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A post that isn't about Brisbane and would fit better in another subreddit. Please try our daily thread, we have regular activity there and your questions will be seen and likely answered.


Called police link on an erratic driver early one morning and got rudely told "you should have called triple 0 because that's a vehicle the police are very interested in". How the fuck am I supposed to know that??


I called them because my neighbour was bashing his girlfriend. I was rudely told "well is it life threatening or not!?" I responded with well I guess it depends on how hard he hits her. Should I call back when I'm certain she may die? 30 minutes later police arrived. He was arrested


Next time tell them he's doing a burnout in his Commodore


And he exceeded the speed limit. Speed kills!!!!!


He was doing 58km/h in the zone that recently got changed from 60 to 50. Better come quick.


>Speed kills Nah speed just calms me down :D


Probably got ADHD then mate


And he was holding his mobile phone, and not wearing a seatbelt!!


Remember the passive aggressive “Police anywhere, anytime”


Every intersection around here is covered in skid marks. Nothing happens when you report it.


He said something about protesting while he was doing skids. Send in the riot police


While using his mobile phone.


> I was rudely told "well is it life threatening or not!?" "So what he's doing is legal is it?" 🙄 I mean fuck's sake...


One punch can kill someone


I'm shocked to hear that they showed up and made an arrest at all


So this is the funny part. The cops that turned up were exceptional. They handled the situation so well. Collected reports from neighbours and took time to give the girlfriend options.


I had the same experience. Couldn’t believe it, especially after seeing how hard they’ve been pushing the whole DV ad campaign.


I've really lost faith in the police. No action on the local shit c**t mother who you could hear screaming at their young kids from blocks away. Obviously drugos which was confirmed when she was tweaking our walking the street in a frenzy, holding a toddler while having her tit pop out. Nice enough area on the north side too. I ended up having two interactions with the lady and both are stories where I sound like I'm exaggerating. Let's just say that she thought a "ladies in your area hook up" ad on her phone was a real thing and she was trying to figure out who Jess is because she lives 1.4km away. She was very obviously verbally abusing the kids "you're a fucking piece of shit" in a tewakd demon voice while having a yelling match with a primary school kid. We looked at selling and relocating to get away from it. I called police link and they were pretty dismissive, not much we can do answer. So I called child services and they took reasonable interest and too about an hour statement. At that point there was no signs of injury that anyone could see. A few weeks later and there's yelling and smashing glass again. Two days later I see the lady walking the kids to school with a massive black eye which I report to be told I should have reported it earlier..... The police attended the day after the black eye report and there were no signs of the kids after that (a neighbour worked for child services so I'm assuming they got some traction). I've lost basically all respect for the police, they don't have the resources to check out child abuse that can be heard from a block away but they can find time to give tickets for being 3km over the speed limit. I remember when I was a kid, the police were well respected. These days I see them as a revenue service for the government. I know a few police officers, it's a shit job that fucks your head so I'm not slagging them personally, how the government allocates their resources is my issue. We can see how under resourced they are now and unfortunately we'll be left with the ones who have no where else to turn to for employment.


Are they prompting you to say yes? I really don't understand.


There is quite possibly an element of this. There are certain trigger words that will elicit a priority response. A threat to life is likely one.


Once, when i worked in pubs, the cops simply told me to give more notice next time. More notice. For an emergency. I'll get the junkie to book an appointment the next time he threatens physical violence on a pregnant woman - specifically because she was pregnant and smashes a gaming machine with a chair.


Oh, I can tell you how it goes when you're a smallish woman living on your own and your new neighbours are clearly selling ice out of the house. Policelink will repeatedly tell you you need to gather more concrete evidence before they'll do anything. Because it's your job to put yourself at risk and do that apparently. When the customers start using your driveway as parking and you have a car towed after being advised to do so by the police, and in revenge the neighbour chases you down your driveway in their car and pins you against a fence while screaming about how they're going to kill you, the police will turn up 5 hours later, treat you as if you're crazy, and not actually take a report, but they'll tell you they did. When you follow it up and find out no report was made you'll have to take a day off work to go in to the station and insist they take a report. One police officer will tell you "It's not like they actually hit you" and when you tell them they used the car to pin you and it was in contact with you they'll say "What did you expect when you had their friend's car towed?". Nothing will ever come of it despite the fact that they know exactly where the person who did it lives. When your garage is being robbed and you call them while it's happening, they'll turn up the following evening. When you start staying away from your own home at night, even going so far as to stay in campsites, because you're terrified of the neighbours, who are furious with you for calling the police and doing regular property damage to your home and threatening you. They'll treat you as if you're mentally ill and accuse you of wanting to be homeless. They turned up pretty fucking quickly when, within a month of all of this, a guy gets stabbed to death at the property out the front. I called that one in too, and was hit by one of their cars that their friends were running away in before the police could get there, as I was trying to assist the stabbed person. No follow up of me being struck was done whatsoever. A year later you'll be expected to be a witness at a murder trial, and have to see them all again, and six years later you'll receive a few thousand dollars in victims assist payments as compensation from the government.


That is a wild read. 👀


It was a horrible couple of months. A bit over seven years ago and I'm clearly not over it still. I only finalised the things that came along with it last year. Police were dreadful every single step of it. Edit: and just to be clear, this was in a fairly suburban inner Brisbane area, and I'm a boring as hell white, middle aged school teacher. I could not get them to take me remotely seriously at any point. I can only imagine what it's like for people who are younger or more vulnerable.


