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Indeed it did


I mean, at least half of those are right, government was never our friend, pedophilia is not a sexual preference it's a fetish and a gross one, men aren't women, and bugs are food only for the fr\*nch.


Pedophilia isn’t a fetish, it’s a mental disorder.


*googles this* Ahh it’s in the DSM-5


A really unfortunate one too. Imagine liking children, knowing that it’s wrong. Imagine having to live with that. There are pedophiles out there who actively don’t give in to their urges. Then, there are those disgusting individuals who DO give into their urges.


"Eww, eating crickets and scorpions? Disgusting! Vile! Barbaric! Now, pass me a prawn cocktail and the butter for the Moreton Bay bug! Then, for dessert, we have a bag of assorted red lollies!"


Kinda. Personally im of the belief that insects are a massive untapped healthier source of food.


They absolutely are, and it's a direction we should be exploring more, for all kinds of reasons. Personally, I find the idea of eating bugs deeply unpleasant, but I lump crab, lobster and prawns into the same category, so at least I'm consistent in my arbitrary "yum / ick" distinction.


Yeah me too, but that's because of our culture. When u grow up with society showing and telling u that 'eeew, bugs are gross' when meanwhile Morten Bay bugs, fish eggs, prawns, and stuff like that, of course ur ganna agree and feel the same. That's just human.


Bruh fried crickets coated in a seasoning are fucking cash.


Have you ever eaten food artificially colored red? You’ve eaten bugs my friend.


Do you call red food dye a food? That's like saying that salt is a food.


wait you *dont* eat a kilo of salt for breakfast?


I'll never give up my salt lick


>pedophilia is not a sexual preference it's a fetish and a gross one Pedophilia (attraction to prepubescent children) is a mental disorder. There is no biological reason why a sexually mature adult should be sexually attracted to a pre-pubescent child which means that something has gone wrong with their brain. The fetish you are probably thinking of is likely hebephilia (i.e. "young teens") and is something we should be shaming people for to help discourage predation of teens by adults.


Thank you for correcting me.


Snails would be Molluscs but plenty of plenty of African, Asian and Australians eat bugs.


*Moreton Bay has entered the chat*


Well yes.. but no that is a still a crustacean. I as thinking more along the lines of the Witchetty Grub.


Crustaceans and Insects are both invertebrates. Why is eating seaborne invertebrates so different from eating landborne ones? If the food tastes nice and contains protein etc I fail to see the big deal.


Vertebrates and invertebrates are both part of the animal kingdom. Why is eating one with a backbone outside vs a backbone inside so different.


I guess it's just a stigma with probably a unhealthy dose of racism and discrimination. Crustaceans as a food group where for the lowest of the low until people realized why crustaceans spoil so easily and how to prepare them.


Keep in mind there's a huge difference between dirt poor people eating bugs to survive, and people eating bugs as a choice. I've eaten bugs in a few places, it's never been a common food or even something that most locals eat. Eg in Thailand it's a bit of a curiosity mainly for tourists, in Vietnam only a few stalls sell them and never in the cities.


I haven't got any first hand anecdotes but you do have a a point regarding the demographics most likely eating bugs verse say a steak. However whilst I would personally hate to give my steak up I would assume at some point steak will become cost prohibitive to eat regularly so protein will need to be sourced elsewhere through beans/legumes or through insects.


yeah i guess its the fact that they felt the need to put this up to make sure people knew that


I think the 'men aren't women' one is an anti-trans point. The anti-trans bigots take the position that gender cannot be changed. So to them, a male born person is always a man.


It’s like they keep confusing gender with s*x


Because in everyday speech they are synonyms, the difference only started something like 50 years ago, and is yet to fully penetrate society. Up until recently (like, within 10 years recently) transexual was the preferred term for example.


That’s because they are different. Sex is biology and reality, gender is a feeling or expression .


Both are reality, it's just that gender is social not biological. It's undeniable that society treats men and women differently, no?


