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The ‘other’ is the meal deal and packet of mints I purchased from WHSmith.


AND a packet of mints? Look at Mr / Ms Moneybags over here! /s


Sheesh...they'll be telling us they have a season ticket for the bridge next.....


>The ‘other’ is the meal deal and packet of mints I purchased from WHSmith. And their Duty Free... But it doesn't matter they are bunch of discriminatory idiots who treat staff badly.


Bristol Airport; 'We've charged them for parking, drop off and stopping anywhere. What else can we do?' Ontario Teachers Pension fund (who own the airport); 'Charge those fuckers for clear bags at security! Make a toll bridge to the terminal instead of a crossing! Charge them for looking slack-jawed and feckless! My children need Poutine!'


Bristol airport is the only airport I’ve ever visited that charges for trolleys. Not £1 deposit to borrow one and make sure you bring it back. £2 to hire. Is this widespread now?


Free trolley? I'll go out of my way to put it back in the right place. £1 deposit trolley? I'll make sure I take it back (to get my £1 back) Charging me £2 for a trolley? I'll make absolutely sure that I abandon my trolley in as inconvenient a place as possible.


Strap it to the back of the car and use it next time


I travel constantly for work with lots of cases. Loads of places charge for trolleys now, it's evil.


It’s been the thing in the USA for years. I’ll carry my bags like a pack mule thank you.


I moved from Bristol to the US a year ago now. It’s very much a thing here in the US which probably means that it’s coming to the UK in the next few years.


Manchester airport does so as well. Funnily enough I saw this same type of data posted in their subreddit yesterday. In response, I turn the trolley upside down and set it on fire when I'm finished with it. (/s)


I just use the disabled wheelchairs instead


Scum behaviour


> Ontario Teachers Pension fund (who own the airport) Really? Does that mean we should [blame Canada](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYB6ZSwdrvM) for the fact that we have to pay £5 to drop someone off at the airport?




Oh god it's even higher now. Last time I went abroad was two years ago...


Still free if you go to the silver zone


Completely true, but they do everything within their power to hide the fact that it exists it feels like. And for some god forsaken reason the shuttle bus drops you off deep in the car park with zero signage as to where the pickup point even is. I can't imagine that anyone that wasnt a Bristol local that flies fairly regularly would even know it existed.


The silver zone you say, very interesting and a great tip which I intend to use!!


Yeh but then you’re on the wrong side of the airport


...I wonder why they don't want a rail link... Doesn't take a genius to see it'll never happen.


A rail link is impractical because of the location. The gradient between the mainline at Long Ashton/Nailsea and the airport is too steep for conventional rail. You would need to either build a dedicated electric light railway from Temple Meads, or perhaps have an underground station and tunnel from the mainline. Either option is prohibitively expensive. Given it's taken them 10 years to reopen the Portishead Line, and that was largely already built, an infrastructure project like this will never happen. Bristol had an airport by 3 motorways and 2 main rail lines, and decided to close it.


It closed because it wasn't commercially viable. I.e. they couldn't charge vast rates for parking and dropoff.


In other countries, it would be seen as a clear benefit and built in 5 years.


It pretty much cannot be done. Here or anywhere else. In the world. A Civil Engineeer will explain it better, but…. Assuming the normal process of spurring off, and not building a dedicated line by levelling Southville and Bishopsworth to make way, the nearest main rail line is at near enough Sea Level, around 0m give or take not much, 2miles or so west of the airport. Bristol Lulsgate Airport is at 190m altitude. That’s nearly 100metres per mile incline, or about 1:17. The steepest rail gradient in the UK is 1:30. I shouldn’t think any engine we have would be able to go up it by itself, let alone pulling passengers. The alternative would be a 6mile or more tunnel, 3 in and 3 out again allowing for a bit of curve. Through Limestone, which is probably a bit crap for tunnelling. The lift shaft from the underground platform to the airport would be around 3 times the height of Canary Wharf. Not going to happen.




[Bristol Filton Airport - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bristol_Filton_Airport)


>Given it's taken 10 years to open the Portishead Line. And counting it's still not open yet, they gave it a severe looking at last year but nothing since, they haven't started building anything yet.