I’m so sorry they treated you like that. What a bunch of pricks.


Crime and misconduct commision exists for a reason, report the officers you were in contact with in future, I've done it before


I've moved far away now. Hopefully I'll never have contact with them again.


Hopefully the people involved aren't doing the job anymore.


It may exist for a reason but it isn’t effective. They’ll get “investigated” by their buddies, probably at the same police station (like they do when allegations of domestic violence are made against their staff) and be cleared of any wrongdoing, or “appropriate action” (read: none) will be taken


Grew up in a QPS family, father and all uncles, being taken to annual fishing trips, social events they had and bbqs and what not. They really do not care and actively make fun of the "dumb bitches" and "crack head fuckwits" who dare to call them having problems like yours. It's genuinely a terrible culture they have but it's not gonna change because anyone in the QPS that has a problem with it gets shunned and pushed out pretty quick.


Yep. I'm ex Defence and worked with the Police on the border during Covid and I genuinely couldn't believe the way they spoke about horrific crimes. They're so desensitised to traumatic incidents that it's pretty much a joke amognst them.


Ambos are the same though and for a reason. Humour is a coping mechanism, not one unknown in the ADF.


Big difference between ambos having gallows humour and cops laughing at victims of crime though, innit?


I did work experience with QAS and 30 years later my stomach still turns remembering a 5 yr olds mangled broken arm. They shielded me from anything they thought would be bad. I still became a healthcare worker and yeah, we use a lot of humour. Couldn’t get through shifts without it because we see a lot of people having their worst day.


It's a normal coping mechanism, nothing to feel bad about. I wouldn't blame cops for using humour as a stress response. They see nasty stuff as well. I'm a pilot and on a lot of the flying forums jokes get a bit off colour over incidents but it''s a part of putting yourself in someone elses' shoes. I guess it's the same in healthcare.


Oh yeah, 100% humour seems to be the number one coping mechanism. I was just highlighting how surprised people would be to know that what they think of being very traumatic is actually laughed upon among emergency services. Humans have to do those jobs after all I guess and it's not natural to see that trauma so whatever it takes to cope with it.


Yeah, but there's only one branch that it seems to have a different effect on, for some reason.


Grew up in qps family… 100% agree with this especially the shunned for not following the terrible culture!


I work in a sector adjacent area and interact with cops regularly.. Some are friends. They have horribly racist and sexist facebook groups. Proper KKK level racist. 


This is so disappointing to read


It's horrible when you get stuck with bad neighbors, there's pretty much nothing you can do.


Uhh.. happy cake day?


lol thanks. 10 years apparently!


Seriously though, that sounds like an awful situation to be in. I hope things are better for you now


Thanks, it only really wrapped up last year with the victims assist stuff. I've left Brisbane now and hopefully never have to interact with police ever again.


I'm flabbergasted you got pinned against a fence by a car and they did NOTHING!! Then got clipped by a car when trying to help a dying man, and still nothing. That's next level negligence. I hope you have no reason to interact with them ever again either. Happy cake day.


Fark mate.


Wow. I'm sorry you went through that. I didn't realize it's this bad.


Sounds like the ranks are full of cowards and lazy pricks. Neither type should have signed up in the first place, and they probably wouldn't have it they were capable of getting paid the same money in a job where they could be even more half-arsed about it. Like, what kind of a loser regularly lets people's lives be put at risk cos they can't be effed doing their job. Hope you've been able to recover from that shit.


I get the cops at my door weekly because someone anonymous can’t tell the difference between a nearby live music venue and my apartment. There was one time I called the cops due to a very violent DV case going on within the inter-apartment hallway, where the guy was also trying to bash down doors to get into people’s apartments, and the cops never showed up for it. Their priorities definitely confuse me greatly.


Sounds right, I've had(well tried) to call them twice this year for crimes in progress, one a bunch of kids in a brand new Kia stinger put on balaclavas and jumped a neighbours fence at 1am, another 2 drugged up junkies tried driving a clearly stolen car (MY2023) on three wheels into my work after smashing into god knows what, not know where they were or that a wheel and half the front of the car was missing. Cops never showed either times and they were within 5 mins WALK from one of Brisbane's larger police stations. But hey, at least the junkies finally figured out how to turn the windscreen wipers off and drove away and hour and a half later after being nice enough to wait around. Meanwhile there's a grandma stabbed at Redbank by the usual suspects (youth stealing cars) and they spend the next week pulling over every work vehicle from Collingwood park to Richlands for inspections and defects as a solution.


probably too busy on the trains fining poor people 200 dollars that can't afford a 5 train ticket.


Nah those are a different kind of officer


Hey don't come here with common sense


Both are shit heads


Yeah. A Fuck Officer.


I won’t say how but through my previous occupation I had to interact with QPS comms in a professional capacity and I DREADED every time I had to liase with them. They were so rude. Plus at the time I was working for my previous job the system (or lack there of) to triage calls etc was non existent and relied on the discretion of an officer in comms, where as both QAS and QFES use a program and whilst it can be manually changed it’s triaged accordingly by this system based on the answer to some questions..always erring on the side of caution. IMO QPS management and standard of 000 needs a full review and changes implemented ASAP.


