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Any time I've ever tried getting on that bus anywhere the drivers always try to charge the full single cost, even if not going to the airport, even though one time i got a single for £3.30 that specified that it was within a certain area


Have you tried getting it from a stop closer than bedminster to the airport?


Sorry i mean i once tried to get from temple meads to bedminster and one time a driver charged me £3.30 every other time the drivers say any single along that route is £9 or whatever Not sure there's a way to get it all the way there cheaper I'm afraid


There is no reduced fare anymore. You may be fortunate and a driver will charge the old fare of around £3.50, but not a given.


https://preview.redd.it/450ux96sshxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473c5bd239ef339c5a18fa3c42fe168edb521564 It’s still showing the website


Hmmm this would be good to know as we are taking the bus from West Street next week, and was just about to book tickets online. Will book onboard if it's cheaper.