moreton bay is serious about calling themselves a city council, stop building endless low density urban sprawl and promote well connected, walkable communities


As a moreton bay resident, I fully support this. The new land release at Lawnton Lakes? Single dwelling / lot high density dwelling, little to no green space besides a flood retention pond. The area funnels right out on to Gympie Road which is already struggling to cope. I probably also mention that there seems to be basically no optimised scheduling of lights through strathpine. 6 new traffic light intersections after removing functional roundabouts, and the time to transverse has gone from 3-5 minutes max to about 15 minutes.


Im sure a current resident would support less houses around


Things I'm in favour of: - building up, on the proviso that what is built at ground d level and nearby supports what is above. That means supermarket, doctor, chemist, grog shop, playgrounds, common areas between budings without cars where kids etc can play. There's plenty of examples in south east Asia on how this can work well. - built with nearby transit in mind. New, maintained, well lit trains with a bus interchange are preferable. Transit should be nearby or under, not through the middle. This is a master planning scenario, not a bolt on after thought. These things work best when they are master planned, built to a moderate price point (no slums), and where you build 4 - 8 towers at a time of 25 or so storeys. There are plenty of people who can and will adjust to not having a yard, and only having one car if you put carparks underneath, and will use public transport to commute if it is accessible. The big issue is that our political terms at a state level don't encourage strategic land release into master planned communities, and local governments adversarially oppose such developments because they dilute rates.


Im personally infavor of knocking down ur house and building a 69 story apartment


Who said anything about displacing people or knocking down houses? New developments go in on new land releases regularly. I'm advocating for doing better in those scenarios. Go suck a chode.


Nimbys gonna nimb


Is there some induction training for journalists that requires them to include any figures in the least useful units they can calculate. In 2021, Moreton Bay had about 500k residents. They predict 1.9% annual growth over the next 25 years, which is a 60% total increase in that period or an additional 300k residents. I really doubt anyone that was paid by MBRC to write a planning report has used residents per week as a unit.


Exactly. Toowoomba is growing at the same rate, just not as many people.


Gonna need to densify along that rail corridor or old Bruce is gonna be very sad.


Already is sad.


Everyone better buy a massive SUV to go to the shops in


Ha! As I drove into my pocket of urban sprawl yesterday I counted the SUV's.. out of 16 vehicles I passed, 13 were SUVs with a single occupant.


It will only grow as people are priced out of the bcc area


The southern parts Moreton bay has overtaken most of Brisbane in terms of prices and rental prices are comparable as well. Everyone is cashing in around where I am. Majority were built as cheaper rental properties as they have small yards etc. Every house that sells is one less rental property available and at the prices of buying or building a house at the moment there aren’t too many people looking to invest. Country is very quickly going down the toilet


We bought in Albany Creek in 2020 for $520k. 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car. A 3 bed, 1 bath, 2 car home 4 houses down just sold for $988k. In 3 years someone paid nearly *double* for far less house than we bought. It's fucking insane.


My Mum and Dad weren’t understanding of my sudden conviction that I would never own a house, until they got their Albany Creek house they got in 2002 for 160k got re-evaluated last year at >900K. Absolutely fucking insane. Now they realise why I’m not really wanting a million dollar loan.


To be honest it's extremely depressing for someone like me trying to get into the market that isn't an investor. I just want a simple home to settle down in.


I rented in Albany Creek and we looked at houses to buy in 2020. They were going for around $600k then and now they’re all 1mil + It’s crazy. Couldn’t buy back then and we just bought our first house recently but had to go a bit further out


I grew up in Bridgeman Downs, and Albany Creek was always considered to be very middle class. Middle class are now completely priced out of house sales here.


I remember looking to buy in Albany Creek in 2018 and basic houses were $450-$550k. Even rentals in Albany Creek are priced insanely high now. Surely the prices can’t increase by another 30-40% in another 5 years. Right!?


Albany Creek is now a suburb that's 'only' 25 minutes from the CBD, is fairly self-contained, isn't too far from the Sunshine Coast and parts of it have really spacious blocks (borderline acreage). Everyone who was priced out of inner city is buying up here.


I know it quite well as I live close by. It’s just been strange to watch the prices increase so much in a short amount of time. Paying 900k for a 3 bed 1 bath home in original condition, whilst still having to battle Gympie Road is…something. It’s very reminiscent of what I saw in Sydney 10ish years ago.