This explains a lot, whenever we’ve needed QAS they’re on property so quick either a bicycle first responder or the actual ambulance I would have always thought that there would be more police around then paramedics though so it’s doesn’t make much sense to me.


You would be hitting the correct gates to get a code 1 response. You won’t even know your doing it. The triage system QAS uses is so predicable that I could trigger a code 1 for a runny nose. Availability varies by region. I know metro gets smashed. But most of the big time critical jobs I’ve been to that have involved a level of trauma/violence, QPS are already on scene and have applied the big ticket items (tourniquets/haemorrhage control etc.). I think QPS usually have more people overall, but there are a lot of specific units that won’t get dispatched unless it’s an immediate life threatening situation (think the Westfield stabbing incident and not just threats to kill). QAS on the other hand, will tie up our critical care and other support roles just to stop the clock on the code 1 jobs that have been inappropriately triaged.


For anyone who believes they have a legitimate reason for conplaint, you should make a complaint through the following link.  https://forms.police.qld.gov.au/launch/feedback You should also be aware that complaints submitted through this platform are subject to broad RTI requests by journalists, opposition politicians, and can be brought up during parliamentary proceedings and committees. Each make police leadership pay attention. The complaints are broadly categorised, recorded, and subject to reportable statistics. It is in their interest to respond and close out a complaint. If you feel as though you do not get a satisfactory resolution you should then forward your response and a request for further attention to the office of the police minister. At this stage, that is Mark Ryan.  This reporting and escalation pathway means you'll be escalating through chain of command in a way they're familiar with, and provides a degree of accountability because they are sensitive to poor parliamentary statistics, media, and ministerial queries.


Underrated comment


Mate I was in a DV situation waiting for days for the police to deliver a DVO and were going to trespass him, they never came. I ended up getting out myself since he had a fucking gun and I needed hospitalisation at the time anyway from injuries. Nearly lost my leg cause I was waiting on their arses for 3 days past when they said they would come.


I was living alone as a 21f at one point a few years ago and the neighbours across from me were constantly having DV episodes. One particular morning the girlfriend was banging frantically at my window and the windows of the other apartments screaming for her life. I looked out my window eventually and the boyfriend was holding their one week old baby over the balcony threatening to kill it and her and then himself so I called the police. Instead of going to the apartment, the police knocked loudly on my door forcing me to come out IN FRONT of the man who was just threatening to off his entire family. They ended up arresting him but he was back a day later. For weeks after that he would patrol the apartments. Anytime I left my house or got home he'd hear the door and come outside and yell/bark at me or just stand there intimidating me. Mind you...I'm young and I live alone with no family near by. He even had his friends come around yelling about 'snitching.' I called the police station to make a complaint and they just told me he wasn't aware I was the one who called the cops (ummm obviously he is? You basically outed me to him) Crazy


I called because one of my neighbours was being threatened by a group of people in her home with knives. The operator asked me to stay on the call, and to "go into the house to confirm how many people had knives" !? I argued it and he tried to reason with me by saying "i need to know so "my guys" don't just walk into the house without knowing how many knives there are" Oh but its okay for me, a 23yr old civilian woman, to do it?


Feeling that in ipswich (Redbank Plains) dude. Rang the cops last night about a small child screaming at the top of their lungs and confirmed with my partner they could hear them screaming "Help me! Help me!" Thought it was coming from our apartment block. Managed to find out it was in the apartment block backing onto our own, rang 000 to update details. Sounded like the kid wasn't wanting to go to bed after investigating but they were still screaming bloody murder. QPS said police would be out and be in contact regarding it after original call. No surprise, cops never showed up and no word from them about the situation. Hearing that kid scream for their life and realising the police never arrived OR followed up... What would have happened if the child was in a life threatening situation? Like wtaf? What is a true emergency to QPS? Fucking abysmal.


A decade ago my ex was in residential mental health care after several months of repeatedly physically assaulting me, including strangling, over god knows what. At one point I'd had to lock the bathroom door after stealing my phone back from her, and text a friend begging them to call police because she was chasing me round the house screaming at me. I wasn't doing too hot for some reason after that. Would take high doses of benzos and sedative meds every night to get sleep and cope, and while I was sleeping she would call the cops on me claiming I was hurting myself and needed a welfare check at all hours. Redbank Plains Police were over nearly nightly for these welfare checks and at no point did they find any substance to her claims, but their constant presence sure as hell did uphold her power and control over me, and facilitate her abuse.


Had a DV incident at 20 with a young baby. When they arrived I was locked in my car with the baby, ex was at the car door with a knife. Police told me to “keep it in the house next time” told me to lock the knives in the car and left. Never trusted QPS ever again. Never will.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that, that's absolutely disgusting. Hope you're in a better place and your child is happy and safe too 🙂 Never trust cops, they'll twist up your words and think they're smarter than anyone. Can I share an opposite experience, I'm a man, and my landlord is also apparently a man... but my lease was up, and I was walking home from work to start packing for the weekend, fidgeting with a Swiss army knife. He rang 000 and they had 3 units, and a detective there in 5 minutes. I didn't say a word, I didn't threaten him, I was just fidgeting because I just have busy hands. Eventually, at the station, the officers laughed it off, returned my property, apologised and obviously no charge... I can't believe how different the situations are, and the HUGE difference in threat level, including a baby, and that's all they gave you? Fucking weak as piss. Never trust QPS, not to sound like a crazy American but you've gotta know your rights too. Tl;Dr had an opposite response despite no threat on my level and threat level 10 for this poor 20-year-old Truly hope that the abusive relationship is over and you are living with your bub


They really can read the situation so wrong 😑 This incident was 12 years ago and we are living happy, healthy and safe now. But I’ll never forget, and have not been able to trust cops since. ACAB.