It’s a dogwhistle, yes. But because a lot of transphobes forget transmasc people exist it’s a pretty ironic one too


I don’t get the bugs is not food one Like, anything is food if you can digest it ok


I think this might be reference to the suggestion that bugs can be used as an alternate proteine source. People have been suggesting this for a while now.. The whole thing is a little weird, it flip flops from yeah I agree to man you're crazy. I don't know how to feel lol




I thought bugs were actually supposed to be a great option for protein, especially seeing as how little space they take up in comparison to grazing animals. Something stupid like 30% of the US’s methane emissions are as a result of grazing animals.


Indeed. I think Elmer Fudd would disagree with that. I mean, he's been hunting Bugs for decades.


Literally lobsters are bugs, just giant water ones


Yeah, I wouldn't eat a cockroach because diseases, but witchetty grubs? Sure. I'd probably have to cook it because I'm a weenie, but I'd still try it. It's just meat.


I had some insect fried in sesame oil in Asia, wasn’t bad tbh. Can’t for the life of me remember what type. Crickets?


I had boiled maggots with some spice in Asia. Probably wouldn't be on my list of favourite foods, but I'd happily eat it again


Presumably cockroaches raised as a protein source wouldn’t be exposed to diseases.


“Every political belief remotely to the left of hunting homeless people for sport is bad” -this guy


That is the correct answer, these aren't anything but political beliefs; they are not based in any sort of scientific or medical domain.


I mean, bugs are definately food mate.






>Anything that might be considered a pro-climate action is considered bad. This issue, at least from my perspective, is that it's the "ordinary people" being asked to give stuff up and make sacrifices in the name of "climate change", not the super rich or high polluters.


This \^ articles talk about regular people eating bugs and no more meat. Yet billionaires and jets and spacecraft.


It's not common in Western countries but insects are a pretty objectively good source of protein and lots of cultures around the world, particularly Asia and Africa, eat at least some insects as part of their diet. Here in Australia, the most famous example would be witchetty grub which a lot of tribes aboriginal traditionally hunted for and ate. The fact that eatable insects are a nutritious and low-cost form of protein apparently isn't enough to get past a couple centuries of "bugs are gross" though. Because of that, the World Economic Forum have been trying to convince Westerners to eat insects too for various climate/economic reasons. And like everything the WEF produces it's barely thought-out, vaguely dystopian, hyper-corporate nonsense designed to please stakeholders rather than actually accomplish anything productive. Conspiracy theorists latched onto how creepy the material the WEF and their corporate-media allies produce is, ignored the fact that most of the world eats insects at least occasionally, and decided it was part of some grand plot to force us all to eat bugs.


I would say the most famous here in Australia is prawns, on technicality right?


I think this crowd draws a hard line between "bugs" (as in insects, arachnids, etc.) and crustations like prawns, crabs and bugs (as in Moreton Bay bugs). That's a line that probably has no rational reason to exist, but people aren't 100% rational so it does. Ask someone in Australia to eat a meal with crab, prawns or lobster as the main and they'll gladly do so. Repeat the same question with a meal with grubs, grasshoppers or tarantulas and you'll receive a very different response. Witchetty grubs are probably the best way to open up the Australian consumer to insects in general since [according to the CSIRO](https://research.csiro.au/edibleinsects/wp-content/uploads/sites/347/2021/04/CSIRO-Edible-Insect-Roadmap.pdf) 20% of Australians say that they'd eat them.


Even if it’s just as a novelty at first, it’d help normalise eating insects over time presumably? Iirc isn’t there an ant that collects sugar in its abdomen, they’re supposed to be alright to eat also


Honeypot ants? Aboriginals eat them and apparently, they're sometimes available in very fancy restaurants. They're difficult to produce on a mass scale though (at the moment they're $20 per ant) and will probably need Aboriginal help to convince anyone else to eat them. The closest to normal you'd see for honeypot ants is probably as a novelty a plate in a restaurant as part of a salad that costs the better part of a hundred dollars. Still pretty neat though even as a "Yo, have you seen this place?! They serve ants! Try it! Try it!" kind of thing. The appeal of insects as protein from the point of view of the CSIRO and WEF is that they require so little water, land and labour per unit product. Yields of mass production promise to be more like wheat or rice than beef or chicken. Imagine a burger patty that costs as much as a slice of bread.