Maybe they could have diverted some of the money wasted on HS2🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Meanwhile Bristol and Gloucestershire Council: "YTP paid us loads and murdered one of the land owners of Filton. Let's just demolish the airport." Like I can understand that inner city airports are not a popular idea, but TBH I think having Bristol Airport actually in Bristol wouldn't have been a bad idea with the idea of keeping it at Filton. But now we have a Airport so far out of Bristol and we call it Bristol Airport. Honestly should just look into building one closer and shutting down the current one.


You couldn't really have an international airport of that scale in Filton if this is where you mean, it is totally surrounded by houses. Public transport is always a shite way of getting to an airport anyway, lugging suitcases at either end, only ever going to be desirable for people without a car or too far to get a taxi even. Stick it in the country and make it dependent on parking is fine by me tbh.


Yea but other international airports usually also have accessible means of public transport to the airport rather than shitty car parks and shitty buses that rely on a shitty single carriage way where travel time varies WILDLY depending on what time of day


That's funny, Heathrow is surrounded by houses on 3 sides and seems to cope just fine. The infrastructure (terminals etc) was obviously not there, but Filton had a huge footprint. You may not like public transport, but plenty of people do (see infinite threads on this sub), and even if you prefer to park, wouldn't it be easier to have the airport by 3 motorways instead of a hill off the A38?


I don't really want to live near Heathrow airport either and London is a massive city that needs it probably with no other option. It already has world class public transport. Bristol airport is less than 30 mins from the centre of town, I think it is fine.


The bus is also a scam, it’s less than 10 miles from downtown to the airport, every other bus ticket is £2 but the airport bus gets to charge £9. Why? And why can’t you get an affordable local bus there? With 2 people (let alone a family) that’s £36 (plus the trip to temple meads) for a service that’s supposed to be encouraged and better for the environment.


Because it’s a direct commercial contract between the airport and First. They can charge what they like….


So how about the council put their money where their mouth is and demand a regular local bus service there. If they truely want to encourage bus use make it as affordable as possible and competitive. It’s ridiculous the airport is able to extort everyone, drivers, ride shares, drop offs and even bus riders.


The problem is the termination point is on private land ie the airport


They charge £9 regardless of which stop you require these days.


They charge £9 if you are going to the airport. If you’re going between stops within the Bristol area (not the airport) using council owned bus stops you can pay £2 (example east street to BTM). Most bus drivers will argue with you as it feels they have been told not to but they should.


Not only argue, they won't let you on the bus in my personal experience.


Next time show them their own website https://www.firstbus.co.uk/bristol-bath-and-west/routes-and-maps/bristol-airport-flyer I’ve had to on multiple occasions to get on as they do argue


Doesn’t help you with the airport though as even the Airport Tavern (which is not on airport land) is billed the Airport rate. “Normal airport fares apply for trips which include Airport Tavern and Fox & Goose stops.”


No it doesn’t help you with the airport but it helps when using the bus within Bristol. Crap indeed


Because if it was up to the Green council they'd shut the airport completely, far too much pollution from aircraft and all that traffic. It was the greens and Nimbys that prevented Filton becoming a Commercial airport.


They probably have friends at First bus and don't want them to lose out on money


i take the u2 to airport tavern and walk 10 mins for £2


I fly pretty regularly to and from Ireland, you can take the u2 to the airport tavern for £2, it tends to be quiet, and I think a bit quicker though less regular than the airport flyer.


plus it used to drop you off outside the doors, now it goes round the houses to a bus park a few hundred metres from the building


Is it just me that was thrown back by the most recent year being on the left?


Am I right in thinking the Canadian government has shares or something in the parking to assist with their pension pot?


It's an organisation called the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan


It is not actually the Canadian Government, it is a private organisation that administers the pensions for the teachers in the province of Ontario. They are kinda crazy, one of the largest institutional investors in the world.


Ah I knew it was something like that. Ta.


Id like to see the revenue from the private firm operating the ‘No stopping’ area just before


England as conquere the world. Now it's the world that laught at British ppl for all the private investmeent in public infrastructure. I guess we are paying for our arogance and poor policitcal choice....