Just a reminder of the victum blaming my experience received by someone claiming to work with DV victims, but went on to delete her comments. https://preview.redd.it/2ohg1dldge9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f90d278894750a9a9a7757b38d4935dcad26cbba






Are you fucking serious. That's the worst shit I've ever heard


Yep, Strathpine police.


This is the exact shit I keep trying to explain to the police defenders who come back with 'hey man I know cops they have a hard job and they do good work'. Like, yeah, that's great, but *every-single-time* someone I know has had to call them in the last 10 years for anything ranging from being trapped in a building by a creep waiting outside to a local business having their windows smash and shop trashed by a local kid who was known *and still around* when they got to their shop, the cops involved have been anything BUT the best examples of the force. "We drove past and didn't see anything" an hour and a half later after being called back waiting for a follow up. Or "Nah I'm not gonna question that kid he'll just say he didn't do it" thanks man real helpful didn't realise you're his defence lawyer too. People's one-off experiences with cops in maintaining basic public safety is undermining confidence in them. If people can't expect that police are going to be around to de-escalate or resolve situations that we're told we're supposed to rely on them and only them to be responsible for, then people are going to either take matters into their own hands and be punished for it or become a subject of the next newspaper article.


There's a reason why hatred for cops is a real thing. People who have had to deal with them often have negative experiences. And I've been saying for years now that the youth crime epidemic isn't because kids are somehow naughtier than they were decades ago, its coz they know the cops cant be bothered to even try and track them down. My dad has had his shop window smashed a few times, we suspect by a mob of kids who ride around on their bikes at night. The neighbour shop has security cameras and both times the cops said that it was my dad's responsibility to go ask the neighbours for their CCTV footage and deliver it to them. They werent going to be bothered to get the footage themselves. If i was a bored, frustrated, angry teen in this day and age, i'd probably go out and do petty crimes too, coz i know the police arent gonna be bothered coming after me.


You know... Maybe our cops are no different to those peices of shit that they have in the US. We just don't have the gun drama and it's hidden better because of that.


There's clearly an institutional issue with the odd lazy POS and I think maybe there's a significant misalignment between what they're told their job is and what we THINK their job is.


That's the enraging thing, we've been neutered as a society, thinking that we have law enforcement to protect us. People get a very rude awakening when shit hits the fan.


Had witnessed nuisance and a minor assault by some crackheads on a lady commuting from her job last year. Happened under the storey bridge, I stayed with her and tried to get onto Policelink or the valley station just to get someone out to report it to...both rang out. Lo and behold walked up onto the bridge and there were a few of them handing out tickets to scooter riders. Protect and serve hey fellas. They're more interested in persecuting the average Joe than catching actual criminals. Numerous examples working in the cbd too where I've seen them turn the other way when crackies have been abusing normal people going about their day.


Serve (tickets for revenue raising) and Protect (rich people’s property)


The average Joe doesn't put up a fight and is a great source of revenue


Cut them some slack bro, they're busy babysitting speed cameras at the bottom of hills. Protecting people costs money, unlike that sweet camera revenue. 


When my partially blind and deaf grandpa had his boat stolen and shed ransacked while he was at home qps told him no units available. Passed two manned speed traps on the 20 min drive over. Police protect political interests not society.


they are all on sweet overtime as part of the deal not to take any operational police off the beat


Probably why the fines are now extortionate compared to other states. 


I never really understood why all speed camera operators aren't on standby to attend emergencies?


Because they are on overtime not rostered on and not equiped to attend an emergency. Just paid to babysit the camera. It has zero impact on operational policing. I find it hilarious that people blame the coppers but the real problem is the clowns who continue to get voted in every three years and refuse to increase policing numbers or retention and think it’s ok to have a revolving door on crime. It’s a shit job where now most coppers are tasked with bullshit fights or crap like mum can’t control the kids. If you heard half the crap that goes through 000 you’d know why they are impatient, burnt out and nowhere near as effective as they were even 15 years ago


If you think increasing policing numbers is going to solve anything the ones in parliament aren't the only clowns I reckon


I think you both have a point. Cops are struggling to recruit because nobody wants to be a cop, but they also have a fucked system that can see you sent anywhere in the state - so you're losing every young person who has a family or significant other with a career. The numbers also have not increased proportionately to population increase.  There's also process and procedure issues, and the minister has held the portfolio for a long time without much to answer to in terms of performance. A single DV call can tie a pair of cops up for 8 hours due to paperwork and evidence gathering. Each evening a station may only have a few crews available - and this is why those cops don't turn up to jobs. The minister is aware of this, as is the comissioner and deputies, but none will actively step in and make a decision to change procedure because they do not want to argue with the justice system. So... now we can point the finger at treasury, police minister, minister for justice, the government not adjusting legislation to make fit recording and support requirements, and senior leaders in both departments. It's a decent issue. 