Honey ants are good! I've also had green ants from up north on rice and it was pretty good too.


Prawns are arthropods, which insects also are, but they are not themselves insects.


Yeah, that’s when they lost me as well. I mean the rest of it is rubbish as well, but when you start with something like that, you just know it’s all downhill from there.


It's a conspiracy theory thing related to the articles you will see from time to time that look to recommend people eat bugs. Usually crickets as "a superfood" or something


Not a conspiracy theory. The World Economic Forum has been pushing eating insects for years. Not that they actually do it themselves in Davos! https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/02/how-insects-positively-impact-climate-change/


It’s true that some organisations and people advocate increasing insect products in our diet, but it’s also a conspiracy theory that a global government will ban beef and force everyone to eat cockroaches.


It's a conspiracy theory when it's misrepresented or misconstrued as something it is not. There's 2 warnings at the head of that article asking people to read it first. The rest speaks for itself


Basically, it'd be easier to use protein from bugs. Conspiracy nuts equate this with some authoritarian delusion


That's because anything less than letting me eat a kilo porterhouse steak every day is communism!


These are the kind of unimaginative people that eat meat and two veg for dinner and nothing else I remember visiting SE Asia with people like this and the complaining about food was baffling/hilarious


Yeah, we had a family trip to Japan with some of our less-imaginative inlaws. I kid you not, we ate most of our family meals at a pizza place because half of the people on the trip didn’t like sushi very much. In retrospect it’s kind of funny, but at the time it was quite annoying.


Yeah it’s kinda wild lol. Travels to foreign country for the experience. Proceeds to only eat at Mac Donald’s and complains about no bacon and eggs for breakfast.


A kilo of *well-done* porterhouse.


Because people like Gates/Greta push bugs as a cheaper protein source than beef because we cant be feeding 8 billion people need without a lot of deforestation. They arent wrong but of course nobody wants to be in the poor half eating crickets instead of a nice Wagyu.


Science shows protein obtained from insects like those eaten in parts of Asia is highly sustainable. This guy dislikes science and Asian people.


Clearly a Pauline Hanson supporter then


Issues with bugs as food, misses is allergic to shell fish, bugs also cause the same issues for those people


You can food anything if you just eat it! -Bucky Katt




I assume they have a persecution complex to go along with the rest of their issues


I’m wondering now if the term “cookers” might not refer to their culinary skills.


There's a bunch of dumbass conspiracies around the government bringing in infested insects as a main food source to serve as depopulation (when in reality there's just talk of bugs being utilized as food cuz of the accessibility or some shit)... I'm assuming this is what the bugs are not food thing is about.


My first through was “what about Moreton bay bugs?”


That's what i try tell everyone when i eat concrete for dinner


"pedophillia is not a sexual preference" Can't say I disagree


Out off all the dumb shit they catch ya with the right one at the end


it's a dogwhistle. a lot of people on the alt-right call queer people pedophiles and "groomers", so when they say "pedophilia isn't a sexual preference" it's not because they actually give a shit about children, they're just saying fuck gay people. because to them all gay people are pedos.


There genuinely was a movement of pedos saying it was a sexual preference. And they were straight adult men not gay people.


No there isn't. It's just an invention by people trying to create confusion and fear


This, it was pretty much a trolling campaign organised online which played into preexisting bigoted views around LGBT people


There was/is no movement, there *are* people who got exposed and attempted to defend it though


Of course. But the framing of these conversations is always about some powerful movement on the verge of incorporating pedophilia in to the LGBTQ community.


This is the dumbest comment I've ever read. Right wing people make this point because there are various videos of actual people calling themselves "MAPs" or Minor Attracted People" and that's messed up. Nothing about anti-lgbt at all.


I agree with the last one 100%


The last one was added specifically so you can't call out the rest of it out as easily. It's an extra hoop you now have to jump through. Even OP fell victim to it below. It's maddening that people even think OP is even *talking* about the last one.