I really wanted to animate this, I don’t know why, maybe because it distracted me from work, but what ever. [Animated Bristol Airport Revenue Chart](https://youtu.be/9uDBzOfC85M?si=stoRih3wIGf0KFaq)


There's a free drop-off and pick-up car park. I use it all the time. I don't understand why people moan about paying when they haven't checked and found the free one.


Where is it? There is a free waiting zone, but thats near the Silver Zone. (60 min) Drop off and Short stay is £6, only the time varies, former giving 10 minutes, latter 30.


Yeah, it's the one near the Silver Zone, but there's a free shuttle bus to the airport every 15 mins which takes 5-10 mins. It's easy, and you can stay up to an hour. [Free car park](https://maps.app.goo.gl/fje5HC8E5wUEFdnZ7?g_st=ac)


Yeah why are people complaining about the only free drop-off location being 15 minutes away with up to a 15 minute wait (or longer if they busses are full) instead of being near the front entrance like most other airports. /s


It's not a big deal most airports charge. If you arrive early as you're meant to it's easy. People are just weirdly entitled.


I wonder how this compares to other airports, in a vacuum it looks terrible, but maybe its the norm for airports to primarily profit on parking revenue. I have heard that the major budget airlines tend towards smaller airports because they get strong negotiating power around costs, Is the airport in profit?


Not wanting to side with major corps here… but having worked at Bristol Airport previously for a number of years, there’s a lot of outgoings that people need to remember when considering the car park charges. Staff: airline ground staff (these are not the airline staff themselves), baggage handlers, general Bristol airport staff, car parking attendants, cleaners, security staff, onsite police, bus drivers, admin staff, multiple HR departments, staff security team, staff bus drivers, airline dispatch crew, maintenance staff, night workers, air traffic control crew, private airport staff operated by Bristol Airport just outside the public one and many more that I will have forgotten to mention. All of the above need a salary, many are paid bonus for working unsociable hours (trust me working 3am - 11am was a killer), and not to mention the salary increases due to minimum wage increases and cost of living increases. And bear in mind, these staff do not have a salary that is admirable, but there are thousands of salaries to consider. Then you have other things to consider, like ground rent, airspace rent, maintenance of grounds, maintenance of runways, toilet facilities, buses, coaches, maintenance of car parks, maintenance of security equipment, maintenance of admin equipment, maintenance of airline equipment, check in desks, departure desks, waiting areas, security areas, the cost of training all the staff for at least 4 weeks, the cost of uniforms, maintenance of staff rooms, maintenance of duty free and again, loads of things I will have forgotten to mention. I know parking charges are a lot, and the buses are also expensive, but aside from the contracts from airlines, costa, WHsmith, duty free etc, the airport has overheads they need to cover as well and I’m sure a lot of these overheads are paid from parking charges. So although the prices can seem a rip off, it is not as simple as charging to keep your car there. It’s charging to keep the airport running for the holiday makers.


Bristol airport should be owned by, and run for the benefit of local people.


https://preview.redd.it/gil12plnn69d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de0c55232faf006bfd81d8cd37a38cf9ba89f7d9 If I’m interpreting this right, that’s a sizeable chunk of their overall profits. (Makes up like >3/4s of it)




If they charged less for parking there'd need to be more carpark than airport (there might be already tbh), just get the bus and stop being so entitled. 


Why are people keep feeling the urge to stand up for greedy capitalist corporations online? Oh yeah, capitalism brainwashed you. 


Why do people feel entitled to park their big polluting vroom vroom speed machines whatever the fuck want for free? The car industry brainwashed you. 


The bus is also shit and expensive.


It’s always been reliable for me. Expensive yes.


I mean, it's like £9, what does parking cost? 


Per person, it adds up. I think the car park is something like £10 a day, at least it was for me when I booked early. That takes you door to door too, I'd have to get some kind of solution for me and the family to get to and from the bus station as part of it too.


It’s not £10, it’s like £30-45 per day. I regularly do weekend trips and the price has never been less than £75.


So get the bus.


I had just over a week for £90, in the silver zone.