Just confirming that you actually said revolving door.


Union rules for OT, no operational General Duties.


Neighbours had a home invasion about a year and a half ago. They called police just as it started. I ordered a pizza to be delivered, about 30 minutes after the offender left the property. My pizza arrived first. Police arrived the next morning


Er.. you’re supposed to tell the Police you’ve also ordered pizza.


Mate I couldn’t even get them to turn up in a timely manner when a patient barricaded themselves inside my ambulance. I’ve been asked *by QPS* to kick a random person out of someone’s front yard because “maybe they’re intoxicated”. I mean our response times aren’t fantastic either but QPS seems almost random at times.


If they’re not turning up for QAS then we have no bloody hope.


QAS response was absolutely perfect for me. The paramedics who came saved my life. I didn't even call them, the healthline nurse did.


I can let people in on a little tip, those “calls” are already triaged by the 13HEALTH/Healthline nurses and deemed life threatening, so those ambulance calls are treated very seriously.


I forgot to mention in regards to response times we’ve never had to wait long at the hotel for QAS there’s either 2 coming in on the pushbikes or the ambulance depending on what medical emergency we’ve had. There was once where the QAS definitely beat QPS (even if only a couple of minutes) when we had a lady threatening to jump after she seemed very intoxicated (not in a threatening way more like mental breakdown way) and was dipping in an out of consciousness we saw prescription pills on the table and called it in because we thought she might of taken heaps of stuff the paramedics walked in first made sure she wasn’t dying and then the police came in. They were just going to calm her down until it was actually the paramedic that noticed a green (I think it was green from memory) gas bottle in the cupboard, you’d probably know what it is better then me. He asked her if she was a doctor or nurse etc because not everyone has access to this medical grade gas. She went off because she was not happy about this dude finding her bottle and the police arrested her. Took a paramedic to pretty much tell em “errm yeah she’s not meant to have this in a hotel room”


Report the call to the police minister and the police integrity unit. Fuck ‘em they fuck you.


Can I remind people that these concerns should also be redirected to your public members, that way we might be able to get more interest and more funding ?


6 mth ago my partner called as he was bashed by a chick. He was laughed at and told to hang up, report the assault in the morning at the station. Laughed at. Massive cunts


Turbot House?


Nah, guess there’s lots of issues there?


I should have guessed that it wasn't the Turbot House. They wouldn't kick out junkies.  


It's basically a brothel where anything goes. Cops don't bother, homeless outreach and drug counsellors know more about it I reckon than the cops. I had to stay there during the floods coupla years ago and yeah mate I'd probably rather have gone to jail


First place I thought of too!


I work near here. Always some drama going on. Gotten so bad they hotel have hired security guards to stand out the front. Shocking.


I work security in one of the buildings nearby, 90% of problems come from the hotel. I feel for the poor blokes working security there, sitting out in the cold all night dealing with some of the tenants. 


I also work in inner city hotel overnight. Man it's crazy and I've feared for my life on several occasions. I realised early on that I'm on my own


Some thing to know, when you call for the police on 000 you are not talking to what I would call a real officer, you are talking to someone who's been trained to get the information as fast as possible, categorise the job and push it into a queue for officers to respond to. Same thing as ambulance, except they have additional medical training to be able to talk you through things like CPR. I'm a security guard, years ago I called the cops for a major incident that was definitely heading towards someone being in hospital at the minimum. The first things I said when making that call was "my name is -name-, I'm the on duty security guard at -location- and I need police here now. *Further info about what's happening*". The operators first comment was, don't get involved... Yeah she didn't like my response when I said "fuck that, imma hang up, jump in and help my colleagues get this fucker who's trying to kill someone to the ground and detain him, this is me telling you I am detaining someone and I need cops now!" Cops did get there rather fast.


The operator on OOO is not a police person or from any other of the services you are trying to reach. They are separate staff. Occasionally you can get operators who are new, worked too many shifts in a row or just burnt out. You can always hang up and call again, the chances of getting a different operator are high and the new person may be more helpful. Should this happen? No. But everyone is human. They may have misunderstood what was occurring or maybe they are just a jerk. I work in a career where I do have a fair bit of contact with emergency services and the overwhelmingly vast majority of the time everyone is super helpful and professional. Again, this shouldn’t happen but by no means is this representative of the typical encounter. To me it does sound like it could have been a misunderstanding where the operator thought you were calling for police escort and the person who needed it was angry they weren’t there. I could understand why that in itself wouldn’t be the highest priority. However assault is more concerning and if the person has a history of violence/access to weapons then it does become a higher priority. If you are concerned you can certainly have it addressed, the calls are recorded so it can be reviewed to see what went wrong and how to avoid it in future. I’m glad you’ve come out of it safely and hopefully you won’t have to deal with that situation again.


There are cops working as call takers and they usually cause a lot of problems... For example, the call taker for the Alva Beach stabbings was Senior Constable Luke Weiks.  >For reasons unclear, the call taker, Senior Constable Luke Weiks, did not believe what he was told by Mr Webber. Webber was calling about three guys trying to break in to retrieve a woman who fled from them. Police call taker didn’t believe him. Webber then stabbed two of the men to death in self defence when they breached the home.  https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/697250/cif-christensen-cj-davy-it-20211006.pdf


They're not police people, but after the telstra operator the person you get is from the service. Obviously the call taking staff are not active duty, front line police/fire/qas staff - but they are definitely staff of those agencies.