It's also there so that once you agree paedophilia is wrong, they can start labelling anything they don't like as paedophilia. Sex education in schools? Letting kids express their preferred gender identity? Existing as a gay teacher (especially if you have a partner)? Just start tossing around the word "grooming!"




I suspect "pedophilia" is being used as code/association for LGBTQ+ people. See the American discourse/right-wing meme of queer people being "groomers." It's meant to be agreeable on its face, it just doesn't say that the sticker's creator believes telling kids it's OK to be gay or trans is "pedophilia."


It's also referencing a long-running .. conspiracy theory(?)* .. that they want to add a P to the LGBTQ+ umbrella. The same types of people who will yell WHAT DOES THE + INCLUDE, HUH? *Not sure what exactly to call it, but I guess conspiracy theory fits


The actual pedos can whine all they want, I don't care. They are campaigning for inclusion in their sick little spaces but I'll save my outrage when when the LGBTQ community actually includes them... which they won't because they're not fucking insane.


I don't. There's an a in paedohillia.


The last 2 are on point if im honest.


Bugs ARE food. I will eat so many beetles you can't stop me.


Most of those are ridiculous, but the last one i 100% agree with.


“Well I agree that pedophila is bad and that the government is not our friend so obviously the rest is just as valid as the last two”


I find it funny how the “bugs are not food” point is the largest. Like yeah government, pedos and vaccines but do you eat BUGS?


Many people eat bugs, just not in Australia. It’s a staple diet for humans in many countries.


Fuck Pedos


The last one is correct


They are missing a few Birds are not real. Chemtrails are real. We only use 10 percent of our brains It's safe to eat food that's been on the floor for five seconds or less.


Don't forget: Australia doesn't exist. Wait, what?


I think it's time we all got on board with this one. Many Americans are hopelessly closeted, they can barely see part their own state line. I don't think it would take much effort at all to convince them that Australia is entirely fictional. Which it is, of course.


Chemtrails are turning the frogs gay


And the earth is flat


Salmonella comes from salmon not chicken.


Stay away from the salmon mousse.


"COVID is a cover-up for the effects of 5G." "9/11 was a government conspiracy" "The holocaust is a myth created by the Jewish lobby" Etc.


Hey, The Five Seccy Rule is a concrete scientific fact!


Not in any of the pubs I frequent, it's a deathwish


You forgot Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.


>Birds are not real. r/birdsarentreal


I like how the text gets smaller as you go down. Feel like I'm at the optometrist. I also like how this is completely incomprehensible unless you're already aware of what all these dogwhistles are referring to. It really is just pure right-wing virtue signalling.


And what's funny is they love to say "You only think that because the TV told you to think that" yet every single one of these is a conservative talking point they got from right-wing news channels


I was surprised to see what subreddit this was posted in after reading the text on the sign.... It seems a little yeehaw for AU but what do I know?


Our homebrand nutjobs here can't form a coherent sentence so they just import shit directly from the far-right in the US and hope it sticks.


Why the smaller and smaller text? Surely paedophilia is worse than eating bugs?


Maybe he has a prawn allergy


No doubt person who put up this sign is pretty happy with the attention.


At least 4 of those are correct


>"gross, I will never eat ze bugs. What kind of NWO BS is that?" >"Wait, did you say that these bugs came from the ocean!? Holy heccin based! I'll pay a premium to eat these!!" Chud logic


Yeah the guy must hate prawns


So you guys cant wait to live off insects? You can hate that idea and still like lobsters/prawns


I mean look on the bright side, at least we can all agree that pedophilia isn't a sexual preference


Man, if you just swap the government and vac lines, it pretty much hopscotches in and back out of reality with each line.


Tbh only one I agree with is the last one


“Ewww, insects! Now go away while I eat these prawns, crabs, and crayfish.”


Landborne invertebrates BAD Seaborne invertebrates GOOD


Yeah, I know men aren't women Good thing I'm not a man then, I'm just in one's body against my will


If you're a woman then your body is the body of a woman. checkmate transphobes, this is big brain time


I have always wondered about the statement "No matter what your opinion, men are men, and women are women." I think it's one of the few divisive political statements that both sides support wholeheartedly.