Yeah it gets cheaper (per day) for longer stays (where taking the bus or Uber would be cost competitive) but it’s £70 for 3 days in the silver zone. If you try to book less than 3 days it won’t offer you Silver zone and charges £80 for 2 days


£10 a day doesn't seem unreasonable at all, that's like, less than 2 pints these days. What's the problem? 


I don't actually know, it would take a hell of a lot to make me consider doing anything else. And that would be a taxi anyway.


So many drivers seem to feel entitled to be able to leave their cars wherever they like for no money, it's insane. 


No free drop-off at all. £5 for 10 minutes.


There is a free drop off...




[Waiting Zone | Free Passenger Drop Off and Pick Up Area (bristolairport.co.uk)](https://www.bristolairport.co.uk/parking/waiting-zone/)


No, they got rid of it. That's why everyone is complaining, and their profits from parking are now above profits from aviation.


Was still there last week [Waiting Zone | Free Passenger Drop Off and Pick Up Area (bristolairport.co.uk)](https://www.bristolairport.co.uk/parking/waiting-zone/)


So get dropped off.  There's no reason to leave your car parked there for however long you're going away for, and it's completely insane and entitled bullshit that people think they should be able to do that for free. 


They charge for drop offs and nobody said it should be free, is £187.50 reasonable for a week? I'd imagine that's more than a lot of the flights. What I don't understand is why anyone would try and defend it.


>is £187.50 reasonable for a week? Yes it absolutely is, if you can't afford it, find a different way to get to the airport, the bus is £9. 


Many people use the airport that don’t live in the centre of Bristol. There is no public transport there


The airport flyer goes from temple meads, park at **literally any other train station**, get the train to temple meads, get the bus to the airport, you're not entitled to be able to drive directly there and park for free.


Why would I do that when it’s at least a 20 min drive to any train station, and yet 20 min to the airport?


You're trolling, I can't take you seriously.


There's no free drop off any more. And they now make more money from parking (including drop off) than from aviation. That's why you'll see posts like this.


No, it's because drivers are a bunch of entitled babies that think they should be allowed do literally whatever they want with their big polluting vroom vroom machines and not have to pay.  The price is based on available space and demand, it's not rocket science. 


You acknowledge that price gouging is possible, though, right? Or are you so blinded by "car bad"? A free 10 minute drop off or collection like pretty much every airport does (and Bristol used to do) is reasonable.


Bristol airport has a 1 hour free drop off or collection point [Waiting Zone | Free Passenger Drop Off and Pick Up Area (bristolairport.co.uk)](https://www.bristolairport.co.uk/parking/waiting-zone/)


You have to squint real hard to think this is a proper drop off… it’s like hitchin a ride to Bristol and getting dropped off in keynsham. But I suppose you could take the train from there 🙄


>You acknowledge that price gouging is possible, though, right?  Of course, but everything relating to cars is too cheap currently, none of the prices anyone has mentioned in here are unreasonable, and it's really easy to get the bus. 


> it's really easy to get the bus. For **you**. But, and this is a wild concept I'm sure but, it's not easy or suitable for everyone. Not everyone has access to buses. Not everyone has the ability to use buses easily, especially with luggage. Not everyone want to risk arriving late for a flight because a bus decided not to turn up. And most people on buses get pretty annoyed when someone has many large suitcases. Plus plenty of people using Bristol airport live quite far away.


>A free 10 minute drop off or collection like pretty much every airport does (and Bristol used to do) is reasonable. Out of 26 UK airports only 6 offer a free drop off, all the rest charge.


Yes, there is.


Not everyone has access to buses. If you don't live in a student area then good luck getting anywhere.


No reason this comment should be downvoted at all


Drivers get super mad when you suggest they maybe cut down on the amount of driving they do. 




Sure, let me just drive all the way to Gatwick and deal with all of that instead of my local airport, much better for everyone concerned


TBH I am going to Cardiff or Birmingham when I go to Poland. I am not willing to deal with the discrimination of the duty free shop manager or the airport manager again since working there. They are all Selfish Psychos in it for themselves and have no care for their staff. You can see it on the Indeed Reviews.