No they’re not. 000 is staffed by civilians. I have relatives who do it.


Your relatives might be telstra operators eg https://www.telstra.com.au/consumer-advice/emergency-call-service QPS have their own staff https://mypolice.qld.gov.au/news/2021/05/26/are-you-looking-for-a-career-supporting-frontline-police/ QFES have their own staff https://www.qfes.qld.gov.au/join-our-team/fire-and-rescue-service/fire-comms-officer QAS have their own staff https://www.ambulance.qld.gov.au/careers/emergency-medical-dispatchers


The person you’re replying to is saying they’re civilians not sworn in officers.. not talking about Telstra. Dispatch/comms aren’t officers and they aren’t station based. You’re literally arguing the same thing they’re saying.


I called them because a group of guys were severely bashing a drunk and pregnant junky chick. They called me back an hour later and asked if it was still happening. I told them no and they just said "ok we'll mark it no longer required". I said are you not going to come and do something? The guys live in this apartment complex, they're still here. Cop said mate it's Woodridge. There's active DVs to attend to, if that one's finished we'll make it no longer required


It's ok. They're hidden behind trees to see if vehicles are fully stopped at stop signs. Serve and protect revenue.


I called 000 because I could see an assault on a woman happening on my street and the police operator hung up on me :)


As a former lawyer, I worked a lot with QPS. I can safely say that the majority, not all mind you - there are some exceptional officers, are absolutely terrible. I once saw a group of them at the Petrie Police Station fight over who got to attend a domestic violence call because it was a slow day. The people in the lobby waiting to be seen were unimpressed to say the least.


Call operators are civilians...


I don't know how we have the money to subsidize electricity, reduce bus rides, and give people appliances rebate, but can't improve our hospitals, policing and schools.


I get your point but a large part of the problem is the job is so fucked no-one wants to be a cop or teacher. Or a GP, which creates a flow on effect for hospitals. The current state gov’s solution is throw money at it but that hasn’t been working for the better part of the last decade so here we are.


Mate, we had an incident at work last week (night duty) I mean there was violence but it was well under control. The team leader called the cops and the ambos . They NEVER showed up. . If they don’t show up for you then wtf are they supposed to show up for????


I'm surprised they allowed you to clean that room, sounds like there was some serious biohazard stuff going on that should have required a specialty service. What if you had stepped on a needle?


It’s an unfortunate part of working in hospitality, we are the “specialty service”


My daughter called QPS due to dv from her partner. When they finally arrived they arrested her as she “was the hysterical one” and her (former) partner was calm and bullshitted them into believing she was being violent toward him. Neighbours even said it was him as they heard everything, but to no avail. No idea how a 5 foot woman could hurt a 6 foot 5 male… or manage to punch holes in walls 6plus feet high…. Glad she escaped - left with nothing. Had to rebuild her whole life. No help from anyone.


This is such a common story. I have heard so many stories like this from women I've met.


And this is why reported crime going down != crime going down


Had a crazy neighbour trying to break down a door. Called 000. I got ‘so he’s not in the house and you’re safe? It’s not an emergency’ They are fucking useless.


Timely reminder about the Alva Beach incident. A resident, Mr Webber, was forced to defend himself when three men broke into his house in pursuit of a woman, Ms Locke. Mr Webber was forced to defend himself and stabbed two of the intruders to death. QPS did not believe him or Ms Locke  >For reasons unclear, the call taker, Senior Constable Luke Weiks, did not believe what he was told by Mr Webber. Mr Webber put Ms Locke on the phone to SC Weiks who told Ms Locke to stop lying when she tried to explain the circumstances to him and was pleading for help https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/697250/cif-christensen-cj-davy-it-20211006.pdf **Protect and serve, huh**


Called them a few times for the cunt next door who would regularly bash his girl. Tbf they came out each time, although usually it had calmed down by the time they got there, and on one occasion they didn’t even announce they were police (so the bloke just ignored the knocking). They slapped the bloke with a domestic violence order but it still happened afterwards, and eventually their tenancy was not renewed and sadly they most likely became someone else’s problem, but at least in my experience I felt like the cops took it seriously even if lethargically.


The problem is other emergency services use specially trained phone operators, the police use disgruntled cops who don't wanna be on the phone


That’s honestly what it sounded like when I got through to Police Link the lady said I most definitely called the correct number the first time. The guy I was speaking to sounded like an angry cop looking at the clock not wanting to respond to the call on a Friday afternoon. It was so rude and unprofessional. What made me angry about the situation though is if someone was in a life or death situation and just being gaslit that they’re not in a real emergency. I had a few staff around me so wasn’t in that type of danger but no one deserves to feel unsafe while at work and I was calling so my female staff could feel safe before I left.


Went through a period where there were genuine brawls with weapons happening on my street once month. The response from police operators was so varied it was crazy. Often felt so gaslighty and rude too. They must get alot of bored crazies calling up but man they just dont give a fuck or believe you


Thing is the phone operators aren't cops.