For all their whining about “freedom” they’re pretty fucking anti- personal control over identity, and self-reinvention. How dare they presume to dictate someone else’s gender expression?


Freedom for me, not for thee. They're pro-freedom to discriminate and harass others.


I mean the last two aren't wrong🤷🏽‍♀️


Lol. Noam Chomsky said it best when he pointed out that whilst governments are far from perfect, large corporations and billionaires who pressure governments to act against the interest of the people, are far worse.


What's with the very recent adoption of the whole "bugs are not food" phrase that these brainlets have adopted? For all history many people have munched on bugs, and still today this is done? I've eaten prepared bugs, no harm done


In the west bugs aren't considered food, but there's been a recent trend of billionaires and celebrities extolling the virtues of eating a bug based diet, while clearly having zero intention of doing so themselves. It represents a new low, telling zoomers "you won't have job security, you won't own a house, you won't be able to afford to have a family, you won't be able to afford to even eat meat".


Anyone who has eaten any prepared food that has a red colour has eaten bugs. Red food colouring is made of insects.


If bugs were food, Cyberpunk 2077 would be a platter.


Let me make this very clear by putting my most important point in a large bold font at the top...


r/ihadastroke would like to know your location


It's so weird to see stupid shit like "Men are not women" (technically correct, but with a very stupid and incorrect implication), "climate change isn't a threat", "mrna isn't a vaccine" (again, technically correct, but obviously the mrna based vaccines aren't made of JUST mrna), alongside "pedophile isn't a sexual preference"


Feels like this is sponsored by the meat lobby and big-paedo


> big-paedo Hey, his name is George Christensen


Imagine eating cheese and sausages and looking down on other cultures because of what they eat


Bugs are food typically in historically recently impoverished tropical countries. To a Westerner the idea that you eat bugs is degrading and dehumanising. It's quite simple with pedophillia. We don't have to make logical absolutes with sexual orientation. Even if it is practically a sexual orientation this doesn't mean we allow its expression. I'm ok with repression of that sexual orientation because its full expression severely harms children. It doesn't have to end up a slippery slope with a reversion to homosexual repression. Homosexuality is expressed between consenting adults or young adults of the same appropriate age. These people can consent. Children cannot consent to pedophillia.


I mean, I agree with some of them.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day a really really evil broken clock


Guys I think the last one is.. uh, somewhat factual


I agree with 3 of those


Easy edit to make it say “Trans men are not women.”


Love it


Well... it's not ALL bullshit.


I grew up in Vietnam and used to eat bugs because we were poor. Believe me we would eat steaks everyday if we have a choice


What in the fucking seppo is this shit?


I mean, 86% of this is correct


Thats not on any bus you liar.


Well.. I mean not all of it is bs


See they put the last one in cause now you can't disagree with the poster or you're a pedophile.


I mean 4/7 is still a passing grade, well done schizo!


I shall eat Balmain bugs just to troll this poster…. And I think the news is real but it’s fixed like gambling haha


Bugs aren't food? The Moreton Bay Bugs I had for lunch a couple of days ago would beg to differ.


I agree with one (1) of these


Agree with some points because they stand true but disagree with other points because they are false.


Usually insane manifestos are not triple spaced. I appreciate a concise loon.


I love how their biggest beef is people eating bugs.


\- antipsychotics medication is optional


Moreton Bay Bugs are not food?


well he's about 3/7ths right and 7/7ths crazy


And that's why a lot of us have permanent markers in our backpacks these days.


Five of these are (borderline) correct. Guess all five and you win!


1/7 ain’t bad


I agree with one of those.


This person’s deepest fear has come true and they don’t even realise it: they have been tricked into a false view of the world because they’ve uncritically believed dodgy news sources and propaganda peddled by billionaires.