25 minutes... at 1am on a Sunday? Typical commute from the north west in peak hour is closer to an hour, by bus car or whatever. I find it amusing when real estate agents in the north west talk about how close to the city it is. Yeah maybe if you have a flying car it is. I think a lot of new arrivals to the area don't realise how completely screwed it is, more than the rest of the northside, for transport and get a rude shock when they move into their million dollar property and its not as close to the city as it seems.


I confess I never travel to or from the CBD in peak hour, I'm more basing it off wanting to drive in on a weekend or visiting a client/site for work in the middle of the day. 25 minutes is maybe a bit optimistic, but I usually get from door to door in 30-35? The days that I go into the office for work I drive to Mitchelton (around 10 mins), then it's a 20 min train ride, so a similar 30 minute run all up.


Same in murrumba, house across from my sister built 3 years ago for total including land 630k and just sold for 1.3mil. Nobody local is paying that in murrumba downs For a 350 sq block. Building costs are high and supply low. I would have thought there would be entire planning departments dedicated to ensuring enough housing availability but I guess they were too busy calculating their future profits. I can’t be convinced that it is merely incompetence or ignorance that has led us to where we are.


We recently enquired with some construction companies about putting an extension on the house. Literally 4 extra metre of house; adding a bedroom and extending the laundry out. We enquired with 8 companies. 5 of them said they wouldn't do it because it was too small of a job and they were booked out nearly a year in advance, the others quotes us around $170k. *To add a bedroom and extend a laundry. Nearly 1/5 of a million dollars.*


And that’s exactly how a new house on a 350m block in Murrumba downs sells for 1.3mil, build costs and times mean there are people willing to spend that money just to have a house now. And that why I wonder who will the investors be that are willing to spend $650k to build a rental property on the outskirts of Caboolture.


We rented in AC, then bought very cheaply a few suburbs north in an area we though would gentrify. We won the capital gains lottery.


Which suburbs mate


Anywhere north of Caboolture, Narangba, Murrumba downs has shot through the roof, Griffin which was mostly little boxes is selling 3 bed shoe boxes for $600k. The vast majority of the houses in these suburbs were rentals a few years ago but they’ve been selling like hotcakes and they aren’t being rented out again. These suburbs were built with the purpose of being high rental areas, that’s why the houses are all very basic with tiny yards to make them affordable for investors and renters alike.


There are absolute ramshackle ex-housing commission houses around me going for $600-$700k. I also saw a completely gutted house go for over $700k. It’s nuts. If you have a decent block of land you can get well over $1m, even with an outdated house in desperate need of a Reno.


No, people are investing, just not in lower-yield, overpriced future slums.


That’s the problem though, those are typically the areas with higher rental properties to house the lower income families etc.


They know how to fix the problem, it’s just not profitable.


Yep they continue to allow developers to do what they want. And continue to allow urban sprawl.


Australia’s turning into a shit hole, so disappointing we have been let down over and over again by politicians


I pray they finally build upwards as it is desperately going to need rather than continuing outwards


Bro continue outwards where is the question? Surly they have to start building up. Be commuting 4 hours to the city at this rate


May I introduce you to Caboolture west


Wake up Australia, your country is being stolen from you. Brisbane and surrounds are already out of reach for most first homeowners. They will never build enough houses to keep up with demand.


Okay, we are awake, now what?


Stolen by whom? There are some overseas investors, but the vast majority of real estate is bought by Australians. And of course suburban sprawl is a death march, it's impossible to build houses for everyone, Brisbane will have to migrate to apartments.


It already takes 1.5hrs for me to get to work every day on the Bruce / Gateway. Our road network is a bloody disgrace. Its more than growing pains, its clusterfuck central every day.


🎼movin to the ghetto🎼 Or more like moving the people here to make a lovely Sunny Ghetto. The pics of tent city are pretty bad to stomach in this current day and age (understand the cost of living and houseing shit our propensity to consider housing to be a thing to gamble on and buy in the hope it doubles in value every other year rather than considering it a human right that all people should at least have access to the most basic of house and not just a tent in the dunes where cyclones will most likely clean them out once or twice a year).


It’s criminal. Not only have they made it too expensive to buy for most, they’ve priced essential workers out of every market. But that’s alright, the migrants will bring their money and drive prices through the roof snd our most vulnerable can sleep in a park at night and serve them meals during the day.