It's a civilian role, they are not police officers though they work for QPS to run the phones.


this is on brand for QPS, they were zero help with my dv situation, or anything else I've ever contacted them about really


2 weeks ago I called the missing persons line with a report, and after taking down all the details and being put on hold for 10 minutes, someone picked up and said 'so... how can I help you?' In an annoyed tone. Then I had to repeat everything I saw again. It Was as if was a burden on them. It's just insane - police clearly need some customer training.


There will be a ton of incidents like this playing out over the next week or so … Housing / Centrelink have putting up a fuck ton of homeless in hotels all across the state for the last 3 or 4 weeks and are now dumping them back on the street with a day or so’s notice.


Will be interesting to see what they do with them come time for the Olympics.


Yes, cops don't give a flying fuck about real emergencies. Going 63 in a 60 zone though? Oohh boy you'll get fucked.


it's definitely a spectrum, there are other ones that are just power tripping idiots that they will come and kick your door in over a bit of noise


I’d look into putting in a complaint, I’m sure they can easily check who took your call, possibly listen to it too.


Fucking useless!!! It makes me so angry. I understand the ones on the phone initially directing you via 000, are not police. But to get through to the Queensland police just for them not to show up; well I'm not surprised anymore. The amount of crime that's happening every day within 4 kilometres of the city's belly button, is out of control. Words that make them come when you're terrified are, "I think I heard them say they had a weapon", or "It looked like they had a weapon". If they are on drugs and angry, they are walking weapons, so it's only fair if it's going to keep someone from getting hurt. Crime Prevention IS as important as charging dickheads with a crime after the fact, because we are sick of being victims. The scars take too long to fade. I hope I'm not ranting... My indigenous neighbour was found dead a few weeks ago in his flat and I told the police that he wasn't safe, but they just kept ignoring us who were concerned. As soon as his body was removed, his flat got broken into, and 000 didn't show up to that call either! Fucking useless. (R.I.P. Roy)


> the operator (who I’m assuming was a police officer) They're not.


Completely different to my experience as a hotel manager in Brisbane, to be honest. I’ve always found them to be responsive and helpful. I’m hoping you just found an anomaly. 


to be fair if the junkie still had his weed he’d probably be a bit more chill..


Unpopular opinion, but I’ve had cracking results from QPS! My house was invaded and car stolen, and the cops were out in force in under five minutes. Granted I was on the phone with QPS as I chased them out of my house, and QPS got to hear some of the commitments I was making to the kids… Another time kids were trying the locks and QPS was out promptly and arrested the kids. Granted these were perfectly cut and dried issues, the police response gave me absolute faith in being protected by them.


We have an unregistered vehicle speeding past work daily (near misses all the time). Called the cops multiple times - not interested. Finally found out where they worked when we happened to drive past a business down the road. Called, sent photos, sent video… could not be fucked… 4 of them, chatting at the station kicked me out and told me to call police link. They are useless.


That's awful, man.


Always say you saw or they're threatening to use a weapon. 


I had two big guys turn up to my house late at night and threaten my family and got the same response "is anyone being killed?". I realized then that our sense of safety is just an illusion, yet you're likely to be punished for protecting yourself.


000 and Policelink is not police officers. Believe me police officers have problems with the civilian call-takers too.


Are you an officer?


I worked on a research project in Brisbane where I was based at a police station, and shared an office with a Domestic Violence Liaison Officer (DVLO). My housemate came home one day and told me he had stopped close to home as a man was dragging a woman by the hair along the street. It was about 4pm and a few other people had stopped, but were afraid to intervene as the man was very aggressive. My housemate called police and waited until they arrived. The next day I went into work and told the DVLO about the incident. It occurred in the same catchment as the station so she looked it up on QPRIME - the attending officers had not recorded the incident as DV. She immediately picked up the phone and asked one of the officers why there was no DVO on record - his response was that the woman said she was fine. The DVLO responded “the woman was covered in blood, had a black eye and multiple witnesses saw him beating her in the face. How the fuck is this not DV to you?!” She forced the officers to take out a DVO on her behalf. If circumstances had been different, that order would never have been taken out. I always think about how many cases there are like that, when complete and utter laziness has led to people being in danger. I don’t doubt for a second that policing is difficult work, but those officers were right there, saw what was happening, and did nothing. And that woman learned the police were not going to protect her.


I don't in any way doubt what has been shared in these comments, but I'm shocked by how different my experience has been. I saw my neighbours' place get broken into a couple of years ago so called 000. Cops came screaming up the street about 10 minutes later. This happened several times. Drug dealers moved in around the corner and we had plain clothes police parked outside our house for months. I have several friends who have had awful experiences with coppers who were just misogynistic pigs.


Had a drunk driver (with kids in the car) who was speeding crash into a tree and carport in my front yard a few weeks back (I live in a typical suburban house too so my front yard is maybe 10m to the road from the house the tree is 5m from the door) had the tree not been there he would have crashed into my home…. 3 ambulances plus 2 single unit officers, 1 fire truck and 4 tow trucks turn up.. police came 4 hours later… 🥲


So sad to see all the negative experiences. Sorry to hear about the poor responses esp with DV. I had a good experience with QPS. I saw a guy breaking into my house after I received a notification from my cameras. Called 000, and police came in 5-6 minutes. Tasered that guy and arrested him. There were like at least 6 officers on site. Must be a quiet day for them ? Anyway, I was super happy with their response and the outcome.