So tired of this shit. Makes Australians look dumb


Judging by the sudden influx of pro-conspiracy posters, someone clearly posted this thread on a conspiracy reddit or 4chan. lol


As someone who has been slowly and gradually moving into a Non-Binary/Transgender presentation and lifestyle, it genuinely saddens me to see this much transphobia in the Brisbane subreddit. I had better hopes for Brisbane than that.


Most of the transphobia is coming from people that have no history in this sub, and crowd control has now been turned on to ensure they don't even hit the feed. Transphobia is absolutely not accepted, and we're stamping down on it as we find it. If you see some that we've missed, please report it.


Some of these things are true.


Roughly half of these statements are true.


Some of these things are not like the others oof


Bugs can most definitely be food.


Women are not punching bags


No one should be.


Obviously written by someone who has never had a Moreton Bay bug


Having watched the Dahmer thing on Netflix on the weekend, I think a lot of things aren't food.


so this sticker was obviously made by someone insanely crazy and out of touch, but the amount of transphobia i’ve been seeing around brisbane lately is really upsetting. it feels like nobody is really standing up for trans people outside of the trans community, because spreading rhetoric like this is really dangerous and harmful.


Every time anything even remotely related to gender at all, even if it's got nothing to do with trans people, all the transphobes come out from under their rocks, frothing at the chance to spread a bit of hatred online. It's honestly tiring to see all the time but at least they're a minority. Trans acceptance is on the rise and the bigotry is falling by the wayside. Time for them to find a new group to pick on.


The world is full of stupid cunts 🙃 They must get exhausted from those mental gymnastics. 1) No one is forcing you to eat bugs. Bugs are available as food, but you don't have to buy and ingest them. If *someone else* eats bugs, it has no impact on your life. 2)Sick transphobia, go fuck yourself 3)Wise words from someone who likely watches Sky News religiously and also gets their "news" from cookers on YouTube. 3) Climate change is not a threat to *you personally*....*yet*. 4)It is tho. 5) who the fuck actually thinks the government is their friend? This is some condescending delusional bulkshit to make yourself feel falsely superior to others. 6) Only homophobic cunts say paedophilia is a sexual preference to weaken the arguments for the rights of anyone who isn't heterosexual.


What do you call it if it's not sexual preference? I'd put them in the category of people attracted to animals or dead bodies. It's totally disgusting and wrong. Would it be a sexual disorder?


First of all, I'm not an academic nor a forensic psychiatrist. I can only speak from experience of the harm of homophobes saying that queerness and paedophilia are the same. They are not. I think, as far as queerness goes, calling it a sexual preference is outdated. Preferences imply choice. Queer people do not choose to be queer. We are who we are. It is clear that something is either physically or psychologically wrong with paedophiles. However, as far as I have read, we don't have an explanation for it. Paedophilia is high risk for causing harm. Queerness isn't. I resent the insidious arguments by purposely harmful language that equates queerness with paedophilia.


I dont understand your last point. Some people are using the “sexual preference” thing to reduce our hate & strong justice for pedos I have zero problem with any other sexual preference. I just dont want abusive pedos to get off easy


That's so exactly why they are arguing this. It's to create confusion. It's to start to erode any legitimacy for giving LGBTIQ+ people human rights. The argument is "if we give Homosexual "preferences" human rights, what's next? Paedophilia and beastiality?" These were arguments said, out loud, throughout the Marriage Eqyality debate. This is why it is so fucking harmful. They try to use the It's a "slippery slope" argument.


The slippery slope argument is a fallacy, and can easily be taken apart. Pedophiles don't have a choice in who they are attracted to, but they do have a choice when it comes to ACTING. There's a massive difference and its important. Thoughts aren't crimes. The ones who try and hijack onto the LGBTQI+ movement have a lot worse going on in there head and need a lot more help than even they know.


Fair enough. I honestly have never heard that conversation To me, i dont think you should worry about it. Common sense will prevail Its just lazy thinking by those people — like “marijuana use WILL lead to hard drugs”


>To me, i dont think you should worry about it. Common sense will prevail If that were true, calling queer folk groomers wouldn't be a current trend amongst transphobes and homophobes