Very true. And then all the newly minted property millionaires (by virtue of being able to buy at the right time etc) will complain they can’t get workers or public service staff or support in their area as no one who’s on minimum wage will be able to afford the petrol needed to travel from where they can afford to live to where their services are required.\ The pincers are already squeezing my staff super hard as the area where my company is has in the past decade give from the backwater of Brissie to extremely coveted water front property pushing out the usual cohort of people who lived close and could comfortably live on the FT wage my company offers, to now almost all of the recent applicants for work coming from places with a minimum of 45-60min drive away. Then the tolls are added on top of this, it’s no wonder it’s getting tricky to find staff. Basically half their wage is lost on just getting to work, then another third goes on rent. The foundations of society are beginning to slowly crumble. At least the rich will be happy cosseted in their gated communities; until the pitch forks are on sale at Bunnings I guess.


At the end of the day we can’t all be rich, and even if most of become rich in our lifetimes there will always be jobs that need doing, trucks need to be driven, shelves need to be stocked, toilets cleaned etc. I’m not advocating for socialism here but certainly every worker deserves a fair go and somewhere to lay their head at night. The solution will likely be similar to what has been done in throughout history. Build high density slums and then run stories about said slums on 60 minutes in 20 years time. As a commenter pointed out investors aren’t investing in overpriced future slums.


Who is "they" exactly?


They would be all those responsible for not ensuring enough housing and affordable housing for a growing nation.


It's not as straightforward an answer as you think it is


I don’t believe it to be a Straight forward solution, but the inaction on what was clearly a visible problem a decade or more ago is criminal. Especially when you consider how much those in a position to act profited so largely as they always do. The solution now would be to build ghettos that don’t risk property values in current developed areas whilst being affordable for renting and investors alike. Something unappealing to owner buyers.


That's what you get when you change government every 3 years.


I mean you’re not wrong. It does make you scratch your head when we plan in terms of 3 years and somehow we are a part of civilisation that could last a millennia or more with hope.


ALP has been in power in Queensland since 1998, apart from the 3 year blip that was Campbell Newman's term 10 years ago


Who else, Major League Baseball.




So traffic might not get better?


Western bypass now! Especially if this Caboolture west thing happens


Or decentralise the work places, allow wfh way more, create business hubs in and around the new developments. Stop so many people needing to travel in for work. And yes build up. Edit:- All way to sensible suggestions so won't get traction


And this is why I can't wait to cash in my house and move the fuck away


These insane prices are why I’m moving to Gladstone in the new year, scored a three bedroom home up there for under $250k


They've been renovating since I moved here trying to keep up with population increases but unfortunately it seems like they're doing tiny bits at a time with a lack of forsight or funding.


It's often faster to take the train now instead of driving. With how shit our rail system is, it's insane that it's gotten to that point.


May i know which area has more Indians?


Heaps in Griffin. Just drive around and count how many houses have astroturf and white camrys out the front.




High speed train and good car parking . Having said that if fuel prices keep going up and the Middle East war gets worse we will all be using bicycles anyway.


Australia’s population is expected to double in 80 years.


dont talk to mbrc. go around them.


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You're useless


Set reminder for 25 years to review arbitrary forecast figure. I predict 35.487% likelihood of it being on the money


Is this considered Sunshine Coast? Or is it the area between Brisbane and Sunshine Coast


Between but closer to Brisbane


More super-duper-low-density-suburbs, yo. /s


Entire SE Qld. Brisbane. Moreton Bay. Redlands. Ipswich & Gold Coast. They need to STOP building damn roads and have tons more rail. FAster Rail. HEAPS more public Transport. Becuase if htey don't? The entire SE Qld is just going to grind to a halt. I live outside Toowoomba. Used to live in Brisbane. So we come and go probably 1 - 2 times a year only, down to Brisbane and maybe go to Gold Coast or out to Bayside. I have noticed how incredibly MORE congested it is now. Seems to have gotten 100% worse over the past 5 years. Every single time we try to go to the Gold Coast...it's shocking. You sit in traffic for hours. More lanes on the highway? Seems to have made NO difference. It's just awful. They need to FORCE people out of their cars and into public transport. I can't believe that so many people commute from north and south of Brisbane every day. i.e. Live at North Lakes or Ormeau or Springfield.....and drive into the inner city parts of Brisbane every day. 1000s upon 1000s. Just pure insanity. The government needs to make a HUGE committment to public transport, ESPECIALLY trains. Stop building bloody tunnels for more vehicles. Brisbane is no longer a country town.


Need to ban it