Police can't fix everything. It sounds like they expected you/hotel management to deal with it. Invest in some sort of security and 'backup' of your own at the hotel. Incidents like this are going to happen, and need to be dealt with quickly so to protect the reputation of your hotel, and to prtoect others staying there. Training in how to assertively and aggressively remove problematic persons within the law - you could liaise with Police to do this.


I hear what you’re saying but unfortunately the receptionist up to the GM don’t even get to decide to have security, it’s certainly not upto me. It would be up to body corporate who don’t exactly want to pay higher strata fees. There’s also companies and companies don’t give a crap about you or me when it comes to our safety they only care about profit. If we have to put on security in hotels, supermarkets and every store and retail area then the cost will only be placed onto the consumer. So due to incidents not occurring all the time this is why you don’t see security in these areas.


What nonsense. The police *are* the security against violence. Their literal job is to keep the community safe.


Not exactly. They should be, but their main job is obviously Law Enforcement. Hard to effectively enforce the law with our currently horse shit justice system. Combine that with the fact that policing attract sociopaths and sadists, along with other antisocial personality types, you have people who tend not to give a fuck.


A couple of important points: - The people who answer the phones for police 000 are 90% civilians. They are also humans who are not perfect. - Police are so bogged down with red tape and paperwork (which is created by other government departments and civil libertarians who want to make everything more complex) for every job they attend, especially DV & Juvenile crime, it is very hard to get attend all jobs. - There is only a finite number of sworn police jobs for the entire state (funded and managed by state government treasury) which means there is only a certain number of police crews on duty at a given time to attend jobs which are given out on a priority basis - sorry your noise complaint at 9pm on Friday night isn’t important. - All policing jurisdictions around Australia and the world are having issues attracting and retaining staff as the public has no respect (as demonstrated by many comments in this thread), they only want to video police and upload to social media for likes and make complaints. - There’s no doubt Op needed police assistance but you also don’t know what else was happening at the time. - In any job, in any industry, including policing, there are people who don’t do there fair share and bring down the overall image of the organisation, that doesn’t mean everyone in that organisation is the same. Perhaps 99% of police are doing the best they can with the resources they have. - Police themselves also want significant change to make things better but can’t actually press a button to make it all better. - Source - family friend is a sworn police officer.


As an ex copper with the QPS 15 years was enough for me, too much red tape and bullshit and the government isn’t interested in crime they’re more interested in not getting complaints and putting bullshit policies in place to further over complicate work. It’s not the job it was even 20 odd years ago TJF


Yes, the problem is clearly that the public has too many rights and says mean things about cops


And next time your car gets stolen or your house is broken into you should call a junkie or a gang of juveniles to help you.


Why would I do that when I can call the cops and have them turn up, shrug, and tell me there's nothing they can do?


Equally as useful and probably more likely to show up if only to pick through what's left.


Once again, maybe their union should fight with the government to improve their appeal.  You know shit is dire when they're advertising for new recruits at 100k+ starting salary. 


Their union is half the problem. They have a rule that on OT they won't be tasked for anything operational. You could be getting your door kicked in and the speed camera officer up the road won't be tasked to help. You could have a police station across the road and the officer working the desk on OT won't either, union rules.


This is well written and it makes some educated points. It was a nice read after reading all the absolute drivel in the other comments.


What a joke. I was **accidentally overhearing** a senior cop talk to a nice store owner in West End, where one of the trap houses was burnt down by the owner (insurance claim) - which is maybe the reason you had so many drug-dependent or homeless people in a nice hotel. The lack of urgency in your case is a joke though. I'd like to think the operator would have a different attitude if it were a young female alone, but their triage system is bullshit.


Were you calling 000 to ask for a police escort to the room so someone could check it or calling 000 because you felt you were in danger? Those are different things.


dont tell me this is turbot house


I was working in a petrol station when I was around 20, and a guy came in asking for cigarettes. I asked for ID and he said he didn't have any. I said I can't sell it to him. He went from 0 to 100, trying to jump over the counter saying he's going to kill me. Luckily it wasn't easy to get over and the counter was strangely fortified (very little gap to get in). I.. really didn't like that site, I'd only just started working there, I usually worked way out far from the cities. I called 000 while trying to push him back and they said "you shouldn't call 000 for something like this". While he was actively trying to get over the counter to "kill" me. I think he eventually backed off because I was on the line with the police but went around destroying things in the shop.


Police are so far detached from society. They have absolute zero compassion and just hide behind their weapons. It is a completely corrupt and unjust arrangement.


Cops aren't your mates. If you stop thinking you think they'll help you you'll have a better life.


That’s the issue, I would have been happy to go out from my office with the other Filipino housekeeping lads with me to do it ourselves. Problem is we’ll be the ones ending up on charge. I bet they would have sent someone quick smart if I said “don’t worry then I’ll deal with it myself I have a nice metal pole here which should keep me safe”


Spot on.


I’ll come check the room for him and get rid of any drugs in my system, I mean bin


000 operators are civilians so is Policelink so who you mad at?


No point bringing facts into this thread.


All I can say is yes.


Too busy raising revenue up the mountains etc lol


Always with the dildos these people.


Hold up let’s monetise and maximise non effective road fines and hire 100s of new police to impose new fines and make more money to fix the worsening crime problems and pay some middle management along the way. We are fucking idiots